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By CasX
I got Democratic Socialist.
(not social democrat)

DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM: The belief that the equality which socialism is designed to bring cannot be achieved without democracy. Unlike Social Democracy, Democratic Socialists are more Left-wing than centrist. Democratic Socialists are opposed to both Communism and capitalism, feeling that both systems have failed to emancipate the workers of the world from exploitation. During the Cold War, when the Social Democrats sided with the capitalist West and the Communists sided with the East, Democratic Socialists were pulled in the middle, because they saw both systems as evil in different ways. While the Soviet Union had political inequality, America had economic inequality. Perhaps the earliest large Democratic Socialist movement in America was the Socialist Party of America, which was founded in 1901 by Eugene V. Debs and his comrades. Today, perhaps the best-known American advocate of Democratic Socialism is Howard Zinn, columnist for The Progressive, author of A People's History of the United States, and professor emiritus of Boston University. The largest Democratic Socialist groups are the Socialist Party USA and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). There are also Democratic Socialists within the Greens USA. Other world Democratic Socialist parties include the Socialist Party of the Netherlands, the German PDS, the Australian DSP, and the Japanese New Socialist Party.
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By Yuji
What's a DeLeonist?

DELEONISM: Form of political thought engineered by American radical Daniel De Leon (1852-1914). De Leon combined the rising theories of Syndicalism in his time with orthodox Marxism. According to DeLeonist theory, militant trade unions are the vehicle of class struggle. Trade unions serving the interests of the "proletariat" (working class) will bring about the change needed to establish a socialist system. Today, two American groups claim to follow the ideas of DeLeon: the Socialist Labor Party and the New Union Party.

Last edited by Yuji on 25 Mar 2003 04:42, edited 1 time in total.
By Papergut
Um. They said I'm Castroist. I thought I was Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist however.
By El Cid
w00t I am progressive! :O
PROGRESSIVISM: Belief in reforming government to rid it of bureaucracy and corruption, and to improve the quality of a society as a whole. Many Progressive reforms have been identified as socialistic over the years. The prime era for this movement, "The Progressive Era", occurred between 1900-1917. Well-known Progressives include Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Progressive-Party founder Robert M. La Follette. Senator La Follette was endorsed by the Socialist Party of America during his run for the presidency in 1924. Many left-wing Democrats today consider themselves progressives and belong to the House Progressive Caucus, founded by socialist congressman Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Progressivism is very similar to Social Democratic movements, except Progressives tend to work with groups further to the left than Social Democrats usually do. In the United States, the Labor Party of America, the Vermont Progressive Party, and the Green Party are all Progressive.
By Spetzjoe
I'm an Anarchist, but I knew that already.
By Krasniy Yastreb
We've all been anarchist at one time or another, most decide to go onto other things, but some stay right where they are...

As for me, I'm Marxist-Leninist, but not with the passion of the guys at SovietRevolution.
By The_Communist_Threat
I'm a Democratic Marxist....

but when i clicked on the link to it, it said it couldn't find page..so..o well
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By C-Kokos
I thought I was Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist however.

Well, the last one is not compatible with the other two as it seems :muha1: :muha1:
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By Zoltan Varga
I got Democratic Marxist.
However, I think the questionnaire is flawed as I put the USSR being better than American capitalism to a high extent, yet it says Democratic marxists oppose communism as much as capitalism!
I can only assume I got this result as I ageed that democracy was very important. However, this too is flawed as there is different beliefs on what democracy is. Not just placing a little x in a box every 4-5 years, as I think the person who created the qeustionnaire believes.
By seifer almasy

Now I could have told you that one.
By Sweeper
I got Democratic Marxist.
By Papergut
ComradeKokos wrote:
I thought I was Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist however.

Well, the last one is not compatible with the other two as it seems :muha1: :muha1:

Fuck you. Stalin always tried to follow Lenin's line. And if sometimes he wasn't able to do it, it was because of the circumstances. You do not know them, so shut your Trotskyist mouth up.
Last edited by Papergut on 13 Mar 2003 12:27, edited 1 time in total.
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By C-Kokos
Fuck you.

Your response is indicative of your intelligence,
thnx for proving my views on stalinists right once again. :roll: :roll:
By smithbrian86
Apparently I am a castroist, but I couldn't get any information on what they considered a castroist to be.
By Papergut
CASTROISM: An ideology of national liberation and revolution based on a synthesis of Leninism and Populism. Castroism is based on the ideas and Marxist theories engineered by Che Guevara and Raúl and Fidel Castro, leaders of the Cuban Revolution. Like all Leninists, Castroists believe that the bourgeois capitalist state must be overthrown in order to create a socialist alternative. But instead of leading the masses through a vanguard party (Lenin?s view), they believe in "focoism", a Populist-based theory that acts of guerilla warfare, restricted terrorism, and heroic actions taken by a small band of warriors against the establishment will inspire the masses to join them. Also referred to at times as "Guevaraism", followers of the ideology of Castroism believe in a strong centralized government that does not capitulate in any way to "liberal" capitalist reforms. While authoritarian in nature, Castroism does not resort to the totalitarian bureaucracy that is evident in Stalinism and Maoism. While not taking the anti-Stalinist stand which Leon Trotsky did, Castro did prevent Cuba from becoming Stalinist, as seen in Castro?s expulsion of Aníbal Escalante and his Stalinist faction from the Cuban government during the 1960?s. On the island of Grenada, Maurice Bishop, leader of the New JEWEL Movement and follower of a non-violent form of Castroism, succeeded in producing a bloodless coup on the island and overthrowing the British imperialists. In the US, the largest Castroist party today is the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). Almost every Communist and Socialist party in the United States (to a certain degree) respects the Cuban government.

That's what it is, comrade. Check out the upper link - http://www.tao.ca/~lemming/redencyclopedia/vocab.html
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By Evan Roberts
It's labeled me as an anarchist. :eh:
Where did i go wrong?? I should be a leninist-trotskyst!
By CasX
I doubt such a quick test is accurate in all cases.

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