Racists Should Be Treated Like Pedophiles - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Should Racists Be Treated Like Pedophiles?

Yes, racists should be treated just like pedophiles
No, racists should not be treated just like pedophiles
Spider-Man wrote:
temptations to think black people are on average less intelligent

Black people are on average less intelligent, that's not even controversial. The only question is why? Woketards claim it's solely due to racism while hardcore racists claim it's almost entirely genetic, the reality is likely somewhere in the middle.
Sivad wrote:Black people are on average less intelligent, that's not even controversial.
It's racist, and you know that.

Sivad wrote:The only question is why?
It caused by institutional racism and that's why criticizing it is promoting racism.

I posted WHY. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the- ... n-be-done/

Sivad wrote:Woketards claim it's solely due to racism while hardcore racists claim it's almost entirely genetic, the reality is likely somewhere in the middle.
It's not though, you racist fool.
Godstud wrote:@AFAIK That's not what is being suggested.

This is:
I agree with this, as racists are harming all of society.

Well, apparently I'm not racist then, because my belief that black people on average aren't as intelligent as whites and Asians isn't "harming all of society" as you say. It's based on personal observation, evidence, and studies that show the belief to be true. Also, I've read writings from black authors saying, "there is not a single successful black country". In Africa countless people are dying of thirst and starvation that I don't currently see in any predominantly white country. This might also be yet more evidence in favor of my belief.

In Africa there are villages of people living in mud huts with no running water. They wait in vain for Westerners to drill them a well. Rather than drill a well themselves, they walk extremely long distances , hauling water in heavy jugs a good portion of the day to the point it damages their skeletons.

This would also be evidence that my belief is correct.
Last edited by Spider-Man on 08 Jun 2020 15:10, edited 2 times in total.
Spider-Man wrote:Well, apparently I'm not racist then, because my belief that black people on average aren't as intelligent as whites and Asians isn't "harming all of society" as you say.
It is racist though, and that's why you are a racist as you are defending the perpetuation of this. :knife: It's also everything else that goes with it.

Did you even bother to read what I posted, or did you ignore it since it wasn't a 30 second Youtube video?

Spider-Man wrote:This might also be yet more evidence in favor of my belief.
Your belief is RACIST, fool!
Godstud wrote:It is racist though, and that's why you are a racist as you are defending the perpetuation of this. :knife: It's also everything else that goes with it.

Did you even bother to read what I posted, or did you ignore it since it wasn't a 30 second Youtube video?

Your belief is RACIST, fool!

I'm not in any way saying we have license to mistreat any human being, or that somehow being intelligent makes a person better than less intelligent people. Ted Bundy escaped from prison twice, was his own personal lawyer, and active in the Republican party. He was intelligent but inferior to a humble, meek, charitable altruistic human being swatting flies in a mud hut in Kenya.

Also, your article doesn't refute the fact that black people score lower on IQ tests.
Godstud wrote:It's racist, and you know that.

It caused by institutional racism and that's why criticizing it is promoting racism.

I posted WHY. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the- ... n-be-done/

It's not though, you racist fool.

Even the article although clearly biased doesn't support the dogmatic claims you are making. But most of the people that write this stuff wouldn't know a scientific methodology if it smashed them in the face. A comprehensive and tenable theory must explain the other gaps in measured IQ, educational success and other life outcomes, notably the gap between White Gentiles and Jews in the West, and the success of Christian Arabs and Druze populations within Israel.

We've spent the last five decades or more trying to close the Black / White success gap, lets spend the next five decades trying to close the White Gentile / Jewish gap.
Rich wrote:What vile bigotry, [text deleted because it broke the rule "While objective discussion on that issue is allowed, any posts that could be seen by a third party as "pro-paedophilia" are prohibited. - Prosthetic Conscience"]

Guys just keep talking. More stuff like this. It's beautiful. The best. Because the more you say on this topic, the more justified my position becomes. Defending pedophilia and racism all in the same breath? Tremendous. Like I said, really great stuff. Believe me.
In some cases racists or so-called racists are already treated worse than pedophiles. It won't be long before they add the letter P to LGBT. That's likely to happen sooner than white people (yes, I know most of you hypocrites only really mean white people when you talk about racists) having their ethno-state.

Racism, whatever it may mean to the easily offended among us, is pretty much the ultimate sin in the degenerate and multicult Western societies.
No, racists should not be treated just like pedophiles

It is very dangerous because according to the critical race discourse all whites have some racist tendencies.

By whose definition is someone a racist?

If all whites have this tendency then this is basically saying an entire race of people have a tendency that is equivalent to paedophiles.

What would people have to do to prove they aren't racists? Would it ever be enough?

Who would police this, the Red Guards?
Saeko wrote:Simple. Racists should be shunned from society and looked down upon with the same level of derision as pedophiles.

And who gets to decide what is a racist?

Pedophiles has a specific definition(at least for now; given how other insane sexual deviance's are now accepted by the insane left, soon calling a piece of shit pedophile a pedo will be hate speech.)
Unthinking Majority wrote:There's all sorts of racist activities. I'm sure some of them are as bad as having sex with children. Like killing someone for being a certain race.

How do you determine a persons intent? Thought crime? Also killing someone, is a crime by itself. This is about labeling someone a racist, what is the criteria?
Keep in mind that white supremacists and fascists traditionally groom children for their twisted hallucinatory political cause. It's how they hijack the body politic for a generation. Neo-Nazi gangs in East Germany were notorious for preying on children.

If I recall a Neo-Nazi and self-admitted pedophile actually ran for Congress a few years ago at the height of the Trump moment. There seems to be real intersectionality between white supremacism and pedophilia.

White men are also over-represented in crimes like international child sex tourism and undoubtedly they resent the feminists and child advocates who put pressure on governments to take action against them.

This is a fun brain-storming thread. Thank you, Saeko.
Oxymoron wrote: This is about labeling someone a racist, what is the criteria?

anyone who doesn't prostrate themselves to black people, doesn't pray to black people, and doesn't flagellate themselves for being white is a racist and the moral equivalent of a pedophile.
Political Interest wrote:Who would police this, the Red Guards?

It will probably be a religious police like they got in Saudi Arabia. Eventually the woketard faith will be codified into a doctrinal law like sharia and the faith militant will patrol the streets brutally enforcing wokeness on the population.
Is it academically sound to say racists and pedophiles are the same? Does that mean the other side have a profound misundertsnding of what is racism? Does it mean they are using emotion rather than reason?
What makes you a racist is the stupid shit you say and do. Period.

You don't want to be identified as a racist? DO NOT ACT LIKE A RACIST. Do not post racist shit.

It's that simple.

Making arguments that black people have lower IQs(a fact with caveats) is ignoring the reason for it, and so is a racist argument. The cause of this difference is institutional racism, and that's why using this as some sort of argument is inherently flawed and racist.

Is that too simple to comprehend?
Pants-of-dog wrote:If the question is “do we keep practicing racists away from kids, and shun then in regular society?”, then the answer is obviously “yes”.

That wasn't the question. That's why I attacked the vile bigotry of the thread. Last time I checked a paedophile is someone who is attracted to children, the definition says nothing about whether they act on this attraction. I'm lucky that I've always been attracted to adult women, but someone that is attracted to children and resists should be praised. Especially when we consider that a sexual attraction to children is often connected to physical or sexual abuse in the paedophile's own childhood.

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