Historical Racialist States - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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French stamp issued under the left-wing Front Populaire.

I define "racialist states" as states who claim to take heredity into account. Many states had some sort of racial legislation, but there don't seem to be many who have done so on a very systematic basis, besides jus sanguinis legislation. But I see the following:
* Sparta: left disabled infants to die, had strict racial citizenship (like many Greek city-states) of "Equals" ruling over helots. (Interestingly, Plato specifically mentions the desirability of eugenic legislation to improve his philosopher-kings, citing the example of dog breeding.)
* Ancient Israel: the Old Testament provides for very explicit racial legislation and morals (procreate, exterminate the mixed raced and natives..). Arguably the Talmud adapted this for a Diaspora people.
* The United States: America was founded as a European racial state: initial limitation of citizenship to "free white persons of good character," separation of Africans and Amerindians. There were considerable efforts to limit East Asian immigration and repatriate Africans, but the latter largely failed. In the 1920s, with the Darwinist-eugenics craze and the inflow of Poles, Italians, and Jews, immigration new legislation largely limited immigration to northwest Europe and passed some pioneering eugenics legislation. Dissolved by liberalism.
* Very "progressive" countries, notably Sweden and Switzerland, passed some of the toughest eugenics legislation in this period too.
* Brazil: had an official "whitening" policy.
* The Third Reich: clearly the most fanatical racial state, but arguably exaggerated genetic differences among Europeans.
* The Eastern Bloc: oddly enough, some of the communist states were quite racial: eviction of overweening "Zionists," sterilization of Gypsies in Czechoslovakia, natalism in general. Any more on this?
* Modern Israel: De facto racial citizenship for the most part, hence so-called "atheist Jews" make up a large part of the Israeli population (Israel is even considering formal genetic tests to prove citizenship). Clearly would like to get rid of the Arabs in both Israel proper and Palestine. They have also forcibly sterilized blacks, which I imagine if practiced by any Western country would be immediately compared to the Holocaust and lead to NATO airstrikes.

Any others?

To what extent can ethnic conflict be separated from eugenics?
All humans practise eugenics individually to a limited extent, although this is quite crude and tends to be based on appearance.

Ethnic (or sectarian) conflict is more or less unrelated as far as I can see.

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