If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 27 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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FiveofSwords wrote:But you repeat yourself, for I know that you believe there is no difference between myself and Bill Clinton, because he is perfectly able to bear my children. But I do apologize if I have bombed your baby factory...it was not my intent. Perhaps you should consider taking some responsibility for having such a poorly defended baby factory? But of course you cannot. You have no agency of your own, because everything is merely the will of the people.

Potemkin wrote:I see you belong to the Bill Clinton school of military strategy, @FiveofSwords - fight an unnecessary war for personal political reasons, lose it, bomb a baby formula factor and say you just destroyed a chemical weapons factory, then hold a press conference to declare victory. :)

That is the relevant problem for him. He loses. And the reason why Fasces stated he jumps from one place to another. He can't stick to it with any real depth. A lack of depth.

He has to fight an unnecessary war, lose that unnecessary war, and then lie and declare victory. Lol.

He missed the boat with this topic.


And now Bill Clinton is having his baby. Haha.
Tainari88 wrote:That is the relevant problem for him. He loses. And the reason why Fasces stated he jumps from one place to another. He can't stick to it with any real depth. A lack of depth.

He has to fight an unnecessary war, lose that unnecessary war, and then lie and declare victory. Lol.

He missed the boat with this topic.


And now Bill Clinton is having his baby. Haha.

Not only an unnecessary war, but a completely imaginary war. All in your Mexican brain. More of your fan fiction.

This is, in fact, a forum. People only talk here. You are of course a great fan of talking...which explains why you like it here so much.
FiveofSwords wrote:Not only an unnecessary war, but a completely imaginary war. All in your Mexican brain. More of your fan fiction.

This is, in fact, a forum. People only talk here. You are of course a great fan of talking...which explains why you like it here so much.

You can go and confront the group doing the White Genocide...but you can't.

Derek Black is talking about what works for your group. The issue though is the data or the scientific part of it is not true.

He said something very true. A lot of educated people can believe very dumb things. The US is full of people who think they are educated, but the reality is that all that White Genocide garbage that was coined by Derek Black himself by the way, is just not true.

The inventor of the terminology repudiates it.

Yes, just talking. It sounds so innocent and ineffective over time doesn't it? But the reality is all real political change and movements start with talking, writing and discussing. And debating. The violence does not ocurr in a vacuum.

And it is interesting. Many people fear speaking publicly more than they do carrying a gun into a battlefield. The reasons? Because with words you have to face your own thoughts. While killing is easy....and transforming yourself is difficult.

A wasted life is doing what you are doing. Never accepting the innate equality and humanity in all people. As people to be respected.

It all becomes dehumanizing other people because it is the only way you can feel superior when in reality you feel inferior.

Again, the one you fear the most is the one you never want to face. YOURSELF.

Thanks for telling me I am Mexican. Lol. I like this culture and this country despite its many flaws and its many virtues. Like all human societies expecting it to be ideal and perfect? Is for foolish people.

We as a species have never been made for perfection. This place is about struggle for existence, variation and transformation. The ones who think they can live a life without pain and struggle and think they can make an ideal society by denying rights to other fellow human beings are just writing their own suffering. They just do not know it yet. ;)

Buenas noches Cinco de Espadas.
Tainari88 wrote:You can go and confront the group doing the White Genocide...but you can't.

Derek Black is talking about what works for your group. The issue though is the data or the scientific part of it is not true.

He said something very true. A lot of educated people can believe very dumb things. The US is full of people who think they are educated, but the reality is that all that White Genocide garbage that was coined by Derek Black himself by the way, is just not true.

The inventor of the terminology repudiates it.

Yes, just talking. It sounds so innocent and ineffective over time doesn't it? But the reality is all real political change and movements start with talking, writing and discussing. And debating. The violence does not ocurr in a vacuum.

And it is interesting. Many people fear speaking publicly more than they do carrying a gun into a battlefield. The reasons? Because with words you have to face your own thoughts. While killing is easy....and transforming yourself is difficult.

A wasted life is doing what you are doing. Never accepting the innate equality and humanity in all people. As people to be respected.

It all becomes dehumanizing other people because it is the only way you can feel superior when in reality you feel inferior.

Again, the one you fear the most is the one you never want to face. YOURSELF.

Thanks for telling me I am Mexican. Lol. I like this culture and this country despite its many flaws and its many virtues. Like all human societies expecting it to be ideal and perfect? Is for foolish people.

We as a species have never been made for perfection. This place is about struggle for existence, variation and transformation. The ones who think they can live a life without pain and struggle and think they can make an ideal society by denying rights to other fellow human beings are just writing their own suffering. They just do not know it yet. ;)

Buenas noches Cinco de Espadas.

I am not going to watch your stupid video, and I have never heard of Derek black. You seem like a huge fan. What you probably like the most about him is how he mentions that educated can believe stupid things. I guess that is why you never tricked yourself ibto being educated.

White people are being genocided. That is a simple truth. And it is obvious to most people. In all of the countries that we populate, our 'leaders' pursue policies explicitly designed to make us into a minority in our own countries. And this is celebrated as a good thing. In fact, speaking out against it is de facto illegal.

Certainly nobody is interested in asking what % of the population white people will need to be before the usa is satisfied. One can only assume 0%...since any discussion of that issue is forbidden. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/27/us/n ... rsify.html

This, my dear, is genocide. No genocide does not need to be violent. If I peacefully sterilized every black person in the usa, that would certainly qualify as genocide.

You like to focus on the concept of violent genocide via mass extermination...as if everyone is so stupid that they can only imagine gas chambers when the word genocide is mentioned...it is part of you being a zionist shill.

Yet then, funnily enough, you loke to speak of the people of gaza being genocided. Actually only 30k have died out of a population of 2 million...so by your own definition of genocide it could not qualify. Jews are merely making life impossible in gaza, and offering to ship the Palestinians to the Far corners of the earth. Is that genocidal, in your opinion? Because if so...it seems the way you defined genocide is in completely bad faith.

You aren't very good at concealing your real agenda.
FiveofSwords wrote:You aren't very good at concealing your real agenda.



White people are being genocided.

Why the glass half-empty vibe?

You asked us to give you our 'huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.' It's a bit late to start complaining now.

Be grateful that using your government's scheme for classifying the races, America will still be majority white after the genocide.

Census data shows a different shade of white - Hispanic white - is the largest and fastest-growing ethnic minority in the US.

And even if the wall falls and there is a flood of Latinos well over half of them identify as white.

ingliz wrote:Image


Why the glass half-empty vibe?

You asked us to give you our 'huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.' It's a bit late to start complaining now.

Be grateful that using your government's scheme for classifying the races, America will still be majority white after the genocide.

Census data shows a different shade of white - Hispanic white - is the largest and fastest-growing ethnic minority in the US.

And even if the wall falls and there is a flood of Latinos well over half of them identify as white.


Amd once again we go full circle. At least be logically consistent. If everyone is white then you cannot pretend there was ever any white colonialism. It cuts both ways.

Nobody has said everyone is white.

Whiteness is a construct with rules that determine who is white, and who is not.

As shown - see Malta - these rules can change as societal norms change over time.

That you keep repeating your 'everyone is white' bollocks every other post, after being repeatedly told it's bollocks, just confirms how stupid you are.

Last edited by ingliz on 17 May 2024 20:06, edited 1 time in total.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Nobody has said everyone is white.

Whiteness is a construct with rules that determine who is white, and who is not.

As shown - see Malta - these rules can change as societal norms change over time.

That you keep repeating your 'everyone is white' bollocks every other post, after being repeatedly told that's bollocks, just confirms how stupid you are.


Most of the Neo Nazis in the USA can't cope with complexity and miscegenation. That is why they are ignorant in the most glaring way.

I have one or two differences with the following video but it does deal with the concept of social construct regarding how to categorize the 'Hispanics' in the USA.

Hispanic the word--comes from the word Hispania...from vulgar Latin the root of Spanish and it meant in its original meaning from Rome, as we have established Ingliz that Italy and Rome and the Romans are the origin of all Romance languages in Europe.

In Spanish:

La palabra «Hispania» tiene su origen en la denominación que servía a la civilización romana para el conjunto de la Península Ibérica , y cuyo significado vinculaban los escritores latinos a «tierra de conejos».

Translated into English the root meaning of the word Hispania or its derivative Hispanic.

The word "Hispania" has its origin in the name that Roman civilization used for the entire Iberian Peninsula, and whose meaning Latin writers linked to "land of rabbits."

Why land of rabbits? Spain was reknown throughout the Roman world as great hunting for rabbits and it fed a main protein source for the Roman legions. Spaniards were well known for being great at the bow and arrow and the sword, and horse back riding as well. They would shoot rabbits often. To this day Spain has on its menus and in its recipe books rabbit dishes.

I digress Ingliz.

Hispanic is something the Latino or Latin Americans just dumped. Because most of us had no experiences at all in the Land of the Rabbits. It is like calling American Anglos, British or English even though they were born and raised in Virginia or Florida or Ohio or another state. England was not their life experience. So we dumped Hispanic.

Latin America was more accurate. It includes Brazil too. And the nations who speak French because the French are part of the Latin derived root word for Romance language family. Which are the Romance language families?

These are the ones

Eastern Romance

So when Five man starts saying how we are primitives and so on and so forth? And you have @Pants-of-dog and @wat0n (who one Pants is Canadian and of Chilean origins and speaks Spanish, and Wat0n who is also Chilean and very conservative and an immigrant in Chicago, and also is of Jewish origin in Chile, and who are culturally European based and the dumb assessment of us being all Aztecs is highly inaccurate--and shows complete ignorance about who we are in that part of the world is very interesting. @QatzelOk is Acadian. A French-speaking peasant group went to Canada and mixed with the indigenous groups from the Maritime provinces of Canada. They became the Cajun. They wound up in the Louisiana territory in the USA because of the Louisiana purchase of that land by the US government. There are still French-speaking Cajuns in the Bayous and so on...swamps of Louisiana and they had never been known for hating African Americans or Indians either. That would be the upper-crust French Creoles and the Anglos from the plantations who many were Scottish and English. Lol. Does Five Man know this? No. He is a damn fool regarding culture. And he thinks he knows. He does not know. :lol:

Ignorance and hating people without knowing a thing about them at all is the hallmark of the US-based Nazi group. Who do not even know how to speak German anymore. or Danish, Swedish, Hungarian, or any European language that is not English from England and is accused by the British who do speak the Queen's English as speaking a bastardized form of English that is not very grammatically correct for them.

Yet they want to dictate who is the real white people and the fake white people and who qualifies and who does not.
wat0n wrote:The only way to sustain the premise in this thread is to compare race to another social construct (gender) and ask why can transgenderism be acceptable to some but not transracialism.

Well, I think that is another can of worms Wat0n. A man can say he wants to be a woman and drive to Trinidad, Colorado and go and get a sex change operation there. They give him hormones and so on. I looked into the pros and cons of sex change operations out of sheer curiosity. I was shocked at the problems involved with all that. Mainly the men who wanted to be women had their penis and scrotum modified and cut and they constructed a vagina. But they could not create the complexities of women's vaginas. The entire rebuilding of a woman's private parts was very difficult. Fake ovaries? Not possible yet. That drop at certain times of the month and who have DNA chromosomes in there and that it attaches to her uterus and then the breasts that produce milk and the labor part of it? No man born a man can become fully a woman who can give birth and nourish a baby. The biological advancements are not there.

Then reproducing an entire lifetime of experience being treated socially by society as a female and a woman? Your brain and hormones are not the same as a male's. Women have certain parts of the brain that are about bonding more easily. Though men have a lot that is shared with women. It is a fascinating field. Women in terms of reproduction can and do have multiple climaxes and they are said to be more intense than a male's by a lot.

It is interesting.

But so far no man who got an artificial vagina done in Trinidad Colorado can get pregnant and give birth. They also have issues with having vaginal sex it is painful many times for the male who got that done by repurposing his penis.

They are reporting bleeding, painful sex, and no aurosal. I find that it a big FAILURE in a successful sex change. I guess the AI clinical people are going to go back to the drawing board and see if they can create new life without a woman being born with the right equipment. Without women carrying those babies to term the human race is dead as living dinosaurs in 2024.

Instead of a Jurrasic world, they should try to create an Ovary Universe. We need the secret code to make that female egg drop and attach to a male body that never had periods and had to shed that uterine material once a month. We need to recreate something that is hard as hell. And men want that super difficult labor pain and the risk of dying pushing out a 9-pound baby through their fake vaginas. That will be a Miracle in the Planet and Biological medical fields.
Tainari88 wrote:Well, I think that is another can of worms Wat0n. A man can say he wants to be a woman and drive to Trinidad, Colorado and go and get a sex change operation there. They give him hormones and so on. I looked into the pros and cons of sex change operations out of sheer curiosity. I was shocked at the problems involved with all that. Mainly the men who wanted to be women had their penis and scrotum modified and cut and they constructed a vagina. But they could not create the complexities of women's vaginas. The entire rebuilding of a woman's private parts was very difficult. Fake ovaries? Not possible yet. That drop at certain times of the month and who have DNA chromosomes in there and that it attaches to her uterus and then the breasts that produce milk and the labor part of it? No man born a man can become fully a woman who can give birth and nourish a baby. The biological advancements are not there.

Then reproducing an entire lifetime of experience being treated socially by society as a female and a woman? Your brain and hormones are not the same as a male's. Women have certain parts of the brain that are about bonding more easily. Though men have a lot that is shared with women. It is a fascinating field. Women in terms of reproduction can and do have multiple climaxes and they are said to be more intense than a male's by a lot.

It is interesting.

But so far no man who got an artificial vagina done in Trinidad Colorado can get pregnant and give birth. They also have issues with having vaginal sex it is painful many times for the male who got that done by repurposing his penis.

They are reporting bleeding, painful sex, and no aurosal. I find that it a big FAILURE in a successful sex change. I guess the AI clinical people are going to go back to the drawing board and see if they can create new life without a woman being born with the right equipment. Without women carrying those babies to term the human race is dead as living dinosaurs in 2024.

Instead of a Jurrasic world, they should try to create an Ovary Universe. We need the secret code to make that female egg drop and attach to a male body that never had periods and had to shed that uterine material once a month. We need to recreate something that is hard as hell. And men want that super difficult labor pain and the risk of dying pushing out a 9-pound baby through their fake vaginas. That will be a Miracle in the Planet and Biological medical fields.

Indeed, it's a complex issue. You can also get surgery to change your skin color IIRC.

BTW, I'm not even that conservative. Quite frankly, I don't really care that much about trans people either way but I do dislike inconsistency.
wat0n wrote:Indeed, it's a complex issue. You can also get surgery to change your skin color IIRC.

BTW, I'm not even that conservative. Quite frankly, I don't really care that much about trans people either way but I do dislike inconsistency.

People die by the millions on planet Earth by drinking contaminated water. Yet, here they are thinking about reconstructing bodily parts.

Be consistent. Do like Kumon does. They start with the easiest math and build to advanced calculus. You start with 1+1=2, the concept of zero 0, and go from there. Clean water. Big deal there. Then clean Earth, and rebuild soil health. Clean air. A bunch of people in Beijing, Chicago and many other cities sometimes get stuck with bad air quality. It affects your airways and so on. People die from too much air pollution. People who do not even smoke in China are getting lung cancer. It is caused by breathing horrible air quality for years.

Solve that smog problem. Plastics in the ocean. And then taking all that throwaway stuff and reusing it for something good. Building houses that are inexpensive and that can house people comfortably. Filter out hard water debris. Sarro. Mérida has bad hard water. I am buying a filtration system and implementing it. It should make my plumbing last well and can make my tap water drinkable. Very important if a heat wave hits.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Nobody has said everyone is white.

Whiteness is a construct with rules that determine who is white, and who is not.

As shown - see Malta - these rules can change as societal norms change over time.

That you keep repeating your 'everyone is white' bollocks every other post, after being repeatedly told that's bollocks, just confirms how stupid you are.


Sorry dude, you aren't white.
wat0n wrote:You can't even provide a coherent biological definition of race, let alone proof of its biological existence.

Ridiculous. That is simple. A race is a population of people who have adapted to a particular way of life...and they can easily be identified by their sna...which is actually different precisely because they have adapted to a particular way of life.
FiveofSwords wrote:Ridiculous. That is simple. A race is a population of people who have adapted to a particular way of life...and they can easily be identified by their sna...which is actually different precisely because they have adapted to a particular way of life.

Everything is in flux. You adapt to the germs and bacteria and viruses that are present too. Mutations change. Nothing is static. Not even our genes. Yet, the way the Nazis discuss races it is like everything stopped in time and there is no going forward. That is also a false premise.

People who are not from the jungles of Brazil sure did adapt to Brazilian germs or they would die quickly. This includes Japanese Brazilians. Peruvian Japanese people too. They prefer the culture as well. They are born and raised in Lima. They prefer Lima. Their parents are not born and raised in Japan.

People adapt to a land and its germs. It takes a couple of months really. You can get very sick by traveling and not being accustomed to the germs there. But once you adjust to the germs and adapt to that environment? Your telemarkers and your body adapts.

It is an ongoing thing. Everything is about interactions between environments and your genes. That is the way it works for being able to survive as a species.

Notice the Japanese cook and chef and owner and his love of Peru.

FiveofSwords wrote:Ridiculous. That is simple. A race is a population of people who have adapted to a particular way of life...and they can easily be identified by their sna...which is actually different precisely because they have adapted to a particular way of life.

Even clans can say that. So can different e.g. white subpopulations.

It's so vague as to be meaningless from a biological point of view.
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