Charlottesville False Flag Operation - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
Lexington wrote:Yes, and I have been a juror.

This one is clear. There are hundreds of witnesses. Case closed.

How many exactly? I presume from what your saying that you've read all the witness statements? I presume every one supports your version of events? How many of them were from people who were neutral or sympathetic to the Confederate statue cause?

From what I've seen of the video its pretty clear the car accelerated in reaction to being hit. The driver was probably scared for his life. The murderer is the leftist that attacked the car.
If you believe this, you will believe anything. lol

As the facts come rolling in from those who were actually present at the Charlottesville protest, it’s clear that the entire event was a staged false flag operation.

Because of its sheer complexity, it had to have been carried out by all the usual suspects — CIA black ops, FBI COINTELPRO, Virginia’s Democratic governor, Charlottesville Democratic major, left-leaning Municipal Police Department, etc. More details are explained in the following exposé: Charlottesville: Here’s what really happened

Of course, this PsyOp has all the markings of a George Soros mini color revolution. In this case, the various false flag attacks (there were several throughout the weekend rally) were executed to topple Trump.

The Charlottesville psyop was also implemented to disparage and delegitimize the Trump movement with finality. The goal was to perpetrate such heinous acts of violence that Trumpsters, and all other conservatives and Tea Partiers, patriots and nationalists, would never show up at a protest again.

This is how they always do it.

Whoever poses the biggest threat to the NWO agenda is relentlessly attacked by the mainstream media (MSM) based on false allegations and appalling accusations.

Isn’t this just what the MSM have been doing since last weekend’s manufactured terrorist event?

There’s no question, given all the facts which have been submitted by several eyewitnesses, that this entire protest was fabricated to end badly for those in attendance, as well as for those watching from afar.

What follows are just a few Alt Media reports which radically depart from the barrage of MSM fake news.

Just like San Jose, Charlottesville Police Were Told To Stand Down
PATRIOTS SPEAK: In their own words about what really happened in Charlottesville
In fact, the CNN narrative has been so fictitious that it had to have been all made up well in advance, and then circulated among all the major MSM organs of propaganda BEFORE THE EVENTS EVEN TOOK PLACE.

That was the only way that so much patently false information could have been reported so quickly … even before the numerous acts of violence were investigated.

In this way the MSM swiftly establishes the bogus narrative in the minds of the American people by using the “first impression trick”. Most will only remember the fake news that is immediately dished out in the aftermath of such a horrific attack. This is the case even when the subsequently emerging evidence indicates that a criminal conspiracy was covertly at work.

Trump under major assault

The most telling aspect of this PsyOp is the extraordinary aggression exhibited by the MSM talking heads and politicos inside the Beltway toward President Trump. They have all gone ballistic — as if on cue — to further damage Trump’s image with white supremacist language and neo-Nazi imagery.

The last few days have seen a fusillade of negative media reports directed squarely at the POTUS in attempts to forever taint him as an apologist for various hate groups. He is not, but TPTB will not relent in spewing this propaganda until Trump is chased out of the White House.

Deep State has coordinated a massive effort to associate Trump with conduct that could be construed as being so unpresidential and repulsive that his own party will eventually impeach him. This is their immediate goal. The globalists want Trump frogmarched out of the Oval Office—yesterday!

No one has ever seen the MSM launch into a frenzy of fake news and aggressive commentary against a POTUS. The following video of CNN’s Jake Tapper is just one of many egregious examples of corporate media out for Trump’s blood.

CNN’s Jake Tapper Must Be On The CIA’s Payroll To Destroy Trump (Video)

Soros & Company targets the Patriot movement

If there was any doubt before, there is none now about the determination of the Soros color revolution machine to overthrow the Trump administration.

International criminal George Soros is merely the pitchman for the ongoing Purple Revolution that was launched against Trump the day that he was elected. However, it is the entire Trump movement that Soros is looking to completely destroy.

Soros and his countless globalist cohorts know that their planned One World Government can only be realized with the total destruction of American nationalism. Hence, the Patriot movement must be destroyed if their New World Order agenda is to be successfully implemented.

The destruction of American society proceeded unimpeded under the Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama. However, Trump has proven to be the biggest political champion of the nationalist cause that the nation has ever seen since its founding.

This is why Charlottesville was cooked up by all the traditional supporters of Soros NGOs, Obama’s LGBT mission, the Clinton Crime Family, as well as the extraordinarily divisive “identity politics” movement that has taken the nation by superstorm.

There is no more powerful wedge issue than race. The Soros machine knows this full well as they showed by using Obama for 8 years to inflame racial tensions as no other president in U.S. history.

With Trump at the helm, the purple revolutionaries will do everything in their power to sink his ‘Titanic’ by directing it towards the iceberg of an unparalleled race war. Little do these traitors know that Trump is really steering an icebreaker.

Without any question, Charlottesville has the “George Soros” hallmark which distinguishes this black op as a classic false flag operation. That a notorious war criminal and genocidal maniac still has so much control throughout the USA is quite unbelievable. Each of the following posts breaks down different pieces of the Soros MO as he stealthily wages his Purple Revolution. If the Alt Media knows all of this, don’t the FBI, DHS and NSC too?!

Charlottesville False Flag: When you look at all the details the evidence is conclusive op was well-planned and staged.
Can we talk about WHO would have set this up if it were a conspiracy?

Top candidates I can think of, or who have been mentioned so far:

1) George Soros

2) Barrack Obama

3) Hillary Clinton

Is that all?
We all know....

That Hitler lived in Balmoral Castle with the royal family.
That the Twin Towers were destroyed by controlled explosions and the two aircraft that crashed into them were holograms.
That the moon landings were filmed in the Nevada desert.
That Obama was a Muslim born in Saudi Arabia.
That Osama Bin Laden is alive and living in Los Angeles.
That Charlottesville incident was a conspiracy by the liberals.
MB. wrote:Can we talk about WHO would have set this up if it were a conspiracy?

Top candidates I can think of, or who have been mentioned so far:

1) George Soros

2) Barrack Obama

3) Hillary Clinton

Is that all?

They all count as one, obviously. :lol:

Why do you think only the liberals want to overthrow Trump? It was a joint operation orchestrated and financed by the complete establishment. ;)
MB. wrote:Can we talk about WHO would have set this up if it were a conspiracy?

Top candidates I can think of, or who have been mentioned so far:

1) George Soros

2) Barrack Obama

3) Hillary Clinton

Is that all?

Why, the DNC and the media, of course - already mentioned pre-split:

blackjack21 wrote:There is no question that the decision was political. The DNC and media collude. They tried to tie all the protesters who wanted to retain the Robert E. Lee statue to the white supremacists and neo-Nazis. They tried to leverage the story to tie the white supremacists and neo-Nazis to Trump and Bannon, with the aim of trying to get Steve Bannon fired. The whole thing was politically orchestrated by the DNC and the media, with additional help from George Soros.

And we may as well add in the Illuminati and space lizards.
Who ever benefited is the likely one to be behind it. Looks like Democrats to me. The more violence they cause, the better leverage they have on Trump and the better they will do in the midterms.
One Degree wrote:Who ever benefited is the likely one to be behind it. Looks like Democrats to me. The more violence they cause, the better leverage they have on Trump and the better they will do in the midterms.

Of course, it is the liberal Democrats. Just look how the Governor and the Mayor handled this. If they were not in on it, then they are the most incompetent fools in the state.
MB. wrote:That's your job, Maz. This is your thread after all. I love how conspiracy people never do their own god damn homework.

Sure thing bud, and thanks for the honor, but you know it doesn't work like that. It should be relatively easy to find Heyer in the crowd there, considering how many other characters have been identified so far.

I'm not saying that Heather Heyer didn't get hit by a car or that she doesn't exist, I am just asking for more information. If it comes out that she did get hit by said neo-Nazi then great, I will concede.

I am not going to shed any tears over her death either way because I am not obligated to. If this event happened as it did, then Heyer is an idiot for protesting out in the middle of the road like the other idiots who got run over.
Rich wrote:How many exactly? I presume from what your saying that you've read all the witness statements? I presume every one supports your version of events? How many of them were from people who were neutral or sympathetic to the Confederate statue cause?

From what I've seen of the video its pretty clear the car accelerated in reaction to being hit. The driver was probably scared for his life. The murderer is the leftist that attacked the car.

This is absurd. Absolutely absurd. It is a symptom of mental illness.

Of course I have not read all of the witness statements. But what you are saying is that an event witnessed by hundreds of people happened differently than actually happened. We're talking about a massive conspiracy the likes of which the world has never seen. And you are suggesting it.

One guess for your theory: the attacker freaked out, realizing that he was driving into a crowd. Why was he driving into a crowd in the first place? Because he had planned to commit a terrorist act.

This is what conspiracists do, they find little details with easy explanations to confirm what they want to believe. It is clear to anyone with a sound mind what happened.

Now I'm not saying this for your sake because you and your ilk won't believe a word I say because you've decided your conclusion before you even looked at the facts.

I'm saying this to show that people should beware being anywhere near you and your kind and believing a word you say because it is lies. These deranged theories actually defend real derangement and violence. You might not want to drive a car into a crowd to kill leftists, but someone enraged enough to follow these theories actually will. That's why I said before: you have blood on your hands.

And I have no more patience for it.
You seem pretty intent on the moral implications of describing this guys bad driving as "terrorism"

doesn't that seem excessive to you? He only killed one person. So far as I know ISIS isn't claiming responsibility for this.
MB. wrote:If the driver's intention was not to ram into another car why did he accelerate into the other car? Was he drunk or on his cellphone you think?

Perhaps his foot slipped off the brake and on to the accelerator. It happened to me once with my first car as a teenager. But I crashed into a tree and only the left front of the car was damaged.
MB. wrote:^ What is with this guy?

My guess is that he is a Black Muslim Brotherhood lover of Muhammad and a hater of Christians and Jews. But of course, I never met the person and could be completely wrong.
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