John Brown, Herschel Grynszpan and Lee Harvey Oswald - Politics | PoFo

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John Brown, Herschel Grynszpan and Lee Harvey Oswald

So although all three men might well be labelled as terrorists according to the absurd categorisation of the establishment it seems clear to me that all three men were completely morally entitled to commit their infamous actions. And that they should all be celebrated as heroes. In the case of the first two, the case is overwhelming that they made a huge contribution to the progressive cause, but I think there is also similar if not quite so overwhelming case to be made for Lee Harvey Oswald.

Karl Marx wrote:In my view, the most momentous thing happening in the world today is the slave movement — on the one hand, in America, started by the death of Brown[1], and in Russia, on the other. You will have read that the aristocracy in Russia literally threw themselves into constitutional agitation and that two or three members of leading families have already found their way to Siberia. At the same time, Alexander has displeased the peasants, for the recent manifesto declares outright that, with emancipation, ‘the Communistic principle’ must be abandoned. Thus, a ‘social’ movement has been started both in the West and in the East. Together with the impending downbreak in Central Europe, this promises great things.

22 November 1862 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation
That on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom

This was less than three years from the date of Marx's letter to Engels. It seems extremely unlikely that this would have happened, that the southerners would have started the war in 1861, without the violent and illegal moral vigilantism the lethal provocation of John Brown's actions.

Far too little attention has been given to Herschel Feibel Grynszpan. His killing of Ernst vom Rath was cold blooded murder and I entirely endorse it. This provocation, provoked "The night of broken glass". Heinrich Himmler was not stupid. He was appalled by Kristalnacht recognising it for the international public relations catastrophe that it was. This event greatly strengthened the war mongers in both France and Britain, but most importantly it had a huge effect on public opinion in the United States.

This shift in public opinion allowed FDR to take the USA into the war with Germany as Britain and France's non belligerent ally. Without this support it is doubtful if Britain could have continued to stand alone for over a year until America entered the war. So important was this support that Hitler calculated that open warfare was to his advantage and he declared war on the United States. Without the actions of Herschel Grynszpan, the war would probalby hve gone even worse than it did in reality. It is even possible that without the actions of Herschel Grynszpan Hitler would have won.

In 1963 White supremacists were engaged in a one sided low level civil war. African American and non African American civil rights campaigners were being murdered. It was clear to every progressive but the morally blind that a second occupation of the South was necessary to fulfil Lincoln's proclamation of the 22 November.
and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom

The proposed Civil rights Act of 1963 was a necessity to empower the Federal government to re-invade the south and put down the White Supremacist terrorist movement that was still resisting Lincoln's proclamation. Governor John Connally was a White supremacist who opposed the Civil Rights Act. He supported the terrorist system of violence, murder, discrimination and humiliation inflicted upon African Americans in America's south.

:lol: The one great virtue of John Connally for his Liberal establishment apologists, is that he was better than Edwin Walker. Lee Harvey had courageously tried to slay that White Supremacist in April. JFK had two great issues that concerned him. The number two issue was combatting the Soviet Union. This is why JFK called Civil Right a moral issue. The Civil rights issue was so bad for America's reputation, it gave such ammunition to Communists throughout the Third World that he considered it mortal threat to the wealth, power and privilege of every rich man in America. With the Civil Rights Act he was trying to get America's super rich to wake the fuck up to their own self interest and let go of their sentimental attachment to America's extreme racist culture.

But unfortunately Civil Rights clashed with JFK's number one issue which was getting re-elected and turning America into a de-facto Kennedy clan monarchy. John F Kennedy knew what he had to do to keep the Democratic alliance together, he had to spit in the face of Martin Luther King and every other African American. He had to throw every civil rights activist to the murderous White supremacist dogs. He decided to make a dog whistle so loud it would make a cat's ears bleed. JFK was many things, but stupid he was not. When he climbed into that car on November 22, 101 years to the day after Lincoln's proclamation, he knew exactly what he was doing.

Lee Harvey Oswald did the right thing attempting to slaughter Connally and JFK. Lindon Baines Johnson was a lot stronger than Kennedy on civil rights. it was a very good thing that he replaced Kennedy. The irony of Lee Harvey Oswald is that although a dedicated communist, he unwittingly gave great service to the anti communist cause.

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