If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

How does having 70% paternal Middle Eastern ancestry make them a 'separate race'?


What happens if you are a Jew with 69% Arab blood?

Are you still one of the Chosen?



You do like hitting him too much.

The Chosen? They think they are God's Gift to the World.

When they just can't get it together.....

There are serious differences. You look at Morgan Freeman. You see a Black man. He is Black. You stick him in the Black Area of the USA. With other Black people. You see a White person. They look White. They got to go with the White Nazis, but then they reveal they are Scarlett Johanssen that is of Polish Jewish ancestry but looks white. You have to test her. But what if she looks so pretty and passes the white-looking test and lies about her Jewishness? You got to let her into Stormfront.

Lol. Oh my God. The looks only thing does not look good.


Nothing happened in that Warsaw Ghetto. No.

She looks white and is not going along with the White Nationalist cause.

But....she looks so WHITE....

Why can't they get the LIES they believe in? They got to live in denial. :lol:
FiveofSwords wrote:It would necessarily follow that jews were never targeted by Hitler. Israel, in fact is a meaningless country. Black people were never enslaved. White people never colonized anything. Mongolians never conquered anything. Civil rights laws are meaningless and incoherent.

Be consistent.

    A social construct is any category or thing that is made real by convention or collective agreement.[1][2] Socially constructed realities are contrasted with natural kinds, which exist independently of human behavior or beliefs.[1][2]
    Simple examples of social constructs are the meaning of words and the value of paper money.[3] Other examples, such as race, were formerly considered controversial but are now accepted by the consensus of scientists to be socially constructed rather than naturally determined.[4][5][6] Still other possible examples, such as the concepts that make up scientific theories, remain the subject of ongoing philosophical debate.[7][8]


FiveofSwords wrote:Even if you are going to say some incoherent nonsense like 'race does exist but it's a social construct'...well then first of all that means race is a choice...so if you didn't want to be enslaved in the early us then simply do not choose to be black.

    ra·​cial·​iza·​tion ˌrā-sh(ə-)lə-ˈzā-shən
    plural racializations
    : the act of giving a racial character to someone or something : the process of categorizing, marginalizing, or regarding according to race (see RACE entry 1 sense 1a) : an act or instance of racializing

https://www.merriam-webster.com/diction ... ialization

Second, if there is no genetic clustering at all then nobody could possibly identify a person's race from physical characteristics. There just would not be enough genetics that people have in common.

    In genetics, the phenotype (from Ancient Greek φαίνω (phaínō) 'to appear, show', and τύπος (túpos) 'mark, type') is the set of observable characteristics or traits of an organism.[1][2] The term covers the organism's morphology (physical form and structure), its developmental processes, its biochemical and physiological properties, its behavior, and the products of behavior. An organism's phenotype results from two basic factors: the expression of an organism's genetic code (its genotype) and the influence of environmental factors.

    There could be no way to determine the physical characteristics of a child by looking at their parents. Otherwise it would imply some genetic inheritance of race. So if Beyonce and puff daddy had a child, nobody should be surprised if it looks like Taylor swift or Jackie Chan.


There just is no logical way to combine the assertion that there is no genetic component to race with an admission that physical characteristics can distinguish races or are in any way heritable. The evil confederacy never could have identified which people were black so there never could have been slavery of black people. One thing simply logically follows from the other and there is no way to avoid this.

If you instead want to say that race does have some genetic component but it is trivial or something, then you are changing your argument. That is a totally different claim to the assertion that there is 'no genetic aspect of race'. So you cannot claim both of these things simultaneously.

The social construct of race has some trivial genetic component.
Pants-of-dog wrote:[/list]


https://www.merriam-webster.com/diction ... ialization


The social construct of race has some trivial genetic component.

So you are arguing there is a 'trivial' genetic component. Not that there is zero genetic component. Those are totally different claims. I will hold you to trivial.
Tainari88 wrote::moron:

You do like hitting him too much.

The Chosen? They think they are God's Gift to the World.

When they just can't get it together.....

There are serious differences. You look at Morgan Freeman. You see a Black man. He is Black. You stick him in the Black Area of the USA. With other Black people. You see a White person. They look White. They got to go with the White Nazis, but then they reveal they are Scarlett Johanssen that is of Polish Jewish ancestry but looks white. You have to test her. But what if she looks so pretty and passes the white-looking test and lies about her Jewishness? You got to let her into Stormfront.

Lol. Oh my God. The looks only thing does not look good.


Nothing happened in that Warsaw Ghetto. No.

She looks white and is not going along with the White Nationalist cause.

But....she looks so WHITE....

Why can't they get the LIES they believe in? They got to live in denial. :lol:

I have no idea if you are really so ignorant that you need to be informed of this...but fyi the national socialists of Germany would have thrown Scarlett in a camp. Her physical beauty would not have protected her. This is because the national socialists were serious about their beliefs. They were not pretending. They genuinely believed jews are an existential threat

Have you ever thought that your bigging up of such trivial and arbitrarily chosen differences is why everyone is laughing at you?

Why must you have the scientific validation you'll never get when a social construct works just as well?

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Have you ever thought that your bigging up of such trivial and arbitrarily chosen differences is why everyone is laughing at you?

Why must you have the scientific validation you'll never get when a social construct works just as well?


Wtf does 'bigging up' even mean? I have not even been able to mention what makes races different or why race is important because you guys are still stuck on this 'race doesn't exist' thought terminating nonsense. I have said nothing other than 'actually race does exist.

And clearly it is important to the ruling class at least...because they openly celebrate that the policies they enforce in every historically white country is projected to make white people an extinct race in just a handful of generations. They will gladly openly admit this is their goal, as long as you happen to agree with them that it is some sort of great and noble goal.

If race wasn't so important...then why would our elite be so deeply focused on making everything more 'diverse' (less white)?

This 'race doesn't exist' bs is just the fake cliche they say to people who happen to notice what is going on and think it is rather disgusting.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Have you ever thought that your bigging up of such trivial and arbitrarily chosen differences is why everyone is laughing at you?

Why must you have the scientific validation you'll never get when a social construct works just as well?


The big lie is that you can produce a healthy infant between a black man and a white woman. Proving they are the same species and the DNA works as one species. That is scientific.

If they want to quibble and say the mixing is making us go extinct is for dummies of the first order. That is the big lie.

Then they are weirdos like Don Black getting on a boat in Lousiana in 1981 in operation Red Dog to invade a tiny island nation made up of mostly African slave descendants and 4,000 native Carib descendants. A republic. They figured they can take the island from the inferiors and declare it White Man's land. Kill a few inferiors on the way. Then Stormfront posters have the idea that they are not violent people with guns and takeovers of other lands by force.

Which is the big fucking lie now? That they decide the land they want is already occupied by Dominica people that is an island in the Caribbean and a republic with a government? But they want to overthrow it because it belongs to some Black people and Indian people that are worthless and they need the land?

No, the big problem is their violent, and less than stellar and unscientific thoughts about genes and race and they insist on socially constructed stuff and want to make it the truth and nothing but the truth.

They pull out nonsense about babies who are racially mixed are more prone to abortion. That is a lie of the worst sort. But they insist on it.

But the lying is other people. Whatever.

It is foolish shit.

Read about how DUMB that move was. But the big lie is that they are going to get the land for a White Only society. By force. VIOLENCE. But they are not into violence. Even though one of the plotters killed himself. These people are total and complete desperate people who want to take over some land by force. They do not respect law and order at all. They only care about forwarding some LIE. Via violence.


Operation Red Dog @ingliz. I tell you the history of the Caribbean is about some shady crazy people who are power drunk trying to invade, kill and force their way into the islands and rewriting the truth with lies. It is bad.

FiveofSwords wrote:Oh trust me...I ALWAYS understood lol. I always knew the people saying 'there is no genetic difference between races' were lying. And I even know why they are making such an absurd lie. Because people are more easily convinced by a big lie.

If you always knew this was the wrong argument you should have not pretended it was what we were claiming
FiveofSwords wrote:Wtf does 'bigging up' even mean? I have not even been able to mention what makes races different or why race is important because you guys are still stuck on this 'race doesn't exist' thought terminating nonsense. I have said nothing other than 'actually race does exist.

And clearly it is important to the ruling class at least...because they openly celebrate that the policies they enforce in every historically white country is projected to make white people an extinct race in just a handful of generations. They will gladly openly admit this is their goal, as long as you happen to agree with them that it is some sort of great and noble goal.

If race wasn't so important...then why would our elite be so deeply focused on making everything more 'diverse' (less white)?

This 'race doesn't exist' bs is just the fake cliche they say to people who happen to notice what is going on and think it is rather disgusting.

What is making the white race go extinct are white women who do not want to have a baby. They go to the abortion clinics because they do not want to pay over a quarter of a million dollars to raise a kid. It is too expensive and the Big Pharma people are making money selling contraception. Family planning was supposed to stop Black women in Africa and Puerto Rican women in Puerto Rico with their forced sterilization campaigns from the Eugenicist racist assholes like Davenport, your sweetheart racialist man who is debunked by Boas....but instead a bunch of white women RAN with it and said Thank GOD I do not have to be popping out kids day and night and scrubbing kitchen floors and making meals. I am into the modern liberal feminist trip...I take off the bra and burn it.

So, now the White women are on the march in Arizona. They are voting out Republicans like there is not tomorrow because they are not going to go back to having white babies by the truckload.

That agenda is not their agenda anymore.

I told you? If you want to prevent white genocide? Go and get some woman who tolerates your whining and bullshit and have a dozen white infants in 15 years. Go and spend millions of dollars from the White Nationalists Donor coffers on raising them all. Then they get to be Derek Black's age and become liberals anyway. You get infuriated and lose again.

Who is responsible for all that shit? Morgan Freeman and Jewish Scarlett Johanssen and Hollywood, and Mexicans and Brownies? Hell no....it is YOUR group that have a hard time convincing other white women and white men to buy into your lifestyle and value system.

There is a reason why human societies progress and go through evolutionary and socially significant changes. You have to be intelligent about it.

You are not. Neither are your political fellows. They can't even agree as a group about what being white means? They got together in the moderator Stormfront website and could not really come up with a percentage of purity white measures. The USA is full of MUTTS. One quarter Hungarian, one quarter Irish, one quarter Swedish, and one quarter German, they marry to one half English and one half Romanian, and the beat goes on. MIXTURE among the whites for centuries. Nothing pure. But you want to insist on purity when the entire history of the New World is about dumping the Old World languages, traditions, histories and cultures and adopting some Anglo identity in order to fit in with some Coca Cola corporate consumer lifestyle. It is anti historical and anti-understanding what is ethnicity in a real sense.

A bunch of incompetents in the extreme. Especially about history.

Whining on.

No one is stopping you from explaining a damn thing Swordy man. Lol.

You do not explain because of the greatness.

No, you do not explain because it is mostly meaningless explanations. You lack depth. You should know that by now. But you do not know it.

Si me comprendieras....if you understood me.


:violin: :music:
Fundamentally, you made a post about how the anti-race folks aren't ideologically/logically consistent.

You seem to be under the belief that "logical"="true".

I can understand how your stupid ass is logically consistent, even if your axioms and facts are laughably and demonstrably untrue and self-contradictory.

You seem incapable of that.

You are basic, @FiveofSwords. You're not an intellectual. You're not avant-garde. You're basic.
Fasces wrote:Fundamentally, you made a post about how the anti-race folks aren't ideologically/logically consistent.

You seem to be under the belief that "logical"="true".

I can understand how your stupid ass is logically consistent, even if your axioms and facts are laughably and demonstrably untrue and self-contradictory.

You seem incapable of that.

You are basic, @FiveofSwords. You're not an intellectual. You're not avant-garde. You're basic.

To translate...I basically hear a lot of fluff combined with you admitting that I might be logically consistent and you might not be.
Tainari88 wrote:What is making the white race go extinct are white women who do not want to have a baby. They go to the abortion clinics because they do not want to pay over a quarter of a million dollars to raise a kid. It is too expensive and the Big Pharma people are making money selling contraception. Family planning was supposed to stop Black women in Africa and Puerto Rican women in Puerto Rico with their forced sterilization campaigns from the Eugenicist racist assholes like Davenport, your sweetheart racialist man who is debunked by Boas....but instead a bunch of white women RAN with it and said Thank GOD I do not have to be popping out kids day and night and scrubbing kitchen floors and making meals. I am into the modern liberal feminist trip...I take off the bra and burn it.

So, now the White women are on the march in Arizona. They are voting out Republicans like there is not tomorrow because they are not going to go back to having white babies by the truckload.

That agenda is not their agenda anymore.

I told you? If you want to prevent white genocide? Go and get some woman who tolerates your whining and bullshit and have a dozen white infants in 15 years. Go and spend millions of dollars from the White Nationalists Donor coffers on raising them all. Then they get to be Derek Black's age and become liberals anyway. You get infuriated and lose again.

Who is responsible for all that shit? Morgan Freeman and Jewish Scarlett Johanssen and Hollywood, and Mexicans and Brownies? Hell no....it is YOUR group that have a hard time convincing other white women and white men to buy into your lifestyle and value system.

There is a reason why human societies progress and go through evolutionary and socially significant changes. You have to be intelligent about it.

You are not. Neither are your political fellows. They can't even agree as a group about what being white means? They got together in the moderator Stormfront website and could not really come up with a percentage of purity white measures. The USA is full of MUTTS. One quarter Hungarian, one quarter Irish, one quarter Swedish, and one quarter German, they marry to one half English and one half Romanian, and the beat goes on. MIXTURE among the whites for centuries. Nothing pure. But you want to insist on purity when the entire history of the New World is about dumping the Old World languages, traditions, histories and cultures and adopting some Anglo identity in order to fit in with some Coca Cola corporate consumer lifestyle. It is anti historical and anti-understanding what is ethnicity in a real sense.

A bunch of incompetents in the extreme. Especially about history.

Whining on.

No one is stopping you from explaining a damn thing Swordy man. Lol.

You do not explain because of the greatness.

No, you do not explain because it is mostly meaningless explanations. You lack depth. You should know that by now. But you do not know it.

Si me comprendieras....if you understood me.


:violin: :music:

Sorry...but since I actually believe the ruling elite are attempting a racial genocide against me, it is not an appropriate response to just get someone pregnant. That is in fact way down on the list of priorities.
FiveofSwords wrote:Sorry...but since I actually believe the ruling elite are attempting a racial genocide against me, it is not an appropriate response to just get someone pregnant. That is in fact way down on the list of priorities.

Back to what I said at the beginning about White Nationalists being chicken shit scared people. If you know who the enemy is and you think they are creating the White Genocide then why not go for the head of the Snake?

No. Instead you got Don Black saying that their posters on Stormfront are nutty and attack black shoppers in the Tops store and Jewish and non Jewish people in some Temple and some Black people in a church in South Carolina. Making them chicken shits. None of them attack the government or the ones who are the elites that you claim are oppressing your race. You do not get a white woman who tolerates your whining pregnant because you are too busy on an international forum talking to people who live in Spain, Mexico, Canada, Malta, and so on....and have zero representation of the elites you despise.

Go and plot the plot. Go and talk to some MAGA dumbell supporters and tell them you are a Neo Nazi and attend the rally with them of that conman from Queens. See if you can snow some of them into the White Genocide narrative. Most of them are convinced Trump is going to be the Messiah as he farts in the courtroom listening to Stormy Daniels hush money trials--a white woman he did not get pregnant but that does not like him. How come none of those women suing Trump who are all white women by the way, do not UNITE behind that white Trumpeteer? They are busy not uniting with him in the cause of either MAGA or White Nationalism.

You got a hard row to hoe....there dude.

Go and get some chicken shits and come up with a plot to get back at the oppressors of the White Genocide that you can't produce any evidence of....

All you do is live in fear and not do a damn thing.

No one is in this thread thinking you are brilliant because you figured out Morgan Freeman looks Black and is an American actor, and Scarlett looks white and is a Jewish woman.

Race is real. Race is the only reason to live. Race is the clarion call to all the white people in the world....who are being exterminated as we speak....you are really a bunch of scared people without a real cause to rally around.

Again, what did you do to be a 'white' person? Did it make you an oppressed minority by other white people who are not White Nationalists?

You are a deliberate victim of your own repitlian brain telling you that the threat is real. But you do not do much about it but state very basic crap. @Fasces is right.

You need to go to some social get together of white racists living in fear, making some potluck scene happen, and go and play some bad country tunes or whatever you like to hear of music and chat up some other women who are not going to be flushing white fetuses down the toilet. Convince them with your charm.

Because whining is not attractive. Playing the poor me victim of the White Genocide elites is a hard sell.

:violin: :coffee:
ingliz wrote:Genetically, Jews are not a race.

Centuries of dispersion among other racial and ethnic groups have broadened the Jewish gene pool to the extent that it is impossible to identify a common set of genetic markers that biologically distinguish Jews from others.

It can be if you are a Jew.

Non-Jews have elected to join the Jewish community and they and their descendants have generally been viewed as no different from born Jews.

Or if you are 'passing'.

Racial passing occurs when a person classified as a member of one racial group is accepted as a member of another.


And that is not even touching upon into those who were classified as Mischlinge , by the National Socialist Third Reich , whom were also Christian in regards to religion , and/or those who , like myself are part of what's known as Zera Yisreal . I am documented as being descended from the two interrelated families of Maor Katan , and Auerbach, yet I was brought up as a Pennsylvania German Christian , and had not known of my full origins until fairly recently . But , such Jewish ancestry , especially some Sephardic , does help to explain how it has sometimes been that some people , including seemingly police , have made me out to look Hispanic . I am not really , well no more so than the British royals , of whom I share some ancestry with , yet as @Fasces pointed out , perception is practical reality . If I look like the dark other , no matter how much I might think of myself as being fundamentally a White American , for all intents and purposes I am just another Jew , no matter my ethnic background and religious beliefs . Even though , according to even the Nuremberg Laws , I still would have been considered to be German Blooded , as the National Socialist government under Adolf Hitler didn't go by a version of the one drop rule . Which was fortunate for both him and his eventual wife , Eva Braun , as genetically they both might have had Jewish DNA . But they couldn't tell this just by looking at appearance alone . Hitler couldn't even tell that this one girl he had been friendly with had Jewish grandparents .




This is one of the things I like about Jewish descent , people cannot always accurately tell simply by looking if we are Jews or not , as there is so much variance depending upon regional demographics. I mean , for example , below are two crew members from the YouTube channel " Good Mythical Morning" . Both are Jews , yet the first has family originally from Iran , and the second , looks more European , and typically Aryan than even I do , and I am not even all that genetically Jewish .


Tainari88 wrote:Back to what I said at the beginning about White Nationalists being chicken shit scared people. If you know who the enemy is and you think they are creating the White Genocide then why not go for the head of the Snake?

No. Instead you got Don Black saying that their posters on Stormfront are nutty and attack black shoppers in the Tops store and Jewish and non Jewish people in some Temple and some Black people in a church in South Carolina. Making them chicken shits. None of them attack the government or the ones who are the elites that you claim are oppressing your race. You do not get a white woman who tolerates your whining pregnant because you are too busy on an international forum talking to people who live in Spain, Mexico, Canada, Malta, and so on....and have zero representation of the elites you despise.

Go and plot the plot. Go and talk to some MAGA dumbell supporters and tell them you are a Neo Nazi and attend the rally with them of that conman from Queens. See if you can snow some of them into the White Genocide narrative. Most of them are convinced Trump is going to be the Messiah as he farts in the courtroom listening to Stormy Daniels hush money trials--a white woman he did not get pregnant but that does not like him. How come none of those women suing Trump who are all white women by the way, do not UNITE behind that white Trumpeteer? They are busy not uniting with him in the cause of either MAGA or White Nationalism.

You got a hard row to hoe....there dude.

Go and get some chicken shits and come up with a plot to get back at the oppressors of the White Genocide that you can't produce any evidence of....

All you do is live in fear and not do a damn thing.

No one is in this thread thinking you are brilliant because you figured out Morgan Freeman looks Black and is an American actor, and Scarlett looks white and is a Jewish woman.

Race is real. Race is the only reason to live. Race is the clarion call to all the white people in the world....who are being exterminated as we speak....you are really a bunch of scared people without a real cause to rally around.

Again, what did you do to be a 'white' person? Did it make you an oppressed minority by other white people who are not White Nationalists?

You are a deliberate victim of your own repitlian brain telling you that the threat is real. But you do not do much about it but state very basic crap. @Fasces is right.

You need to go to some social get together of white racists living in fear, making some potluck scene happen, and go and play some bad country tunes or whatever you like to hear of music and chat up some other women who are not going to be flushing white fetuses down the toilet. Convince them with your charm.

Because whining is not attractive. Playing the poor me victim of the White Genocide elites is a hard sell.

:violin: :coffee:

If you think white nationalists are capable of defeating the United States military by themselves, you really ovetestimate us.
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