Mr Bush visits a primary school - Politics | PoFo

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President G W Bush visits a primary school as part of his youth approaching campaign.
In the general hall, after his short speech about how great and free and christian and blah blah America is, he invites the children to ask him any question they want.

Suddently, little Bob raises his hand
-I have two questions for you Mr President!
-Go on my boy!
-One, why do we call other countries terrorist while we are the only ones that ever used nuclear bombs and two why do we want to inave Iraq because of its weapons of "mass destruction" while we have enough of these to destroy the world?
Suddently the bell rings and Mr Bush does not manage to answer in time. After the break the question session continues. Nobody raises his hand except little Tom.
-I have four questions for you Mr. Bush.
-Go on my boy!
-Those two of Bob's and... why did the bell ring 45 minutes earlier and WHERE THE ***** IS BOB??
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By Yeddi
:lol: :lol:

I love that joke, my sister told me that a couple of weeks ago... hilarity ensued.
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By Boondock Saint
Yea but if you ever watched a Bush Q&A you would know all the Q&A's were scripted.

I would laugh but i am far too nationalistic.
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By uglygoat
i thought this was like a billy madison deal, where bush had to go back and actually pass grammer school..

i feel duped... ;)
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By C-Kokos
t1master wrote:i thought this was like a billy madison deal, where bush had to go back and actually pass grammer school..

i feel duped... ;)

Do you really believe that Dubya would stand ANY change in primary school ?:P
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