Were The Crusades Justified? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Were The Crusades Justified?

1. Yes, The Crusades Were Justified.
2. No, The Crusades Were Not Justified.
3. Neither, Both Sides Were Equally Justified or Not-Justified.
4. Other.
I am specifically thinking of First Crusade in the poll, were the Crusades justified?

That is, were the Crusades following a just cause for the war? (e.g. retaliation or to give aid to others); or was it nefarious and purely self-serving? Were the Muslims in the right? were they victims of an unjustified attempt at proto-colonialism? Give me your thoughts PoFo!
Could you change the title and question to "Were the Crusades against the Muslims justified?"

Because the Crusades against the Muslims were some of the most righteous, noble and moral acts in human history, where as the Crusades against the Pagans were some of the most disgusting, hypocritical, immoral acts in human history.
Rich wrote:Could you change the title and question to "Were the Crusades against the Muslims justified?"

Because the Crusades against the Muslims were some of the most righteous, noble and moral acts in human history, where as the Crusades against the Pagans were some of the most disgusting, hypocritical, immoral acts in human history.

He did mention in the OP that he was thinking of the First Crusade which were conducted to recover Anatolia, Antioch and Jerusalem from the muslim conquests.
Rich wrote:Could you change the title and question to "Were the Crusades against the Muslims justified?"

Because the Crusades against the Muslims were some of the most righteous, noble and moral acts in human history, where as the Crusades against the Pagans were some of the most disgusting, hypocritical, immoral acts in human history.

Read the OP. :roll:

I haven't done enough study on the crusades against the pagans to comment either way.

But unlike your romanticized edgy pagan fascism, I have no sympathy for polytheistic nature-worshippers.
Yes, the Crusades were justified.

They allowed people to travel, get some exercise, and bond with strangers over a wholesome Christian family cause. :)
Thought for the day:

If the Christian crusades to take back lands stolen by Muslim invaders was justified then would a Heathen crusade to take back lands stolen by Christian invaders be justified? :excited: (sorry @Victoribus Spolia, just playing)
Heisenberg wrote:They allowed people to travel, get some exercise, and bond with strangers over a wholesome Christian family cause.

Indeed, a pious little hike to tour the holy lands wherein the muggers of the faithful were merely sent back from whence they came.

I think we are due for another one of these wonderful little hikes again, wouldn't you say @Heisenberg?

Victoribus Spolia wrote:Read the OP. :roll:

I haven't done enough study on the crusades against the pagans to comment either way.

But unlike your romanticized edgy pagan fascism, I have no sympathy for polytheistic nature-worshippers.

I use the term Pagan to mean non Abrahamics. ie not Judaists, not Samaritians, not Muslims, not Christian, not Mormons. Atheists count as Pagans.

I'm not a fascist, I'm a pro market, free speech, 2nd Amendment no-cuck Liberal. I've never romanticised Mussolini or Hitler. The Autobahn programme was an economic abomination and the Italian military were a joke.
Last edited by Rich on 29 Aug 2018 15:36, edited 1 time in total.
Heisenberg wrote:I'm all for it, just so long as we take a brief detour to liberate the Vatican from the Antichrist on the way.

Simple enough, we just need to drag a small child in scant garb behind the caravan and El Papa will surely abandon his post and come to us.

Red_Army wrote:Can I keep virtue signalling my love of Christ and his bloodlust?

Good idea actually. Thanks.

Red_Army wrote:Who gives a shit if the crusades were justified...


Obviously me and those who have polled so far. If you don't give a fuck, don't post or participate.


Unless you're just being a triggered nancy?

If not, move along......or join us!

DEUS VULT mutha-fucka. :D
@Victoribus Spolia The crusades were obviously justified from the perspective of the pope and Christendom and probably even by the Islamic conquerors who precipitated it. They each thought the other were heretics and any incursion would obviously be met with a violent response.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Why was the First Crusade justified?

Because it was both a retaliatory action (In response to Islamic Expansionism) and an act of aid to those who being aggressed against (Byzantium, Palestinian Christians, and Pilgrims).

Did I mention DEUS VULT?

I would further stress its remarkably voluntary character over-and-against wars fought by state coerced conscription as a point as well.

* Braces Self For POD's Sea-Lioning*
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Because it was both a retaliatory action (In response to Islamic Expansionism) and an act of aid to those who being aggressed against (Byzantium, Palestinian Christians, and Pilgrims).

So retaliation designed to secure stolen lands and help the people whose lands were stolen is justified.

Does this apply only to military cusades, or does it also apply to non-military ventures with the same goal?

I would further stress its remarkably voluntary character over-and-against wars fought by state coerced conscription as a point as well.

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