Cybersecurity bill in Senate Ends Privacy and Net Neutrality - Politics | PoFo

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There is a new Cybersecurity bill on Capital hill and it is called CISA or S.2588 but the problem with CISA is that if it passes the Senate you can say Goodbye to privacy and Net Neutrality and this CISA bill will give unlimited power to the NSA to spy on Citizens. As this US News and World report will tell you about the dangers of this Cybersecurity bill. ... urity-vote

What can this Cybersecurity bill CISA or S.2588 do. Well it allows your ISP or Internet Service Providers to give out your information to any Federal or State law enforcement or any third parties which could even be your boss wanting to know if your private e-mails are saying anything bad about him or her. From Youtube >>

What information could be given to these parties: Private e-mails, texts, web searches, web purchases, Social Security Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, Credit Card purchases and regardless of what your Contract says about your ISP or internet service provider respecting your Privacy CISA removes that guarantee from your ISP and gives your ISP immunity when given out your information and your ISP is NOT required to tell you they gave out your information to law enforcement or third parties, basically making your ISP's contract about privacy NULL AND VOID. ... cyber-veto

Now thisS.2588 CISA bill as well takes away everything we fought for to stop the NSA spying on innocent American Citizens. Under CISA the NSA will have unlimited power and unlimited boundaries to spy on American Internet and Cell Phone users including phone calls and many people have protested to stop the NSA from Violating 4th amendment rights. CISA allows the NSA to do so without any over site or immunity and makes it spying or ordinary citizens LEGAL removing the 4th amendment of privacy online and on your cell phone. ... haring-act

I encourage people to call the Senate 2022243121 and tell the operator you want to speak to your 2 Senators of your state or e-mail them by clicking here >>>>

Please as well sign these 2 petitions: One is from the Electronic Frontier Foundation fighting for a free and open internet that protects Civil Rights and Civil Liberties online and in Tech ... ct-of-2014 The other petition is from Fight for the Future. It is an organization as well that is fighting for a Free and Open net and is fighting for Civil Liberties online. Here is there petition with information at the bottom of what CISA will do to Net Neutrality and expanding NSA powers

Please Facebook and Twitter those petitions to friends and Family alike.

Please call NOW the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has labeled Cybersecurity a top priority and he plans on bringing S.2588 CISA Cybersecurity bill up for a vote at the very last week of this month, so please call, fax and sign those petitions and let the Senate know you Oppose CISA Cybersecurity bill.

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