Who is going to win democrat nominee 2020? - Page 19 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Who is going to win democrat nominee?

Bernie Sanders
Joe Biden
Elizabeth Warren
@blackjack21 aka Relampaguito who tries to snow me with banter...
Yes, he is an asshole. You do realize I was teasing don't you? His Russian isn't that good, but it's far better than his Spanish.

The Russian dude doesn't speak Spanish well. He is not part of that culture so being a smart man? Decided to bring along someone who knows the ins and outs of life in Bolivia. A great improvement over that asshole you posted. Lol. Bald and broke. I wonder how well you would do going in to these villages over here with your bad attitude towards Latin people in general. You think people are dumb BJ? They know if you don't approve. My neighbor took me to her hometown of Molas, a tiny place where most people still speak Mayan. They are poor and her mother lived in a small one room thatched hut with burning wood outdoor stove and a hole in the ground for a toilet. I hung around with her extended family as they brought food to eat on a rickety wooden table and had the most humble of utensils to eat. I wound up making the matriarch laugh with jokes and dancing with her....and I fed the matriarch first....to honor her. No one had to tell me that was the right thing to do. I followed my instincts. I got invited back for three more dinners and now the matriarch wants to come and visit me and have me drive her around town. I learned a few phrases of basic Maya but I am going to have to go and study it formally later on this summer....and in about two or four years I will be fluent. You think because people are poor in the bank account that means their culture is easy to learn or adapt to? It is not. All human cultures are hard work. Language, customs, social relationships, rules, land, religion, politics, education, economic activity, it is all complex. It is not easy. The ones who think that shit is easy are DUMBELLS who think their culture is the cat's meow and who are never humble. They never get a second invite to any place. I would kick their arrogant asses out too. Do you like being discriminated against because you work for a living and the rich elite nobility of old Europe see you as a worker because if you stop coding? Can't pay the bills...he sucks they think......he doesn't have my status. You better start realizing how most of the world lives in this planet. It is not about some suburban middle class white person's standards BJ. Most of the world is two or three days from not being able to eat. That is most of the developing world. You can run from that reality or figure out a way to deal with the insecurity of that reality. My answer is international socialism. Period.

Cultural capital, huh? I guess that helps with people who are inherently distrustful?

Lol. I don't go to Molas, the little town alone. I go with the daughter of one of the long time native people. Who lives in the city now and is my next door neighbor and happens to have a little boy my son's age and they hang out together....two little boys who run all over my house playing games....her son tells my little boy about Mayan creatures from his mother's home town.....and how his "Tia"or Aunt is a pain in the ass who is a tightwad about money....lol. Real life and real people BJ. Not some made up patronizing shit that asshole does on your video that you say is about joshing me. Lol. Ave maria. I wonder would you be that bad? I have my doubts.

Probably. Those are the Democrats. You realize the KKK are Democrats, right?

You pull out that shit like if I never studied my American political party histories. I am an avid reader of ancient history from all over the world. For years. That is all I read before I doze off in Mexico. Right now I got next to my nightstand "La Historia de Teotihuacan." I will post a video about you stating that wow the KKK are democrats. Lincoln was a Republican. They fought the American Civil War. The Dixiecrats I have known about since I picked up a book on the American Civil War when I was ten years old BJ. You aren't teaching me anything new.

Look here Relampaguito, the parties have evolved over the years according to a bunch of reasons. Trying to think or say that the modern Democratic party is the same as the ones from the past is being misleading or false BJ. You think I don't know your tactics....eh? Mr. Bochinchero. Lol. A very slang word from PR. Bochinchero. Could be a term for this tactic of yours. Hee hee. Big wink.

It took you a few months? Tough audience there... ;)

How many months have I been writing and debating with you? To build rapport, and to get to the essence of what you are about? It is not about the quick. It is about the long haul and working and working. Then you get to the truth. Those that want quick and easy answers to human societies filled with complexities and hundreds of years of history and interactions between an ancient nation like Spain is and an ancient civilization like the Aztec, Mayan and Incan empires were about? Are fools. Give me a quick thing...to understand. Yes, easy shit to do. None of great things and beauty are just easy sometimes BJ. Who knows what you value hombre? I love culture. That is my thing. I am willing to work years to understand it. Who is the most committed usually gets the best results eh? No crees mi hombre BJ? El Relampaguito del Norte de California....

You do realize that Cheney was never president, right?

Did I misspell something? Lol. Of course I know Cheney never was president. Did I write that? Lol. Gerald Ford was VP for Nixon. Cheney had a lesbian daughter he loves. Didn't you try to paint the issues with Gay Rights about Democrats having gay children? The Republicans got those in the closet as well....Ron Reagan junior who is also an atheist. And a liberal. And the others I spoke about which you ignored as well like J. Edgar Hoover being gay as can be but denying it til the end. Why didn't you talk about that contradiction eh? Not convenient to your narrative....lol.

No. He's just not all there at times.

No he is not.

That seems to be the case. I wonder what the conversations were to get the others to drop out.

Can't have the socialist Jew in the White House our money for our corrupt selves will be affected. Sacrifice yourselves at the altar of our sellout God and all will be well in your houses. Lol. Does that satisfy your need to know BJ? ;) :D

Of course, I was chiding you a little bit just for fun. "Bald and Bankrupt" should be your first clue that he's not serious.

Bald and corrupt but you put a video in there? He was so unattractive. Ufff....put a handsome dude up there....at least I can look at a handsome pain in the ass man... instead of that fool. Hee hee.

The Republicans picked up a seat in the Senate. Not exactly a wave election.

Enough of ineffective do nothings and even the Trump supporters will run out of patience and try to get change with some scapegoat tactics.
Patrickov wrote:I think what he said was that Cheney wielded real power so the "throwing money onto the rich" policies back then should be credited to Cheney instead of George W. Bush.

I understand perfectly. The point is that Cheney couldn't pass a tax or spending bill and didn't sign anything into law. @late likes to have it both ways.

ProPhoto wrote:To the topic, I think the nominee is going to be Biden.

Yes, I think that is nearly indisputable at this point; however, it's also clear that he would not be the obvious front-runner right now if the establishment didn't come to his rescue.

ProPhoto wrote:As popular as Sanders is, his support comes, in no small way, from younger voters to whom the idea of free everything is appealing. The problem, though, is that young folks are the ones who'll turn out in smaller numbers to vote.

That is the paradox, since they come out to his rallies in big numbers. The other problem though, is that many of those passionate about Bernie will not show up to vote for Biden.

late wrote:Cheney put Bush in a glass cage.

This is just so much bullshit. Cheney had no other constitutional power than to break ties in the US Senate.

late wrote:What you don't like about that is that isn't fake, and that Pelosi became da boss...

Pelosi has been fucking up spectacularly. I don't blame it entirely on her. The establishment is not politically popular. Boehner and Ryan quit as well. Ryan was a bit of a surprise, because not too many people leave arguably the second most powerful position in the United States at his young age.

late wrote:When factoring all of the states with strict voter identification requirements, Republicans won 17 more seats than Democrats (38 to 21).

That tells you where the illegal voting is happening.

Tainari88 wrote:I wonder how well you would do going in to these villages over here with your bad attitude towards Latin people in general.

Oh, I think I would do just fine. Remember, there is a big difference between who I am and this little monster you've created in your head.

Tainari88 wrote:You think people are dumb BJ?

IQ reflects a normal distribution.

Tainari88 wrote:You think because people are poor in the bank account that means their culture is easy to learn or adapt to?

I'm quite certain I've never said any such thing.

Tainari88 wrote:Language, customs, social relationships, rules, land, religion, politics, education, economic activity, it is all complex. It is not easy.

Precisely, which is why I do not wax on about some universal brotherhood of man.

Tainari88 wrote:Do you like being discriminated against because you work for a living and the rich elite nobility of old Europe see you as a worker because if you stop coding? Can't pay the bills...he sucks they think......he doesn't have my status.

I honestly don't care. Some have been able to hold their status by ditching large land holdings and being more liquid. So many of the old elite families have had a large comedown. It's a point of fact that many of them rely on primogeniture to hold the wealth, not merit. As I've said before, I can trace my lineage quite a ways back, and if you weren't the first born son of the first born son, you had to hustle. Am I jealous of my Mexican friend from a wealthy family? Not at all. I actually feel pity for him for a life wasted on frivolity.

Tainari88 wrote:My answer is international socialism. Period.

Which requires a level of solidarity that is essentially unachievable. This is why I disagree with the haughty as well. I don't know who it was here--probably @late--lamenting Trump appealing to the lowest common denominator, which is precisely what one must do to arrive at a political majority.

Tainari88 wrote:Not some made up patronizing shit that asshole does on your video that you say is about joshing me.

I enjoy little travel blogs. Benjamin Rich is a bit of an ass, but he does much better in Eastern Europe until he gets into Muslim countries and they get after him. One I do enjoy is Noraly Schoemaker's vlog.

Itchy Boots

She's in Bolivia right now--riding from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska on her motorcycle. She speaks English with a Dutch accent and Spanish and gets along with everyone just fine. It's actually one of my morning routines to see how Noraly is getting along. I've sent her about 60 Euro over the last year for gas money. I learned of her from "Bald and Bankrupt", when she was riding through Central Asia where he was doing some traveling.

See? I even know something about mining in Bolivia now, their wages and working conditions. :excited: I can't reveal too much of this, or you'll take away my Relampaguito title and have me figured for some kind of softy. :lol: 8)

Tainari88 wrote:I wonder would you be that bad? I have my doubts.

You would find me quite charming, and then you would be baffled by why I find people like Benjamin Rich or Donald Trump funny. It has a lot to do with the rigid social structures that my grandparents from the UK imposed on us when it was already well out of fashion. When you are raised with such strict manners, people with outsized personalities who break traditional social conventions are quite funny. That's why when I see Donald Trump, I envision Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" or "Back to School."

Notice the professor's accent? My parents were very American, but my mother's parents weren't. I find humor in that tension, but then you would need to understand the old UK culture before it went all goofy.

Tainari88 wrote:Those that want quick and easy answers to human societies filled with complexities and hundreds of years of history and interactions between an ancient nation like Spain is and an ancient civilization like the Aztec, Mayan and Incan empires were about? Are fools.

Ahh... see? That's what I find interesting about you. You have all the intelligence to understand why socialism cannot work, but it has you spellbound nevertheless. Why you can't weld together a working class of the world political movement? You have the answer right there, but yet you still see the answer in something absurdly simple and something which eludes every country that tries it.

Tainari88 wrote:Did I misspell something? Lol. Of course I know Cheney never was president. Did I write that? Lol. Gerald Ford was VP for Nixon. Cheney had a lesbian daughter he loves. Didn't you try to paint the issues with Gay Rights about Democrats having gay children? The Republicans got those in the closet as well....Ron Reagan junior who is also an atheist. And a liberal. And the others I spoke about which you ignored as well like J. Edgar Hoover being gay as can be but denying it til the end. Why didn't you talk about that contradiction eh? Not convenient to your narrative....lol.

Meant for @late. I'm pointing out why the establishment sold out on sentiment and ignored history, the law and the constitution. I've given discourses on why homosexuals have a history of political repression and J. Edgar Hoover is a classic example. I pointed that out with Bradley Manning as well, have noted Jean Le Carre's Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy among other works. We all find it amusing that Lindsay Graham is a closet homosexual, and possibly even James Mattis. I don't think any of that is a contradiction. As I said, I see the Republican and Democratic establishment as two sides of the same coin. Do you see why I was rooting for Bernie Sanders? What have I said all along? The only thing I don't want to see is what I'm seeing now: I don't want to see Biden as the nominee. If you want to believe these ridiculous narratives that all the racists decided that after the Republican party passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after trying for 100 years that all of the racists in the Democratic Party said, "Hey, let's join the Republicans who just passed the Civil Rights Act," have at it. I will never be fooled by that nonsense.

Tainari88 wrote:Can't have the socialist Jew in the White House our money for our corrupt selves will be affected. Sacrifice yourselves at the altar of our sellout God and all will be well in your houses. Lol. Does that satisfy your need to know BJ? ;) :D

He he. Yeah. That's about it. Too bad for Bernie. It was fun while it lasted.

Tainari88 wrote:Ufff....put a handsome dude up there....at least I can look at a handsome pain in the ass man... instead of that fool. Hee hee.

You might like Noraly. ^^
blackjack21 wrote:That is the paradox, since they come out to his rallies in big numbers. The other problem though, is that many of those passionate about Bernie will not show up to vote for Biden.

It depends on how much they are against Trump. If they perceive Trump to be so bad they probably would not mind voting Biden in. Four years ago neither Hilary, Sanders nor Trump were president so there was less burden for them to allow Trump getting voted in (I personally did not approve that attitude. Voting right is something always worth exercising as long as it's not equal-size endorsement vote).

An example to study on such behaviour is how Hongkongers flocked to vote out pro-Beijing councillors last November, despite some of the elected were apparently not keen to work practically.
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