Why are we converting asphalt roads to gravel so Lockheed... - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Why are we converting asphalt roads to gravel so Lockheed Martin can build a fence in space?

U.S. total debt $55.6 trillion, U.S. federal debt $14.1 trillion, U.S. federal deficit $1.3 trillion, U.S. dollar rapidly losing world reserve currency status, as U.S. politicians bought and paid for by multinational corporations (legalized by Citizens United vs. FEC) cut education, close schools, convert asphalt roads to gravel and accelerate America's loss of competitive edge to pay Lockheed Martin and other repeat-offender federal contractors billions for "space fences", Rube Goldberg weapons systems and myriad military and non-defense boondoggles as unnecessary, unaffordable and unjustifiable as our unending wars for oil and profit:

Defense Department Contract Awards Press Release (1 of 000s)
http://www.defense.gov/contracts/contra ... actid=4457

Austerity In America: 22 Signs That It Is Already Here And That It Is Going To Be Very Painful
http://www.benzinga.com/11/01/784591/au ... -be-very-p

Citizens United vs. FEC
http://www.scotusblog.com/wp-content/up ... pinion.pdf

2010 Top 100 Government Contractors
http://washingtontechnology.com/GIG/was ... /2010.aspx

POGO Federal Contractor Misconduct Database

U.S. Debt Clock

Watching Frogs Boil: America in Decline



http://watchingfrogsboil.com/why-are-we ... -to-gravel
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By U184
The Lockheed Martin "space fence" is an advanced radar system, that tracks space debris in low orbit, that pose a danger to satellites, the ISS and launches. There is a lot of crap out there and we need to know, where it is, where it is going and when it will be there, in order to protect our assets in space.

As far as "Rube Goldberg" weapons systems go, the Military will never own up to having a working unit, until it has used it and been observed doing so AND can not say it was something else. I mean saying "hey we got a secret weapon... wanna see?" is not really the best route to go.
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By J Oswald
Did Lockheed Martin murder the OP writer's family? Practially every post has been, "Lockheed Martin this," and "Lockheed Martin that." They're performing an important service for both the USA and the world by building this system designed to track space debris.
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By MB.
ironboltbruce does seem to have some kind of very specific agenda with Lockheed Martin
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By U184
^Maybe he does. The entire thread is a cut in paste, from some blog though, no introduction, no description and no personal point of view. The blog has no comments, makes me wonder if ironboltbruce is the owner of watchingfrogsboi blog and that site is most definitely a hate site dedicated to Lockheed Martin.

His other posts, also have the same theme against Lockheed, and are other posts from the same blog.

Ironboltbruce, your up against some pretty knowledgeable people on this forum, most of whom are very set and very vocal about their views. Things may not go well for you if you just re-post the same old stuff and march to the same copied drum beat. I suggest explaining the why and how of your position, otherwise you are just wasting your time here<IMO.
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By ironboltbruce
To the three posters who replied to the original post:

1. "Knowledgeable" or not, nothing you wrote here refutes the accuracy of the original post.

2. I see no evidence that any of you read any of the linked resources that were provided.

3. Do you all work for Lockheed Martin directly, or one of their subcontractors?
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By U184
I went over as much as I could stomach....your "links" are just that links, you asked nothing of us, past the point of reading them. Thus why I suggested adding YOUR point of view, you could be for, or against, the links, how are we to tell?

Also, I am one of the Federal Companies your "links" are bitching about. So I see things from a slightly different angle then you do. Do you have a cell phone? Thanks to that "space fence" you can keep using it and the US economy keeps on ticking.

You seem to rail against the money spent by the US Government on Military expenses. What you fail to realize is that, a major proportion of the USA is completely dependent on Federal and Military infrastructure. Those companies employ millions of people in one way or another.

You seem to be slobbering at the mouth and attempting to bite the hand that feeds you.

Again I am not solid on how I should respond to you, as your intentions are unclear.
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By Drlee
Well Mr. Bolt-Bruce. With the exception of the contract award, whcih does nothing to explain what the program is....it also contains the gastly award of money to feed Marines, you posted three cut-and-paste hit pieces.

I love Lockheed. I believe Lockheed stands between us an death by space detritis. The contract should have been double. Lockheed's board includes Nolan D. Archibald. Not only does he have a great name for a rich white guy but he is also the Chairman and CEO of Stanley Black and Decker. They make tools for men. Real tools. Not wimpy woman tools like paint rollers and wallpaper cutters but man tools like saws, drills and tools that grind shit up.

We need more companies like Lockheed. 12 board members. Ten men, two women (one of them black and therefor a twofer) and no wimps among them. Even one of the women was Vice President, North America Vehicle Operations of Ford Motor Company so she counts as a white male too. This is a company a man can sink his teeth into.
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By J Oswald
The safety and security of the United States, and, to a lesser extent, the world, depend upon large companies that possess the ability to undertake contracts for the US government. Nobody likes space debris hitting their houses, or planes crashing because of crappy design.
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By Godstud
Isn't this space fence being built to keep out illegal aliens? I can see the US doing this. Is Lockheed Martin based in Arizona? :D
By JMak00
Is the Citizen's United case now being used to justify a rant against Lockheed-Martin? LMAO! Despite all the fake poseur crying, the decision in Citizens did nothing to change the money in politics.

The only thing that will take money out of politics is to stop incentivizing monied politics in the first place. That, of course, requires shrinking government and getting government out of our lives and businesses. Doing so leaves nothing for people and businesses to lobby government for favorable laws and regulations.

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By Drlee
The only thing that will take money out of politics is to stop incentivizing monied politics in the first place. That, of course, requires shrinking government and getting government out of our lives and businesses. Doing so leaves nothing for people and businesses to lobby government for favorable laws and regulations.

:eh: What was the date of the Glen Beck show you heard that nonsense on. Good God man. :lol:
By JMak00
Guilt by association, eh? Are you always so illogical?

People and businesses lobby the government. Why? To either gain a benefit or to insulate themselves from a penalty. Corn growers and ethanol producers...why do you think there's a $.50 per gallon subsidy for ethanol? Because the government is in the business of subsidizing products. Get the government out of that activity and lobbying for such a benefit disappears. Quite simple.

But if you prefer to present illogical nonsense, well, I can't reason out of you what was never reasoned in.
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By Drlee

The problem is that the act of lobbying our governemnt is the very essense of our democracy. But I am gratified that your logic would support a complete ban on corporate money contributions to government. For it is business that is the issue. The founders would be appalled that corporations are allowed to contribute money to politicians. In their day they made it a felony. But then you would not be an original intenter would you? You would never take the view that things should be as the founders intended rather than as it is today.
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By J Oswald
Most prior posts that this guy made included links to his blog, so "drive by spamming" seems pretty fitting to describe it.

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