What are your thoughts on Brexit? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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What are your thoughts on Brexit?

I believe in a united Ireland
I personally believe in a united Ireland free from British imperialism.

♪ Oh, come out you black and tans,
Come out and fight me like a man
Show your wives how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away,
From the green and lovely lanes in Killashandra.
Come let me hear you tell
How you slammed the great Pernell,
When you fought them well and truly persecuted,
Where are the smears and jeers
That you bravely let us hear
When our heroes of sixteen were executed.

Come tell us how you slew
Those brave Arabs two by two
Like the Zulus they had spears and bows and arrows,
How you bravely slew each one
With your sixteen pounder gun
And you frightened them poor natives to their marrow.

The day is coming fast
And the time is here at last,
When each yeoman will be cast aside before us,
And if there be a need
Sure my kids wil sing, "Godspeed!"
With a verse or two of Steven Beehan's chorus. ♫
Brexit will be seen as a big mistake. It's already a shit-show and they haven't even left the EU, yet.

A united Ireland would be nice. We'll see, won't we? People in power generally don't like giving up said power.
Ultimately, Brexit is a bad, bad, bad idea for the UK. Really bad. At a minimum, I think the more the global economy integrates, the better for world peace. Brexit moves away from that.

Sidenote, would the EU ever let the UK back in to the EU further down the road? :?: Has that been discussed at all?

I want entanglement of the world's economies.
I don't think unadulterated capitalistic integration is good for local economies and the lower classes. Yeah, you can do it but there's a way to do it.

It's kind of like sex ya know? You can just jackhammer it; you need to take it slow, know all the right spots, etc.

My proposal? Anarchism. Anarchism supports the all classes by removing them entirely, reorients the global economy around localities while at the same time interconnected them in a better way than neoliberalism.

Sure it's not all scented roses but all ideologies are like that. What I am promising is not a utopia but a substantial improvement over our current condition. Why, I'll even say the living conditions in an anarchist society would be greater than that of all the Nordic states combined!
I believe that anarchism is simply a transition state. You don't want it to last any amount of time, and it won't.

People often point to Somalia as an example of anarchism, although I am not sure this is valid, as it quickly became more like feudalism, in a hurry.
The EU is simply not what it was supposed to be. The attempts to stamp out local cultures is making the EU unpopular throughout Europe. I used to call it the Franco-German empire. It's pretty much the German empire at this point from a manufacturing perspective. Nationalism is on the rise throughout Europe. Brexit is just one example of it. At one point, the Scottish came very close to dissolving the United Kingdom and voting for independence. Many Brits today say that London is not an English city, and there's a lot of truth to that. That can be said of Paris too. It's kind of sad.
Rancid wrote:Ultimately, Brexit is a bad, bad, bad idea for the UK. Really bad. At a minimum, I think the more the global economy integrates, the better for world peace. Brexit moves away from that.

Sidenote, would the EU ever let the UK back in to the EU further down the road? :?: Has that been discussed at all?

I want entanglement of the world's economies.

Brexit is far more than an economic pact. If it were only an economic union, things would be much simpler and Brexit probably wouldn't have happened. But the EU has gone far beyond what it should have.

You can have economic deals and integration (free trade pacts etc) without a common currency or an EU etc. Canada and the US have a free trade pact and depend on each other economically, but also have total sovereignty over their own economic policy and currency etc.

If you were British, and you had to deal with the likes of Greece, maybe you wouldn't want such close economic integration. Economic cooperation is good for world peace yes, but too much can also cause strife. We saw the shit-show that happened with Greece. Also, capital that flows too freely between countries is not always a good thing.

The EU needs major reform, and it needs to be downsized significantly.
Palmyrene wrote:That's why you force them to.

Force? I thought you wanted to eliminate states not enhance them?

Nonetheless Brexit suxs and shows the negativity of nationalism. There will be a financial penalty to it and should return a more univeral cooperative attitude to the UK populous if they leave so perhaps the future is returning as a member state to the EU in time whatever happens.

As for a united Ireland, NI is split making a united Ireland impossible. The only choice is maintaining the status quo (Good Friday Agreement) or to make NI a new state. When the majority in NI are currently unionists, people thinking that Brexit will unite Ireland clearly haven't lived during the troubles.
The Brits are already suffering. I know a lot of Brits here in Thailand who have seen the exchange rate for the Pound drop from 55 baht per pound, down to 38 baht per pound.

The changes for retirees are killing some of them too, as the gov't look to cut corners. A friend's pension is dropping from 880.00 GBP to 440.00 GBP per month as of 2020, because they aren't supporting spouses any longer. He's going to be forced to return to GBP and pretty much live off Welfare, there. :*(
:lol: Immigration was touted as an issue, but the UK's immigration problems have more to do with British policy than any EU policy. Immigration is something that's not going to change merely because the UK leaves the EU. This is one of those stupid issues that people THINK is a problem, when the problem is more to do with shit policies and poverty. Neither of these is going to get better even after they leave the EU.
Godstud wrote:I believe that anarchism is simply a transition state. You don't want it to last any amount of time, and it won't.

People often point to Somalia as an example of anarchism, although I am not sure this is valid, as it quickly became more like feudalism, in a hurry.

Zapatistas would like to have a word.
Palmyrene wrote:Zapatistas would like to have a word.
I think you posted that on the wrong thread... Nonetheless.

Pointing to a revolution isn't really demonstrating that anarchism isn't transitory. Let's assume they managed to take over. Then what?
Godstud wrote:I think you posted that on the wrong thread... Nonetheless.

Pointing to a revolution isn't really demonstrating that anarchism isn't transitory. Let's assume they managed to take over. Then what?

Anarchists aren't taking control the state. They build dual power structures until it phases it out.

In other words, the syndicates, mutual banks, and markets which were used pre-revolution would be used post-revolution.

This is what makes anarchism more practical and less likely to corrupt compared to authoritarian communism. You start practice anarchism from the beginning. No need for transition states which, eventually, stop being transitionary and become power hungry.
:hmm: I shall have to look into this more, but right now, it's too early and I have to get my son off to school. Cheers!
Palmyrene wrote:On what planet is forcing states to give up power enhancing them?

You are not asking for the abolition of the United Kingdom but the enhancement of a united Ireland FYI.

Although from reading your opinion in another thread what you should be advocating for is a division within NI as we have two separate people with different cultures beliefs ideas and religion. As you believe in autonomy and consensus within individuals how do you expect that to occur when the majority in Northern Ireland are unionists not republicans? You are literally doing the opposite to what you claim in the other thread. You are asking to dictate what people want rather than asking for self determination so they can decide for themselves.

AFAIK the united Ireland thing is a joke. I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough. I thought singing an IRA song would be notable enough. The united Ireland option itself is a joke option due to it's juxtaposition between two relevant answers as being completely irrelevant to Brexit.

Ideally there would be no borders and no government but I am sympathetic to Irish people in the same way I am to Palestinians, Kurds, Assyrians, Copts, Naxalites, and other minorities or poor political groups.
Ultimately, Brexit is a good, good, good idea for the UK. Really good. At a minimum, I think the more the global economy integrates, the greater risk for government oppression, which gives rise to revolution. Brexit moves away from that.
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