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Will the military need to remove Trump and enforce the election results?

Yes (Military will need to come in to force Trump from office, enforcing the election results)
No (Trump will step down before it ever comes to that)
Military will side with Trump against the election
No votes
Military will split into pro-Trump and Pro-Biden factions.
Other (explain below)
Are you implying *race* -- ? Or *class* -- ?

Class, of course.

You're saying that the Democrats have been playing demographic-favorites, and Trump is simply a *reaction* to that, so that we have an almost *arbitrary*, demographic-schism in terms of treatment of the electorate by the two capitalist political parties.

Please elaborate.

All Bourgeoisie political parties play demographic favorites, or they don't exist as political parties for very long, even if they cheat and play dirty tricks on an industrial scale it isn't enough to simply ignore the Proletariat altogether. At the same time, they like to divide the people up which makes them all easier to control, such as injecting racism and accusations of racism into the public discourse. This is one of those times in history where there is a political tension between seeing the need to at least pretend to help working people out if not actually help them out, and wanting to screw them over without apologies or justifications.
annatar1914 wrote:
Class, of course.

But if most Trump supporters are working-class, they're showing *false consciousness* because Trump gave a tax break to the *wealthy*, and *not* to *their* class, or demographic.

annatar1914 wrote:
All Bourgeoisie political parties play demographic favorites, or they don't exist as political parties for very long, even if they cheat and play dirty tricks on an industrial scale it isn't enough to simply ignore the Proletariat altogether. At the same time, they like to divide the people up which makes them all easier to control, such as injecting racism and accusations of racism into the public discourse.

annatar1914 wrote:
This is one of those times in history where there is a political tension between seeing the need to at least pretend to help working people out if not actually help them out, and wanting to screw them over without apologies or justifications.

Oh, you mean during the 2016 presidential election campaign, when the 'white working class' became a key demographic, that Trump played-to -- ?

So you're saying that there's expressed ruling-class *acknowledgement* of the class divide, and of the working class, by *pandering* to such, even if it's just opportunistically, for votes.


Sivad wrote:
retard town.

My GPS isn't showing it, and I searched like *three* times.

= D
ckaihatsu wrote:But if most Trump supporters are working-class, they're showing *false consciousness*

No they're not, most of Trump's working class support is based on the understanding that the establishment is an absolute existential threat to working class interests which it absolutely is so there's no false consciousness in that. For most Trump supporters Trump is just a big FUCK YOU, he's not a messiah or a dear leader.

The overeducated wokejob yuppie class on the other hand is exhibiting *fake* consciousness, they claim to be "progressives" but they all just voted for a guy that's backed by every strain and specimen of regressive filth at work in the world. Neocon warmongers, neoliberal pirates and all the the foul transnational mega corps, the banksters and Bond villians, even the Han Imperium which is an actual fucking nazi regime, these fakewad wokejob "real leftist" cunts just threw their full support behind every kind of fucked up evil going today.
Sivad wrote:
No they're not, most of Trump's working class support is based on the understanding that the establishment is an absolute existential threat to working class interests which it absolutely is so there's no false consciousness in that. For most Trump supporters Trump is just a big FUCK YOU, he's not a messiah or a dear leader.

The overeducated wokejob yuppie class on the other hand is exhibiting *fake* consciousness, they claim to be "progressives" but they all just voted for a guy that's backed by every strain and specimen of regressive filth at work in the world. Neocon warmongers, neoliberal pirates and all the the foul transnational mega corps, the banksters and Bond villians, even the Han Imperium which is an actual fucking nazi regime, these fakewad wokejob "real leftist" cunts just threw their full support behind every kind of fucked up evil going today.

Noted, but I wasn't really pleased with Trump's *internment* of refugees from Central America, or his war-like *sanctions* on Iran, Venezuela, etc. -- at best we might say that he's a *holding pattern* until the U.S. establishment that you mentioned reasserts itself.

Can't everyone just display 'Anti-Republicrat' stickers or something so that we can all find each other, and maybe all sit-in at DC or something?
I hope Trump never concedes and forces the military to drag him out of the White House like Assange got dragged out of that embassy. I hope Trump keeps pouring gas on this fire till it's a fucking conflagration. I hope all hell breaks loose and the country breaks up. I hope that hilarity will ensue from all of this.
Sivad wrote:
I hope Trump never concedes and forces the military to drag him out of the White House like Assange got dragged out of that embassy. I hope Trump keeps pouring gas on this fire till it's a fucking conflagration. I hope all hell breaks loose and the country breaks up. I hope that hilarity will ensue from all of this.

Ehhhhhhhh, you've succumbed to romanticism.

But if most Trump supporters are working-class, they're showing *false consciousness* because Trump gave a tax break to the *wealthy*, and *not* to *their* class, or demographic.

Not entirely a false consciousness, because they know that the establishment offers them nothing, from either party, while they decided to take a chance on a guy that claims to offer them exactly what they're wanting.

Oh, you mean during the 2016 presidential election campaign, when the 'white working class' became a key demographic, that Trump played-to -- ?

It was a demographic he made inroads into, and in 2020 he has done even better making greater inroads into the Hispanic and black working class demographic. That is now being ignored, unfortunately.

So you're saying that there's expressed ruling-class *acknowledgement* of the class divide, and of the working class, by *pandering* to such, even if it's just opportunistically, for votes.


The Capitalist ruling class doesn't stay the ruling class unless it understands the class divide, however I think they (including Donald Trump) increasingly view that divide through an Objectivist lens (Ayn Rand being the dialectical antithesis of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin) in which most people deserve the state they're in with regards to Capitalism's successes and failures.
annatar1914 wrote:

Not entirely a false consciousness, because they know that the establishment offers them nothing, from either party, while they decided to take a chance on a guy that claims to offer them exactly what they're wanting.

What *was* this -- ? What was the political marketing behind Trump's first campaign? Was it simply not-Obama, or something like that? Anti-urbane?

annatar1914 wrote:
It was a demographic he made inroads into, and in 2020 he has done even better making greater inroads into the Hispanic and black working class demographic. That is now being ignored, unfortunately.

The Capitalist ruling class doesn't stay the ruling class unless it understands the class divide, however I think they (including Donald Trump) increasingly view that divide through an Objectivist lens (Ayn Rand being the dialectical antithesis of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin) in which most people deserve the state they're in with regards to Capitalism's successes and failures.

Yup, and yup -- that's the *easiest*, to say that the world is right, and you're wrong, and get used to it, shlub. Reality *wins*, over the likes of you, no words or brains required. Orwell must be jealous -- !
What *was* this -- ? What was the political marketing behind Trump's first campaign? Was it simply not-Obama, or something like that? Anti-urbane?

Millions of people who voted for Obama also voted for Trump, and for the same reasons; both were perceived (wrongly) as Anti-Establishment people willing to take on and win over the Elites destroying America and ruining the working people.

Yup, and yup -- that's the *easiest*, to say that the world is right, and you're wrong, and get used to it, shlub. Reality *wins*, over the likes of you, no words or brains required. Orwell must be jealous -- !

Rand is worth a read, she's a good deal more sophisticated than that.
annatar1914 wrote:
Millions of people who voted for Obama also voted for Trump, and for the same reasons; both were perceived (wrongly) as Anti-Establishment people willing to take on and win over the Elites destroying America and ruining the working people.

Okay, yeah, thanks.

annatar1914 wrote:
Rand is worth a read, she's a good deal more sophisticated than that.

Ugh -- I'd rather not. I understand it's about the individualist spirit, which isn't *always* advisable, since we live in globalized society now.

(I'll note that these reactionaries keep having to reach back in historical time to more *idealistic* scenarios / worldviews, and tacked-onto *today's* social reality.)
While I support Trump's policies, I voted "yes". South America has been like this regularly (another one pulled off earlier this week?), so it will be interesting to see it happening back in Washington D.C.

Even funnier if they have to remove Trump as a dead body. (or several, considering his daughter and daughter-in-law might have to be like that. Although I'd say it's a waste of good-looking people if this couple have to be removed this way)

The new “acting” Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller announced the elevation of the Special Operations Command to a status on a par with the existing branches of the armed forces, the Army, Navy, Air Force, etc.


Miller, who has refused to answer any questions from the media since being installed as Pentagon chief, told an audience of assembled troops, “I am here today to announce that I have directed the Special Operations civilian leadership to report directly to me, instead of through the current bureaucratic channels.”


Miller’s installation as defense secretary is the result of a wholesale purge of the top civilian leadership at the Pentagon that Trump initiated with the firing-by-tweet of Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.


Trump has made a particular appeal to the Special Operations forces that have now been elevated in status within the chain of command.


At the close of his campaign, just five days before the election, Trump flew to Fort Bragg for closed-door meetings with Special Forces troops and their commanders. Given subsequent developments, there is every reason to believe that the purpose of this trip was to assess the level of his support within the military units stationed there, and among their commanders, and to discuss plans for an armed response to an explosion of resistance to his plans to steal the election and establish a presidential dictatorship.

The tactics being employed by the Trump White House have been rehearsed countless times abroad under both Democratic and Republican administrations. Fabricated claims of election fraud have been used to justify US-backed coups, oust presidents and foment “color revolutions” from Honduras, Bolivia and Venezuela to Ukraine and Georgia.

Now these same methods are being brought “home” under conditions of an insoluble economic and social crisis, characterized above all by staggering levels of social inequality and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the homicidal “herd immunity,” back-to-work policy of the capitalist ruling class.


The working class must intervene in this unprecedented crisis as an independent social and political force, opposing the conspiracies of the Trump White House and its military allies through the methods of class struggle and the fight for the socialist transformation of society.

https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/1 ... s-n21.html

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