Does your vote really count? - Politics | PoFo

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Does your vote really count?

Yes(explain if you want)
No (explain if you want )
We live in the world of democracies. Even the most authoritarian states nowadays paint themselves democracies.
Thus, since there is everywhere democracies, if we take in consideration the literal meaning of the word demos(the people) + krato(verb, rule/reign). Then it would be US all the commoners who rule this world.
How much is this true though?
In America, no matter which party and candidate gets into the oval office, the governing way are more or less the same.
Oil, medical and gun lobbies (and by extension multinational companies) still get their interests served either that's a democrat either that's a republican house majority.
And that's the world's largest and strongest democracy we are talking about.

In smaller countries such as Greece, Poland, Spain, Canada etc this phenomenon can be seen with greater ease.
A recent example In Greece is the SYRIZA party, a radical left (close to communist) party which Greeks voted to power exactly because it was radical and they needed radical decisions to get them out of the EU / Franco-German political and financial grasp.
Still, the "radical left " goverment when it came to matters of importance acted exactly the same way as the classic right party New Democracy would and although most of Greek people voted for economic (and by extension political) independence, the party bend knee to the German collosus and did the same thing as the previous goverment would do . The only difference of their reign was that criminals were treated much(too much) kindly from the state legal system.

And that's only one example in one small country, all of you must know and have seen such examples all over acroos the world in your respective countries.

Thus here is the question, does our vote really count? Or is this just an illusion so we keep busy with lesser problems and not focusing on the important matters?
late wrote:If there is a large amount of income inequality, not much.

If the country is more egalitarian, yes.

So in Germany, Germans actually get to define their own government?
Remember it's not immidiate democracy, its "representative".
I believe my vote counts, if the election officials count it. However, with so many people voting more than once by absentee ballots to several states that do not clean their voter rolls, my vote may get watered down so it does not count for much.
Hindsite wrote:I believe my vote counts, if the election officials count it. However, with so many people voting more than once by absentee ballots to several states that do not clean their voter rolls, my vote may get watered down so it does not count for much.

I do not mean if it counts towards which party will win.
I mean, if it counts towards affecting the future events.
Hellas me ponas wrote:Try not to think like a populist, who give more salary, who will get my son into a job etc.
Try to think if it's different for your country's future.

In the case of the USA, if the Republicans get total control, the economy and security of the country will be better. I think the nation will only go to shit, if the Democrats get total control.
It is mostly a "Yes" unless it is as bad as North Korea (where there's no alternative and even a vote not "yes" will have the voter sent to concentration camps).

Elsewhere, even if the election is rigged, people with free will often can express their discontent some way.

By the way this is why China is so afraid of pro-democracy politicians and have to resort to use the premise of "National Security" to (potentially) disqualify them all.
I mean of course it counts in which the leading party will be. But how much change really? I mean at least here at Greece, all political parties are the same afterall no matter if they are left or right or centre or whatever. It's just the mask that is changing but the "person" is always the same. They give people the illusion that change actually happens while in reality the only thing changing is the brand name.
Hellas me ponas wrote:
Also, how come salary equality actually means something about whether or not your vote count?

It's not salary equality.

Income equality is a terrible name. What we have in America is the rich getting richer by taking money from everybody that isn't filthy rich. One way to think about it is that it's a lot like bringing back the feudal system.

About your other post, if everyone could vote on every proposal, we call that direct democracy. That wouldn't work. A congressperson needs a staff to keep being even partially informed.

Perhaps a better question would be is the government good enough? I don't feel mine is.
late wrote:It's not salary equality.

Income equality is a terrible name. What we have in America is the rich getting richer by taking money from everybody that isn't filthy rich. One way to think about it is that it's a lot like bringing back the feudal system.

About your other post, if everyone could vote on every proposal, we call that direct democracy. That wouldn't work. A congressperson needs a staff to keep being even partially informed.

Perhaps a better question would be is the government good enough? I don't feel mine is.

Okay now I see. I thought you were talking about sex inequality and I was like what does this have to do with this?
Good points
Hellas me ponas wrote:
Okay now I see. I thought you were talking about sex inequality and I was like what does this have to do with this?

Everything, my good fellow, everything. :cheers:
Hindsite wrote:In the case of the USA, if the Republicans get total control, the economy and security of the country will be better. I think the nation will only go to shit, if the Democrats get total control.

Both parties are garbage corporate owned pieces of shit.
I say if one has to consider a good conspiracy theory or alternative views I say Dick Gregory is the most the credible? Look:

Unthinking Majority wrote:Both parties are garbage corporate owned pieces of shit.

However, the Republicans are the better of the two.

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