"Slut Walk", please help me understand this - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Potemkin
So.. presumably people don't have value unless they are a formal possession?

They don't have monetary value unless they are a formal possession, no.

Or are you suggesting that promiscuity doesn't lower a woman's value anymore?

Since women are no longer possessions of the male head of their household, that is exactly what I am suggesting.
By Swinging Man
Takkon wrote:
This is not about fighting the normalization of sexuality, this is about what they perceive as a direct slight against women by the patriarchy, or whatever. In other words, they're just idiots giving their own cause a bad name through their un-savvy rhetoric.

Exactly, right on. Had this whole walk thing had another name I'd maybe be more behind it. The name Slutwalk I think really takes away from what they are trying to accomplish. Plus the bullshit rhetoric, that clearly shows that some of these women would do better with their time if they looked at their personal hang ups, is annoying too. Cos for the most part I'm on their side. Nothing justifies rape, not even being or looking like a slut. You're still a dirty slut, but you shouldn't be raped for it. The 1990s in America was filled with anti-rape stuff and women didn't have to lower themselves to embracing being a whore or a slut. Where's the dignity?
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By Suska
So, you are saying "woman's value" but you mean "woman's monetary value" because a woman's value to others is not connected to their mating habits anymore?
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By Potemkin
So, you are saying "woman's value" but you mean "woman's monetary value" because a woman's value to others is not connected to their mating habits anymore?

Basically, yes. A woman has, more or less, the same legal rights as a man nowadays. The point the feminists are making is that this de jure equality is not reflected in the social and moral attitudes of men towards female sexuality, which are still rooted in the time when women were the legal property of their fathers or husbands, when female promiscuity would have lowered the value of that property and was therefore strongly discouraged.
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By Suska
Fancy that, because I would have thought that promiscuity would be generally discouraged anyway, I guess I'm just retro..
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By Potemkin
Fancy that, because I would have thought that promiscuity would be generally discouraged anyway, I guess I'm just retro..

Yes, you are. You gotta get with the show, daddy-o. :smokin:
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By Suska
Yeah, I'm far from convinced that modern mores benefit men. I would suggest to the contrary that women being sluts is a terrible deal for nearly everyone - just as unfettered capitalism would be.
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By Dave
Potemkin wrote:Basically, yes. A woman has, more or less, the same legal rights as a man nowadays. The point the feminists are making is that this de jure equality is not reflected in the social and moral attitudes of men towards female sexuality, which are still rooted in the time when women were the legal property of their fathers or husbands, when female promiscuity would have lowered the value of that property and was therefore strongly discouraged.

That's only half of it. It's a simple biological fact that women are more reproductively valuable than men. Women are the choosers, which is why in nearly all cultures sex is viewed as a female gift. If a woman gives her gifts away easily, people lose respect for her. And why wouldn't they?
By Wolfman
It's also a biological fact that sex is fun, and that humans engage in sex for reasons other than reproduction.
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By Prosthetic Conscience
Despite Swinging Man giving a link, Takkon, and perhaps even Swinging Man himself, seem under the impression that the use of 'slut' was started by the women. It was the use of the term, by the police constable, that started this.

On January 24th, 2011, a representative of the Toronto Police gave shocking insight into the Force’s view of sexual assault by stating: “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized”.

As the city’s major protective service, the Toronto Police have perpetuated the myth and stereotype of ‘the slut’, and in doing so have failed us. With sexual assault already a significantly under-reported crime, survivors have now been given even less of a reason to go to the Police, for fear that they could be blamed. Being assaulted isn’t about what you wear; it’s not even about sex; but using a pejorative term to rationalize inexcusable behaviour creates an environment in which it’s okay to blame the victim.

Historically, the term ‘slut’ has carried a predominantly negative connotation. Aimed at those who are sexually promiscuous, be it for work or pleasure, it has primarily been women who have suffered under the burden of this label. And whether dished out as a serious indictment of one’s character or merely as a flippant insult, the intent behind the word is always to wound, so we’re taking it back. “Slut” is being re-appropriated.

We are tired of being oppressed by slut-shaming; of being judged by our sexuality and feeling unsafe as a result. Being in charge of our sexual lives should not mean that we are opening ourselves to an expectation of violence, regardless if we participate in sex for pleasure or work. No one should equate enjoying sex with attracting sexual assault.
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By The Clockwork Rat
Dave wrote: If a woman gives her gifts away easily, people lose respect for her. And why wouldn't they?

I have a box of chocolates. Most of the chocolates are very tasty, but amongst them I also have some extra-special ones. I give the special ones only to a very few people, but if I share any of the others then people dislike me. :?:
By Hamster
I think God hates you, TCR. Don't worry though, once you accept that fact, life becomes more bearable. I should know - God's hated me for years.

Anyway, I must say, I agree with Dave.

Fancy that, because I would have thought that promiscuity would be generally discouraged anyway, I guess I'm just retro..

Being retro is cool though. [/Hipster]
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By danholo
I was wondering if it's easy to score at the slut walk. I'd imagine some liberal free spirits there. I'm in.
I think the point is to draw attention to the insensitivity of some to this significant crime.

I live in Toronto, and I didn't really get a "lets take back the word" sentiment. Maybe I missed it or the point of the walk has changed since leaving Canada.


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