Is there a lack of media diversity? - Politics | PoFo

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Is there a lack of media diversity in the West?

Other. Explain it
Trump disavows 'alt-right' supporters wrote:President-elect Donald Trump denied Tuesday that he did anything to "energize" the alt-right movement through his presidential campaign and sought to distance himself from it, even though many of the movement's leaders have sought to tether their political views to Trump's rise.

"I don't want to energize the group, and I disavow the group," Trump told a group of New York Times reporters and columnists during a meeting at the newspaper's headquarters in New York.
"It's not a group I want to energize, and if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why," he added, according to one of the Times reporters in the room, Michael Grynbaum

Trump offered up the condemnation of the alt-right, a far-right political movement rife with white nationalist, anti-Semitic and racist ideologies, after The New York Times' executive editor Dean Baquet asked Trump if he feels he did things to energize the alt-right.
Trump's comments come days after Richard Spencer, a white supremacist and leading figure in the alt-right, delivered a racist and anti-Semitic address to a gathering of the group's members in which he declared, emphatically, "Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!"
Spencer's chants prompted some audience members to raise their right hand in an apparent Nazi salute.

White supremacists have consistently expressed their support for Trump during the presidential campaign -- pointing in part to his hardline positions on immigration -- and critics contended that Trump was too slow to reject the support of those groups during his campaign.
Trump also took flak recently after he tapped his campaign CEO Steve Bannon to be one of his top two advisers in the White House. Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart News, touted the website as "the platform for the alt-right." Bannon rejected the anti-Semitic and racist elements of the alt-right in an interview with the Wall Street Journal this week and declared himself an "economic nationalist."
Trump defended Bannon in his New York Times meeting, saying that he's known him for "a long time" and that the allegations of anti-Semitism and connections to the alt-right are "not him."
"If I thought he was racist, or 'alt-right' ... I wouldn't even think about hiring him," Trump said Tuesday.

More on BBC

Just look these headlines. It gives hints. Now thet call it "alt-right" as somethig ugly.

Why can't far- right people have a voice?
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Didn't Trump just tell CNN that he hates them and that they are all liars? :excited:

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said, ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.
It is called "liberal bias", Forllein.

Liberal bias is partisan selection or distortion of information to support liberal policies. This bias can be expressed by professors and public school teachers, College Board exams, reporters and other journalists in mainstream media, and any other information source. Typically purveyors of liberal bias falsely present themselves as being objective. Liberal bias includes techniques such as distorted selection of information, placement bias, photo bias and liberal style.
The media being biased is not the biggest problem... The problem (with the entire left wing as it is, although very generally speaking), is that it assumes that it is morally untouchable, and everyone who does not agree with them is a racist, sexist, whateverist. Trumps election means learning the hard way that you need to talk with the people about whatever their ideology is. There is no inherently wrong ideology, but that is exactly what big parts of the media were saying and that is what in the end cost them the most.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The media is being controlled by lefitist Liberals and use that power to promote their shitty agendas to the masses but as the time passes they became less relevant. the internet is slowly killing them

That is absurd. The media are controlled by their owners, no one else. Their owners use their power to promote their own agenda, which is why there is no discussion in the media about real issues: landowner privilege (half the stories in local newspapers can't be understood because the central fact -- landowners' legal entitlement to steal from everyone else -- is missing), bankster-issued debt money, IP monopolies, etc. There is a simulation of leftist or progressive ideology, but it is only a simulation. Any leftist journalist who dared to write the truth would never see it published, and would never work again. And they know it.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The media is being controlled by lefitist Liberals and use that power to promote their shitty agendas to the masses
but as the time passes they became less relevant. the internet is slowly killing them

The media is controlled by the wealthy, both the owners of media and the corporations whose advertising funds them.
One Degree wrote:Other: There is plenty of diversity, just very little truth.

We need less opinion in our news. And less ideological picking and choosing of which stories to report or push to the top headlines. Just give us the facts and let the consumers decide for themselves. I don't give a shit about your crappy opinion Mr. or Mrs. Journalist.
No, there is not a lack of media diversity [I'm aware it's racist to say that] But there is far too much racism against the white majority, this is known as "Positive discrimination" by permanently offended liberal lefty types who think to discriminate against any minority is racist, but to discriminate against the majority is somehow positive!
You can only have media diversity in a free market, and once that happens we will see a flourishing of facts from the alternative media, which the Left's media are so keen to suppress. In a free market, the Left's media machine with its lies and misinformation will just die through lack of oxygen. The death of the Left media cannot come too soon.
In a capitalist country freedom of the press is the freedom of the rich to talk and poor to listen. The truth will not reported till every single printing press and radio transmitter is in the hands of the party!
Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes, there is a lack of diversity. All major news outlets are controlled by capitalists.

Oh, but capitalists love diversity, and capitalist media have a great diversity of news and opinions! Diversity under capitalism, in the media as in the elections, gives the consumer/voter the illusion of having a meaningful choice. Socialist media, by contrast, like socialist elections, do not offer even the illusion of choice. With the capitalist media, you can choose any sort of news or opinion you want, from the pedestrian to the craziest, from the weightiest to the most trivial -- except, of course, the truth about capitalism.
Decky wrote:In a capitalist country freedom of the press is the freedom of the rich to talk and poor to listen.

The truth will not reported till every single printing press and radio transmitter is in the hands of the party!

:lol: :lol: :lol: We already know where that goes: the people get to listen to the lies of the Party rather than the lies of the rich. As described in excruciating detail by Orwell, and proved by every example of socialist rule in history.
Yes, the news either is very liberal or very conservative. In both cases, the headlines are meant to be sensational. The headline writers usually create a click-bait title and whether it is true or not, does not seem to matter much.

What about a moderate voice?

There is too much diversity. Everybody gets to come on and explain their fucking feelings and act like pundits (because we don't have enough of those already) instead of reporting goddamned information.

But as Decky and others have said, the capitalists own the media and they'll sell you whatever fucking garbage they think you'll buy.
The Immortal Goon wrote:But as Decky and others have said, the capitalists own the media and they'll sell you whatever fucking garbage they think you'll buy.

No, they won't sell -- or tell -- you the truth about capitalism, at any price. There was a very instructive case in Canada about 15 years ago. Rafe Mair was the most popular radio talk show host in the country, with the biggest audience. But he started asking questions that were inconvenient to the financial interests of the network's owners, and was fired without a moment's regret. He has had a chequered career since then, and has never again come close to his former level of audience influence. That was the moment I knew media ownership wasn't about profits or audience or advertising at all. It was about controlling thought.

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