An 'internationalist' CANNOT be 'anti colonial' - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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FiveofSwords wrote:Capitalism is incompatible with nationalism. The founders of the usa were not all that nationalist, nor were they all that capitalist. Their weltanshuung was very new and poorly developed. Incomplete and incoherent. It was probably inevitable that the usa would become what it is today, thanks to the intrinsic contradictions in our founding.

Then there were the Nazis, who were also capitalist.

In fact, every white supremacy movement in North America is capitalist.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I also agree that race is mostly a bunch of nonsense. However, culture is not. The hindus and muslims couldn't get along in terms of policy in India, and so the country "balkanized" and Pakistan and Bangladesh were created upon India's independence from Britain, and the Punjabi's are still treated poorly by the majority power in India.

I do believe that there is a racist double-standard where people think that nation-states made of majority white people aren't allowed to have nationalism (Britain, France, Italy etc) while indigenous peoples and other non-white nations are.

My question to you Tainari is: would you be ok if a lot of e.g. Chinese, Indian, or German migrants moved into Puerto Rico and one of these ethnicities became the overwhelming majority in Puerto Rico, elected politicians mostly from their own ethnic group, and their language was added to the official languages of the country etc. Newspapers and tv shows and other elements of culture became published mostly in the foreign language by this new ethnic group?

First off Unthinking Majority you have to see that video I put in about how nationalism is versus internationalism and how that works by the Irish guy. James Connelly was an Irish Republican Army pro Irish independence person who worked for Irish independence and then he also was a socialist who wanted good relationships with other nations fighting colonial rule. He was anti-colonial. How could he be anti-colonial and also nationalist? The video lets you know what the thinking behind that is. I will post it again. Don Pedro Albizu Campos met him and they worked together to draft the Constitution for the Irish Republic. Don Pedro was a Puerto Rican nacionalista. But he was anti-colonial rule. People think all nationalist liberation movements are about Nazi interpretations of racism or some bullshit. It is not.

First off you have to gain independence first for a nation to say they have got out of the colonial rule stage. That they are free to enter into trade agreements with other nations as equal partners. While you are being ruled by a foreign power bleeding you dry of money and people to throw into foreign wars while not allowing them to vote or have a voice that counts in the political platform? And having a panel of mostly bankers dictate everything without any input of the locals? It is basically tyranny. So the circumstances change.

You keep equating the power imbalances between certain groups with Imperial regimes as balanced and without problems. They are not. That is critical for you to understand that.

Yes, there was a gag order on flag waving, there was a prohibition on native language, there was unelected people of a different culture placed in the top positions there. Why? Have you asked why? What do you think the reasons are?
Last edited by Tainari88 on 07 Apr 2024 23:33, edited 1 time in total.
FiveofSwords wrote:The national socialists were socialist.

Another bad theory of yours. :lol:

So, they want the label. But the philosophy is pro capitalist. This theory is yours is debunked.

The end.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 07 Apr 2024 23:17, edited 1 time in total.
FiveofSwords wrote:You get your education from youtube?

You spout theories that have been eliminated as valid a very long time ago.

Now you can run and not address the point. The important thing is you said something false. And the reply is in the video.

You do not want to deal with the reply because you are run from hard work in rebuttal.

Not my problem. :lol:

BTW, @FiveofSwords what is your education? From what university or college or high school and about what?


You won't say. I know why.

If you do say? I will think you finally have a little bit of cojones after all. Do not run from your problems. Air them out.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Communism isn't so much anti-white as it is against foreign domination by imperialistic capitalist countries like the USA who meddle in foreign politics and economics for the sake of their own economic prosperity.

But of course, you don't have to be anti-capitalist to be anti-imperialist. These countries just want self-determination most of all. If a foreign corporation is to operate within their borders it should be because that country allows it, not because they're threatened, or forced via coup etc.

That is far too logical to have it actually be the rule of dealing with differing political loyalties UM.

Coercion and force and dominating is part of capitalist economics.

Unfortunately a lot of these white nationalists really hate the capitalist liberal elitists that betray their blue collar rural America roots....but they do not understand why the capitalist class insists on sticking their nose in the business of all these brownie nations, and black nations and yellow nations, and every color coded nation. Why can't they just do a neat package deal of nationalism.

They are disgusted by the lack of LOYALTY to White Blue Collar and Redneck Rural working class people who are the salt of the Earth of America and are BETRAYED by these lying ass politicians for what?? For profits. They allow all these races to just invade and take over....why??? Why?

It is about always having a very willing labor pool undercutting the redneck working class. Instead of blaming the multicultural two faced liberal HEGEMONY billionaires and attacking them violently and then getting millions of voters to vote for their violent fringe group....they wind up with stupid acts like following some cult conman or getting arrested for killing innocent people.

A real lack of intelligence.

They should attack the most powerful people on Earth with their violent grudges against all these capitalists. They do not. Not enough intelligence they have in their ranks to get that goal done.

They do not want the fallout from attacking very powerful players.

They would rather do very immoral crap like killing shoppers or people they have no knowledge about.

It is not hard to identify who makes the most money from betraying blue collar rural Americans who are white. You read the names of the corporations who pull out and leave and pull up stakes somewhere else.

Call the CEO and ask questions. Once you find out they do not care and do it for profit only? that is it.

Since they are into violent revolutions?

But no, killing shoppers and innocent migrants while hiding from hate crime charges is what they prefer.
Tainari88 wrote:You spout theories that have been eliminated as valid a very long time ago.

Now you can run and not address the point. The important thing is you said something false. And the reply is in the video.

You do not want to deal with the reply because you are run from hard work in rebuttal.

Not my problem. :lol:

BTW, @FiveofSwords what is your education? From what university or college or high school and about what?


You won't say. I know why.

If you do say? I will think you finally have a little bit of cojones after all. Do not run from your problems. Air them out.

Uh...this is the actual 25 points of the nsdap platform: ... st_Program

As you can see, it is socialist.

Every national socialist philosopher is critical of capitalism. I actually read them....I'm one of those weird people who reads books instead of watching YouTube (whichvis a very censored and curated platform). I really don't care to watch what this retard has to say.

In practice, the German state had total control over major industry. They dictated what factories would produce and what wages would be. They pursued autarky. They basically abolished the stock market...although for logistic and optical reasons a handful were allowed to remain open...while the state completely dictated what to do with profits. Land speculation was outlawed...and the strasserites wanted to abolish junker property and redistribute it to the people...although Hitler prevented this because he needed junker political support. However there was a plan for the government to provide small homesteads for German families especially in what they hoped would be newly conquered territory in Ukraine (

Anyone who thinks the nsdap was pro capitalist is just very poorly educated...probably deliberately misinformed by socialists who were embarrassed about how much the nsdap succeeded in areas where they themselves failed.
FiveofSwords wrote:Uh...this is the actual 25 points of the nsdap platform: ... st_Program

As you can see, it is socialist.

Every national socialist philosopher is critical of capitalism. I actually read them....I'm one of those weird people who reads books instead of watching YouTube (whichvis a very censored and curated platform). I really don't care to watch what this retard has to say.

In practice, the German state had total control over major industry. They dictated what factories would produce and what wages would be. They pursued autarky. They basically abolished the stock market...although for logistic and optical reasons a handful were allowed to remain open...while the state completely dictated what to do with profits. Land speculation was outlawed...and the strasserites wanted to abolish junker property and redistribute it to the people...although Hitler prevented this because he needed junker political support. However there was a plan for the government to provide small homesteads for German families especially in what they hoped would be newly conquered territory in Ukraine (

Anyone who thinks the nsdap was pro capitalist is just very poorly educated...probably deliberately misinformed by socialists who were embarrassed about how much the nsdap succeeded in areas where they themselves failed.

From your own wiki source they make you out to not understand your own group. That does not surprise me.

The historian Karl Dietrich Bracher summarizes the program by saying that its components were "hardly new" and that "German, Austrian and Bohemian proponents of anti-capitalist, nationalist-imperialist, anti-Semitic movements were resorted to in its compilation" but that a call to "breaking the shackles of finance capital" was added in deference to the idee fixe of Gottfried Feder, one of the party's founding members and Hitler provided the militancy of the stance against the Treaty of Versailles and the insistence that the points could not be changed and were to be the permanent foundation of the party. Bracher characterizes the points as being"phrased like slogans; they lent themselves to the concise sensational dissemination of the 'anti' position on which the party thrived. ... Ideologically speaking, [the program] was a wooly, eclectic mixture of political, social, racist, national-imperialist wishful thinking..."[3]

According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the 25-point program "remained the party's official statement of goals, though in later years many points were ignored".[4]

Being imperialist and racist eclectic and wooly mixture is not about really being socialist in a classic sense. There are a lot of socialist movements. Some are Christian, some are Democratic, some are Scientific, some are this or that.

But invading nations and confiscating the property of other nations for the goal of fueling the war efforts is what imperialistic pro capitalist governments do. In that no one is confused.

I did not use another source. Your Hitler thing was an eclectic hodgepodge of shit.

This is why labor unionists were wholesale slaughtered at the beginning. Fights between warring groups does not exculpate the reality that the group you cite was out to genocide whole groups of people. Not just about Jewish ethnicity but about political philosophies. Anyone that rivaled them.

Now, I know why you were hesitant to state what you are about.

A bunch of people who no one wants to revisit. You might get a chance to seize power with the conman. But he is a very messy and unpredictable asshole with few principles to guide him. He is no Adolf Hitler. You are stuck with a bumbler. :lol: :lol:
Pants-of-dog wrote:Where did they say it?

Provide a link and a quote. ... st_Program

"7. We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to nourish the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) must be excluded from the Reich."
Tainari88 wrote:From your own wiki source they make you out to not understand your own group. That does not surprise me.

The historian Karl Dietrich Bracher summarizes the program by saying that its components were "hardly new" and that "German, Austrian and Bohemian proponents of anti-capitalist, nationalist-imperialist, anti-Semitic movements were resorted to in its compilation" but that a call to "breaking the shackles of finance capital" was added in deference to the idee fixe of Gottfried Feder, one of the party's founding members and Hitler provided the militancy of the stance against the Treaty of Versailles and the insistence that the points could not be changed and were to be the permanent foundation of the party. Bracher characterizes the points as being"phrased like slogans; they lent themselves to the concise sensational dissemination of the 'anti' position on which the party thrived. ... Ideologically speaking, [the program] was a wooly, eclectic mixture of political, social, racist, national-imperialist wishful thinking..."[3]

According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the 25-point program "remained the party's official statement of goals, though in later years many points were ignored".[4]

Being imperialist and racist eclectic and wooly mixture is not about really being socialist in a classic sense. There are a lot of socialist movements. Some are Christian, some are Democratic, some are Scientific, some are this or that.

But invading nations and confiscating the property of other nations for the goal of fueling the war efforts is what imperialistic pro capitalist governments do. In that no one is confused.

I did not use another source. Your Hitler thing was an eclectic hodgepodge of shit.

This is why labor unionists were wholesale slaughtered at the beginning. Fights between warring groups does not exculpate the reality that the group you cite was out to genocide whole groups of people. Not just about Jewish ethnicity but about political philosophies. Anyone that rivaled them.

Now, I know why you were hesitant to state what you are about.

A bunch of people who no one wants to revisit. You might get a chance to seize power with the conman. But he is a very messy and unpredictable asshole with few principles to guide him. He is no Adolf Hitler. You are stuck with a bumbler. :lol: :lol:

Many 'labor union' leaders were sent to prison, not slaughtered, because they were loyal to the ussr, which had captured the global pro labor movement with their propaganda. It had nothing to do with unions themselves, which the nsdap fully supported and 4v4n much expanded.
FiveofSwords wrote:

"7. We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to nourish the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) must be excluded from the Reich."

You claimed that Nazis wanted to provide for “the material needs of all its citizens”, and now your evidence says that Nazis only wanted to give people the opportunity to get their material needs.

Homeless people have opportunities to get jobs, according to the law. I guess modern capitalism with all these homeless people is the same as Nazi communism.
FiveofSwords wrote:

"7. We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to nourish the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) must be excluded from the Reich."

The USA is not Germany. The USA is basically almost all foreign-born or rooted people. Germany had ancient roots. The USA is a nation of immigrants and people who mix a lot. All the time.

What you are going to do is create some war if you guys are actually serious. You will not be successful. Mostly because again, you are not smart enough to go after the super-rich, powerful liberals who control the top capitalist machine people. Too powerful for you.

You got to get rid of them.

You can't. You like attacking vulnerable normal people minding their own business. Knocking off the Koch Brothers, Soros and who knows who else Michael Bloomberg, etc. is too much for you to get done.

You will wind up losing the properties to lawsuits and having to go and live in a compound in Idaho somewhere.

Where you are surrounded by the right people.

You also gave away you have very little formal education. Saying you read actual books with pride means that you are not used to reading books fast your entire life. That is why I type too much for you. You are not used to reading, writing, and typing super quickly. It takes a person a lot of years of real reading to do that.

You hesitate. Won't mention formal education. Probably because your handlers also just want to grow the membership and taking time out to debate the professors on the liberal campuses is not productive.

You should do better than you are Sword.

You are looking for an identity that is false. Artificially created. The USA is an ex-colonial nation. Not an ancient Empire from Europe like Germany or other countries.

Accept that and realize you are going to fail to convince. If you want a working people's party then you are going to have to include people who are not white. Sorry to say. Growing a political party is about being inclusive, not exclusive. Too many white people who drank the Liberal Kool-Aid to join you guys.

You got sunk by your own race. :lol:
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