US Presidential election 2024 thread. - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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Tainari88 wrote:Biden has to withdraw from Gaza ASAP and not spend a penny more on Israel.

Biden, America and Western Europe's priority should be pouring both arms and troops into Taiwan. Biden's attempt to flush tens of billions more down the Zelensky toilet should be seen as the act of treachery it is. Biden stands in a long standing American liberal tradition of treachery, FDR totally unnecessarily let the Soviets take Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and North Korea. Between them FDR and, Truman lost china. Eisenhower and JFK lost Cuba. jFK and LBJ lost Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
Tainari88 wrote:Biden's policies on Latin America are generally poor and terrible. Obama believed in lifting the embargo on Cuba and Biden has the very same intelligence. He is not following Obama's policies on Cuba because he is allowing that stupid shit to continue isolating Venezuela, Nicaragua and any government in Latin America that is running from neoliberalism and bad foreign policy on the part of the USA.

Why would Biden support the Venezuelan and Nicaraguan dictatorships?
Tainari88 wrote:Obama believed in lifting the embargo on Cuba and Biden has the very same intelligence.

Liberals love sanctions absolutely love them. Along with more immigration and diversity sanctions are the 3 Liberal's go to solutions, There's not a problem in the world that can't be helped by immigration diversity and sanctions. For the Liberals sanctions are the solution to just about every foreign policy problem. Obama was no different putting sanctions on Russia in the hope that would force Russia to hand over Sevastopol Naval Base to the Americans. Of course he sympathised with the Cuban dictatorship regime, that's why he wanted sanctions lifted not because he wasn't a devout sanctions believer.

Joe Biden has taken the Liberal's sanctions pathology to a new level. He's going round Congress to funnel arms and money into Israel's Gaza war, but at the same time he's putting sanctions on some West Bank Jewish Settlers. :roll: Yeah I'm sure that's really going to make them behave.
Rich wrote:Obama was no different putting sanctions on Russia in the hope that would force Russia to hand over Sevastopol Naval Base to the Americans.

Blah blah blah.

I suppose after Russia annexed territory of another country, the first time this happened in Europe since WW2, Obama and everybody else should have done simply nothing.

Though it wasn't much more than nothing.
Preface: Of course, we know Trump will get the nomination, which shouldn't happen, but most Republicans have no principles or balls, or ovaries.

Nikki Haley has exposed another crack in traditional Republican politics. Since the Reagan era, the 11th commandment is thou shall not speak ill of another Republican. That includes that when a Republican gets a nomination, ALL Republicans get in line and back that candidate.

Nikki broke with that idea by straight up saying that she is running against him, because she doesn't think he should be president. This is in response to a question around if she would support Trump if he gets the nomination.

We all know, That if Nikki somehow got the nomination, Trump wouldn't support her (or anyone else). Trump broke that back in 2016 when he went after McCain. I'm sure MAGA will conveniently forget this "patriotism"

Anyway, Nikki isn't the first in recent years to break with that rule WRT TRump, but this is another crack in that same line, this is just a more recent one. ... =107320333

Hopefully the Republican party caves in on itself. It will be its own doing, much deserved, and a saving grace to the Republic. Trump, MAGA politicians, and politicians that are bought by foreign and corporate entities are the biggest threat to America today.
Rich wrote:Biden, America and Western Europe's priority should be pouring both arms and troops into Taiwan. Biden's attempt to flush tens of billions more down the Zelensky toilet should be seen as the act of treachery it is. Biden stands in a long-standing American liberal tradition of treachery, FDR totally unnecessarily let the Soviets take Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, and North Korea. Between them FDR and, Truman lost China. Eisenhower and JFK lost Cuba. JFK and LBJ lost Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

There is a very cool saying in Spanish. I knew an undocumented Mexican who died of cancer about 15 years ago. He was the father of 14 kids and his current common-law wife whom he had 3 kids, who he smuggled into the USA, from Mexico, said this saying all the time, 'En el pecado esta la penitencia.'Which translated means, 'In the sin is the penitence (or the punishment)'

It means @Rich that the US government with its overweening and hypocrisy-filled ambitions brought a lot of problems down on themselves. They think they can get away with just manipulating the hell out of the world, and somehow the masters of failed-in-end imperialism like the UK turned out to be, won't notice all the things the US does wrong Rich. Everyone notices.

The problem is thinking that you really can control the rest of the world until further notice with impunity. Cuba is a case in point. It is 90 miles from the US shores. Castro knew that he needed to make a deal with an opposing power, that is strategy on how to try to retain control of your land when pressured by a far greater power than you have in your nation. So he tapped the nemesis of the Cold War for backup. Che Guevara never liked, trusted, or even wanted to cooperate with the USSR. He wanted a movement of unaligned nations who would not be forced to choose to align with Washington DC or Moscow. And be able to band together and not be some pawns on a chessboard. That was his aim in getting involved in African decolonization efforts in the early 60s.

I think it was the wrong timing for that in that historical period in history. The USA was embroiled in trying to control the wave of radicals at home and abroad it kept an old post-WWII foreign policy that heavily relied on American military prowess. It was complex.

Unlike you Señor @Rich I never identified with superpowers and imperial nations like the UK, France, the USA, Germany, Spain, Mussolini's Italy, Imperial Portugal via Brazil and its African colonies, etc. The Netherlands had holdings in Indonesia, the Caribbean and Africa, and South America, too. Rich, I do identify with the poorest of the poor receiving the worst end of the stick and the worst of having to deal with constantly closed opportunities for improving life for all of us Caribbean and Latin American regular working folk.

So I can't entirely agree with your stance of the Empires cutting up the rest of humanity like an American Apple Pie and dividing the world into disrespectful concepts of ignoring those primitives on that land, taking what we need, and snubbing our competing European cutthroat greedy neighbors on the hunt for new profits.

For me? That is not only immoral but counterproductive. But your take on international politics often is insightful and often accurate simply because you think about things that really do make sense when you criticize the dominant political paradigm of our times, which is neoliberalism and liberal elite perspectives. They have created a very powerful brew, of liberal individual rights, capitalist investment and industry, and the Captains of industry and innovation, and access to nations in development with enormous resources, and expending money on the military to secure it all. Also, to threaten even their allies in the future if their hegemony is questioned or threatened in the future.

The issue is Rich, that Biden and others just do not understand that resources are not infinite. At all. Not even for the USA. A relatively new nation with enormous natural resources, human labor resources, and access to technological advancement. It is not realizing that if you throw money down the toilet in shows of force to snow some people and then go and neglect the other groups chomping at the bit for you to remove the pressure? Managing all that gets increasingly complex. That happened to the UK empire too in the past. Managing all that shit of Empire gets complex, expensive and eventually leads to rebellions, violence, and too many holes to plug in a dyke that is constantly bursting at the seams.

Conditions change and so do criteria, if you fail to adapt to that in time you wind up having to let go of all that glorious ambition full of immoral and false thoughts about how superior your society is in the end. There is nothing superior about being callous, being greedy or being warmongering and wanting total control in a world with too many moving parts and unpredictable elements at play.

A much more productive use for international politics is building cooperative coalitions that want the best for other nations and are willing to share to the maximum degree the fruits of the sacrifices of the many to bring a sense of solidarity among the many humans who want supportive politics and policies that benefit many others as well as their interests.

But, I doubt you believe in what I believe in Rich. I think we were born with very different cultures, value systems, family backgrounds, and thoughts...and our politics reflect that.

Biden should not spend any more on useless wars. But the people behind that need for war are a lot more powerful than he is. That is the truth of it.
Rancid wrote:Preface: Of course, we know Trump will get the nomination, which shouldn't happen, but most Republicans have no principles or balls, or ovaries.

Nikki Haley has exposed another crack in traditional Republican politics. Since the Reagan era, the 11th commandment is thou shall not speak ill of another Republican. That includes that when a Republican gets a nomination, ALL Republicans get in line and back that candidate.

Nikki broke with that idea by straight up saying that she is running against him, because she doesn't think he should be president. This is in response to a question around if she would support Trump if he gets the nomination.

We all know, That if Nikki somehow got the nomination, Trump wouldn't support her (or anyone else). Trump broke that back in 2016 when he went after McCain. I'm sure MAGA will conveniently forget this "patriotism"

Anyway, Nikki isn't the first in recent years to break with that rule WRT TRump, but this is another crack in that same line, this is just a more recent one. ... =107320333

Hopefully the Republican party caves in on itself. It will be its own doing, much deserved, and a saving grace to the Republic. Trump, MAGA politicians, and politicians that are bought by foreign and corporate entities are the biggest threat to America today.

Rancid, do you remember that first Republican debate when Trump was debating Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush, and so on and so forth? He said some truths about the Iraqi war, and he attacked a lot of Republicans in a very direct way and he was applauded for it. So his MO has not changed. The thing is that the Republican party had a lot of frustrated people. There are two kinds of Republican MAGA people Rancid. The 1st type are rednecks, working class and middle class and well off upper middle class people who will follow a Charismatic conman to the very end as long as he keeps what they see as the imminent threat to power. Mainly, liberals who are in almost every nation, getting increasingly more powerful, and locking out the ones who want more nationalism and more stagnation socially and to keep Reagan era type economics. They want to maintain the social order in a more traditional cut. The one they feel the most comfortable with. They see Trump as disrupting the Washington DC liberal order. They hate the liberal order.

The second type of MAGA could care less about democracy, or popularism or Americans first. They want extremely low or minimal taxes, to keep their wealth, and to deregulate everything so their profits become much more important than any other element in the US society. They really have no respect for democratic or democratic rule and democratic one man and one woman and one vote structures. For them? The most important element is to have increasing profits and more control over larger parts of the economy. To back monopoly and back exclusivity. Sort of like the Koch brothers. Lol. Those two together make for a formidable foe. They are not going away anytime soon.

They are willing to burn the US government down to the ground. In the hope, of burning off the opposition completely, and then taking over, and becoming like Grover Norquist. The brand of the Republican party is to drown the US government in a bathtub, pull the plug on everything smacking a tiny bit of liberalism and liberal policies and then hunting down the foreign opposition and if they do not negotiate? Probably nuke them off the face of the Earth. Or? Have a return to American isolationist policies and probably wind up doing some concentration camps of the ones who do not agree. Latinos, Blacks, moderates, Jews, Native Americans, Asians of all sorts, professionals, intellectuals at universities, and so on. Meanwhile, the rest of the world will discard the USA as reliable and the rest of the world will move on from whatever craziness the Republican nationalist mentality might breed in the world.

But? The ones who are intolerant rarely see anything good in the enemies they despise. Once you dehumanize people you make the fatal mistake of underestimating their ability to fight back. It happened in WWII and in many other scenarios.

I do not doubt that if they fail to secure the 2024 presidential elections? They are going to implode. But they will not go out without taking a lot of liberals with them. Be prepared for mob violence breaking out in many states for a long time before it is controlled with any predictability Rancid.
Tainari88 wrote:So his MO has not changed.
Tainari88 wrote:
Rancid, do you remember that first Republican debate when Trump was debating Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush, and so on and so forth? He said some truths about the Iraqi war, and he attacked a lot of Republicans in a very direct way and he was applauded for it. So his MO has not changed. The thing is that the Republican party had a lot of frustrated people. There are two kinds of Republican MAGA people Rancid. The 1st type are rednecks, working class and middle class and well off upper middle class people who will follow a Charismatic conman to the very end as long as he keeps what they see as the imminent threat to power. Mainly, liberals who are in almost every nation, getting increasingly more powerful, and locking out the ones who want more nationalism and more stagnation socially and to keep Reagan era type economics. They want to maintain the social order in a more traditional cut. The one they feel the most comfortable with. They see Trump as disrupting the Washington DC liberal order. They hate the liberal order.

The second type of MAGA could care less about democracy, or popularism or Americans first. They want extremely low or minimal taxes, to keep their wealth, and to deregulate everything so their profits become much more important than any other element in the US society. They really have no respect for democratic or democratic rule and democratic one man and one woman and one vote structures. For them? The most important element is to have increasing profits and more control over larger parts of the economy. To back monopoly and back exclusivity. Sort of like the Koch brothers. Lol. Those two together make for a formidable foe. They are not going away anytime soon.

They are willing to burn the US government down to the ground. In the hope, of burning off the opposition completely, and then taking over, and becoming like Grover Norquist. The brand of the Republican party is to drown the US government in a bathtub, pull the plug on everything smacking a tiny bit of liberalism and liberal policies and then hunting down the foreign opposition and if they do not negotiate? Probably nuke them off the face of the Earth. Or? Have a return to American isolationist policies and probably wind up doing some concentration camps of the ones who do not agree. Latinos, Blacks, moderates, Jews, Native Americans, Asians of all sorts, professionals, intellectuals at universities, and so on. Meanwhile, the rest of the world will discard the USA as reliable and the rest of the world will move on from whatever craziness the Republican nationalist mentality might breed in the world.

But? The ones who are intolerant rarely see anything good in the enemies they despise. Once you dehumanize people you make the fatal mistake of underestimating their ability to fight back. It happened in WWII and in many other scenarios.

I do not doubt that if they fail to secure the 2024 presidential elections? They are going to implode. But they will not go out without taking a lot of liberals with them. Be prepared for mob violence breaking out in many states for a long time before it is controlled with any predictability Rancid.

This is all a very true set of statements.

What I would add/amend is that, yes Trump's MO is the exactly same as it was before (which why we should all know better that he's terrible now). That MO is basically to just call out everything his opponents are doing as wrong. MAGA is gullible enough to just go with whatever he say's (your type 1), or they know better, but care about themselves more (your type 2). His general MO is not coming from a thoughtful framework, or philosophy, or principles. This is what has made him unpredictable. His framework of operating is basically self-interest, and that self-interest is being in power. Power is the goal for him.

This is why even if he has done one thing in the past that any one of us could support (no one is 100% wrong all the time), it's not a good idea to support him from a long term perspective. As we know, he is operating out of self-interest, and will blow up whatever needs to be blown up to gain power. That's including directly contradiction any previous position he has taken on something. In short, the self-proclaimed stable genius he called himself, is quite the opposite. He is a ball of incoherence.

One example of this incoherence. No one should want this level of incoherence and lack of transparency to be world leader. The below focuses on the incoherence of Ukraine-Russia policy, but this is just an example of a larger problem with Trump.

It is baffling we still have so many people following this guy.
wat0n wrote:Why would Biden support the Venezuelan and Nicaraguan dictatorships?

Have you been paying attention to the border issues Wat0n? Who are the New American applicants to become new US citizens? They come from only about four nations. India, China, Cuba and Mexico. Venezuela is in crisis for many reasons. So how do you stop that leak of people from South America? By more sanctions and crisis? That pushes more poor people out and towards the USA? Or do you negotiate with Venezuela, and see if you can get some funds to stabilize the poorest of the poor and the ones fitting the leaving now profile. Because the strategy of squeeze and squeeze Venezuelans until the take up arms and go and kill Maduro and we can then put in some fake puppet was already tried before in Venezuela with Chavez, with Maduro and with many others.

And you need to spend more money and more time and war again of civil war sorts that then lead to El Salvador scenarios. Many civil wars, hatreds between warring political factions, one which gets billions of arms to go and kill their own populations trying to raise wages and get basics done. You destabilize that nation and create more human misery, that then leads to another border run.

They should have learned that being arms dealers and undermining peasant rights, and worker rights in Latin America leads to some Leftist being in charge eventually. because the Right NEVER talks about Indians, Blacks, or poor people with any real respect in Latin America. Latin America's bourgeois or ruling classes are the most intolerant snob reactionary sellouts the world has ever witnessed. The best they can do is lie and say they will do for the poor and so on, and then they sit on their ass and do nothing and get a payoff from the CIA.

They then have to do something real for the lower classes or lose their own seats and might have to be against some US government requirement. Like Manuel Noriega in Panama in 1989, and then they wind up destabilizing again the country. Another run for the border.

They got to learn that a run for the border is going to happen every time they use a lot of threats, arms and you never address human needs for generations. The lack of dealing with human needs makes the run for the border INEVITABLE.

Do you want to stop the border problems? Make all nations in Latin America know that the US is willing to stabilize their economies, their governments and so on, as long as they invest in humanitarian causes and get third party oversight of budgets to avoid fraud.

And you do a good policy. Over time. The results become productive. For everyone. The US stops the border crisis. And the Latin Americans finally can concentrate on societal needs instead on keeping thugs out of power, and death squads, and the over militarization of their nations. They can stop rampant crime and drug crops and other forms of illegal economic activity that undermine civil societies.

It is a win win. But that is too much. Got to hate on the ones who supposedly are the dictators they can't dictate to...because they are not pro-capitalism and neoliberals in economic policies.

That is the problem. Not accepting disagreements. And doing humane policies ANYWAY. Disagreements are inevitable. But, if you do policies that are humane and respectful despite the disagreements you gain trust.

That is what international diplomacy is supposed to ultimately accomplish Wat0n. Win win scenarios.

Soft power. It is the future. Because the world can't take incessant wars and nuclear bombs. If for some horrible reason the US nukes another nation. For example, they nuke China for invading Taiwan. What will happen? The radiation will affect half of humanity. Asia is 50% or more of all human beings on Earth.

California and the Pacific coasts will be affected by the radiation as well. It will create enormous hatred for the West and the US alliances in Asia and in many other places affected by cancers and crop failures.

How is that productive to threaten then?

That is the problem. Not looking for really intelligent solutions.
Tainari88 wrote:Have you been paying attention to the border issues Wat0n? Who are the New American applicants to become new US citizens? They come from only about four nations. India, China, Cuba and Mexico. Venezuela is in crisis for many reasons. So how do you stop that leak of people from South America? By more sanctions and crisis? That pushes more poor people out and towards the USA? Or do you negotiate with Venezuela, and see if you can get some funds to stabilize the poorest of the poor and the ones fitting the leaving now profile. Because the strategy of squeeze and squeeze Venezuelans until the take up arms and go and kill Maduro and we can then put in some fake puppet was already tried before in Venezuela with Chavez, with Maduro and with many others.

You go on and topple the dictatorship that is the cause of the problem, not just for the US but for all of South America.

The dictatorship will not take those people, and indeed it has refused to accept flights of deported Venezuelans from countries like Chile.

Tainari88 wrote:And you need to spend more money and more time and war again of civil war sorts that then lead to El Salvador scenarios. Many civil wars, hatreds between warring political factions, one which gets billions of arms to go and kill their own populations trying to raise wages and get basics done. You destabilize that nation and create more human misery, that then leads to another border run.

They should have learned that being arms dealers and undermining peasant rights, and worker rights in Latin America leads to some Leftist being in charge eventually. because the Right NEVER talks about Indians, Blacks, or poor people with any real respect in Latin America. Latin America's bourgeois or ruling classes are the most intolerant snob reactionary sellouts the world has ever witnessed. The best they can do is lie and say they will do for the poor and so on, and then they sit on their ass and do nothing and get a payoff from the CIA.

They then have to do something real for the lower classes or lose their own seats and might have to be against some US government requirement. Like Manuel Noriega in Panama in 1989, and then they wind up destabilizing again the country. Another run for the border.

They got to learn that a run for the border is going to happen every time they use a lot of threats, arms and you never address human needs for generations. The lack of dealing with human needs makes the run for the border INEVITABLE.

Do you want to stop the border problems? Make all nations in Latin America know that the US is willing to stabilize their economies, their governments and so on, as long as they invest in humanitarian causes and get third party oversight of budgets to avoid fraud.

And you do a good policy. Over time. The results become productive. For everyone. The US stops the border crisis. And the Latin Americans finally can concentrate on societal needs instead on keeping thugs out of power, and death squads, and the over militarization of their nations. They can stop rampant crime and drug crops and other forms of illegal economic activity that undermine civil societies.

It is a win win. But that is too much. Got to hate on the ones who supposedly are the dictators they can't dictate to...because they are not pro-capitalism and neoliberals in economic policies.

That is the problem. Not accepting disagreements. And doing humane policies ANYWAY.

This bullshit attempt at blackmailing won't work.

Also, Panama is actually a great success story all in all. That's exactly what the region needs.

I would very much love to see Maduro tried in an American court, just like Noriega was.
wat0n wrote:
You go on and topple the dictatorship that is the cause of the problem, not just for the US but for all of South America.

The dictatorship will not take those people, and indeed it has refused to accept flights of deported Venezuelans from countries like Chile.

This bullshit attempt at blackmailing won't work.

Also, Panama is actually a great success story all in all. That's exactly what the region needs.

I would very much love to see Maduro tried in an American court, just like Noriega was.

That's not even close to blackmail...

That you called it that, in your attempt to deny it's accuracy, is telling.

Panama has the canal, it generates a lot of money. They also allow a lot of corrupt business, because that also brings in a lot of money. That allows them to do some social programs. Ironically, they also have extreme levels of income inequality, with a GINI of 49.1
Tainari88 wrote:Have you been paying attention to the border issues Wat0n? Who are the New American applicants to become new US citizens? They come from only about four nations. India, China, Cuba and Mexico. Venezuela is in crisis for many reasons. So how do you stop that leak of people from South America? By more sanctions and crisis? That pushes more poor people out and towards the USA? Or do you negotiate with Venezuela, and see if you can get some funds to stabilize the poorest of the poor and the ones fitting the leaving now profile. Because the strategy of squeeze and squeeze Venezuelans until the take up arms and go and kill Maduro and we can then put in some fake puppet was already tried before in Venezuela with Chavez, with Maduro and with many others.

What about stop being communist?

You have market economy and freedom of choice in capitalism. You can find best things suit you in capitalism.
late wrote:That's not even close to blackmail...

That you called it that, in your attempt to deny it's accuracy, is telling.

Panama has the canal, it generates a lot of money. They also allow a lot of corrupt business, because that also brings in a lot of money. That allows them to do some social programs. Ironically, they also have extreme levels of income inequality, with a GINI of 49.1

Extreme income inequality is a good thing. It means that there are super rich people who can set up companies and factories that offer jobs to rest.
late wrote:That's not even close to blackmail...

That you called it that, in your attempt to deny it's accuracy, is telling.

Panama has the canal, it generates a lot of money. They also allow a lot of corrupt business, because that also brings in a lot of money. That allows them to do some social programs. Ironically, they also have extreme levels of income inequality, with a GINI of 49.1

Yet Panama is not bleeding migrants to the rest of the region and is one of the most developed countries in Latin America.

But sure, go on and stand by the failure that the chavista Venezuela is.

Even by your own criteria, which is bullshit, Venezuela is a failure: Its latest available Gini index after taxes and transfers (from 2006, back from when things were going well and Chavez was still President) is 44.8, which is essentially the same as Chile's 44.9 from 2020 and higher than the United States' 39.8 from 2021. The only Latin American countries with lower Gini Indexes are Bukele's El Salvador (38.8, from 2022) and the Dominican Republic (38.5, from 2021). Cuba has no data.

Yet there are many Salvadorans who have migrated to the US, despite the fact that their country has lower inequality under this criterion. ... _desc=true
Rancid wrote:This is all a very true set of statements.

What I would add/amend is that, yes Trump's MO is the exactly same as it was before (which why we should all know better that he's terrible now). That MO is basically to just call out everything his opponents are doing as wrong. MAGA is gullible enough to just go with whatever he say's (your type 1), or they know better, but care about themselves more (your type 2). His general MO is not coming from a thoughtful framework, or philosophy, or principles. This is what has made him unpredictable. His framework of operating is basically self-interest, and that self-interest is being in power. Power is the goal for him.

This is why even if he has done one thing in the past that any one of us could support (no one is 100% wrong all the time), it's not a good idea to support him from a long term perspective. As we know, he is operating out of self-interest, and will blow up whatever needs to be blown up to gain power. That's including directly contradiction any previous position he has taken on something. In short, the self-proclaimed stable genius he called himself, is quite the opposite. He is a ball of incoherence.

One example of this incoherence. No one should want this level of incoherence and lack of transparency to be world leader. The below focuses on the incoherence of Ukraine-Russia policy, but this is just an example of a larger problem with Trump.

It is baffling we still have so many people following this guy.

Trump is sort of like a symbolic figurehead of a very American character. He grew up with white privileges, a rich Daddy, a brother who died of alcoholism and a very real loyalty to himself first and foremost. He never was a real ideologue or a man of political consistency. He would make deals with liberals, was racist but make deals with other races of people if they had power or had the ability to concede something he wanted from them. He lacked what are called rules of engagement.

He is a very narcissistic man and very much allergic to intellectual philosophical pursuits. He is a bare bones capitalist from New York. He is also a fraud and is addicted to that kind of thought process. The idea of getting over on others and faking them out and manipulating them for his ego massage is part of his character. There was a very interesting series of incidents people discussed interacting with Donald J. Trump. There was Charlie Sheen the actor who was getting married and Trump was at the same party he attended. Trump gifted him with some 'diamond and platinum cuff links' For his formal wear, and made him believe that as a billionaire he was of a generous nature. Sheen then a few years later had all his jewelry assessed for value by a professional jeweler and told the jeweler that Trump gave him the cufflinks and told him they were platinum and diamonds. The jeweler examined them and said, if they cost 50 dollars it would be a lot. He lied. He had snowed Sheen. But why would he do that?

The guy needs to deceive because it is his way of WINNING over the ones he wants to control. If he can keep his funds and money and profits and win over the ones who are famous and might be able to contribute to his campaign and so on, and he can also retain the really valuable properties and so on...not invest in original artworks because the truth is he does not really value art Rancid. The man values projecting something that is not really true, having people believe the story behind it, and then get something from them later on. When he is done using them, he denies they were a part of his social circle, he discards them. He does not have any real political philosophy but being able to hold on to power through deception.

The only really psychological truth about Trump is that he never thought being honest or being consistent was in any way necessary to be successful. His life is a study of lies, deception including self-deception, and manipulation, and in nouveau riche bad taste scenarios of power. His wife and wives were mostly trophy wives. His most serious marriage was his first marriage. A Chekoslovaquian immigrant businesswoman with a solidly old-fashioned set of values. Lol. Ivana Trump. She wanted to be a business partner and be an aspiring New York socialite/businesswoman. With time he did not want a business partner. He wanted a trophy. To has an object on his arm that he can pull out to others and they envy him like he imagines being a man of power....with all the trinkets that implied.

Trump is not incoherent. He is a study in fake value systems with very little substance.

He is a chameleon of the worst sort. But, he is a very useful tool to those who know that the American presidency is a figurehead anyway and that true power lies in other places. The problem is that he is an incompetent figurehead. Because to be a good figurehead you need to know about social protocols. That is why that man from Exxon Mobile called him a Moron. Most CEOs of corporations know half the job of a figurehead is about being able to follow protocol, make hardnosed business deals behind closed doors, and being able to deliver to the ones who got you elected or got you to the place you occupy on the highest rung of the ladder. If you do not know how to be a good protocol follower? You endanger your position.

Trump though is like most insecure selfish narcissistic people. He makes the mistake of not having enough self-discipline to play the role enough to create a stable image.

And because he has that flaw? He appeals to a whole lot of tacky, uneducated, and very, very ignorant people who love capitalism and also want to be the winners in the Capitalism casino sweepstakes of the USA. The deplorable (Hillary Rodham Clinton called them that you know). Love him. He is very much of their mental state.

Even though the odds are against them the House always wins.

He tapped into the heart of American WASP and IMMIGRANT working-class people's secret desires.

That is why they can't shake him. :lol:
wat0n wrote:
Yet Panama is not bleeding migrants to the rest of the region and is one of the most developed countries in Latin America.

But sure, go on and stand by the failure that the chavista Venezuela is.

Even by your own criteria, which is bullshit, Venezuela is a failure: Its latest available Gini index after taxes and transfers (from 2006, back from when things were going well and Chavez was still President) is 44.8, which is essentially the same as Chile's 44.9 from 2020 and higher than the United States' 39.8 from 2021. The only Latin American countries with lower Gini Indexes are Bukele's El Salvador (38.8, from 2022) and the Dominican Republic (38.5, from 2021). Cuba has no data.

Yet there are many Salvadorans who have migrated to the US, despite the fact that their country has lower inequality under this criterion. ... _desc=true

Your defensiveness is telling, we weren't talking about Venezuela. You needed it for your silly Whataboutism...

I will assume you have nothing substantive to respond with, until and unless that unlikely event happens.
late wrote:Your defensiveness is telling, we weren't talking about Venezuela. You needed it for your silly Whataboutism...

I will assume you have nothing substantive to respond with, until and unless that unlikely event happens.

We are, in fact, talking about migrants coming from Venezuela, Nicaragua, other parts of Latin America and Panama as well.

This seems like a coping mechanism, and you got a more than just a substantive answer, you got a complete rebuttal.
Trump ranked dead last in the presidential greatness project. It's a ranking done by some 150+ presidential historians.

My understanding is they redo these rankings every president's day (today is president's day for those of you not in the US).

Would this affect the election? Of course not, but something for the Trump supporters to think about. ... s-in-last/
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And it was also debunked.

Russia-Ukraine War 2022

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