Who will you be voting for in the election? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Who will you be voting for?

Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Someone else
I don't know yet
I will not be voting
Agent Steel wrote:I really am curious

Bide... I mean i can't vote in the US election. I will not be voting.
The OP should have rephrased the question as "Who would you vote in the American Presidential Election if you can vote?"

That said, if I were an American citizen I would definitely write-in "Bernie Sanders" and vigorously encourage others to do the same.

Ideologically I am far more racist, sexist and warmongering than Trump, but for most other Americans, two-party politics has to be fucked one way or another, and they really should do it from below.
Trump. Just to piss off the establishment. Besides, Biden isn't even able to run on his record. Third parties aren't really viable in the US at this point; although, I hope that changes at some point.
blackjack21 wrote:Third parties aren't really viable in the US at this point; although, I hope that changes at some point.

Third parties look nonviable mainly because most Americans seem not keen to even try. In some sense they do reap what they sow.

EDIT: The United States is a democratic country, so the people have not only the rights, but also the responsibility to make things they think they should be.
Rugoz wrote:

Dumbest reason ever. Not that I expected anything else.

He is a lunatic with some sort of "establishment" fetish/paranoia. It is not like Trump has done anything that would "weaken" whatever BS establishment he is supposedly rallying against. It is not like he really brought outsiders/fresh people into the administration... you know... other than his crony inept kids. It is not like he brought some sort of reform.
Meh, whatever. The guy is brainwashed, cuckoos like Sarah Palin and Trump

The last 4 years was about exposing the sickest most disgusting "republicans" out. I have no delusions that the democrats are a whole lot better, maybe sometime in the future they will have their own crazy demagogue and we will see which ones are the sickest on that side...

Have you guys had the sad experience of dealing with pathological enablers? Like the mom of the alcoholic that says "he is just having such a bad time with work, and family, and he is self medicating with alcohol to deal with his problems" and they go on and on and on to justify and excuse every single shit their stupid "loved one" does? This is exactly the same thing, except to a national level with 50M+ cult/enablers finding the ridiculous excuses. I could not make these many excuses for my own mother let alone a disgusting politician. Hopefully, I'm long dead before im corrupted or senile enough to fall for that shit.
How about that border wall he promised and never delivered?

Oh right... his friends tried to build it for him.

Steve Bannon Charged With Misusing Donations For Trump's Border Wall
Thursday's indictment adds his name to a list of five other men with key roles or close ties to the 2016 Trump campaign who have faced federal charges: Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman; Rick Gates, who was the campaign's deputy chairman; Michael Flynn, a campaign adviser who went on to become Trump's first national security adviser; Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser; and Michael Cohen, his former attorney and fixer.
https://www.npr.org/2020/08/20/90424527 ... order-wall
Godstud wrote:How about that border wall he promised and never delivered?

Oh right... his friends tried to build it for him.

Steve Bannon Charged With Misusing Donations For Trump's Border Wall
Thursday's indictment adds his name to a list of five other men with key roles or close ties to the 2016 Trump campaign who have faced federal charges: Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman; Rick Gates, who was the campaign's deputy chairman; Michael Flynn, a campaign adviser who went on to become Trump's first national security adviser; Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser; and Michael Cohen, his former attorney and fixer.
https://www.npr.org/2020/08/20/90424527 ... order-wall

The guy is a magnet for crime and low lives. Decades after he is gone we will be uncovering shit like this.
Godstud wrote:How about that border wall he promised and never delivered?

You are wrong again. Trump has gotten about 300 miles of his new improved wall built, even against the obstructions of the Democrats.

Trump declares 'we won' on border wall, hits ‘deadly’ Biden immigration plan in Arizona visit

President Trump on Tuesday declared victory in his fight to build a wall on the southern border, as he visited newly-built structure in Yuma, Ariz. and ripped into what he described as a "deadly" immigration plan from his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

"You don't hear about the wall anymore because we won,” Trump said in remarks at the wall.

There are now approximately 280 miles of wall built since 2017, and officials told Trump at the site that they expect to have completed 300 miles as early as the end of next week.

The wall was a highly controversial, but central, proposal of Trump’s 2016 campaign, and has faced a number of significant hurdles in Congress and the courts -- the administration has gotten around funding issues by reappropriating Pentagon funding.

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump- ... an-arizona

I will definitely be voting for 4 more years of President Trump because he keeps his promises.
Praise the Lord.
Hindsite wrote:I will definitely be voting for 4 more years of President Trump because he keeps his promises.
Praise the Lord.

Trump kept 24% of his campaign promises (He broke 49%).

miles of wall built since 2017

Miles of wall that are in danger of falling down.

1,954 miles is how long the US/Mexico border is. Most of the wall that has been built has merely been Re-doing already existing walls.

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built
President Donald Trump’s signature campaign to build a border wall from the Gulf Coast to the Pacific has added only 5 miles of new walls along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Since he took office in 2017, the administration has set aside $15 billion for 738 miles of walls and fencing on the 2,000-mile border, with the money coming from Homeland Security, the Defense Department and the Treasury Forfeiture Fund.

The federal government has completed 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls, but only 5 new miles of the 30-foot high steel bollard fencing where none existed before, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Express-News.

https://www.expressnews.com/news/us-wor ... 467427.php

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