Elizabeth Warren might destroy Trump. - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Will Warren win the democratic nomination and the beat Trump?

She will not get the nomination
She will get the nomination and loose to Trump in the presidential race
She will get the nomination and win against Trump in the presidential race
Other(please specify)
Finfinder wrote:not sure what you are trying to prove?

I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm just asking what do you think he would do, what sorts of actions he would take.
Hard to say if she will get the nomination, her appeal to moderate democrats was limited to her reputation as a policy wonk. That all started to slip away with the fuzziness surrounding her Medicare-for-all position.
Donald wrote:Hard to say if she will get the nomination, her appeal to moderate democrats was limited to her reputation as a policy wonk. That all started to slip away with the fuzziness surrounding her Medicare-for-all position.

This has been the case with Warren for a lot of time. As I stated probably many times in here, she would make a good president but probably will not get elected because of the primary process. That is her problem/downside. She managed to get in the top 2-3 which is a miracle actually.
JohnRawls wrote:With the current unexpected developments in the US, the chances are likely that Warren might be the democratic candidate. For all the information that i have heard about her (Non-news), she is considered one of the most smartest people in DC if not the smartest. She also revealed her medicare plan for all aka the biggest monetary redistribution program for the middle class from the corporations/top 0.1%. Average joes will love this (putting the propaganda aside). So do you think that she will get the candidacy and that she will beat Trump?

No. She has to get past the Bernie bros, which is highly unlikely. Then Biden would have to get knocked out to get past the middle of the road Democrats, including most Blacks.
Donna wrote:She's definitely not going to win the nomination. Her recent antics aren't sitting well with progressives.
The reason that bad guys win is that the good guys are all too smart to compromise themselves in favour of one another.
Patrickov wrote:The reason that bad guys win is that the good guys are all too smart to compromise themselves in favour of one another.

Not sure if that counts for Warren, who used to be a corporate lawyer and whom investment banks are confident she won't change anything (they literally distributed a memo with an analysis that found she was unlikely to follow through with regulatory reforms). The problem with the Democratic Party is that it functions like a big globally integrated firm and it brings together people who in every other country would be sworn political rivals, but for what? To stop a party that was taken over by a former Democrat in 2016?

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