Confederate Flag Debate - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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You are a lying racist, @Hindsite , because you lied about Tainari88, and are also racist. Apparently, you are also a misogynist.

Have a good day Sunday Christian.
Godstud wrote:Racists stick together, don't they @blackjack21.

Really? Was FDR a racist? Yes. Was Hitler a racist? Yes. They fight world wars against each other. That may be your idea of solidarity, but it's not mine.
Godstud wrote:Piss off, @Hindsite you lying shit. Tainari's said no such thing and your racist ass knows it!

@Godstud I am a fan of this White Man Southerner, I love this guy:

annatar1914 wrote:@blackjack21 ; ''A few long months ahead of us'' indeed, my friend. But, we'll get through it.

It's hard with family and friends on various kinds of divide, political and otherwise. My Russian girl, my dear heart, she doesn't understand America very well, or so I thought, but maybe she understands America better than I realized at first...

You can't eat ideas. America is built on the notion that you can, in a manner of speaking.

Politics, history, it all represents things that threaten those things that matter to a woman most, and so women are more sensible sometimes intuitively when it comes to safety, peace and security. He who dares, wins, and they love us for it when we do and have proven our success, but the circumstances that force us to make the hard adult decisions can cause friction in the interim.

Some people my dearest Annatar1914 think that the problem with men being against safety, and peace and security? Is because they have something called testosterone running through their bodies, and it is about testicles and so on....and they have to blow things up, search and destroy and make mayhem out of being bold and getting shot and so on...and then when they are dying and the blood is spilled in these useless wars? Who do they plead for and ask for? Their mothers and grandmothers. All of them want to go back to the safety and peace and security of their early days...when Mama was there to heal them and love them and feed them and protect them.

What is true power? The mayhem and testosterone? Or the name of the person they utter as their life is taken from them in their last moments?

Rene Zellweger in this scene from Cold Mountain during the civil war:

Women's perspectives on war in that scene. Women got to pick up the emotional and physical wrecks these men become after they are so bold and great making the tough decisions. Yeah, right. It is like Renee said.

You know the answer to that one Annatar.

You are Russian American from Oklahoma. You married a nice Russian girl eh?

You out of all the men in this forum Annatar? With your blue collar socialist ways, and gentlemanly manners and love for a spiritual answer, and a love for intellect coupled with the love of beautiful things like art, poetry and so on. All wrapped up in duty and responsibilities? Yes, you remind me of my husband more than anyone else in this place.

An attractive one you are. :D I could never get angry at you at all.

As for BJ? He has not heard the least of me yet. Lol.

Please write to me Annatar. I would love to be your pen pal and keep up with your life once in a while.
Yuo are the Russian American version of my husband. Hee hee.

Yes. Hopefully for the better. I've asked for the breakdown of the establishment, and I'm getting what I asked for, but there is a lot of ugliness in that, which I more or less dismissed out of hand.

As did I, perhaps for other reasons, but I suspect we'd agree that civilization (whatever it's present flaws) is better than the alternative, and so is worth fighting for and maintaining.

As for our Azuquita, I'm perhaps more fond of her than she is of me. She was a little overconfident of putting me in my place, and it was not my intention to humiliate her, but just to acknowledge the inconsistencies in logic, etc.

Women tend not to like those attempts that much, they're kind of funny that way :D ;)

I always assumed you were Russian. You're not, but married to one?

It's complicated, of course. I have a Russian family history which was partially but deliberately hidden out of misguided attempts to assimilate to 19th/20th century Anglo-American religious and cultural norms. Even the family name was Anglicized. It took a few searches in deceased family members attics and the like to figure out the true story. Even before that, I had already joined the Russian Orthodox Church and met my girl, visited Russia.

I dated a bunch of Russian women in the 1990s. They were all stunningly beautiful, but I found no emotional connection with them--except of course, when they disagreed with me. I remember a lecture about how Boris Yeltsin was a great man, and then he wasn't some time later, and I was wrong both times. Women are beautiful, but they come without an instruction manual.

Russian women are like that, even more so :D . I love mine, with all my heart, even though we drive each other crazy.

Well... in an agricultural sense... if you have a hard work ethic and some implements, it's yours for the taking. America was more or less settled that way.

In my opinion, there's America, the land and people, and then there's ''America'', the Idea. It was born in 1776 and it remains to be seen whether the Idea is entirely true or not. America though had a history long before 1776.

Yes, and Tainari88 is every bit of lovely. I will never take that away from her.


I've said nothing but the same thing. I'm not even saying it's morally right, but that nature favors the bold as such. And the other bits...

To whom much is given, much is expected.

Let's always raise a glass to a good woman like Tainari88!

They do make life better, or at least interesting :)
By Rich
Adolph Hitler supported Asian rule in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Burma not White British.
Hitler supported Asian rule in the Philippines not White American domination.
Hitler supported Asian rule in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos not White French.
Hitler supported Asian control of China not White American influence.
Hitler supported Asian rule in Indonesia not White Dutch,
Hitler supported Asian rule in Papua New Guinea not White Australian.
Hitler supported Arab control in Iraq not White British.
Hitler supported Asian domination of Thailand not White European.

No White person in history has ever done as much to oppose White Supremacism as Adolph Hitler.
"Your heroes are losers. You are supporting a lost cause. ... Growing up, I was surrounded by broken men. Men who came home from the war filled with shrapnel and guilt, men who were misled into a losing ideology. They spent the rest of their lives living in shame, and right now they're resting in hell."

Hate is more like a perennial virus than a cancer. We can never eradicate it by chemotherapy. It'll always come back. It's always there to build antibodies that prevent it from overwhelming the body as long as the immune system is intact. There is no vaccine to eradicate it once and for all. We'll just have to get used to living with it.
blackjack21 wrote:Yes. Hopefully for the better. I've asked for the breakdown of the establishment, and I'm getting what I asked for, but there is a lot of ugliness in that, which I more or less dismissed out of hand.

As for our Azuquita, I'm perhaps more fond of her than she is of me. She was a little overconfident of putting me in my place, and it was not my intention to humiliate her, but just to acknowledge the inconsistencies in logic, etc.

I always assumed you were Russian. You're not, but married to one?

I dated a bunch of Russian women in the 1990s. They were all stunningly beautiful, but I found no emotional connection with them--except of course, when they disagreed with me. I remember a lecture about how Boris Yeltsin was a great man, and then he wasn't some time later, and I was wrong both times. Women are beautiful, but they come without an instruction manual.

Well... in an agricultural sense... if you have a hard work ethic and some implements, it's yours for the taking. America was more or less settled that way.

Yes, and Tainari88 is every bit of lovely. I will never take that away from her.

I've said nothing but the same thing. I'm not even saying it's morally right, but that nature favors the bold as such. And the other bits...

Let's always raise a glass to a good woman like Tainari88!

@blackjack21 I think I have calmed down enough to answer a few of your replies mentioning me in this thread. I have to be honest, you say things that are racist. You do. You sound condescending, patronizing, arrogant, and also the arguments you use are not like other people where the purpose is to be transparent. I don't think you do that. You subscribe to the get as dirty as you need to win school of political thought. I know that. I know a lot but I say very little. What for? How much do racist thought people as intelligent as you are? How much are they willing to concede to logic or reason? Not much. You just want to destroy the establishment. That nation of yours is gonna burn and there will be tremendous instability. Those are the consequences of the neoliberal trickle-down bullshit economics and the sellout lying liberals in the Democratic machine. That is the reality of Trump and divide and conquer.

Relampaguito, I am going to be very honest with you. Because being honest is a good thing between opposites. Culturally I am emotionally expressive. The men in my culture are strong boxers, and masculine men, but they cry and are open about emotion. It is not good to repress emotion. If you do enough of that? It goes under the surface and it festers and it comes out in warped ways if you continue in the repression. I never thought it is healthy emotionally to deny emotion or repress it. It is important to manage it though, and not let it sweep you into insulting people on the internet and getting red cards, and yellow cards, and banning and stuff. Or to get you into legal troubles and job losses. But, I am expressive in emotions. I am also filled with thoughts. About an entire lifetime. My older son's problems. His father is in jail for life in Arizona and he is from the Mississippi Delta. He killed some people. He never even sent his son a picture of him so my son sort of knows how he might look like. He was an abusive man and his life is thrown away with violence and bad life choices. Nothing to be done about that descendant of ex-slaves from Mississippi. His mother had her issues. I wanted a better society for my boy. My black son. The one I had first and loved first. And this racist meltdown scares me BJ. It scares me for him. He likes to jog and is athletic, and he lives in Michigan n a small city with high unemployment for ex white factory workers and car assembly lines, etc. I think about that....and you talking about sending Black people to pick berries....and get rid of the illegal aliens? I see the circumstances that led my son to be in a cold-hearted government system. Waiting for someone to care enough about his life....racists don't care about his life. They never did. I do though. I do.

My husband's mother BJ was a Black Puerto Rican woman. My husband is white looking Puerto Rican. But in Puerto Rico black Puerto Rican women give birth to white looking sons all the time for centuries because again it is a racially mixed society. A Caribbean one. With a specific history and not European in history only. So that wasn't unusual. Only when his mother died did he find out he was not her biological son. She always wanted to be his mother only. She defined her life being his mother. Her proudest achievement. She lost all her pregnancies in the third month. Had a defective uterus. She was always asked if she was the nanny or not someone important. The black chambermaid at a local hotel. She used to tell my husband the stories about being black and Puerto Rican in NYC since she worked there for 10 years. Racism again.

So many racist incidents. Struggles and problems. It is not an abstract thing to be intellectually understood only in my life or my husband's life BJ. It is gut-level stuff. It is REPULSIVE. Racism is about stripping someone of their humanness and making them something to be disdained and disrespected. Class snobbery is not much different than that but when it is compiled into something you can't run from like your language and your skin color and your ethnic culture that if you betray it or leave it? You are lost with NOTHING but the coldness of the racist society you have to live in and the repudiation and daily humiliations of the people who do have power in that society and wield it with callous disregard on their fellow human beings for the simple need to control and dominate and be the ones in power ONLY. It sickens me. Deeply.

So, I think I need to not read your statements for a while. Your style is about getting dirty to win. And you are dedicated to that. You think it is about pointing out logic and contradiction. It is not BJ. Racism is not some political tactic to use against white liberals with money in the bank and living in a nation they control. For me, it is about losing your humanity by being cold, nasty, and dehumanizing to people who were oppressed for far too long and who had to suffer the fires of hell to try to make things better and having to face that the work is far from over.

I am going to have to do the social distancing now. I don't want to mess up a nice online friendship over stuff that has nothing to do with you. But it does have to do with my life experiences. I am not some rich, guilt ridden white liberal and or a Republican woman being nice by having black friends over for a cocktail party.
For me it is about fighting for an independent nation even if that means job loss, threats to your physical self, government vehicles chasing you, and in the old days having your family's phones tapped and being told your parents are going to be blown up by the USA gov't. For me? The ordinary people of the USA are good and wonderful decent working people with love in their hearts for all. The government though? Very much horrifically bad Blackjack21. It is not me thinking they are going to do the right thing. They won't. But you have no idea the shit they are capable of allowing to retain power and keep money in the bank. They are the worst there is. i know them.

Adios, que Dios te Bendiga siempre. It comes from the bottom of my heart.
Tainari88 wrote:@blackjack21 I think I have calmed down enough to answer a few of your replies mentioning me in this thread. I have to be honest, you say things that are racist. You do. You sound condescending, patronizing, arrogant, and also the arguments you use are not like other people where the purpose is to be transparent. I don't think you do that. You subscribe to the get as dirty as you need to win school of political thought. I know that.

I think you infer so much from what I say, which I neither say nor intend. I don't bother much with the racism charges as much as I should for two reasons: first, if you need a bad guy and you are going to call me a racist, that's just the way it is going to be. It is your conclusion and it is fixed. It cannot be moved unless I subscribe to socialism. Second, I do embrace the scientific method and I do think humans very obviously have hereditary traits and they are meaningful. People who argue the science of nature right up until it hits the human race are trying to sustain a political viewpoint that isn't as well thought ought as it needs to be for effective governance. I reject Marx, but I also reject Jefferson in the context of radical egalitarianism. Equal application of the law is better thought of as uniformity in my opinion, not equality.

At 12 years old, you could have given me all the moral arguments for and against racism, and I would have accepted one or the other out of hand as of how 1970s thinking might have gone as a child learning to conform to societal norms. We have the human genome decoded now. We know a hell of a lot more now about genetic differences, and we're still pretty ignorant in the scheme of things. So at 52 years old, I've lived enough life experience, been bombarded with enough propaganda, seen how much our understanding has grown, and so forth that I can pretty much form an opinion of my own. In fact, the people I respect the most have an opinion of their own--they are not merely subscribers. (remember I rarely agreed with Rei Murasame, but appreciated the fact that she wasn't a stooge for the establishment or a garden variety leftist) It is why I often don't bother to argue your charges of racism, because you express an opinion you believe to be true regardless of what I have or haven't said. It's as if you have this effigy of some bad racist in your head, and you put the "relampaguito" name tag on him, and then assert that I think things or feel things that I do not think or feel. If my retort to you is, "There are more than two points of view," that is my way of saying drop the communism/capitalism dialectic so we can have a more meaningful conversation.

Often, I learn by playing Devil's Advocate--taking the unpopular side of political arguments just to see where it leads. I'm not interested in getting a pat on the head from people like Godstud or Drlee because I'm so desperate to feel validated for my intellect. I'm not looking for approval, and that much should be obvious. However, I have also learned that some of what is unpopular is defensible, and persists over time or it is statistically significant--even whether I like it or not. And sometimes, when it pisses off the left I relish in the argument and don't think it "dirty" at all.

What you call "get as dirty as you need to win" isn't quite the case. I'm probing into what you believe and why you believe it. That's why I will ask questions like whether you are for unrestricted abortion for parents who want to abort children they know are going to be homosexual. It's interesting to see how people answer such questions, but I'm aware that some on the political left find such questions emotionally disturbing. My father was a medical doctor, as you know. So I know first hand how a lot of aspects of being a medical doctor are no more palatable than cleaning toilets. Frankly, a lot of being a doctor or a dentist is kind of gross. So when you counter me with people cleaning toilets, I'm narrowing things down to whether it is the pay rate, the social esteem or a combination of the two, or possibly other factors that has you finding cleaning toilets so utterly offensive and degrading but being a medical doctor putting endoscopes up people's arses somehow dignified. Clearly, one pays much better than the other. Some people treat the janitorial staff with disrespect while holding the doctor in high esteem. In many respects, I think it comes down to social esteem with you, as I think you feel that you and people you love have been mistreated particularly by people who make more money than you and/or are of a different race (namely white). And by the way, I'm not trying to invalidate your life experience.

Tainari88 wrote:I know a lot but I say very little. What for? How much do racist thought people as intelligent as you are? How much are they willing to concede to logic or reason? Not much.

Most people don't share my point of view because they disagree with me on the rougher or finer points of what I have to say. They simply don't have a point of view of their own. They subscribe to one and defend it even if it doesn't make sense to them, and they know I don't subscribe to theirs. I live in California where the Social Justice Warriors are very tribal, but much more emotional than they are rational. They need to belong to a group, follow its rules, get others to do so as well, and verbally and even sometimes physically attack those who will not conform to their group norms. That's why last year, we could no longer get grocery bags for free in California grocery stores and were heavily encouraged to bring re-usable bags as that would somehow go a long way to save the planet. With coronavirus, those very same reusable bags are now banned by fiat and the stores can give you new bags again, but the SJW types don't miss a beat. They go right to enforcing no re-usable shopping bags and never reflect on whether their policy position was a good idea in the first place. Historically, plastic shopping bags became popular when people started lobbying that paper grocery bags were leading to deforestation--it wouldn't surprise me at all if plastic bag vendors seeded the crazy movement against paper bags either. You've lived through all of this stuff too. Yet, you don't seem too interested in critiquing these types of political views.

As for racism, generally when I am making a racial argument I'm dealing either with scientifically understood differences among population groups, official statistics such a crime or disease statistics, or synthesizing an opinion of my own based on these. Sometimes I'm being serious, sometimes I'm just being absurd for humor's sake, and sometimes I'm just straight up trolling.

I find debating race and crime stats very interesting, because the political left goes to impossible lengths to argue things like "race is just a social construct." Maybe in some senses, but the refractive index of someone's skin isn't a social construct and, tanning aside, it is largely a heritable trait. Yet, we've discussed heritable traits that have nothing to do with skin color, hair color or texture, eye color, etc. The one I've put before you is the MAOA 2-repeat allele that occurs in a fairly small percentage of African Americans--about 5.5% or thereabouts. That's basically two standard deviations from the mean. They are outliers. Yet, studies show that 80% of black males between the ages of say 15-35 with a 2-repeat allele or MAOA have been arrested and many of them incarcerated. You could say that's all due to racism, but it may be that a lot of very kind and decent black people suffer from racism because of this very small population of people with 2-repeat allele of MAOA who commit over half of the violent crimes. What if there were an inexpensive attenuator of the negative effects of that, such as low doses of Valproic acid for black males age 15-35 with a 2-repeat allele of MAOA? Or marketing low-amine diets to such people? What if that led to a drop in violent crime? You could go more radical too, to something like a CRISPR-cas9 genetic modification. That's a pretty direct and discrete argument. I find that you want to debate me on issues of race, but when we get into it you pretty much abandon the conversation because I'm not defending slavery or sharecropping.

I've posted articles like this before: Propranolol reduces implicit negative racial bias. It's interesting, but it implies that racism has biological mechanisms too, which is pretty much a forbidden point of view on the political left. What if people who test for implicit racial bias were provided with low-dose propranolol? It's surprisingly difficult to have an intelligent conversation with leftists about these types of things, because they are so dedicated to the proposition that racism is deliberately taught and enforced.

I've posted this to you before too:

Because of her age and her life experience, I think Minnejean Brown should be treated with respect and her views considered. However, I disagree with her conclusion, just as I disagree with Marx or Jefferson. These kids have been taught anti-racism their whole lives. They are bombarded with it in media, even in cartoons when they are quite small. Yet, here you see a racial division with no animus whatsoever; no government enforcing it; no KKK; basically, they all say they hang around with whoever they feel comfortable with. I'm saying the persistence of this sort of thing has biological underpinnings that the establishment and the political left ignore. However, BECAUSE it is natural, IT WILL NOT GO AWAY as a natural tendency no matter what policies are implemented. That is my position. It isn't one based upon some sort of deep-seated hatred for people that look different. It isn't a view I hold, because that's how I WANT IT TO BE. I don't.

I'll present you another synthesized argument I made years and years ago--although, I cannot find all the articles to support it anymore. Many years ago, I noted that if you overlaid graphs in the violent crime statistics between Native Americans and African Americans, they were VERY similar--except when it came to murder. When it came to murder, the violent crime rate of African-Americans remained high, but for Native Americans it plummeted. Again, I posited a number of likely factors--such as higher testosterone levels among African-American males along with 2-repeat allele (or sometimes 3-repeat allele) of MAOA, whereas Native Americans seemed to oscillate from a fight response to a flight response as the intensity of conflict increased. Now, when you look at the statistics, it's pretty glaring. You can't say there's no difference. It's like night and day. Yet, we cannot scientifically probe into why this difference occurs, because the political left is dedicated to the proposition that racism is strictly political and social and can be eradicated by law, education and endless propaganda. I do not share their view.

Tainari88 wrote:You just want to destroy the establishment. That nation of yours is gonna burn and there will be tremendous instability. Those are the consequences of the neoliberal trickle-down bullshit economics and the sellout lying liberals in the Democratic machine. That is the reality of Trump and divide and conquer.

Supply-side economics and neoliberal global trade economics are not the same thing at all. They are factional fights within capitalism.

Tainari88 wrote:It is important to manage it though, and not let it sweep you into insulting people on the internet and getting red cards, and yellow cards, and banning and stuff. Or to get you into legal troubles and job losses.

I don't sit around calling people racists, chuds, or whatever all the time. I will do it sometimes and deliberately, but it's not my general MO. Typically, it's the opposite of the George Floyd shooting, where the police are justified in shooting someone and I show that video because it gets people like Special Olympian in an absolute dither for some reason.

Tainari88 wrote:His father is in jail for life in Arizona and he is from the Mississippi Delta. He killed some people. He never even sent his son a picture of him so my son sort of knows how he might look like. He was an abusive man and his life is thrown away with violence and bad life choices.

There are a lot of cases like that. A lot has been done socially and legally to reduce those types of life outcomes over the last several decades. Nobody wants that sort of thing. Nobody. Yet, a lot has been done to make things worse; namely, break down of families, jobs outsourcing that often hits minority communities the hardest, and flooding communities with recreational drugs.

Tainari88 wrote:I wanted a better society for my boy. My black son. The one I had first and loved first.

And you've created that outcome. Part of that is a society that doesn't champion institutional racism, part of that is education, and part of that is being from an intact home. Yet, he will still face some aspects of racism--some of it people's natural tendency to distrust others who aren't like them, and some of it because there are a lot of assholes out there.

Tainari88 wrote:And this racist meltdown scares me BJ. It scares me for him. He likes to jog and is athletic, and he lives in Michigan n a small city with high unemployment for ex white factory workers and car assembly lines, etc.

Yes, I can understand that fear. His father and those white ex factory workers are a source of a frustration-aggression response. They can get violent. That is something to be scared of. Why do you think a lot of white people are racists? Hatred? No, not even the majority of them. They are scared. I have a friend who is Irish and Hispanic. His family culture embraces pretty much everything. I remember in my 20s being at a party at his dad's house with kids, young adults my age, people his parents age (my age now) and elderly people. They were playing some gangster rap music on the stereo and everyone was sitting around talking like that was perfectly normal. Listen to that music and its message. I could not imagine in a million years having my mother's parents (working class British and Irish) at a party like that. The foul language alone would put them off. They would think I had been incredibly disrespectful to them if I had put some music like that on. Think of that cultural difference. My working class grandparents would be mortified. My upper middle class grandparents? They would think they had gone to the wrong house and left. Yet that was perfectly normal for my friend and his family (He identifies as Mexican. His dad is short and light haired, his mother is almost six foot and blond and blue eyed Irish. So he's a six foot tall brown-eyed blond haired guy that copped a barrio accent, identifies as Mexican and went to a college prep high school with me).

Tainari88 wrote:I think about that....and you talking about sending Black people to pick berries....and get rid of the illegal aliens?

The point of my comments are:

1) Stop allowing the establishment to drive down the wages of working class people.
2) Stop allowing the establishment to buy votes; and,
3) Idle time is the Devil's workshop--it's much better for people to be productive than idle. It's just part of our nature.

I mean the same for all people. Being a white guy with a music degree and no employment doesn't mean you can't go out and pick strawberries, because you went to college. You'll notice that isn't written in our laws anywhere, yet it is how these people govern. They use welfare to buy votes.

Tainari88 wrote:Waiting for someone to care enough about his life....racists don't care about his life.

A lot of non-racists don't care about his life either. Apathy is probably more pernicious than antipathy.

Tainari88 wrote:So many racist incidents. Struggles and problems. It is not an abstract thing to be intellectually understood only in my life or my husband's life BJ. It is gut-level stuff. It is REPULSIVE. Racism is about stripping someone of their humanness and making them something to be disdained and disrespected.

Indeed. That's why globalists who know perfectly well that highly diverse societies often suffer with constant internecine strife and they will lie straight to your face and say, "Our diversity is our strength." That IS DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Diversity among the lower class is the strength of the upper class. Pitting the lower classes against each other is the goal of the upper class.

Tainari88 wrote:...and wield it with callous disregard on their fellow human beings for the simple need to control and dominate and be the ones in power ONLY. It sickens me. Deeply.

I understand this latter part of that sentiment well. It's why--as unbelievable as it is to the so-called elite--that people prefer Donald Trump to them. It's not because he's Mr. Wonderful. It's because they feel that they SHOULD be in power irrespective of what any voter thinks. They think it's fine to manufacture fake Russia collusion hoaxes and literally get people charged and put in jail on process crimes just to create the illusion of a controversy that doesn't exist in real life. Those people are frankly just bad people. As I've always said, Donald Trump is just a placeholder for me. Yet, it's very important to keep the people behind the likes of Joe Biden off the levers of power.

Tainari88 wrote:Your style is about getting dirty to win.

Not really. In a debate with you, it's about getting you to accept some aspects of positive analysis so that you can understand the limits of normative analysis. I'm sympathetic to those factory workers who have lost their jobs, their livelihood and their sense of dignity and community. Have I ever worked in a factory? No. Am I a working class guy? No. Yet, I sympathize with the plight of people who have been lied to by the establishment--that includes black people too, whether you believe it or not.

I think your political outlook is very sweet, but I also think it is hopelessly unrealistic. Take a Jeff Bezos for example. He's the richest man in the world, owns the Washington Post, has Amazon buy out Whole Foods, and then cuts the Whole Foods employee's healthcare benefits to "make things more efficient." That's your typical wealthy liberal Democrat--a lying snake. A cutthroat that will then twist on a dime and start virtue signaling about something else. It's got to drive that guy crazy that Donald Trump is president. Although, Trump hasn't been particularly ruthless against such people as Bezos.

Tainari88 wrote:and in the old days having your family's phones tapped

Everyone's phones are tapped now.

Tainari88 wrote:But you have no idea the shit they are capable of allowing to retain power and keep money in the bank. They are the worst there is. i know them.

Yes I know quite a bit more than you think I do, but I haven't been the subject of their wrath. However, their anger at Trump is pretty wonderful stuff in that it shows the American people who THEY really are. I even find it amusing that John Roberts and SCOTUS dismissed Trump's end to DACA because he didn't lay out his reasons--calling it "arbitrary and capricious" when it was clearly unconstitutional, and the state governments and their lockdowns are the virtual embodiment of arbitrary and capricious. That governor of Michigan is a classic example. The establishment deserves to lose, and I really hope they do. It's not because I think Trump is the ideal president in any way. It's because the establishment has chosen not to modify their stance even in the slightest--even lying to win, which is their old MO. Now they say they want to take your guns away, defund the police, allow riots, raise your taxes give money to illegal immigrants, and put people in jail for going to church while calling others "peaceful protesters" for burning down churches.

All the best to you too.
blackjack21 wrote:I think you infer so much from what I say, which I neither say nor intend. I don't bother much with the racism charges as much as I should for two reasons: first, if you need a bad guy and you are going to call me a racist, that's just the way it is going to be. It is your conclusion and it is fixed. It cannot be moved unless I subscribe to socialism. Second, I do embrace the scientific method and I do think humans very obviously have hereditary traits and they are meaningful. People who argue the science of nature right up until it hits the human race are trying to sustain a political viewpoint that isn't as well thought ought as it needs to be for effective governance. I reject Marx, but I also reject Jefferson in the context of radical egalitarianism. Equal application of the law is better thought of as uniformity in my opinion, not equality.

At 12 years old, you could have given me all the moral arguments for and against racism, and I would have accepted one or the other out of hand as of how 1970s thinking might have gone as a child learning to conform to societal norms. We have the human genome decoded now. We know a hell of a lot more now about genetic differences, and we're still pretty ignorant in the scheme of things. So at 52 years old, I've lived enough life experience, been bombarded with enough propaganda, seen how much our understanding has grown, and so forth that I can pretty much form an opinion of my own. In fact, the people I respect the most have an opinion of their own--they are not merely subscribers. (remember I rarely agreed with Rei Murasame, but appreciated the fact that she wasn't a stooge for the establishment or a garden variety leftist) It is why I often don't bother to argue your charges of racism, because you express an opinion you believe to be true regardless of what I have or haven't said. It's as if you have this effigy of some bad racist in your head, and you put the "relampaguito" name tag on him, and then assert that I think things or feel things that I do not think or feel. If my retort to you is, "There are more than two points of view," that is my way of saying drop the communism/capitalism dialectic so we can have a more meaningful conversation.

Often, I learn by playing Devil's Advocate--taking the unpopular side of political arguments just to see where it leads. I'm not interested in getting a pat on the head from people like Godstud or Drlee because I'm so desperate to feel validated for my intellect. I'm not looking for approval, and that much should be obvious. However, I have also learned that some of what is unpopular is defensible, and persists over time or it is statistically significant--even whether I like it or not. And sometimes, when it pisses off the left I relish in the argument and don't think it "dirty" at all.

What you call "get as dirty as you need to win" isn't quite the case. I'm probing into what you believe and why you believe it. That's why I will ask questions like whether you are for unrestricted abortion for parents who want to abort children they know are going to be homosexual. It's interesting to see how people answer such questions, but I'm aware that some on the political left find such questions emotionally disturbing. My father was a medical doctor, as you know. So I know first hand how a lot of aspects of being a medical doctor are no more palatable than cleaning toilets. Frankly, a lot of being a doctor or a dentist is kind of gross. So when you counter me with people cleaning toilets, I'm narrowing things down to whether it is the pay rate, the social esteem or a combination of the two, or possibly other factors that has you finding cleaning toilets so utterly offensive and degrading but being a medical doctor putting endoscopes up people's arses somehow dignified. Clearly, one pays much better than the other. Some people treat the janitorial staff with disrespect while holding the doctor in high esteem. In many respects, I think it comes down to social esteem with you, as I think you feel that you and people you love have been mistreated particularly by people who make more money than you and/or are of a different race (namely white). And by the way, I'm not trying to invalidate your life experience.

Most people don't share my point of view because they disagree with me on the rougher or finer points of what I have to say. They simply don't have a point of view of their own. They subscribe to one and defend it even if it doesn't make sense to them, and they know I don't subscribe to theirs. I live in California where the Social Justice Warriors are very tribal, but much more emotional than they are rational. They need to belong to a group, follow its rules, get others to do so as well, and verbally and even sometimes physically attack those who will not conform to their group norms. That's why last year, we could no longer get grocery bags for free in California grocery stores and were heavily encouraged to bring re-usable bags as that would somehow go a long way to save the planet. With coronavirus, those very same reusable bags are now banned by fiat and the stores can give you new bags again, but the SJW types don't miss a beat. They go right to enforcing no re-usable shopping bags and never reflect on whether their policy position was a good idea in the first place. Historically, plastic shopping bags became popular when people started lobbying that paper grocery bags were leading to deforestation--it wouldn't surprise me at all if plastic bag vendors seeded the crazy movement against paper bags either. You've lived through all of this stuff too. Yet, you don't seem too interested in critiquing these types of political views.

As for racism, generally when I am making a racial argument I'm dealing either with scientifically understood differences among population groups, official statistics such a crime or disease statistics, or synthesizing an opinion of my own based on these. Sometimes I'm being serious, sometimes I'm just being absurd for humor's sake, and sometimes I'm just straight up trolling.

I find debating race and crime stats very interesting, because the political left goes to impossible lengths to argue things like "race is just a social construct." Maybe in some senses, but the refractive index of someone's skin isn't a social construct and, tanning aside, it is largely a heritable trait. Yet, we've discussed heritable traits that have nothing to do with skin color, hair color or texture, eye color, etc. The one I've put before you is the MAOA 2-repeat allele that occurs in a fairly small percentage of African Americans--about 5.5% or thereabouts. That's basically two standard deviations from the mean. They are outliers. Yet, studies show that 80% of black males between the ages of say 15-35 with a 2-repeat allele or MAOA have been arrested and many of them incarcerated. You could say that's all due to racism, but it may be that a lot of very kind and decent black people suffer from racism because of this very small population of people with 2-repeat allele of MAOA who commit over half of the violent crimes. What if there were an inexpensive attenuator of the negative effects of that, such as low doses of Valproic acid for black males age 15-35 with a 2-repeat allele of MAOA? Or marketing low-amine diets to such people? What if that led to a drop in violent crime? You could go more radical too, to something like a CRISPR-cas9 genetic modification. That's a pretty direct and discrete argument. I find that you want to debate me on issues of race, but when we get into it you pretty much abandon the conversation because I'm not defending slavery or sharecropping.

I've posted articles like this before: Propranolol reduces implicit negative racial bias. It's interesting, but it implies that racism has biological mechanisms too, which is pretty much a forbidden point of view on the political left. What if people who test for implicit racial bias were provided with low-dose propranolol? It's surprisingly difficult to have an intelligent conversation with leftists about these types of things, because they are so dedicated to the proposition that racism is deliberately taught and enforced.

I've posted this to you before too:

Because of her age and her life experience, I think Minnejean Brown should be treated with respect and her views considered. However, I disagree with her conclusion, just as I disagree with Marx or Jefferson. These kids have been taught anti-racism their whole lives. They are bombarded with it in media, even in cartoons when they are quite small. Yet, here you see a racial division with no animus whatsoever; no government enforcing it; no KKK; basically, they all say they hang around with whoever they feel comfortable with. I'm saying the persistence of this sort of thing has biological underpinnings that the establishment and the political left ignore. However, BECAUSE it is natural, IT WILL NOT GO AWAY as a natural tendency no matter what policies are implemented. That is my position. It isn't one based upon some sort of deep-seated hatred for people that look different. It isn't a view I hold, because that's how I WANT IT TO BE. I don't.

I'll present you another synthesized argument I made years and years ago--although, I cannot find all the articles to support it anymore. Many years ago, I noted that if you overlaid graphs in the violent crime statistics between Native Americans and African Americans, they were VERY similar--except when it came to murder. When it came to murder, the violent crime rate of African-Americans remained high, but for Native Americans it plummeted. Again, I posited a number of likely factors--such as higher testosterone levels among African-American males along with 2-repeat allele (or sometimes 3-repeat allele) of MAOA, whereas Native Americans seemed to oscillate from a fight response to a flight response as the intensity of conflict increased. Now, when you look at the statistics, it's pretty glaring. You can't say there's no difference. It's like night and day. Yet, we cannot scientifically probe into why this difference occurs, because the political left is dedicated to the proposition that racism is strictly political and social and can be eradicated by law, education and endless propaganda. I do not share their view.

Supply-side economics and neoliberal global trade economics are not the same thing at all. They are factional fights within capitalism.

I don't sit around calling people racists, chuds, or whatever all the time. I will do it sometimes and deliberately, but it's not my general MO. Typically, it's the opposite of the George Floyd shooting, where the police are justified in shooting someone and I show that video because it gets people like Special Olympian in an absolute dither for some reason.

There are a lot of cases like that. A lot has been done socially and legally to reduce those types of life outcomes over the last several decades. Nobody wants that sort of thing. Nobody. Yet, a lot has been done to make things worse; namely, break down of families, jobs outsourcing that often hits minority communities the hardest, and flooding communities with recreational drugs.

And you've created that outcome. Part of that is a society that doesn't champion institutional racism, part of that is education, and part of that is being from an intact home. Yet, he will still face some aspects of racism--some of it people's natural tendency to distrust others who aren't like them, and some of it because there are a lot of assholes out there.

Yes, I can understand that fear. His father and those white ex factory workers are a source of a frustration-aggression response. They can get violent. That is something to be scared of. Why do you think a lot of white people are racists? Hatred? No, not even the majority of them. They are scared. I have a friend who is Irish and Hispanic. His family culture embraces pretty much everything. I remember in my 20s being at a party at his dad's house with kids, young adults my age, people his parents age (my age now) and elderly people. They were playing some gangster rap music on the stereo and everyone was sitting around talking like that was perfectly normal. Listen to that music and its message. I could not imagine in a million years having my mother's parents (working class British and Irish) at a party like that. The foul language alone would put them off. They would think I had been incredibly disrespectful to them if I had put some music like that on. Think of that cultural difference. My working class grandparents would be mortified. My upper middle class grandparents? They would think they had gone to the wrong house and left. Yet that was perfectly normal for my friend and his family (He identifies as Mexican. His dad is short and light haired, his mother is almost six foot and blond and blue eyed Irish. So he's a six foot tall brown-eyed blond haired guy that copped a barrio accent, identifies as Mexican and went to a college prep high school with me).

The point of my comments are:

1) Stop allowing the establishment to drive down the wages of working class people.
2) Stop allowing the establishment to buy votes; and,
3) Idle time is the Devil's workshop--it's much better for people to be productive than idle. It's just part of our nature.

I mean the same for all people. Being a white guy with a music degree and no employment doesn't mean you can't go out and pick strawberries, because you went to college. You'll notice that isn't written in our laws anywhere, yet it is how these people govern. They use welfare to buy votes.

A lot of non-racists don't care about his life either. Apathy is probably more pernicious than antipathy.

Indeed. That's why globalists who know perfectly well that highly diverse societies often suffer with constant internecine strife and they will lie straight to your face and say, "Our diversity is our strength." That IS DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Diversity among the lower class is the strength of the upper class. Pitting the lower classes against each other is the goal of the upper class.

I understand this latter part of that sentiment well. It's why--as unbelievable as it is to the so-called elite--that people prefer Donald Trump to them. It's not because he's Mr. Wonderful. It's because they feel that they SHOULD be in power irrespective of what any voter thinks. They think it's fine to manufacture fake Russia collusion hoaxes and literally get people charged and put in jail on process crimes just to create the illusion of a controversy that doesn't exist in real life. Those people are frankly just bad people. As I've always said, Donald Trump is just a placeholder for me. Yet, it's very important to keep the people behind the likes of Joe Biden off the levers of power.

Not really. In a debate with you, it's about getting you to accept some aspects of positive analysis so that you can understand the limits of normative analysis. I'm sympathetic to those factory workers who have lost their jobs, their livelihood and their sense of dignity and community. Have I ever worked in a factory? No. Am I a working class guy? No. Yet, I sympathize with the plight of people who have been lied to by the establishment--that includes black people too, whether you believe it or not.

I think your political outlook is very sweet, but I also think it is hopelessly unrealistic. Take a Jeff Bezos for example. He's the richest man in the world, owns the Washington Post, has Amazon buy out Whole Foods, and then cuts the Whole Foods employee's healthcare benefits to "make things more efficient." That's your typical wealthy liberal Democrat--a lying snake. A cutthroat that will then twist on a dime and start virtue signaling about something else. It's got to drive that guy crazy that Donald Trump is president. Although, Trump hasn't been particularly ruthless against such people as Bezos.

Everyone's phones are tapped now.

Yes I know quite a bit more than you think I do, but I haven't been the subject of their wrath. However, their anger at Trump is pretty wonderful stuff in that it shows the American people who THEY really are. I even find it amusing that John Roberts and SCOTUS dismissed Trump's end to DACA because he didn't lay out his reasons--calling it "arbitrary and capricious" when it was clearly unconstitutional, and the state governments and their lockdowns are the virtual embodiment of arbitrary and capricious. That governor of Michigan is a classic example. The establishment deserves to lose, and I really hope they do. It's not because I think Trump is the ideal president in any way. It's because the establishment has chosen not to modify their stance even in the slightest--even lying to win, which is their old MO. Now they say they want to take your guns away, defund the police, allow riots, raise your taxes give money to illegal immigrants, and put people in jail for going to church while calling others "peaceful protesters" for burning down churches.

All the best to you too.

I am going to go by the numbers. I was fully prepared to ignore this post and not read it. I expected some more racist justifications. And to some degree, there are some in here. But I finally got some complexity from you. A good thing. I don't know how much time I have. But from now on? I am going to think half of your racist statements are trolling ones. Because they probably are.

You know when I get a bit down due to the injustices of the world I do something I have done for all of my life. I go and try to learn something new in science. So I did that today and last night. I listened to a lecture on astrophysics. Not only because I like to discuss music and physics with Potemkin whom I adore and love with all my heart and it is fun to explore such topics with him. But because it keeps me grounded in the reality that there is a whole lot of this world we still don't know much about. The lecture actually woke me up since I was half asleep Relampaguito, and it was fascinating these explanations of the nature of the sun, the universe, anti-matter, and so on. The nature of unknown hidden universes are being measured and quantified. But it is not fully understood. That is fascinating to me. The DNA that separates us from the apes is small but in genes? It is significant. Think about that.

You are never going to think about things like I do Blackjack21. You are wrong about my running from scientific explanations for racial differences. I accept racial differences. But they are insignificant Senor compared to what the tree of our humanity is about. The astrophysicists are actually starting to think that variation is the core of all creation so are multivariant forms of energy. In other words? Varying is what is sustaining this world. it will always be so. Trying to get all people to be uniform in any real way is again fighting what is futile because it is written into our very chemical elements. The iron pumped through our hearts. Being into trying to keep variation from becoming and manifesting is anti-life. Anti-nature. How can I be an anthropologist and be anti-nature Blackjack? I can't. I would have to have thrown out all that I learned and went and put theology as my central premise for all truth. I don't. I leave that to others who find their faith in religion only. For religion is as old as human beings. The first Homo Habilis or before would venture out there from his cave, look over the valley, and wonder? I wonder what is over there in that valley? And then looked up at the stars and the trees and the animals and said, "There must be a God or a Universal Creator" out there? And came up with ways to worship and to honor that awed feeling we get when we contemplate the beauty of a place we still struggle to understand fully.

You state so many things I disagree with BJ. But if I put in the time necessary to reply to you? Where is the time for my little boy's breakfast or mopping the floor in my house? Or talking on the phone to my husband or writing to my loves like my friends and my PoFo and beyond best beautiful Bellissimo eh? Or starting and finishing my novel writing classes. You also infer and assume a lot with me Blackjack and most of what you assume about me is probably not true because you think I am one of the SJW or the liberal white ladies talking about how she feels guilty. The Democratic party has serious serious issues with racism and being hypocritical nightmares of the worst kind. The Republican party can devolve into a really bad scene where it becomes this organic chaotic selfish mass that can't get shit accomplished. I think @annatar1914 mentioned that in the thread about Election 2020. How they run the government is with such extreme incompetence as to be dangerous. He is right about that.

I can't address all the issues your replies bring forth from me. But I will sort of answer two? I got things to attend to. As usual.

Why do you think parents being pregnant with a gay or homosexual child is worthy of contemplating an abortion Blackjack21? For me, one is lucky if you get a chance to mother or father ANY CHILD. It is a learning experience and a huge responsibility. I worry all the time if I am doing an effective job. I loved being pregnant BJ. Something you will never be in your lifetime. Because you got the testosterone and you have the need to dominate and do the male thing. Lol. I have seen that in almost all males. My favorite kind of male? Someone who is sensitive, caring, listens well, respectful, trustworthy, dutiful, honest, responsible, intelligent, and has a good character. Rare men. I have good taste in men. I always have. Let other women keep picking these asshole men to marry. I never will. You know what I find wonderful because Father's Day was yesterday BJ? My son's 9th birthday is going to be on Saturday. I remember that day well. LOL. My son's father said to me after years of no pregnancies at all and no birth control used at all during the entire marriage I said to him, "Well if you really want to be a father? I guess you won't become one married to me. You still have a chance to find someone who can give you children." I was kind of sad that day, and he said to me, "If I don't get a baby from you? I don't want a baby from anyone. You are it for me. Now and always." He meant it too. If the baby was not from me? Fatherhood biologically would not be for him. He never was a man who went back on his word. Not once in all his life.

The deal with the Little Rock school thing. No one ever got separate but equal. If they did and wound up prosperous Blackjack21? The system would not enforce the law the same on the whites burning down and holding public lynchings and bringing their kids to see it as if it was a sporting event and their favorite team was winning. The African Americans have had leaders who wanted separate. There were endless debates about it among their own ethnic group BJ. The intellectuals in the African American diaspora and community are some of the finest minds in the entire history of the human race BJ. They all discussed it and there was a faction that wanted a back to Africa movement. There was also a let us work on integration and hope to become a partner and share in the American experiment of democracy and equality under the law. After all? They sweated and built the White House, and went through centuries of unpaid labor for the nation to have a plantation economy. Such as cotton, indigo, rice, tobacco, sugar, and a lot more. In the end, they got 40 acres and a mule for their trouble. Immediately after the civil war was over there were some Black judges, and voters registering and a small renaissance of Black separate but equal. it was quashed.

It is a fascinating history BJ. Mainly about the human spirit dealing with big problems. But you don't study it. Yet you want to have an opinion on certain things. I don't go for that. Really. There are a lot of things I don't know. It is best to ask Socratic questions about it to understand it and get someone who has dedicated time to understand it and can pare it down for me? Rather than to assume I know more because of my political point of view and entitled mentality knows I do. I never been part of the elite BJ. So I don't identify with them. I never have.

What did I get out of all these replies you sent me?

I will keep most of what I think to myself. But overall it seems like you like talking with me?

And you want to know more about it. That is enough.

Yo tengo Azuquita en la cintura. And it is not just dancing either. :D
Last edited by Tainari88 on 22 Jun 2020 17:43, edited 1 time in total.
Rich wrote:No White person in history has ever done as much to oppose White Supremacism as Adolph Hitler.

His main fault was targeting Jews without apparently good reasons (other than looting them I suppose), and his failure to contain even more radical and bloodthirsty racists than him, and of course, the loss of WW2.

As said in an old Chinese saying, "when a high social standing person places himself in a morally lowly place, all wrongs of the world will be attributed to him". (是以君子惡居下流,天下之惡皆歸焉)
Tainari88 wrote:You know when I get a bit down due to the injustices of the world I do something I have done for all of my life. I go and try to learn something new in science.

That's a constructive habit. I'll have to adopt that myself.

Tainari88 wrote:The nature of unknown hidden universes are being measured and quantified. But it is not fully understood. That is fascinating to me. The DNA that separates us from the apes is small but in genes? It is significant. Think about that.

Oh, I do. Quite a bit. I find biochemistry fascinating.

Tainari88 wrote:The astrophysicists are actually starting to think that variation is the core of all creation so are multivariant forms of energy.

Hmmm... I wouldn't say it's "the core," since what underpins that variation is in some ways remarkably stable. DNA and RNA. Yet, it's such an incredibly powerful language, so much moreso than the mathematics we use to try to understand it.

Tainari88 wrote:Trying to get all people to be uniform in any real way is again fighting what is futile because it is written into our very chemical elements.

This is precisely why I think socialism is not even remotely inevitable. However, I think that simplicity is what works at large scales and complexity that works at small scales. Think of DNA or a microprocessor versus a moon orbiting a planet. DNA is immensely complicated, but a moon orbiting a planet can be described pretty simply with a differential equation.

Tainari88 wrote:Being into trying to keep variation from becoming and manifesting is anti-life. Anti-nature.

Again, precisely why I am not a socialist. In my view, it is almost contrary to the laws of physics.

Tainari88 wrote:Where is the time for my little boy's breakfast or mopping the floor in my house?

Always put your family first. I can type very quickly. It's what I have been doing most of my adult life. That I can type almost as fast as I think isn't a trait shared by everyone.

Tainari88 wrote:You also infer and assume a lot with me Blackjack and most of what you assume about me is probably not true because you think I am one of the SJW or the liberal white ladies talking about how she feels guilty.

No. I don't think that about you at all. You've stated clearly that you're a Fromm socialist. SJWs are not interesting people. You are interesting. You don't have a garden variety political viewpoint. I find such people kind of boring, and at our age or older somewhat tragic in the sense of being underdeveloped. However, I do think you place a very high value on emotion, that paleolithic part of our brains. For someone as well-read as you, that's kind of peculiar.

Tainari88 wrote:Why do you think parents being pregnant with a gay or homosexual child is worthy of contemplating an abortion Blackjack21?

A lot of people consider homosexuality a curse. While things are changing rapidly right now--I mean 40 years ago homosexuality was considered a mental disorder, and now they want to institutionally ostracize anyone who believes that today--I still think that Darwinian sexual selection and reproductive fitness would influence a lot of people. For example, it's usually religious people who will knowingly bring a child with Down Syndrome to term. The irreligious often think of people with severe birth defects as having lives not worth living, and would pursue an abortion straight away.

Tainari88 wrote:I worry all the time if I am doing an effective job.

You are doing fine.

Tainari88 wrote:It is a fascinating history BJ. Mainly about the human spirit dealing with big problems. But you don't study it.

Oh come on. Now, I'm not as passionate about that bit of history as you are. No doubt. However, I'm probably the only white male who has ever mentioned the Insular Cases to you or who has read Downes v. Bidwell, right? I can tell you that 202 Green Street in San Francisco near the North Waterfront is where Philo Farnsworth invented the all electric Cathode Ray tube and television as we knew it until it went digital. I'm a fountain of information like that. I just do not identify as African American, so I do not identify personally with their struggle. I can only sympathize, but it doesn't make me profoundly emotional. I can tell you my white grandmother didn't have "white privilege." Did she want to leave Ireland and come to America? Of course not. Her parents made her do it. My grandfather left England because his father told him that times would be tough in the UK--this was at the height of their empire before WWII. He was desperately homesick. Then, you get the Irish/English dynamic, and I can tell you that they don't simply see each other as white. Most of the political/racial horseshit coming out of colleges and universities today is just rank stupidity. Did you hear @Godstud think he was clever saying that racists all stick together? Not a stupid guy generally, but capable of making really stupid statements. White people have struggled too. Just because some of them have been highly oppressive doesn't mean that all white people were oppressors, not even by a long shot. My mother's parents struggled. You can look at them coming to America as an opportunity. It's not what they wanted. Does it make me deeply emotional about their struggle? No. Yet, I know they went through that. They told me a lot of it. My grandfather was managing a crew at a woolen mill at 14 years old. Why? All the men were off at war. That's not privilege Tainari88. You love your little boy. Would you send him off to work in a factory in the next few years? Not a chance. My grandparent's and their parents history is also fascinating, but most people today would not characterize that as interesting because they were white. Yes, I think people like Fredrick Douglas or George Washington Carver are exceptional people that overcame quite a lot. However, when I'm thinking about people's struggles, I'm thinking more about society's problems today.

Tainari88 wrote:I will keep most of what I think to myself.

Yes, but mostly because you become angry about racial struggles and don't want to examine any subset of the human population under a microscope without some deep human feeling or sympathy. I'm simply telling you that white people faced many of these issues too, and overcame a lot of them. Do you know what they call this:


A "paddy wagon", as in incarcerating the Irish. People think nothing of saying that. Can you imagine if it was called an n-word wagon? I can't even write that out on this site, as the software will catch it and then @noemon will red card me. Yet, "paddy wagon" is the police van that they used to haul of Irishman--usually after drunken brawls. That's a fascinating history too, but no college or university professor today would have the slightest interest in it, because establishment's latest divide and conquer strategy involves pitting white working class people against non-white working class people. I guess I don't have to teach you the word "gringo", but maybe bohunk, dago, wog, mick, paddy, limey, ginzo, frog, kraut, hun, wop, goat banger, etc. are all referring to people of European descent and different ethnicities. During the 2008 financial crisis, they often referred to the PIIGS, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain.
Police should be encouraging those racist cunts to get the fuck out of there, not stand by and support them. No wonder USA is such a shithole, right now. Look who occupies it. :knife:
XogGyux wrote:
This is not gonna end well.

What a mockery and perversion of St. Andrew's Cross the Confederate battle flag is. These people are an embarrassment, not least because they are playing into the ''white working versus nonwhite'' narrative the Elites have, the old Divide and Conquer tactic. Works great.
XogGyux wrote:Don't let people trick you, this is about racism and about trying to remind the "Negro" that they are inferior to their eyes.

Ice Cream dude and his friends should offer them money to dig it up and move it elsewhere.

Pay for its removal. Or erect a massive sign right next to it telling people it's not affiliated with his business.
Last edited by colliric on 23 Jun 2020 07:14, edited 1 time in total.
XogGyux wrote:You think it would be that easy wouldn't you?


He should just offer to buy the land from them and have the community chip in. Continuously offer to buy it.

The locals will understand his issue and continue to visit his shop, hopefully.

Yeah they're probably being assholes to him, but still he should try.
By wat0n
Wow, that's a rather vicious trolling. I would erect 4 poles surrounding that flag and fly larger US flags (x2), a larger SC flag and a larger local town flag just for the sake of covering that up. Fight fire with fire.

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