Campaign for a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By mordechaj
1. IMF and WB, give you a loan, make you repay everythink many times over,at the end take your trousers of ,then then god help you. 2. EU,give you loan,make you to repay everythink many times over,in mean time make you to lose your power to rule your country,they give you friendly hand with it, at the end take of your trouser and f you and then you must say i love you europe for all you done to me..... By the way are you on the paylist in Brussels? If answer is yes, then well done boy, fight for your salary. :lol:
By BassHole
Anyone who seriously uses the word "fascist" next to "EU" needs to get a grip.
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By Prosthetic Conscience
The Bilderberg Group, mordechaj? :lol: An international collection of rich and influential people who like free trade and peaceful markets to sell in? They're exactly the kind of people that fascists, who pander to nationalism and populism, are most against. Yes, really, mordechaj, you do need to get a grip, for your own good.
By mordechaj
The Bilderberg Group, mordechaj? An international collection of rich and influential people who like free trade and peaceful markets to sell in? They're exactly the kind of people that fascists, who pander to nationalism and populism, are most against
So just by chance all the heads of staes in EU are members,as well van Rompuy.Just look around you,what they done to good old europe.Do you really like to be ruled from brussels by tossers who dont give a shit about well being of people,economy and your oppinion. Otherwise they would make referndums on membership in EU. All they care is tightened grip of EU on all Europe and beyond. Thats is building the Empire,so pleace dont call them peaceloving or other hippie shit. One morning we will wake up with new Hitler in power,only change will be we will he will scream EU heil. You from UK,then check this.
Westminster has been a puppet government of the EU for 36 years.
The Conservative, Labour and Lib-Dem parties pass EU treaties, EU laws, EU regulations and EU policy; over 80% of its legislation and policy is the EU's. Our five party leaderships take their orders from the EU, not from the voters, which is why your vote makes no difference, and the reason your wishes are ignored.
Westminster has passed over 300 major laws, like the Civil Contingencies Act, to "harmonise" our laws with the EU's. The loss of freedoms and emerging police state is the result.

They have also passed 120,000 EU regulations; the 10% enforced so far have closed scores of thousands of businesses, from village petrol stations, to big industries like the Rover Car Co, to post offices (EC-9767). When fully enforced most of Britains 4.5 million small businesses will close, and most of their 13.5 million workers will be unemployed.

Yes, the EU will cause abject poverty, but in Britain alone. These 120,000 regulations do not apply in other EU countries. Nearly all the new "daft" rules, from dustbin over-enforcement to the Intercept Modernisation Bill (spying on our mail, email, phones; EU directive 2006/24/EC; see the Interception Communications Commissioner) to the complete removal of the public's wishes from local planning permission, stem from EU legislation.

The leaderships of the Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem, UKIP and BNP parties are run by placemen loyal to the EU. There is only one British political party - the EU party - we already live in a one party state.

EU Collaborators closing Westminster
Gordon Brown, his Ministers, David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage, Nick Griffin and their senior colleagues are conscious EU collaborators. There are no senior people with power in British politics or the judiciary who are not bought and paid for by the EU. MPs, such as Westminster's Mark Field, will admit to you they know their Parliament is closing.
On 1st January 2009 the Lisbon Treaty removed the last 20%, ie all remaining power, from our Westminster Parliament, which became defunct on that day. It will continue the charade for the EU's sake, to conceal the truth from the carefully dumbed down British Public, until the EU has consolidated its power.

On 4th June 2009 we had elections to the sham Brussels Parliament, the only elections we will get in the future.

Westminster's five year term expires on 5th May 2010 and a British General Election is due. The six treaties make no provision for an election to our Parliament. If by that time the EU feels it has consolidated its absolute power, it will use it to cancel that election and to close Westminster.

But the EU's time scales slipped - they surprisingly allowed themselves to be slowed down by the first Irish referendum. There probably will be one more election to Westminster, when the deceived public may indeed vote for the Conservative party - EU controlled since the 1960's by its 8 high level Bilderbergers. Today these are led by Ken Clarke and Francis Maude, the real leaders - see "Freemasonry did it," left. You need to vote for independants, and unknowns - the EU doesn't have a control structure for those.

The EU has always planned to break England up by ruling directly from Brussels through the 9 EU regional capitals (Exeter, Manchester etc.), by-passing Westminster, from which every function will be removed.

When Westminster closes its much harder to leave
- Because there will be no Parliament to take us out. The legal way then is for senior judges to declare the six EU treaties illegal under the British Constitution and therefore null and void. But the reason they didn't do that decades ago is because our Law Lords too are part of the tens of thousands carefully chosen and moved into the controlling senior positions precisly because they are prepared to break the law to keep us in the EU.
Treason is the most serious of all Britain?s crimes. It still merits life imprisonment. There is little time left to bring these vile British traitors to justice, and get us out of the EU dictatorship.

Economic destruction of Britain; and we will not be allowed into the Euro
The EU dictatorship cannot be built while there is a strong and freedom loving Britain on its doorstep. (We stopped them in 1914, 1939, and they don't remind you that the Nazis launched the EU as the EEC in 1940.)
For this reason the EU plans to destroy Britain economically (well underway - 35% done), militarily (see Lisbon - 30%), judicially (55%), socially (eg the deliberate breakdown of the family - 30%) and politically (70% complete).

The fact Britain is doing worse than other countries in this recession, and Sterling is falling, is entirely due to the deliberately crippling costs of the EU, now 1/4 of our economy; its made our Exchequer almost insolvent with the extra borrowing its caused. No, the EU will not let us into the Euro; its much easier to destroy Britain and Sterling together if we're kept outside.

The success, over the last fifty years, of the EU's Frankfurt School subversion techniques on Britain (see left) has been astonishing; the abolition of Westminster is one of their remaining goals, after which the EU will use clause 8A-4 of the Lisbon Treaty to close down the Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem Parties (together with EUCJ ruling 274/99 to close UKIP and the BNP.) The destruction of British democracy will then be 100% complete.

The EU remains illegal
Each of these six treaties are completely illegal under the British Constitution (which is written, every word since Magna Carta), our 1689 Bill of Rights, our treason laws, and under our common law. It is unforgivable that the Queen, her Ministers and our Parliament have committed the criminal act of treason by signing these treaties, and broken our laws to abolish our nation.
The EU will always be illegal in Britain; but once the EU has complete power and control here, we can no more get rid of it than we could Germany, had their planned illegal occupation of Britain in 1940 been successful.

No referendum
German Chancellor Merkel chose this sixth Treaty instead of pushing it through as a constitution to avoid referendums in member nations. She visited 10 Downing Street and forced Gordon Brown to cancel both his promised referendum, and his General Election.
"Anti-EU" groups have encouraged us to call for a referendum precisely because the EU has already prohibited it, and they know it will fail. The EU has ensured the leaderships of nearly all these groups have pro-EU people at the top to ensure they fail. (for example, the leaders of UKIP and the BNP, Nigel Farage and Nick Griffin, are both working for the EU.)
By mordechaj
From the United States:
Dean Acheson (Secretary of State under Truman)
Allen Dulles (CIA director)
Owen Lattimore (CFR, former Director of Planning and Coordination for the State Department)
Christian Herter (Secretary of State under Eisenhower)
Gabriel Hauge (Assistant to President Eisenhower, later Chairman of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.)
George F. Kennan (former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union)
Dean Rusk (Kennedy's Secretary of State, former President of the Rockefeller Foundation)
Robert S. McNamara (Kennedy's Secretary of Defense and former President of the World Bank)
C. Douglas Dillon (Secretary of Treasury in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations, from Dillon, Read and Co.)
George Ball (CFR, Johnson's Under Secretary of State, foreign policy consultant to Nixon)
Henry A. Kissinger (Secretary of State under Nixon; Chairman, Kissinger Associates)
Donald H. Rumsfeld (President Ford's and George W. Bush's Secretary of Defense)
Zbigniew Brzezinski (Carter's National Security Advisor)
Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State under Carter)
Philip Jessup (representative to the International Court)
Winston Lord (CFR, Clinton's Assistant Secretary of State)
Alan Greenspan (Chairman, Federal Reserve System)

Gerald Ford
Sen. Walter Mondale (later Vice President under Carter)
Sen. William J. Fulbright (from Arkansas, a Rhodes Scholar)
Sen. Henry M. Jackson
Sen. Jacob J. Javits (NY)
Sen. Adlai Stevenson III
Sen. Charles Mathias (MD)
Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Secretary of the Treasury under Bill Clinton).
Rep. Thomas S. Foley (former Speaker of the House)
Rep. Donald F. Fraser
Rep. Henry S. Reuss
Rep. Donald W. Riegle

Gen. Walter Bedell Smith
Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster (former Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, and later superintendent of the West Point Academy)
Gen. Alexander Haig (NATO Commander, former assistant to Kissinger, later became Secretary of State under Reagan)
Lt. Gen. John W. Vogt (former Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff)

David Rockefeller (Member, J.P. Morgan International Council)
Nelson Rockefeller (Vice President under Gerald Ford)
Laurance Rockefeller
James Rockefeller (Chairman, First National City Bank)
John D. Rockefeller IV (Governor of West Virginia, now U.S. Senator)
Henry J. Heinz II (Chairman of the H. J. Heinz Co.)
Robert O. Anderson (Chairman of Atlantic-Richfield Co. and head of the Aspen Institute for Humanisitic Studies)
Henry Ford III (head of the Ford Motor Co.)
Paul H. Nitze

Thomas L. Hughes (President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
Joseph Johnson (President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
William P. Bundy (former President of the Ford Foundation, and editor of the CFR's Foreign Affairs journal)
Shepard Stone (Director of International Affairs for the Ford Foundation)
Paul G. Hoffman (of the Ford Foundation, U.S. Chief of Foreign Aid, and head of the U.N. Special Fund)
John J. McCloy (former President of the Chase Manhattan Bank)
Eugene Black (former President of the World Bank)

Bill Moyers (journalist)
William F. Buckley (editor of National Review)
Paul B. Finney (editor of Fortune magazine)
Gardner Cowles (Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Look magazine)
Arthur Taylor (former Chairman of CBS-TV)
Father Theodore M. Hesburgh (former President of Notre Dame University)
David J. McDonald (President of the United Steelworkers Union)
From Great Britain and Canada:
Prince Phillip (of Great Britain, husband of Queen Elizabeth II)
Lord Louis Mountbatten
Denis Healy (former British Defense Minister)
Edward Heath (Prime Minister of England)
Harold Wilson (Prime Minister of England)
Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister of England)

Lester Pearson (former Prime Minister of Canada)
Donald S. MacDonald (Canadian Minister of National Defense)
From Europe:
Baron Edmond de Rothschild
Manlio Brosio (Secretary-General of NATO)
Dirk U. Stikker (Secretary-General of NATO)
Valery Giscard d'Estang (President of France)
Helmut Schmidt (Chancellor of West Germany)
Prince Claus (of the Netherlands)
Paul van Zeeland (Prime Minister of Belgium)

Giovanni Agnelli (Chairman of Fiat in Italy)
Otto Wolff (German industrialist)
Wilfred S. Baumgartner (Bank of France)
Guido Carli (Bank of Italy)
Marcus Wallenberg (Chairman of Stockholm's Enskiida Bank)
Pierce Paul Schweitzer (Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund)
Imbriani Longo (Director-General of the Banco Nationale del Lavoro in Italy)
Hardly pieceloving bussines mens who desire piece in markets and states to make "free" trade. :lol: :lol:

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