Protesters were bused to Trump rally - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
The Immortal Goon wrote:Moved to appropriate forum

Well, at least, I finally got one in the right forum. I figured the cop saying the protesters were bused would not be believed, even thought he said it on video to a reporter at the scene.

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Paid Protesters Get Off Bus, Go To Protest

Alistair Williamson of Stock Board Asset recently caught raw footage of protesters getting off busses in Baltimore and going straight to a Trump protest.

Hindsite wrote:
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Paid Protesters Get Off Bus, Go To Protest

How much do these payed thugs get for promoting hate and violence?
The video gives a more human side to what was actually going on. The police were making arrests. They were attempting to keep the people separate. The "Unite the Right" obviously was not simply a bunch of Nazis looking for trouble. This is an important video. It, once again, shows the MSM made no attempt to give an honest portrayal.
One Degree wrote:The video gives a more human side to what was actually going on. The police were making arrests. They were attempting to keep the people separate. The "Unite the Right" obviously was not simply a bunch of Nazis looking for trouble. This is an important video. It, once again, shows the MSM made no attempt to give an honest portrayal.

Info wars. Likely to be staged. But it is interesting with what type of sources you won't question.
B0ycey wrote:Info wars. Likely to be forged. But it is interesting with what type of sources you won't question.

Perhaps. If it is forged, I will give them credit for a great job. That would be a lot of actors to hire.
One Degree wrote:Perhaps. If it is forged, I will give them credit for a great job. That would be a lot of actors to hire.

Apologies. I changed the word forged to staged. Any clip can depict your message if short enough with a question that was clearly misunderstood. Info Wars is a propaganda site. If anyone uses them as a source, I won't be taking their point seriously.
B0ycey wrote:Apologies. I changed the word forged to staged. Any clip can depict your message if short enough with a question that was clearly misunderstood. Info Wars is a propaganda site. If anyone uses them as a source, I won't be taking their point seriously.

You will notice I did not address the main issue of the thread. The video is not of much importance for that. What else it showed I found interesting.
ArtAllm wrote:How much do these payed thugs get for promoting hate and violence?

It seems to have ranged from $15 to $25 an hour from the adds I saw. I suspect this would be tax free money paid in cash, but I don't know that for sure. Since they were bused in and out together, it would be easy to tell how many hours they all should be paid.

B0ycey wrote:Apologies. I changed the word forged to staged. Any clip can depict your message if short enough with a question that was clearly misunderstood. Info Wars is a propaganda site. If anyone uses them as a source, I won't be taking their point seriously.

When it comes to political propaganda, let's not forget CNN and MSNBC.

So only Trump supporters can afford to go to Trump rallies? Last I checked, rallies are free to gain admittance and you can never guarantee that all present are staunch Trump supporters. There are no xray machines that identify who supports who.
The Immortal Goon wrote:Info Wars has alleges that children are kidnapped for slave labour on Mars.

You can pretend that's as legitimate as you want, but it's openly peddling nutty conspiracy theories.

Is that so? Well, even the tabloid paper "The national Enquirer" has been correct from time to time.


John Edwards story

In August 2008, in an interview with ABC News, former Presidential candidate John Edwards admitted having an extramarital affair with Rielle Hunter but denied fathering her child. Edwards had earlier made false denials of the affair which was first reported on in the Enquirer. In October 2007, the Enquirer ran a story about the 2006 affair with Hunter, a filmmaker hired by the Edwards political team, although Edwards dismissed the story as "completely untrue, ridiculous" and "false." In July 2008, the Enquirer ran an article claiming to have caught the former North Carolina Senator visiting Hunter, and their alleged illegitimate child at a hotel in Los Angeles. Fox News interviewed an unnamed security guard who claimed to have witnessed a confrontation between Edwards and the Enquirer staff members.

In 2010 there was some speculation that the Enquirer might receive a Pulitzer Prize for its investigation of Edwards. Donald Trump said that the Enquirer should be "respected" for its investigation, and questioned why the tabloid was not given the award. The San Francisco Examiner wrote, "It galls most mainstream newspaper editors that a tawdry tabloid could be considered for their most vaunted prize. It's like nominating a porn flick for an Oscar."

Murder of Ennis Cosby

Columnist Mike Walker, in an interview with the UK newspaper Metro, said, "The OJ Simpson trial – The New York Times referred to us as the bible of the case – The Hugh Rodham/Clinton pardon scandal, Jesse Jackson's love child and, of course, we solved the murder of Bill Cosby's son. The LA police chief had to get up at a press conference and say: 'We have just arrested a suspect for the murder of Ennis Cosby going on information we are very confident about and this is in great part due to help from The National Enquirer.' I was on the phone in a heartbeat to my editor to find out how we got them to say that. Turns out it was 'either say it or we will not lead you to where the gun is hidden in the woods wrapped in the famous knitted cap'."
Fine. We can talk about that if you post a conspiracy theory from the National Enquirer.

Alex Jones, who basically is InfoWars, has in court dismissed all his junk as too absurd to be believed, that he's just a "performance artist...playing a character."

Since he defended himself in court by more or less saying that anybody that takes him seriously is an idiot that doesn't know what an actor is, then I think it's fair to take him at his word.
The Immortal Goon wrote:Fine. We can talk about that if you post a conspiracy theory from the National Enquirer.

Alex Jones, who basically is InfoWars, has in court dismissed all his junk as too absurd to be believed, that he's just a "performance artist...playing a character."

Since he defended himself in court by more or less saying that anybody that takes him seriously is an idiot that doesn't know what an actor is, then I think it's fair to take him at his word.

Anyone with common sense can see he is putting on a performance for his audience. That is not the issue. He does have legitimate guests and news reports from others from time to time. So just because he is performing does not mean that should invalidate everything else that comes on his show by calling everything a conspiracy theory.

But since you are not open minded to that issue, then I will continue to put his stuff in "Conspiracy Theories" to make you happy.

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