Turkey airport attack: Explosions and gunfire reported at Ataturk International airport in Istanbul - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Thompson_NCL wrote:Turkey should invaded ISIS territory. Granted it might piss Syria off, but provided Turkey withdraws afterwards, not much will come of it.

How would Turkey do this?

Russia deployed S-400s to Syria and not allowed any single Turkish jet to fly over those territories. Russia was busy with bombing rebels for months. It never targeted ISIS.

We can reach the conclusion: Nobody really fight against terrorism.
Very complicated issue, anasawad.

As for what you said previously, Western media focuses on what is happening in Turkey because they do it to discredit Turkey.

World's largest airport is under construction in Istanbul and rivals are not happy with this. This explosion can be related to rival countries, too.
True. The situation on the ground is far more complicated than it would seem to outsiders or generally anyone who doesn't have basic knowledge of the region.

For example, about the reports of Turkish support for ISIS.
Arms trade in the mid east, and well, everywhere has large traders who would bring large shipments of weapons from several sources,divide and sell them to smaller traders who in turn either sell it to groups or sell it again to even smaller traders to sell them individually. Many of those are selling to Turks in Syria and the weapons end up with ISIS.
In Turkey there are several factions who each is supporting a different side currently.
And some are as stated are supporting ISIS.
Whats weird about it is that Iranian Kurds as well are supporting ISIS to beat down Syrian Kurds so they remain to have the upper hand.
While Iran is actually fighting ISIS.

For the Airport, i doubt its rivalling countries. Its more rather a recruiting method.
Turkey is in the end a NATO member and just got back to the table with Israel, which means an attack on Turkey would be a card to play in recruiting naive or helpless Arabs to join them, probably the Palestinians in Syria as they also are armed and in the same time in stratigic locations allowing them to hit ISIS's enemies from the inside.

It could also be to try to reach to Lebanese Palestinians whom already are leaning towards Islamists.
It was just 4 days ago when the curfew was extended to include Palestinians in and around Baalbak.
(previously on Syrians and other Arabs)
As well as in some other area's in Lebanon, so this might be a play to win the Palestinians against their enemies.
anasawad wrote:If the attacks weren't in a NATO nation. No one would care enough to cover them.
Most attacks are in countries actually fighting the terrorists.

But who cares right ?.
Only the lives of westerners matter.
Like people in Lebanon get full coverage what is happening in Africa and they care? What do you expect westerners to wipe your butt too?
But who cares right ?.
Only the lives of westerners matter.

As Albert has rather crudely pointed out, only the lives of Westerners matter to Westerners, just as only the lives of people from Baalbek matter to people from Baalbek and only the lives of Nigerians matter to Nigerians. Complaining about this fact is like complaining that water is wet or that iron rusts. I suggest you get used to it. :)
anasawad wrote:If the attacks weren't in a NATO nation. No one would care enough to cover them.
Most attacks are in countries actually fighting the terrorists.

But who cares right ?.
Only the lives of westerners matter.

This is rich coming from someone who has made it clear that they don't care about the lives of Westerners (or at least Americans). You're as much of a hypocrite as any Westerner.

There is no reason I should care about these deaths (or most deaths in the world for that matter). They don't affect my interests, and I've become increasingly anti-Turk thanks to Erdogan. Turkey is reaping what it has sown for 5 years in Syria. Don't destablilize neighbors if the borders can't be controlled, this is elementary.

Really Turkey seems to have taken every step possible to destabilize itself.

1. Work to destabilize a neighboring country, triggering long term civil war and extremism.

2. Allowing the extremist elements they created and backed to infiltrate their country.

3. Forcing conflict with the Kurds (because why not add ethnic conflict to the conflagaration)

4. Anger the West through extremist support, and not at least having the decency to pretend to support 'human rights'. Its a low bar and not that difficult.

5. Complete isolation by angering Russia.

(not necessarily in that order)

Seriously, how many more mistakes could they have made? They've fueled/created an international conflict, a multiple concurrent civil conflicts, and isolated themselves.
Potemkin wrote:As Albert has rather crudely pointed out, only the lives of Westerners matter to Westerners, just as only the lives of people from Baalbek matter to people from Baalbek and only the lives of Nigerians matter to Nigerians. Complaining about this fact is like complaining that water is wet or that iron rusts. I suggest you get used to it. :)

That's the point. He didn't care yesterday's attack because they were on Christian village and not against the Shia in Baalbeck.
But who cares right ?.
Only the lives of westerners matter.

Yes this is true. We dont especially care when non-westerns die.

Many in your lands though actually celebrate when we die or at our misfortune. You yourself in fact is happy at the UK's misfortune because you consider us an enemy.

So its mutual. Dont pretend otherwise.
That's the point. He didn't care yesterday's attack because they were on Christian village and not against the Shia in Baalbeck.

You kidden right ?
We immediatly sent security forces when the attacks started, and the area is mixed between Christians and Shia.

This is rich coming from someone who has made it clear that they don't care about the lives of Westerners (or at least Americans). You're as much of a hypocrite as any Westerner.

Actually i have always shown sympathy to all victims anywhere in the world even the west.
I just simply want your leaders and elites to be butchered on live TV.

Many in your lands though actually celebrate when we die or at our misfortune. You yourself in fact is happy at the UK's misfortune because you consider us an enemy.

Well, for a start. That previous post was type of a joke.
Pointing out that everyone makes a big deal of terrorists attacks when its in Europe or the US.
And they start, as usual here on PoFo, to address terrorism as if that given attack is one of a kind or something, and ofcourse directly blame it on Islam and Muslims and start generalizing, or even against Black people, not just Muslims. Basically anyone not white.
What everyone fails to address is that for every terrorist attack made in lets say the US there is a thousand in Syria and Iraq and even Lebanon, because those are countries that are actually fighting Terrorism unlike the hypocrites in the NATO leadership.

For the Brexit topic. 2 points.
First, no 'm not happy about the effects it would have on the people. what 'm happy about is that major British corps and capitalists now will be in our reach to crush.
second, I consider your government as an enemy, not the people, as i stated many times before.
For people celebrating your death. I doubt thats true, since no one knows about terrorism more than the people here. So they wont mock others when they're hit by it.
The Immortal Goon wrote:Turkey should obviously just expel all the Muslims in the country.

Islam is the problem after all, right guys?
Turkey shouldn't have cuddled ISIS. And stayed Kemalist. So to answer your question: yes, yes it is.
Pointing out that everyone makes a big deal of terrorists attacks when its in Europe or the US.
And they start, as usual here on PoFo, to address terrorism as if that given attack is one of a kind or something, and ofcourse directly blame it on Islam and Muslims and start generalizing, or even against Black people, not just Muslims. Basically anyone not white.

People care more about people who are like them. This isnt unique to westerners. Its just more relevant with westerners because we are so much more powerful.

And yes many, many people from the middle east think 911 and dead westerners is a great thing. Dont deny it.

It comes from a deep feeling that is common place in the world. That the root of all evil and everything bad comes from the west and so anything bad that happens to us is therefore good. This isnt only from muslims of course.

Personally I think these attack is awful and that turkey should really have been doing more against ISIS. Erdogan was playing with fire by using them to 'balance' the kurds.
I was talking about countries like Lebanon and Syria whom only a fringe portion thinks that terrorism is good.

2 points.
1- you missed my point. I ment that when ever an attack in the west happens, everyone goes immediatly MUSLIMS, MUSLIM WAAAAAAAAA333333 BAD BAD EVIL bla bla bla. But when the fact that terrorism is mostly pointed against Muslims, nobody cares, because obviously when you want to study a group like ISIS for example, the only thing that matters is how many westerners it kills for some rather than the overall actions telling that its mostly targetting Muslims.
But ofcourse that doesn't matter for many if not most. and thats the point i was inciting.
Basically, pointing out how dumb the analysis of many around here concerning groups like ISIS or Al-Qaeda or any such groups.
As those groups are guided externally for political purposes and by many, thats why i mentioned the above about how its supported.
Turks support it to attack both Kurds and Syrian regime. Other Kurds support it to keep themselves in power internally.
Gulf states support it to pressure the Shia. Israel and the US support it to attack the Shia as prime enemy in the region. etc.
And ofcourse the leaders of the group operate to achieve several goals of their own mostly wealth, since they're getting lots and lots of it.
So ISIS is the mercs of the mideast currently. Where it works for everyone against almost everyone.

2-No, you're not much much more powerful. If you were much more powerful than everyone else then the world would be entirely different, and politics becomes useless since power is at rule.
Infact if we considered the fact that your governments are in most open for sale and guided by capitalists and elites generally to serve their purposes. And the fact that those aren't really bound by nationalities rather all multinationals.
The people of the west are in matter of fact the weakest on earth currently because they're being stepped on by capitalists groups the most.
The world is not like what it was 100 years ago. And nation states are just a scam to guide people through nationalism.
Look at the US and you'd have a very good and telling example of how capitalism works at its max.
1- you missed my point. I ment that when ever an attack in the west happens, everyone goes immediatly MUSLIMS, MUSLIM WAAAAAAAAA333333 BAD BAD EVIL bla bla bla. But when the fact that terrorism is mostly pointed against Muslims, nobody cares, because obviously when you want to study a group like ISIS for example, the only thing that matters is how many westerners it kills for some rather than the overall actions telling that its mostly targetting Muslims.

Yes it is quite ironic that many blame all muslims when terrorist blows up mosques all over the world and kills muslims for not being real muslims. So they have people telling them they are fake and killing them on one hand. On the other they hear trump saying they are all the problem and one big group. It is easy to see why this is fustrating to say the least.

And yes upir point 2 is partially valid. Many in the west are quite powerless. You do need to accept though that the mob of public opinion does matter to the elites. It is not something they can ignore entirely. The Mob outside the west though. They can do little but get tear gassed by their even weaker governments.

Compare the mob of public opinion in the US to the mob of public opinion in egypt. Their powerlessness is not equal by any means.
ISIS butchers civilians and claims to being Islamic; Hezbollah butchers civilians and claims to be Islamic; Al-Quaeda, Al-Nusra, Boko Haram etc. all claim to be Islamic; Gulf States oppress women and minorities, and violate the most basic tenets of human rights, and claim to be Islamic... An overwhelming majority of the victims are Muslims who claim that they are Muslims. Muslims around the world and Western apologists of Islam insist that none of this is the real Islam. Thus, I submit to you: what is this so-called "real" Islam and where is it? In space?

FFS... Just when I thought, "ha, with that zealot gone (Davutoglu) and with the economy falling apart, that Shit has finally decided to mend bridges with Israel and Russia. This is good." ISIS attacks... another one of the AKP's failed project. Of course, we cannot forget to thank the Petrocunts, and the Western supporters of ISIS -you know who- for effectuating this state of affairs.

What a marvelous proposition this is: becoming another statistic because of someone's petty geopolitical calculations, another guy's political ambitions, and the dictates of a retrograde ideology. I was at the Istanbul Airport 3 days ago... I live, for now. But anything can happen in Erdogan's "New Turkey" and the new Middle East borne of GCC and US machinations.
Ceased caring about Islamic terrorist incidents a long time ago. It's mostly a chronicling experience now-a-days of the 'I told you so' sort. The problem came to the fore during 9/11 and since then it has only gotten worse. The dynamics involved are complex, but further self-Islamization of Islamic nations, groups and organizations is an observable trend, e.g. Turkey, Brunei, Indonesia, Pakistan, Niger, etc. Their reaction to criticism is 'more Islam'. A similar trend of reinforcing Islamic beliefs in order to solve (Islamic) problems of immigrant groups can be seen in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, etc.

Things have gotten worse, and there is no end in sight.

The solution is 'hypoxia'. But the powers that be prefer to add more fuel to the fire. Perhaps it will burn out eventually, but I wouldn't count on it any time soon. Not when the temper tantrums of enfant terribles are being encouraged by naive and indulgent parents.
I'm loving the delicious squirming of Turks both physically and online, squirming and getting very aggressive whenever I start talking about blowback.

I can't wait until the end of Turkey. It's going to be great. That country is going to literally end, and nothing of value will have been lost. The collapse of Turkey in its present form is a necessary precondition for a future Socialist Central Asia.

They waltzed with ISIL, and ISIL exploded in their faces. I feel literally no pity for anyone involved. I've been enraging Turks ever since the attacks happened, and I'm literally enjoying all of this.
Doomhammer wrote:What a marvelous proposition this is: becoming another statistic because of someone's petty geopolitical calculations, another guy's political ambitions, and the dictates of a retrograde ideology. I was at the Istanbul Airport 3 days ago... I live, for now. But anything can happen in Erdogan's "New Turkey" and the new Middle East borne of GCC and US machinations.

Dodged a bullet. :knife:

Rei Murasame wrote:I've been enraging Turks ever since the attacks happened, and I'm literally enjoying all of this.

That shouldn't be difficult, given the level of jingoism and machismo involved on the part of Turkish nationalists.
Yes. A lot of them are basically hardcore racists of the most vulgar and disgusting sort, and all you have to do is scratch the surface and their true monster-faces are revealed. They play-act as SJWs so as to deceive white people, but when dealing with me, suddenly out come the comments about "cat eaters", and other unspeakable slurs.

What keeps me steady in all the most abusive conversations, is that I always know what I'm doing and why I'm asking a particular question, and I can imagine the future in which there are detention camps everywhere for these regressives, so it's like I'm so calm it's like a refrigerator.

When the attacks first happened, they all rushed to blame the Kurds, because "wah wah the Marxists". As soon as it was positively confirmed as being ISIL, their mouths all closed down and folded up pretty fucking fast.

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