Political Ideology and the Recreational Use of Psychoactive Compounds. - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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What is your ideology and what are your drug use habits?

I am a communist or socialist and I use or have used recreational drugs heavily
No votes
I am a communist or socialist and I use or have used recreational drugs lightly
No votes
I am a communist or socialist and I abstain or very rarely use recreational drugs
I am something else and I use or have used recreational drugs heavily
No votes
I am something else and I use or have used recreational drugs lightly
I am something else and I abstain or very rarely use recreational drugs
Decky wrote:You ain't no Catholic, those who turn their backs on Rome turn their backs on God. Martin Luthor burns in hell with Mohammed and all the other false prophets. Christ made the first Pope St Peter the rock on which we would build his church (he said church singular not plural, like with Highlander there can only be one).

Luther never turned his back on the church, the Papists turned their back on orthodoxy and the true faith at Trent when they condemned the doctrines of Saint Augustine and the councils of the church. The Pope is that very man of sin leading people into damnation from his throne atop the synagogue of Satan.

The reformation churches never left or voted to leave the Romish church, the Romish church moved trent's location in secret as to prevent the Augustinian (Lutheran) bishops from being able to attend (as those bishops had a right to do) and the true church was then expelled by the Papists. We never left, you LEFT us.

Decky wrote:Protestants just want to pick and choose from the bible

Says the folks that invented mandated clerical celibacy and created purgatory and transubstantiation out of thin air... :lol:

Decky wrote:Henry VIII started it so he could divorce multiple times (very Christian ) and so he could destroy the ancient monasteries of England and steal their wealth and land to use for himself. Protestantism is the religion of greed, selfishness and worship of the individual.

Henry VIII was biblically permitted to divorce his wife as it violated Levitical Law and he was cursed with childlessness because of that marriage. Also, don't act like the Papists didn't steal, they stole from the people themselves through the unbiblical and heretical practices of indulges to fund their building projects and massive debts. Besides, technically those lands and monastaries belonged to the king anyway, they were on His land.

Indeed, papism is the faith of fools who ignore the teachings of the true church and follow a tyrant in Rome who invented his own new religion that is anything but Catholic.

Besides, the right of the king over his own land includes the churches on it and the Papacy invented its authority over temporal holdings only by creating that forgery the Donation of Constantine which justified all of its unbiblical and ahistorical innovations from the investiture controversy, to clerical celibacy, to its meritology.

You sir, are no Catholic. The Saints of the church would recognize me and not you in their final analysis and if they were to walk into our liturgies they would see your church as an innovator and mine as catholic.

This is just the reality.
Yeah, we don't ordain women or any of that shit, nor do we have guitars.

Our worship looks like the bottom photo, so I don't think you know who you are talking to, or what you are even talking about.

I think you have my faith mistaken with anabaptists and leftists....sorta how you are confused about the distinction between romanism and catholicsm, papism and orthodoxy.

Decky wrote:Do you even know how Anglicanism started? Henry VIII started it so he could divorce multiple times (very Christian ) and so he could destroy the ancient monasteries of England and steal their wealth and land to use for himself.

Yes, we know the Papist narrative of Anglicanism's origins. It always conveniently ignores the fact that Pope Clement was a stooge for Charles V (so much for Papal "supremacy"), that Henry's Church of England was in no way identifiably Protestant, and that it only became so following Mary I's furious persecution of Protestants and Pius V's call for violent insurrection by English Roman Catholics.
Yes I am sure your worship looks exactly like mass at St Peters. :lol: Who do you think you are fooling?

I am confused about nothing, there is Christianity (the one true faith in Rome) and then there is the worship of satan. Those are the only two denominations I know of or need to know of. What else do you need to know? You are no closer to Christ that a witch doctor in a grass skirt on the savanna or some savage worshiping a totem pole down the road from you.
Decky wrote:Catholicism is in the blood, you don't stop being one ever.

That was a clever deflection, but it kinda sounds like you're an atheist....is that true?

Decky wrote:Anyway, Christ was the first Stalinist.


That is the most bat-shit crazy nonsense i've ever heard.

Traditional catholicism (prior to the reformation) upheld the right of kings and the landed aristocracy (very progressive lol)

As for Christ? He upheld the obligations of children to their parents into adulthood which were tied to land-inheritance laws in the OT.

I don't recall him advocating for the State to confiscate all personal possessions (I don't understand how commies conflate a command for the rich to voluntarily share their wealth with the poor with a tyrannical state stealing the wealth of the earners.)

I can see your revisionist state-approved stalinist bible now:

And Christ spake unto His disciples:

"Repent, for the Gulag is at hand, for you and your children after you." :lol:

Most people who use this site are westerners and most westerners are fairly heavy drinkers, so I think it will warp the results too much if we include alcohol. Also the vast majority of alcohol users don't experience any noticeable brain damage.

So? The skewing that will be done is skewing towards the truth. Also I disagree with your assertion that most people on this site are heavy drinkers and think that you may be projecting; I have not seen a poll on this site measuring the amount of alcohol consumption amongst PoFo users so such an assumption is based on nothing. Furthermore, how can you be sure that long-term alcoholics don't suffer brain damage? There has been several studies shown that excessive drinking deteriorates the brain which results in diseases, such as Alzheimer's, occurring at an early age than it should.

There are health consequences for excessive caffeine and nicotine usage too, shall we include those? It may seem arbitrary to you but I think we need to keep the poll to just those compounds which are considered so dangerous that they are banned outright.

Anything which may have any health consequences should be added in. It doesn't matter what it is, it is absolutely necessary to cover all grounds here if you want any objective result from this. Furthermore, cannabis (a drug which you consider dangerous given that it is considered recreational by you) has less health consequences than cigarettes yet you deem cigars as not part of the poll despite cigars having a bigger impact, both psychologically and physically, than marijuana ever could. LSD also has less consequences than tobacco.

I have no issue with the poll, this is a very interesting idea (abit poorly done), but if you want any kind of objectivity (and I stress that you cannot find what you are looking for using merely a poll on PoFo, it seems you are attempting to construct a narrative rather than find any "truth") you need to cover all grounds and include all drugs. It doesn't matter if many people use or not, it doesn't matter if the drug is banned. Alcohol was also banned in the Prohibition Era, would you consider alcohol an illegal drug because of that? Of course not, and because of that all drugs should be included regardless of the legality.
Oxymandias wrote:So? The skewing that will be done is skewing towards the truth. Also I disagree with your assertion that most people on this site are heavy drinkers and think that you may be projecting; I have not seen a poll on this site measuring the amount of alcohol consumption amongst PoFo users so such an assumption is based on nothing. Furthermore, how can you be sure that long-term alcoholics don't suffer brain damage? There has been several studies shown that excessive drinking deteriorates the brain which results in diseases, such as Alzheimer's, occurring at an early age than it should.

My train of logic is this:

Most users here come from Europe and the Americas (particularly the north americas), most Europeans and Americans are regular to heavy drinkers. It is a fact by the way that Europeans and Russians are the biggest alcohol drinkers in the world, consuming virtually some alcohol everyday of their lives and very often to the point of some inebriation.


The fact is it is not the brain which is in any great danger from alcohol, or else russians and europeans wouldn't be the smartest people on the planet as well, no it is the liver which gets wrecked by excessive alcohol use. Even so most Europeans, Russians and Americans, even the most alcoholic of them manage to die of something else than liver disease.

The cause of Alzheimer's was a complete mystery until recently now the cause is known it has nothing to do with alcohol, literally nothing. It is caused by a defence mechanism against brain parasites which because of clean modern diets has nothing to do and so is prone to going on a rampage.

Btw wherever you get your facts from it is only fair to point out Islamic science is not real science.

Oxymandias wrote:Anything which may have any health consequences should be added in. It doesn't matter what it is, it is absolutely necessary to cover all grounds here if you want any objective result from this. Furthermore, cannabis (a drug which you consider dangerous given that it is considered recreational by you) has less health consequences than cigarettes yet you deem cigars as not part of the poll despite cigars having a bigger impact, both psychologically and physically, than marijuana ever could. LSD also has less consequences than tobacco.

I am looking for fairly specific health consequences or else why not put in the recreational use of athletics too given the risk of getting a sprained ankle. Tobacco trashes the lungs, alcohol trashes the liver, LSD smashes up the mind.

Oxymandias wrote:I have no issue with the poll, this is a very interesting idea (abit poorly done), but if you want any kind of objectivity (and I stress that you cannot find what you are looking for using merely a poll on PoFo, it seems you are attempting to construct a narrative rather than find any "truth") you need to cover all grounds and include all drugs. It doesn't matter if many people use or not, it doesn't matter if the drug is banned. Alcohol was also banned in the Prohibition Era, would you consider alcohol an illegal drug because of that? Of course not, and because of that all drugs should be included regardless of the legality.

It is poorly done but in an opposite way to that which you are suggesting. The scope is too broad not insufficiently broad. You are saying open it up to include absolutely everything that might have even the weakest influence, whereas what is needed is to drill down to specific drugs one by one and have a separate poll for each. However it should be noted I don't in any way suggest this is a serious medical study or anything it is just a quick poll on a forum with only a few dozen active users at best. Apart from anything else the sample sizes are far too low.

My train of logic is this:

Most users here come from Europe and the Americas (particularly the north americas), most Europeans and Americans are regular to heavy drinkers. It is a fact by the way that Europeans and Russians are the biggest alcohol drinkers in the world, consuming virtually some alcohol everyday of their lives and very often to the point of some inebriation.

Yes, so?

The fact is it is not the brain which is in any great danger from alcohol, or else russians and europeans wouldn't be the smartest people on the planet as well, no it is the liver which gets wrecked by excessive alcohol use. Even so most Europeans, Russians and Americans, even the most alcoholic of them manage to die of something else than liver disease.

Europeans and Russians aren't the smartest people on the planet, Asians are. Furthermore, Europe also has the least amount of scientists in the world by far; the only reason why such a large amount of scientific articles come from Europe is because the EU better utilizes such human resources than most countries including the US and China.

When I mean brain damage, I don't mean intelligence and I think I made myself clear in that regard. Brain damage is something that happens due to an external source, not during birth. European babies don't come out of the womb with scotch in one hand and beer in the other. That's why I mentioned Alzheimer's, because it's an example of a disease you gain not one you're born with.

Do you have any sources for that assertion. Liver disease may be a prominent consequence of alcohol consumption, but it is not the only consequence.

The cause of Alzheimer's was a complete mystery until recently now the cause is known it has nothing to do with alcohol, literally nothing. It is caused by a defence mechanism against brain parasites which because of clean modern diets has nothing to do and so is prone to going on a rampage.

We still don't know what is the cause of Alzheimer's. Scientists believe that there are several factors that influence Alzheimer's and when it happens but the exact cause of the disease is unknown. Where did you get this information? One of the things which may lead to Alzheimer's to occur earlier is alcohol or at least extensive alcohol consumption. Also, not everyone goes on modern diets and even those that don't, still get Alzheimer's.

Btw wherever you get your facts from it is only fair to point out Islamic science is not real science.

? I got my information from Recovery Centers of America. Furthermore, Islamic science is no different from regular science. Islamic philosophers literally invented the scientific method for fuck's sake. There is no such thing as Islamic science, there is only one science in Islamic philosophy and that is the one both me and you get our information from. There is no equivalent to "Christian science" in Islam.

I am looking for fairly specific health consequences or else why not put in the recreational use of athletics too given the risk of getting a sprained ankle. Tobacco trashes the lungs, alcohol trashes the liver, LSD smashes up the mind.

Yes, you are looking for psychological health consequences because you want to correlate liberalism with psychological impairment. If liberals do more LSD than conservatives, you can make the argument that liberals are liberals because of LSD and not the other way around. I have issues with this argument myself, but that is other than the point. If you're goal is to measure psychological consequences to drug consumption, then alcohol would be considered a drug. If you want the full fucking article, here it is:

https://recoverycentersofamerica.com/ne ... hol-abuse/

Here is another article by the Mental Health Foundation in the UK about the psychological effects of alcohol:

https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/ ... tal-health

It is poorly done but in an opposite way to that which you are suggesting. The scope is too broad not insufficiently broad. You are saying open it up to include absolutely everything that might have even the weakest influence, whereas what is needed is to drill down to specific drugs one by one and have a separate poll for each. However it should be noted I don't in any way suggest this is a serious medical study or anything it is just a quick poll on a forum with only a few dozen active users at best. Apart from anything else the sample sizes are far too low.

I had the same idea, although it's too late to change the poll now is it? You can make another poll, but that would not suit your purpose. Your goal is merely self-gratification. You certainly won't go around publicly telling people that liberals are liberals because of recreational drugs, but you will savor that information or at least it's partial confirmation. You are correct in that you don't want a serious study, you are merely here to validate yourself and your beliefs and find more things to point out about them. I think if I aggravate you enough, you would end publicly stating that liberals are liberals because they do LSD or because they're mentally broken somehow, but that doesn't concern me. What concerns me is your assertion that alcohol or nicotine or cigarettes are apparently not recreational drugs, an assertion that many professional would disagree with.

I assume you're referring to my response to the first section of your post? In which case, such a response is intentional as it is merely there to fill in what would otherwise be empty space. Otherwise, I don't see why you won't address my points outside of refusing to do so out of an inability to address them. Maybe you could tell me exactly what you are responding to instead of simply posting a vague excuse to get you out of an argument while asserting yourself as my superior for whatever reason. Maybe you could get rid of the chauvinism and sense of superiority which you espouse when conversing with me. If you consider Europeans to be truly the most intelligent people out there, you certainly wouldn't be a good example.

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