Racists Should Be Treated Like Pedophiles - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Should Racists Be Treated Like Pedophiles?

Yes, racists should be treated just like pedophiles
No, racists should not be treated just like pedophiles
Saeko wrote:Simple. Racists should be shunned from society and looked down upon with the same level of derision as pedophiles.

You are not the brightest lightbulb on the block. I mean, neither am I, but compared to you , sheesh I'm doing alright with logic.

First off, many racist people don't hurt anyone, they just have a fear of another race due to a traumatic event or they have a knee jerk reaction they can't control for whatever reason.

People say I'm racist but I volunteer at soup kitchens and missions in the ghetto feeding impoverished black people. I have given them money and been kind to them.

Yet I struggle with temptations to think whites and Asians are on average more intelligent than black people. A pedophile on the other hand destroys a person's whole life and robs children of their innocence and childhood.

I don't hate black people. They are human beings and even if they were animals, I believe we should treat animals well.

But they are human beings, I just don't have the impression they are on average as intelligent as Asians and Caucasians.

So, because I struggle with temptations to think black people are on average less intelligent , because I live in a black neighborhood and interact with them daily, and they just don't seem very bright....

Because I struggle with those thoughts, I deserve to be treated with the same contempt as a child molester who ruins people's entire lives and condemns many of them to a life of torture???

I believe we should be kind to people even if they are unintelligent. So, I'm technically racist, but I don't hate minorities or inflict suffering on them. I'm kind to them. Guaranteed I have more black friends and acquaintances than you.

And I deserve to be treated like a child-rapist? You make me sick! I feel sorry for you. I still love you and wish you the best, but please pray for the grace of a rational mind.
Racism hurts people, even when it's subtle, so saying your racism isn't harmful is a convenient lie you tell yourself to make yourself feel better.

You don't understand racism if you think it's just about how you have "black friends". :roll: It goes for how you treat all people of colour and not simply black people, as well as how much you still support institutional racism.

He never said you should be treated as a child-rapist, but that you receive the same scorn from society, and complete intolerance.

You constant insults and ad hominems don't help your argument, incidentally.
Donna wrote:Do Spider-Man's black friends know that he secretly believes the white race is superior, similar to how pedophiles are secretive about their desire to molest children?
I never said whites were superior. It's just on average I don't believe that black people have as high of IQ's which has actually been proven, so what's the big deal identifying and believing the obvious.

Sure, I told a Native American friend that I didn't think Native Americans would have ever invented space ships that go to the moon or satellites in the sky. She simply said, "you don't know that", and she's right.

I don't think any race is superior.

I think black people are on average better at basketball than white people. Does that mean I think blacks are superior?

I think each race has their gifts and weaknesses and none are superior.
Spider-Man wrote:I never said whites were superior. It's just on average I don't believe that black people have as high of IQ's which has actually been proven,

No, it hasn't. :eh:

so what's the big deal identifying and believing the obvious.

Because it's a racist narrative that is wholly debunked.

I think each race has their gifts and weaknesses and none are superior.

Racists say this shit all the time. They always insist that they aren't racist, that they have nothing against people of color, that they don't believe anyone is superior. It's pretty much on par with pedophiles who argue that children aren't harmed by sexual abuse.
Godstud wrote:Racism hurts people, even when it's subtle, so saying your racism isn't harmful is a convenient lie you tell yourself to make yourself feel better.

You don't understand racism if you think it's just about how you have "black friends". :roll: It goes for how you treat all people of colour and not simply black people, as well as how much you still support institutional racism.

He never said you should be treated as a child-rapist, but that you receive the same scorn from society, and complete intolerance.

You constant insults and ad hominems don't help your argument, incidentally.

The OP believes I should be treated with the same derision as a pedophile because I believe black people on average have lower IQ's (which studies prove to be true) than white people on average.

You and I know that is completely asinine to say I deserve to be looked at and treated like a registered sex-offender because I believe black people have lower IQ's, which evidence and studies prove to be true anyways!

Sex offenders condemn their Victims to a lifetime of torture, trauma, shame, guilt, disorders, and completely ruined life in many cases. Molesting a child greatly increases the risk of that child becoming a sex-offender.

I don't hate anyone or intentionally hurt, traumatize, or offend. I believe black people should be treated as well as whites.

Comparing a small fault of mine that isn't even something I can control (I can't choose to believe what evidence declares to be the opposite of true and obvious) that isn't causing anyone agony or trauma to being a fault as severe as pedophilia, is complete bullshit, and you know it!

The OP even went on to say they are equally bad. You know that is horseshit!
Spider-Man wrote:I never said whites were superior. It's just on average I don't believe that black people have as high of IQ's which has actually been proven, so what's the big deal identifying and believing the obvious.

Sure, I told a Native American friend that I didn't think Native Americans would have ever invented space ships that go to the moon or satellites in the sky. She simply said, "you don't know that", and she's right.

I don't think any race is superior.

I think black people are on average better at basketball than white people. Does that mean I think blacks are superior?

I think each race has their gifts and weaknesses and none are superior.

What happened to your thread on "Black Lives Matter"? Right after I posted that the slogan was divisive and should have been "Black Lives Matter Too" the whole thread disappeared.
Donna wrote:No, it hasn't. :eh:

Because it's a racist narrative that is wholly debunked.

Racists say this shit all the time. They always insist that they aren't racist, that they have nothing against people of color, that they don't believe anyone is superior. It's pretty much on par with pedophiles who argue that children aren't harmed by sexual abuse.

Intelligence is the ability to “catch on” and “make sense of things.” IQ tests, whatever their format (such as paper-and-pencil or oral) or manifest content (such as numbers, words, or pictures), measure this ability very well. These tests are not culturally biased against African-American or other native-born, English-speaking peoples in the United States. https://dana.org/article/pretending-tha ... nt-matter/

It has been proven that black people score lower on IQ tests on average
Donna wrote:Do Spider-Man's black friends know that he secretly believes the white race is superior, similar to how pedophiles are secretive about their desire to molest children?
I try not to speak what I know will hurt someone else's feelings. However, if they ask me , I won't lie.

However, if I said that whites were superior to blacks, that would be a lie. I don't believe that.

I have announced to the whole internet on my YouTube channel what views I have that are technically "racist" by modern standards.

I believe there are white people who are inferior to black people. Jeffrey Dammer is inferior to Barak Obama. I consider myself, with my criminal record and poor work history to be inferior to Candace Owens and to any black person who has a college education and holds a good job and doesn't do drugs or violate the law.

So, if I count myself inferior to countless African Americans, how can you say I have a "whites are superior" complex?
Spider-Man wrote:I try not to speak what I know will hurt someone else's feelings. However, if they ask me , I won't lie.

However, if I said that whites were superior to blacks, that would be a lie. I don't believe that.

I have announced to the whole internet on my YouTube channel what views I have that are technically "racist" by modern standards.

I believe there are white people who are inferior to black people. Jeffrey Dammer is inferior to Barak Obama. I consider myself, with my criminal record and poor work history to be inferior to Candace Owens and to any black person who has a college education and holds a good job and doesn't do drugs or violate the law.

So, if I count myself inferior to countless African Americans, how can you say I have a "whites are superior" complex?

Don't worry about it. Just continue to be proud of your race and yourself.
The left-wing radicals are full of hate and spew propaganda hate.
Let your love shine and praise the Lord.
The problem @Spider-Man, is that drawing attention to IQs is drawing attention to the very damage caused by institutional racism. You are fostering a racist narrative based on, specifically, the results of decades of institutional racism. You're perpetuating racism, by doing this.

Educate yourself, a bit before blathering on with your racist IQ argument(which we've seen fostered dozens of times by the biggest racists on Pofo). You might learn something.

The Black-White Test Score Gap: Why It Persists and What Can Be Done
https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the- ... n-be-done/
No- pedos need to be kept away from children for the child's safety. Keeping racists segregated from races they dislike enables them and makes it harder to rehabilitate them.

Racism is learned and can be unlearned but only if racists are disabused of their racism.
@AFAIK That's not what is being suggested.

This is:
Saeko wrote:Racists should be shunned from society and looked down upon with the same level of derision as pedophiles.
I agree with this, as racists are harming all of society.

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