Is it a court, or our new junta? - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Steve_American wrote:
I'm surprised that you don't know the history of "packing" the USSC. FDR threatened to do it, and the court improved. And, he didn't have to votes to do it.

OK, "packing the court" refers to adding Justices to the SC to change the majority vote when you don't like the current majority for some reason. I'm following those who have asserted that the Repuds have packed the court by violating norms to steal 2 Justice's seats from Dem Presidents. And, every Repud Justice on the court now lied to the Senate to get confirmed.

Sir, unpacking the court will be hard enough. Rewriting the Constitution is totally off the table.

However, I'm open to ideas. I have suggested that we return to the system that required a 2/3 vote to confirm Justices and maybe Judges. There would need to be a tiebreaker rule. though. The Repuds have already show a willingness to refuse to confirm anyone. There needs to be a way around that somehow.

Here's what immediately springs to mind:

Soviet democracy, or council democracy, is a political system in which the rule of the population by directly elected soviets (Russian for "council") is exercised. The councils are directly responsible to their electors and bound by their instructions using a delegate model of representation. Such an imperative mandate is in contrast to a free mandate, in which the elected delegates are only responsible to their conscience. Delegates may accordingly be dismissed from their post at any time or be voted out (recall).

In a Soviet democracy, voters are organized in basic units, for example the workers of a company, the inhabitants of a district, or the soldiers of a barracks. They directly send the delegates as public functionaries, which act as legislators, government and courts in one. In contrast to earlier democracy models according to John Locke and Montesquieu, there is no separation of powers. The councils are elected on several levels: At the residential and business level, delegates are sent to the local councils in plenary assemblies. In turn, these can delegate members to the next level. The system of delegation continues to the Congress of Soviets at the state level.[1] The electoral processes thus take place from the bottom upwards. The levels are usually tied to administrative levels.[2]
late wrote:Let’s be honest: Our rulers don’t come out and say so, but obviously they see this as a Christian nation, not a secular one.

As a christian I highly object to his passage. The notion that any of the leaders of the US are actually christian is pretty absurd. They use christianity just like they use human rights, international law, and anything else - as a tool to assert and expand their power. No christian would do that.

The reason they right now, 50 years after Roe vs Wade, suddenly unpack the Abortion issue is obvious: in a country in which 8 out of 10 people now live from paycheck to paycheck, they need to distract people from inflation, which they themselves have caused with their sanctions on Russia.
Negotiator wrote:
As a christian I highly object to his passage. The notion that any of the leaders of the US are actually christian is pretty absurd. They use christianity just like they use human rights, international law, and anything else - as a tool to assert and expand their power. No christian would do that.

The reason they right now, 50 years after Roe vs Wade, suddenly unpack the Abortion issue is obvious: in a country in which 8 out of 10 people now live from paycheck to paycheck, they need to distract people from inflation, which they themselves have caused with their sanctions on Russia.

As an atheist, I don't do that. Christianity was spread with the sword...

The abortion movement is artificial. It was started by cynical extremist radical rich guys as a wedge issue that they could use to gain power and turn the country into a victim of their greed.

I also don't do 'they'. This is a small group of very rich guys that were nobodies in the 1970s. They created the most sophisticated propaganda in history, and dozens of organisations (over 100 in all) to move the country in the direction they wanted. It worked, Bill Clinton was as much a Republican as a Democrat.

Please note I did not say conservative. They killed conservatism as a political force.
Should one wish to form an opinion as to whether the presently-constituted Supreme Court of the United States of America is or is not 'activist', do follow the case Moore v. Harper. The majority opinion should be instructive.

Regards, stay safe 'n well 'n remember the Big 5.

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