South Africa launches case at UN court accusing Israel of genocide - Page 38 - Politics | PoFo

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KurtFF8 wrote:Israel won't comply because one of their explicit tactics is to starve the people of Gaza.

Let's wait and see.

KurtFF8 wrote:And those claims are leading to the defunding of the UNRWA and Israel's attacking of the institution itself. Israel has blocked all aid from UNRWA and has now killed UNRWA staffers. When you say "some of its employees" so far you're claiming that one employee (may have) participated in the Oct 7th attacks.

No, it's not that he "may" have participated in the attack, there's footage showing he did. And he's one of 12.

And it is an issue if UNRWA has no procedures to screen hires.

KurtFF8 wrote:Lets leave aside the fact that the Israeli government's talking points about tunnels have long been discredited: this isn't even an argument that UNRWA was complicit in it. Just that they operated near where Hamas potentially built them. A non-point.

The tunnel was under UNRWA's HQ. Am I supposed to believe nobody knew what was going on?

KurtFF8 wrote:So you're just openly admitting to being a liar now then.

@wat0n 's defense of genocide here is just weak. Also very low effort.

Sure, mass rape advocate.

It's funny you ignored UNRWA's public refusal to teach the Holocaust too. And you speak about genocide.
wat0n wrote:No, it's not that he "may" have participated in the attack, there's footage showing he did. And he's one of 12.

And it is an issue if UNRWA has no procedures to screen hires.

Since you keep insisting on pretending that the Israeli government's narrative should be just taken at face value:

US intelligence casts doubt on Israeli claims of UNRWA-Hamas links, report says

UNRWA Chief Tells Haaretz: We Take Israel's Claims of Hamas Infiltration Seriously, but Yet to See Evidence Against Gaza Employees

UNRWA report says Israel coerced some agency employees to falsely admit Hamas links

Watch @wat0n come back and say "But Mossad said!"

The tunnel was under UNRWA's HQ. Am I supposed to believe nobody knew what was going on?

Maybe they did suspect it maybe they didn't. That's a very different thing from claiming that they were in any way complicit in violent acts. They are not agents of the Israeli intelligence or military apparatuses.

Sure, mass rape advocate.

You're just embarrassing yourself further now.

It's funny you ignored UNRWA's public refusal to teach the Holocaust too. And you speak about genocide.

It's not in any way relevant to this conversation even if it's true.
KurtFF8 wrote:Since you keep insisting on pretending that the Israeli government's narrative should be just taken at face value:

US intelligence casts doubt on Israeli claims of UNRWA-Hamas links, report says

UNRWA Chief Tells Haaretz: We Take Israel's Claims of Hamas Infiltration Seriously, but Yet to See Evidence Against Gaza Employees

UNRWA report says Israel coerced some agency employees to falsely admit Hamas links

Watch @wat0n come back and say "But Mossad said!"

You forgot this one, rape apologist.

Video is said to show U.N. relief worker taking body of Israeli shot on Oct. 7

The footage of the person Israel identified as Naami would be the first of any of the accused individuals to surface publicly. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant released a screenshot from the video at a news conference Friday as part of a dossier that publicly identified the accused relief workers. “UNRWA has lost legitimacy and can no longer function as a U.N. body,” Gallant said.

The CCTV footage, located independently by The Washington Post, provides a fuller picture than the brief account in the public dossier, which identified Naami as a social worker and accused him of being part of a Hamas brigade in his Gaza hometown of Nuseirat.

After he was named in confidential Israeli documents last month, The Post found images of Naami online and then used facial recognition software to find a likely match for him in footage from Oct. 7. The Post found other indications pointing to Naami as the individual in the footage. A Nissan Terrano II in the footage appears consistent with the make and model of car that Naami is pictured with in social media posts, including damaged trim on a rear window.

KurtFF8 wrote:Maybe they did suspect it maybe they didn't. That's a very different thing from claiming that they were in any way complicit in violent acts. They are not agents of the Israeli intelligence or military apparatuses.

I didn't claim UNRWA participated in the attack. I claimed some of its employees did.

I think UNRWA is subservient to Hamas, but doesn't participate actively in its military actions. And it's obvious why UNRWA is subservient to Hamas, too: It would not be able to operate in Gaza otherwise.

KurtFF8 wrote:You're just embarrassing yourself further now.

Sure, mass rape advocate.

KurtFF8 wrote:It's not in any way relevant to this conversation even if it's true.

It is proof of institutional refusal by UNRWA to teach the Holocaust, and subservience to Hamas.
Ireland joins South Africa in the charges of genocide against Israel:

Statement by the Tánaiste on the South Africa vs Israel case at the International Court of Justice

The Tánaiste, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence, Micheál Martin TD has announced that Ireland will intervene in the case initiated by South Africa against Israel under the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice.

Following analysis of the legal and policy issues arising in the case, and consultation with partners, including South Africa, the Tánaiste has directed officials to commence work on a Declaration of Intervention under Article 63 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice.

The intention is that the Declaration of Intervention, which will require Government approval, will be filed once South Africa has filed its Memorial.

This is likely to take a number of months. Ireland will liaise closely with a number of partners who have also confirmed their intention to intervene, as we prepare our intervention.

Speaking today, the Tánaiste said: “Following the Provisional Measures ordered by the Court on 26 January, the Government confirmed its intention to urgently consider filing a declaration of intervention in this case with the International Court of Justice, based on a legal analysis of the Genocide Convention, the Court’s provisional measures order and consultation with other Contracting Parties.

“That analysis and consultation has now concluded. Ireland will be intervening.

“As I said in the Dáil last month, intervention as a third party in a case before the International Court of Justice is a complex matter and is relatively rare. Since 1948, only four other interstate cases have been initiated under the Genocide Convention before the International Court of Justice. Ireland intervened in one of these - the Ukraine v Russia case – and, after a rigorous and comprehensive process of analysis and consultation over the last six weeks, we have determined that we will do so again in the South Africa v Israel case.

“It is for the Court to determine whether genocide is being committed. But I want to be clear in reiterating what I have said many times in the last few months; what we saw on 7 October in Israel, and what we are seeing in Gaza now, represents the blatant violation of international humanitarian law on a mass scale.

“The taking of hostages. The purposeful withholding of humanitarian assistance to civilians. The targeting of civilians and of civilian infrastructure. The indiscriminate use of explosive weapons in populated areas. The use of civilian objects for military purposes. The collective punishment of an entire population.

“The list goes on. It has to stop. The view of the international community is clear. Enough is enough. The UN Security Council has demanded an immediate ceasefire, the unconditional release of hostages and the lifting of all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale. The European Council has echoed this call.

“The situation could not be more stark; half the population of Gaza face imminent famine and 100% of the population face acute food insecurity. As the UN Secretary General said as he inspected long lines of blocked relief trucks waiting to enter Gaza during his visit to Rafah at the weekend; ‘it is time to truly flood Gaza with life-saving aid. The choice is clear: surge or starvation’. I echo his words today.” ... f-justice/


UNRWA staffers tortured by Israeli troops to falsely admit 'Hamas links'
Israel has sought for years to dismantle the UN agency to destroy Palestinian refugees' right of return
An unpublished report from UNRWA said some of its employees released from Israeli detention were tortured into falsely stating that the agency has Hamas links and that staff took part in the 7 October attacks, Reuters reported on 9 March.

The testimonies are contained in a report by the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) reviewed by Reuters and dated February 2024.

"Agency staff members have been subject to threats and coercion by the Israeli authorities while in detention and pressured to make false statements against the Agency, including that the Agency has affiliations with Hamas and that UNRWA staff members took part in the 7 October 2023 atrocities," the report says.

The report included allegations of abuse and torture in Israeli detention, including severe physical beatings, waterboarding, and threats of harm to family members.

Though waterboarding is widely viewed as torture by human rights groups, the Reuters report described Israeli actions only as "coercion" and "pressure" to force detained Palestinians to make false statements.

In addition to describing the torture of UNRWA employees, the report stated that Israel has subjected Palestinian detainees more broadly to beatings, humiliation, threats, dog attacks, and sexual violence. Some detainees have also died after Israel denied them medical treatment, the report added.

UNRWA communications director Juliette Touma said the agency planned to hand the information in the 11-page, unpublished report to human rights investigators at UN agencies and outside rights groups.

"When the war comes to an end there needs to be a series of inquiries to look into all violations of human rights," she said.

Amid the torture and medical neglect, 27 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons since the start of the war on 7 October.

Israel has accused UNRWA employees of participation in the 7 October Hamas attack on Israeli settlements and military bases. Israel provided no evidence for the claim, but 16 countries, including the US, paused $450 million in UNRWA funding in response, throwing its aid operations into crisis just as starvation was beginning to grip Gaza.

Israel's campaign against UNRWA is part of a broader campaign started years ago to dismantle the agency, which helps keep the hope of Palestinian refugees returning to their stolen lands and homes in what is now Israel alive. ... amas-links

KurtFF8 wrote:First two sentences: "The ICJ didn't say that! It matters what the ICJ says!"

Third sentence "It doesn't matter what the ICJ says!"

This reminds me of how wat0n was pro the UN recently while Zionists in general hate on the UN. :D

It's quite clear that no one here is taking this line of mud slinging by you seriously. You ought to just drop it.

But this is what his ilk have been instructed to do this. They think calling people pro-rape over and over again, as absurdly as we see, is going to intimidate us away from speaking out against the live streamed genocide. Lol, good luck with that.
Or maybe because Zionists are full of shit and some of them are paid to be here to defend genocide...incredibly poorly, I might add.

Israel deploys army of bots to spread anti-UNRWA propaganda
A network of websites and fake social media accounts have sought to spread false news linking UNRWA to the 7 October Hamas attack among US progressives

Israel is executing an online influence campaign using hundreds of fake social media accounts to advance "Israeli interests" among progressive western audiences, including US lawmakers, Haaretz reported on 19 March, citing an investigation by Israeli media watchdog group Fake Reporter.

The campaign is focused specifically on amplifying reports claiming the involvement of UNRWA workers in the 7 October attack on Israel. As The Cradle has reported previously, Israel provided no evidence for its claims, which were part of a campaign to compel western nations to cut funding to the agency. UNRWA plays a crucial role in delivering aid to Palestinians amid Israel's campaign to impose famine in Gaza.

Researchers at Fake Reporter pinpointed three fake ‘news sites’ specifically created for the operation. The sites amplified reports copied from other real news outlets, such as CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Jerusalem Post, and The Times of Israel, which promoted Israel's narrative about the war.

Hundreds of fake social media accounts then intensively promoted the "reports" from the specially-created websites and other news outlets.

The three websites at the center of the campaign were established before the war in Gaza but became active only after it began.

The fake social media accounts seemed to be ‘cyborgs,’ meaning they operate using a combination of artificial intelligence and real people with fake online personalities. The avatars claimed to portray average US citizens, including white, Jewish, and African–American ones.

The avatars were all created on the same date, used the same profile photos and naming conventions, and shared other characteristics that indicate they are all part of the same network, Fake Reporter found.

Over 500 fake accounts were opened for the campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and X.

Their avatars began to post messages about a wide array of topics, including the alleged lack of safety for Jewish Americans on college campuses, discrimination against Jewish students, and false allegations Hamas committed mass rape on 7 October.

At the end of January, after acquiring tens of thousands of followers, the fake accounts pivoted toward spreading Israel's false allegations about UNRWA employees participating in the 7 October attack.

The avatars worked to inorganically amplify the ‘shocking’ and ‘disturbing’ allegations about UNRWA.

They responded to social media posts by US lawmakers, influencers, and prominent news outlets.

The campaign's avatars targeted posts by African–American Democratic lawmakers, including Ritchie Torres, Cori Bush, and Jamal Bowman, who received the most such comments.

Haaretz noted that targeting Democratic African–American lawmakers seemed to be an attempt to counter the wave of support they have given to Palestinians amid Israel's ongoing campaign of Genocide in Gaza. ... nda-report
It's interesting how full of shit you are, @skinster.

You demand to see witnesses of rape? Some come forward, you call them liars and demand a victim to come forward.

A former hostage alleges she was raped - you also call her a liar, then demand rape footage.

Now there's footage of an UNRWA employee participating in the October 7 massacre - well, you can't say that is a lie, not since it has been independently verified who he is and that he did indeed work for UNRWA, now you just ignore it like the other rape supporting tankies of this place.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The link and quote has been posted.

As well as link to the post where it was originally posted, after the first (incorrect) claim that the evidence had not been posted .

Post it again.

And do so with:

1) The quote of whatever attack you refer to

2) When and where it happened

3) The supporting evidence that it was an airstrike
Pants-of-dog wrote:The link to the previous post is on this page. Please scroll up and click.

I am still waiting.

You have no problems to request posters to provide proof quoting the specific parts that support it several times.

If you mean that FT article, allow me to remind you:

FT via wrote:But he added that absolute certainty was not possible with the evidence available and he could not exclude the possibility that the blasts could have been caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) on the site. “There may have been a military-grade homemade bomb at play. Without seeing the circumstances before and after, it is difficult to be more accurate”, he said.

So where's the proof?
So the evidence shows that it was almost certainly an Israeli air strike and the only counter argument is that it might be wrong.

This is like arguing that the theory of evolution or vaccine efficacy may be wrong because you cannot say with absolute certainty that every test and experiment was actually right.

All knowledge of the natural world, including historical events, cannot be proven with certainty.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So the evidence shows that it was almost certainly an Israeli air strike and the only counter argument is that it might be wrong.

Not even a single expert said it was "almost certainly an Israeli airstrike". They all accept there are other entirely plausible options, including IEDs.

And that's just FT, other outlets are even more explicit that it is impossible to assign blame.

Pants-of-dog wrote:This is like arguing that the theory of evolution or vaccine efficacy may be wrong because you cannot say with absolute certainty that every test and experiment was actually right.

All knowledge of the natural world, including historical events, cannot be proven with certainty.

This is a straw man.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So the evidence shows that it was almost certainly an Israeli air strike and the only counter argument is that it might be wrong.

Of course it was an Israeli strike against a civilian convoy attempting to flee that part of Gaza. It's not the first time Israel has commit blatant murder in front of the cameras, we saw Israel's very own version of the Collateral Murder video published just a few days ago:

It's what Israelis do.

wat0n is just full of shit and trying to blame the victims as usual. That is what he is paid to do here.

I'm reminded of that Baptist Christian Hospital bombing in the early days of this genocide when hundreds were killed and the Israeli army and their savage hasbarists like wat0n tried to claim it came from a Hamas rocket when those rockets have never killed more than a couple of people at any one time as far as I'm aware. wat0n, you support Israel's war so stop being a pussy about it and just say it, rather than denying Israel's crimes. Be open about your support for the fascist genocidal state, it would be preferable to you pretending to give a shit when it's clear that you don' all. Man up, bitch. :lol:
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