Who here unironically supports Israel? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Do you unironically support Israel?

No opinion
Depends on what you mean by support? Do you mean i believe that Israel has a right to exist and defend itself then yes. Do you mean i believe that Israel should exist then yes. Do you mean i believe that the two-state solution is unachievable right now then yes.

Basically it is perhaps the most complicated conflict that still lives on. It has roots in the colonial era so simply saying that "Jews are bad" or "Jews should leave" or "Palestinians should be expelled" are all stupid solutions. (Because lets face it, not 1 or 2 is realistically going to happen without overwhelming use of force which nobody wants nor will be permitted by the p5 at the least. )
Depends on which front.

I agree that Israel should exist since it's simply of the interest of Lebanon for Israel to exist.
I disagree with some, if not many Israeli policies, and I think it's current leaders are a bunch of idiots and criminals and could end up leading to the destruction of Israel if they continued on this path; Which, I would say, is a bad thing since ,considering the current climate, if Israel was destroyed, Lebanon would soon follow.

I am more of the opinion that Israel should be allied with Lebanon and Iran. Essentially, an alliance of minorities, since we're all surrounded by common enemies.
But for some reason, Israelis are following a different path and aligning with Wahabis, who'll be more than happy to turn around and exterminate the Jews after they get all the help they need from them to exterminate or atleast crush the Shias and Christians of the middle east.

I also don't support the military annexation of Palestinian lands, Israelis already bought tons of land, they can buy the rest and knowing the Palestinians, many would sell.
Heck, the Arabi Bank was established by the Shoman family which gained its wealth by selling their lands to the Jews. Most of Amman was built by Palestinians who sold their lands to the Jews and spent the money buying in Jordan.
anasawad wrote:Depends on which front.

I agree that Israel should exist since it's simply of the interest of Lebanon for Israel to exist.
I disagree with some, if not many Israeli policies, and I think it's current leaders are a bunch of idiots and criminals and could end up leading to the destruction of Israel if they continued on this path; Which, I would say, is a bad thing since ,considering the current climate, if Israel was destroyed, Lebanon would soon follow.

I am more of the opinion that Israel should be allied with Lebanon and Iran. Essentially, an alliance of minorities, since we're all surrounded by common enemies.
But for some reason, Israelis are following a different path and aligning with Wahabis, who'll be more than happy to turn around and exterminate the Jews after they get all the help they need from them to exterminate or atleast crush the Shias and Christians of the middle east.

I also don't support the military annexation of Palestinian lands, Israelis already bought tons of land, they can buy the rest and knowing the Palestinians, many would sell.
Heck, the Arabi Bank was established by the Shoman family which gained its wealth by selling their lands to the Jews. Most of Amman was built by Palestinians who sold their lands to the Jews and spent the money buying in Jordan.

That a simple question to answer. Israel has no trust with a lot of countries in the region because of the 2 two armed conflicts after its creation. It is its own fault obviously but lets not pretend that France and the UK had nothing to do with it. First time it won and 2nd time it lost badly up to the point of total defeat. Both instances were stopped by the USSR and US because they were doing their superpower things.

Israel has been paranoid but the 2nd conflict made it even more so. So right now Israel is willing to ally itself to countries that they don't like but not necessarily trying and talking about fully annihilating it. If Iran did the same as the Saudis then i think that Israel would switch sides in a blink of an eye. Israel doesn't like SA very much but as long as they don't actively pursue a position of Israeli annihilation then they can bear with it. Iran on the other hand does actively pursue such a position in the country/political sphere but also by funding anti-Israel groups.

So its a no brainer for them. Since in reality, Israel has no trust in SA side and Iranian side, Israel pretty much wants to see them fight all the time so they won't point its weapons at Israel. In such a situation it will have an "Alliance" with whoever is not willing to destroy them right now and is also preferably weaker to prop them up. For there to be peace between Israel and Sunni/Shia then they need to build up some trust between each other(not going to happen as things are now) or somebody with unbeatable military needs to guarantee Israels statehood (AKA Nato but also not going to happen). So peace is not going to happen in my opinion.

This is kind of best case scenario for Israel. Basically it has to support sides in the middle east even if it doesn't like to do it to prevent a catastrophic scenario(for Israel) of somebody fully taking over the middle east. (A sort of Ottoman empire forming is the last thing Israel wants or will permit)
1. All things considered, the creation of Israel was a mistake.
2. Israel's continued land grabs are the main hindrance to peace, it should be forced to stop them.
3. I'm ok with Israel bombing Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Syria.
I lean towards "supporting" Israel for the following reasons:

1. It makes the left crazy (crazier)

2. It makes the Islamists crazy (crazier)

3. Jews are okay, why shouldn't they have their own country? Everyone else does.

I say "supporting" because I am a nobody so my "support" means nothing at all in practice but I hope it all works out for them.

You support Israel? What? How is it in the interest of Lebanon for Israel to exist they literally invaded it and they're perfectly fine with doing it again.

This is your brain on nationalism kids.


Eh that's fine. I expected far worse out of you but that's ok


This is a typical western lib take. One that is somewhat well intentioned but not really and makes sweeping generalizations with no sort of understanding of consequence.


Expected. But I think encouraging the genocide of a population "to own the libs" is kind of weird. Like, why? What is it about supporting Israel that's inherently a left or right wing opinion.

Hell Democrats even support Israel given how they're ditching Omar.
Palmyrene wrote:Expected. But I think encouraging the genocide of a population "to own the libs" is kind of weird. Like, why? What is it about supporting Israel that's inherently a left or right wing opinion.

Hell Democrats even support Israel given how they're ditching Omar.

It isn't genocide and the palestinians could all just go. Muslims have a quarter of the world, jews just have Israel. The palestinians hang around out of sheer spite (anti-semitism).

If you want to know why the leftists hate jews these days you should ask them but they will lie.
SolarCross wrote:It isn't genocide and the palestinians could all just go.

They lived their for their entire lives.

If I kicked you out of your house and said "Christians are the largest religion in the world, go to Europe!" would you be ok with that.

Muslims have a quarter of the world, jews just have Israel. The palestinians hang around out of sheer spite (anti-semitism).

They live there before the Askhenazis camr. And Muslims aren't homogenous. They live in different places and have their own individual lives.

It has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

If you want to know why the leftists hate jews these days you should ask them but they will lie.

Dude, you literally support Israel and it's genocide "to own the libs". That's all.

With all due respect sir, that's fucking retarded.
Palmyrene wrote:They lived their for their entire lives.

If I kicked you out of your house and said "Christians are the largest religion in the world, go to Europe!" would you be ok with that.

Muslims don't give a shit about anyone except muslims. My heart will not bleed for them ever. "Kill the kuffah" and all that.

Palmyrene wrote:Dude, you literally support Israel and it's genocide "to own the libs". That's all.

With all due respect sir, that's fucking retarded.

I just like jews better than I like muslims. If I have to pick a side then I pick team jew. Like it or lump it.
SolarCross wrote:Muslims don't give a shit about anyone except muslims. My heart will not bleed for them ever. "Kill the kuffah" and all that.

Have you met a Muslim? Because, quite frankly, you seem to be regurgitating Muslim stereotypes.

Also certainly not Palestinians. Palestinian Muslims get along better with Palestinian Christians than other Muslims.

Oh wait, you didn't know Palestinian Christians even exist and how they're just as oppressed as Palestinian Muslims.

I just like jews better than I like muslims. If I have to pick a side then I pick team jew. Like it or lump it.

That's because you've met Jews. You haven't met Muslims.

Don't worry, Arabs are known for their hospitality.
Last edited by Palmyrene on 29 Jul 2019 04:32, edited 1 time in total.
Palmyrene wrote:Have you met a Muslim? Because, quite frankly, you seem to be regurgitating Muslim stereotypes.

Also certainly not Palestinians. Palestinian Muslims get along better with Palestinian Christians than other Muslims.

Oh wait, you didn't know Palestinian Christians even exist and how they're just as oppressed as Palestinian Muslims.

I have met lots. The nice ones are only pretending to be muslims so that the real muslims don't kill them for apostasy.
SolarCross wrote:I have met lots. The nice ones are only pretending to be muslims so that the real muslims don't kill them for apostasy.

? ? ?

So you know all of them personally or can read their minds to know that they're just pretending to be Muslims?

MEMRI must've fried your brain or something.
Palmyrene wrote:I'm just interested because I'm not sure anyone other than ZN and Hindsite does.

You bet I support Israel. In fact, I support Israel so much that I believe they should expel all the Muslims within the territories it occupies now and the Sinai and Transjordan as well, leaving only the Christians, Druze, and Bedawi tribes remaining of the Non-Jews. But only Kahanists in Israel and elsewhere are willing to do even remotely resembling that, so...
annatar1914 wrote:You bet I support Israel. In fact, I support Israel so much that I believe they should expel all the Muslims within the territories it occupies now and the Sinai and Transjordan as well, leaving only the Christians, Druze, and Bedawi tribes remaining of the Non-Jews. But only Kahanists in Israel and elsewhere are willing to do even remotely resembling that, so...

Oh yeah you're the apocalyptic. Hope that works out for you.
Palmyrene wrote:Formerly but that doesn't mean I hate Muslims or the religion.

Such an idea is childish and not particularly useful for obtaining political power.

So you are an apostate. Well I hope they never find out, for your sake.
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