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From the Independent

Bush: We will go to war against Iraq without UN
07 March 2003

The United States is prepared to go to war against Iraq on its own, President George Bush told the American people in a televised address early today. "We really don't need anybody's permission," he said.

He said a critical UN Security Council vote on a resolution authorising war was just "days away" and said he would push for a vote even if it appeared destined to fail.

"It's time for people to show their cards and let people know where they stand," the president said.

In a separate development, it emerged that UN peacekeepers had discovered holes in an electrified fence between Kuwait and Iraq which they believed they had been cut by US Marines.

The act has been reported to the Security Council as a possible violation of international law.

UN spokesman Fred Eckhard said that peacekeepers who monitor a demilitarized zone set up after the 1991 Gulf War reported "numerous violations" since 4 March "by personnel in civilian clothes in 4 x 4 vehicles, at least some of whom were armed and identified themselves as US Marines."

At his White House news conference, President Bush answered questions for about 30 minutes after a 10-minute opening statement that called Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's claims of disarmament a "willful charade."

He said Saddam had ordered production of illicit missiles even as he destroys others, accused Iraqi officials of shuttling biological and chemical agents between secret locations and said Iraqi scientists were required to wear concealed recording devices while being interviewed by UN inspectors.

He pointedly challenged France, Germany and other sceptical allies to stand with him. "If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force even as a last resort, free nations would assume immense and unacceptable risks," he said.

The news conference was part of an intensifying campaign to prepare Americans for the possibility of a war that could be just days away. Military leaders say US forces are now ready to strike Iraq.

President Bush shrugged off the protests of millions worldwide and chided critics who want to give UN weapons inspectors more time to do their work.

"A little bit more time? Saddam Hussein has had 12 years to disarm," he said.

Raising his right hand, the president said that he had swore to defend the Constitution and protect America's security. "That's exactly what I am going to do," he said.

But he promised not to lead the war into another Vietnam-like quagmire.

"Our mission is clear in Iraq," he said. "Should we have to go in, our mission is very clear: disarmament. In order to disarm, it will mean regime change. I'm confident that we'll be able to achieve that objective in a way that minimizes the loss of life."

The president's news conference came on the eve of a crucial Security Council meeting. Cchief weapons inspector Hans Blix and his counterpart, Mohamed ElBaradei, will report to the security council today on Iraq's measure of cooperation in eliminating its banned weapons.

With 230,000 US troops poised outside Iraq, the president said only Saddam could ensure peace. "It's his choice to make whether or not we go to war. He's the person that can make the choice of war or peace. Thus far he's made the wrong choice."

Before the news conference, President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin talked about the UN resolution, White House aides said. They agreed to continue discussions.

Originally published here: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/pol ... ory=384615
By Georgi Zhukov
Alright, Bush has been saying all of this for a while. He's also said repeatedly that his troops over there are ready with or without UN approval.

So why doesn't he just throw down already?

He has the quarter of a million troops at least, the weapons, and the exercises, and he keeps threatening to start, so why doesn't he do it already?

Personally I think all his talking are just for intimidation. He doesn't want to fight the war virtually unilaterally (at least as one of only 2 major powers fighting it, Britain being the other one) because of the costs in lives and money. And if he's so confident that his military will prevail easily, why doesn't he drop his dick for a second and fight?

I think most of it is talk, but he will have to attack eventually, at least to answer for all his threats.
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By Adrien
That's a good point.

Bush is trying to intimidate the more countries he can, to gain more and more support, so that his war will clearly appear as good vs evil, Bush being the good guy.

Anyway, and that's like above the good old debate, it seems like he will do his war whether he has UN support or not. If that happens, and i guess we all think it will, UN will show their actual uselessness.

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