Biden wins Michigan primary but sheds support over Gaza - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Which voter bloc could that be?

late wrote:So we can count politics as something you've not done yet.

They used to say all politics is local. Newt changed that.

But in this case, it was voters demonstrating their support. There were prob several reasons, but among them is a silent rebuff of Muslim objections, a equally quiet rejection of the craziness in that state, and, of course, the aversion to Trump. (There is an identical, if less sane, version on the Right).

"But then, self-appointed augurs that we are, we start looking more closely, digging through the remains of the contest and holding things up to the light. In fairness, many observers, including many in the media, were doing this before the polls closed, announcing loudly what they expected to find in Michigan’s slimy entrails. (This is an augury reference, not a function of my having gone to Ohio State.) That’s what I mean when I say that it’s hard to differentiate between finding something important and the importance of finding something.

One thing that people are seizing upon in Michigan is the fact that 1 in 8 Democratic primary voters opted to vote for “uncommitted” rather than the incumbent president. The organizers of the effort to send a message to Biden — generally about his approach to the war in Gaza — stated that they hoped to get 10,000 people to vote in that way. They ended up getting more than 100,000."

For comparison's sake, 10.5% voted "uncommitted" in the 2012 primary. And Biden won 81.14% compared to Obama's 89.31%, but with a far larger turnout.

Note that the objections by these Muslims, Arabs in general and also far-leftists have nothing to do with local politics.

Those 100,000 uncommitted votes? The vast majority voted uncommitted for the same reason 20,000 voted the same in 2012, and this is largely a result of the greater interest in this primary if only because many want to stop Trump.
late wrote:In this case, he is right.

There prob aren't enough Muslims to throw the state to Trump, and a lot can change between now and November.

And while he wasn't explicit, supporting Muslims could easily piss off another voting block that has a history of vindictiveness...

Didn't Trump promise the Michigan voters he loves that he is going to bring back Manufacturing from China and make American car companies reopen their plants like in the Good Ole Days? Did he get that done?

Instead they got Chinese factories paying lower wages to American workers who hankered after American benefits. From the past. Some owner from the PRC opened up a plant in Ohio and the thing got out of control. The Chinese wanted Chinese mentality workers. They got a bunch of American workers who wanted American style worker benefits from the past.

It might be the future.

Tainari88 wrote:@KurtFF8 the problem is the lack of being democratic and allowing fair and free candidates to the Biden choice. They forcibly shut down any and all real challengers to a Biden presidency. And the moderate and justified concessions that Obama had in certain foreign policy initiatives were never followed by the Biden administration. They are as hawkish as a Hillary Rodham Clinton administration would have been with the Middle East.

These establishment only allowed Democrats are going to have to take responsibility for their lack of internal support from many sectors. They refused to allow them to be free to elect a different candidate.

Eligibility in the primary election is a complicated , delicate matter . On one hand , we should want to allow anti-establishment candidates , such as Sen. Sanders to have a fair chance at securing the nomination . But if anyone , no matter how much a marginal fringe figure , such as for instance Lyndon Larouche , were to gain momentum , the mainstream Democrats , as opposed to upstart interlopers , will wind up becoming alienated from their own party . So there must be required qualifications for seeking the nomination , that are clear cut and evenhanded . Now as to Michigan , where I as an Ohio resident have vacationed a few times , it's rather diverse socio-politically speaking . In the southern part of the state , such as the Detroit-Dearborn area , where I vacationed , the population has a sizable percentage of people who are non-Christian , and/or non-white , mostly either Muslim or Hindu . Whereas in the northern part , it is exactly the opposite . It is more rustic , white , and contains such Christian extremists as the Hutaree . So then , Michigan is divided along both sectional and sectarian lines . The challenge is to get such rival segments of the population to commit to politics , rather than warfare , the ballot , rather than the bullet . Otherwise there could arise civil unrest , or possibly even a civil war . To prevent this violent crisis , political leaders , regardless of party , must act in good faith to bring about reconciliation among the population of the nation , who have been experiencing such alienation from the administration . In the end , there must be unity in diversity.
Deutschmania wrote:Eligibility in the primary election is a complicated , delicate matter . On one hand , we should want to allow anti-establishment candidates , such as Sen. Sanders to have a fair chance at securing the nomination . But if anyone , no matter how much a marginal fringe figure , such as for instance Lyndon Larouche , were to gain momentum , the mainstream Democrats , as opposed to upstart interlopers , will wind up becoming alienated from their own party . So there must be required qualifications for seeking the nomination , that are clear cut and evenhanded . Now as to Michigan , where I as an Ohio resident have vacationed a few times , it's rather diverse socio-politically speaking . In the southern part of the state , such as the Detroit-Dearborn area , where I vacationed , the population has a sizable percentage of people who are non-Christian , and/or non-white , mostly either Muslim or Hindu . Whereas in the northern part , it is exactly the opposite . It is more rustic , white , and contains such Christian extremists as the Hutaree . So then , Michigan is divided along both sectional and sectarian lines . The challenge is to get such rival segments of the population to commit to politics , rather than warfare , the ballot , rather than the bullet . Otherwise there could arise civil unrest , or possibly even a civil war . To prevent this violent crisis , political leaders , regardless of party , must act in good faith to bring about reconciliation among the population of the nation , who have been experiencing such alienation from the administration . In the end , there must be unity in diversity.

Yes, there should be unity in diversity. But that last word diversity is allergy producing in the conservative group. Unity and diversity is not for them. They want to get rid of by force and threats the members who are not white, not Christian, and not conservative. Intolerance is their creed.

The intolerant and violent are in there. Very much present in the Republican party Deustchmania.

Some judge recently was ruling against some interest of Trump's lawyers in NYC. He received in the mail a white powder envelope. They tested it and it was not anthrax powder or something like they initially thought it was. But? You are dealing with attorney Generals in Fulton county Georgia who did not get the best prosecuting attorney to do the case and avoid that scandal because according to his own testimony he did not want to be watched by bodyguards for years if Trump wins the presidency. The followers of Trump are violent people. Who threaten.

Robert De Niro is a vocal Trump critic. He received a real threat from a Trump supporter. The guy was watching his house to kill him. They sent in the mail threatening materials and letters. Hate filled emails, protesters outside your door....for what? For not letting their dear leader do what the fuck he wants to do.

You are dealing with mafia mentality similar to Putin.

So how do you cope with that diversity and unity with a far Right that is not about diversity and is about VIOLENCE to quell all other voices.

I believe in if you win you have to focus on objective goals and work your ass off when you have the authority and power to get things done.

Do not focus so much energy on the opposition. That Milei anarcho-capitalist Argentine president spends most of his time combatting socialism in Argentina. Cutting off government support for the poor, privatizing government businesses and so on. The excuse is that anything run by the government is bad and inefficient. Devaluing the Argentine peso is necessary and switching the entire economy to the US dollar is the correct policy. But he does not have a Plan B. Nothing.

He really only likes criticizing socialism and getting rid of any socialism. He says austerity is absolutely necessary and good. Because in the end all private ownership and private class systems is superior to pooled social wealth in Argentina.

He also thinks the transition has to be done in two years. And he really says, that all the damage is socialist policies. Nothing else.

Get rid of socialism and state reliance and only put your faith in for profit and private ownership of all property and businesses. Nothing else.

It will right the ship. Is he right? The reality is that the purely capitalist only model that is private was tried a long time ago. It was a disaster for workers and for lower income people and lower middle class people. Even the average upper middle classes lost money in that scheme. Only the ruling and elites came out well with that model.

But if you believe in that bullshit? You go for it.

But the results will speak for themselves.

And people have to discard it through bad repercussions and stark poverty and desperation and crime related to those issues.

Meanwhile, Milei puts tons of energy into hating on socialists. It gives license to have the society go and kill them outright. Which is what they have done in the past in Argentina. But this time? People are going to fight hard. If the policies do not work, and the violence is allowed en masse? It will have a backlash.

Do not focus on the opposition when in power, focus on making life better for the people who live there. I am pragmatic in politics and scientific too. Only adopt policies that work and are positive in results for all people or the most people. Do not put a lot of hate and blame game on people who are no longer in power. In the end? You do for the common good. Not for egos and for ideas of individual responsibilities only. Groups and responsibilities for the entire group is absolutely necessary.

Selfish shit and pie-in-the-sky schemes proven in the past to be failures is not progress for human societies. It never will be.
It's interesting that topics such as "which countries to destroy" and "which genocides to support" are actually important issues in voting for an American president.

Imagine if the Chinese or Russian elections were about these topics. We would be convinced that these countries were evil cancers on the rest of the world.

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