If President Trump wins re-election in 2020, will his enemies accept the results? - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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If President Trump wins re-election in 2020, will his enemies accept the results?

yes, they will
No, they will not
SSDR wrote:@Hindsite, You don't have any proof that the book you're referencing wasn't written by liars.

You have no proof so it's all about what you believe in.

Obviously, you are not really interested in knowing. So I will just post two more videos that those that are interested might like.

How the Origin of the Universe Points to the Existence of God

How the Origin of Life Points to the Existence of God

The real pressing question is if Trump will accept the results if he loses the 2020 election.

That said, this poll is pretty silly, as it's not as if they'd have much of a choice in the matter if they did lose again.
The real pressing question is if Trump will accept the results if he loses the 2020 election.

Then you should post a thread about that, as I think you might have missed the point of this particular thread;

That said, this poll is pretty silly, as it's not as if they'd have much of a choice in the matter if they did lose again.

Not silly at all.

Note that I asked the question not of Trump's enemies specifically, but of members of PoFo in general, not all necessarily his enemies. The reason behind the thread is to gauge the ability to think of possibilities realistically. We know that Trump's enemies did not psychologically accept his win in 2016 (note the psychological projection of his being asked the question in 2016 during the primaries!), so the question I pose relates to the ability of people to accept realities, even if those realities are horrid or mildly uncomfortable to them. Would there be another attempt to create a story of a ''stolen election''? Demonstrations and rioting in the streets? 24/7 MSM calls for his ouster for another 4 years? Worse? Or would there be a subdued sense of resignation if not acceptance, with the hope of placing a Democrat in office in 2024?

I ask PoFo members this, because you are more representative across the spectrum of the politically active and politically thoughtful in the modern world, not exactly the regular folks who constitute the majority of voters.

I have my own ideas on this matter, but they really don't count. It's not my fight.
There is a diversity within the anti-Trumpists.

Even if we restrict ourselves to the USA, there will be diverse reactions if he is re-elected.

The Democrats will accpet it. @quetzalcoatl and @Political Interest are both correct. The Democrats are spineless, and Trump is not that unorthodox. Besides, Trump is a master at causing conflict, which the Democrats and the media love.

There will be all sorts of drama about his re-election if it happens, including allegations of stolen elections, protests and riots, a media circus...and then the Democrats would probably have a boring win in 2024.
Hindsite wrote:Perhaps that is because you may be below average intelligence, otherwise you would have realized that I was being facetious.
Praise the Lord.

Alright now, that's some passive aggressive talk. We here can all be better than calling names and casting aspersions as to our development and strengths or lack thereof. And the younger people need examples of strength and character to look up to; I know that I for one have failed them so far.

There's far too much bitterness and enmity in modern life, particularly with politics, and this thread was meant to spark discussion of that, not be a reflection of that bitterness and enmity.
Stormsmith wrote:If he is elected, Americans should do what they ought to have already done: look for and stop Russian interference.

Obama administration knew about Russian meddling in August 2016 before the election and did not do anything about it during the election because they claimed they did not know what to do. Actually, they thought Hillary Clinton was going to win so they felt no urgency to act.

Ter wrote:No, his enemies will not accept the results.
What worries me is that the polarisation might last for a long time to come.
I foresee that Republicans will not accept a Democratic President either.
It is going to be obstruction all the way, investigations, hoaxes, smears and insults.
As a result very little necessary work and development will be possible... health care, infrastructure, immigration, climate change, nothing will be solved.
No respect, no cooperation.
Will this go on for a generation, or longer ?

Why should they? What have the Democrats accomplished without cheating or rigging the system?
Stormsmith wrote:@Hindsite

You're missing the point. Start doing more to fix this mess now, before the next/future elections

I don't see that the Russians are the problem with our elections. They did not hack the voting machines. They did the American people a great favor by hacking the DNC and revealing their corruption by way of WikiLeaks.
Hindsite wrote:I don't see that the Russians are the problem with our elections. They did not hack the voting machines. They did the American people a great favor by hacking the DNC and revealing their corruption by way of WikiLeaks.

Pretty sure that DNC hack was an inside job, by Seth Rich to ''Kimdotcom'', to ''Wikileaks''.

And the funny thing is, is that the DNC email leaks revealed the rigging of the Democratic primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders, who took it like a chump on a dive. People stayed home in just the right numbers that even Democrat vote rigging couldn't stop Trump from winning in key states.

So Democrats naturally would rather whine about losing to Trump and seize upon a fantasy created by the cynical Clinton to ''explain'' her loss to Trump, ''Russiagate'', than own up to and expel the criminal and sleazy clique running the show at the DNC, the Clinton Machine.

It is a sad moment for them, this hysterical and delusional break from reality, and they will keep on losing until they clean the Augean stables in their own party.

Democrats have only themselves to blame for selecting a singularly unlikable and corrupt candidate like Hillary Clinton who would be chosen to reflect their parties values, or lack thereof.

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