The British Empire Forcefully Abolished the Global Slave Trade. Why Don't You Know That? - Politics | PoFo

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Potemkin wrote:Before you can free your slaves, you gotta own them first. Lol.

In the 16th, 17th, 18th century, Black slavery was a vital necessity for ordinary working people in the colonies if they were to have any hope of some sort of half decent comfortable life. I'm not talking about a life of luxury and riches, but just the basic standard of living demanded by Jeremy Corbyn for ordinary working people.

Marxists and Cultural Marxists have yet to explain to me how ordinary working White people, the manual worker class were to achieve even the most half decent standard of living without Black slavery in pre industrial societies. Seriously modern day lefties need to check their privilege! And yes I've done manual labour and damn sight more than Stalin, Marx, Lenin or Trotsky ever did. But even when doing manual labour I was under no illusions about my huge privilege over the manual workers of the pre 20th century.

But the argument is the same today as it was back then. The US should flood it self with cheap latino labour to do the low paying agricultural jobs so the indigenous population can do the better paying , higher status jobs. It was the same argument used in Britain and France after the war for using German slave labour. The use of German slave labour by the corporatists after the war was a brilliant move, because then as the Germans were released, they could suggest replacing them with Algerians, West Indians, Africans and South Asians. The same argument, bring these people into do the low paying, low status jobs and then the indigenous manual worker class could move up into better paid higher status jobs. The difference is that five minutes after they arrived lefties stated complaining that non White people didn't have equality, which was the whole point of bring in them in the first place.

You might note that despite the lefties obsession with equality they never seem concerned about Jewish privilege. You never so much as a squeak from the lefties about the Jewish pay gap. You never hear a word about the huge disproportion of Jews at top academic institutions.
When I was a student in London and Cambridge about a decade ago, there was an exhibition at the British Library on the abolition of the slave trade, for which Britain played a major role. Probably every British pupil knows about this but any good things done by the British Empire are hushed out in America and other former colonies, which is why they don't hear about how good and righteous the empire was. The Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was the first grassroots political campaign in history by ordinary citizens, which pressured the government to pass an act to abolish the slave trade.

Extract from the minute book of the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, which was formed on 22 May, 1787, by 12 men: Granville Sharp, Joseph Woods, Samuel Hoare junior, William Dillwyn, George Harrison, James Phillips, Richard Phillips, Thomas Clarkson, Philip Sansom, John Lloyd, Joseph Hooper and John Barton. This extract documents their first meetings on the 22nd and 23rd May 1787. An act to abolish the slave trade was eventually passed in 1807. ... 000cf.html
Rich wrote:In the 16th, 17th, 18th century, Black slavery was a vital necessity for ordinary working people in the colonies if they were to have any hope of some sort of half decent comfortable life. I'm not talking about a life of luxury and riches, but just the basic standard of living demanded by Jeremy Corbyn for ordinary working people.

How so? Slavery was generally for the benefit of very few. Plantation style crops sugar, cotton etc. Most ordinary working people in the colonies were not involved with those trades.

So how was slavery necessary for ordinary working class people?

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