Migrant in Sweden who raped and sodomized little girl only sentenced to 6 years - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Malmo Sweden: Mohammed Hassan is sentenced for sexual assault on a 9-year-old: "I was looking for a girl to rape"
by Redaktionen (redaktionen@nordfront.se)

Malmo. The Arab Mohammed Hassan tricked a 9-year-old Swedish girl into a garbage room where he assaulted her both anally and vaginally. According to interrogations, he was looking for someone to rape, and didn't care that it was a child. Now he is sentenced to six years in prison and deportation for 15 years. ​

Mohammed Hassan döms för sexattack på 9-åring: "Jag letade efter en tjej att våldta" av Redaktionen, 2019-01-21 (article translated into English)

I'm not even one of those people who believes in super-harsh punishments for rapists, but what's going on in Sweden is a joke and a mockery.

How harsh, he won't be allowed to go back to Sweden for 15 whole years!

Not terribly surprised at this. The country of Sweden has some of the most lenient punishment for rape out of all the countries in the world. That's what happens when a bunch of Leftie progressives and feminists take over.

This seems more like the type of prison sentence appropriate for the rape of a prostitute, not a little girl.

Especially since sodomy was also involved. It was like the worst of both worlds; losing her virginity and innocence in one end and the pain and agony in the other end.

Was it really such a good idea for this European country to take in so many horny single male migrants?
Especially from a region of the world where men often can't control themselves. (There's a reason women have to cover themselves head to toe there, and avoid going out alone unaccompanied)

Yet migrants often get more sympathy from judges, because they feel sorry for them and reason they must be having trouble "culturally adjusting".

Here is some additional detail from an earlier article:

A man has been sentenced to six years in prison and deportation from Sweden for raping a nine-year-old girl in a shed outside an apartment building.
The 30-year-old approached the girl as she was cycling home from her school in Malmö, then lured her into the shed, locked the door, pushed her to the floor and raped her.
He then held the girl by the throat, and threatened to beat her if she didn't stop screaming, according to a report in the Aftonbladet newspaper.
The girl told police that she had never seen her attacker before, leaving police struggling to find a lead. But the man turned himself in five days later, confessing fully to what he had done.
According to the court's judgement, the man, who is himself father to a 9-year-old, told police that he had been in the area where the attack took place because he wanted "to find a girl to rape". It didn't matter to him, he added, if the girl was a child.
"The crime should be considered aggravated with regard to the defendant’s low age and that [the perpetrator] used both violence and the threat of criminal action," the court said.
The judge and three lay jurors disagreed over the sentence, however, with one arguing that the man's punishment should be reduced because he had contacted police himself.
The man was also found guilty of two sexual offences committed when he was living in Skelleftea (in northern Sweden) earlier in the autumn: sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl; and exposing himself to and groping a third woman.​

Man jailed in Malmö for raping nine-year-old girl, The Local (Sweden), 28 Dec 2018

Of course you know the mainstream media in the country is barely giving much coverage of any stories like this. And you'll notice in the earlier article how they withheld the perpetrator's name, which is typical.
That person should be in jail for 50 years(general population), and THEN deported, indefinitely. Heinous crimes should be punished to the full extent of the law. Pedophiles should be punished moreso than normal rapists.

By comparison, the America actor, Danny Masterson, who was convicted of raping two women, is going to jail for 30 years. That's more like justice than what Sweden did. Shame on you Sweden! That's not justice!

:eh: You'd think that feminists would be for LONGER jail time for these sorts of crimes. Migrant or not, it doesn't matter. Do the crime and pay the time.
Godstud wrote: :eh: You'd think that feminists would be for LONGER jail time for these sorts of crimes. Migrant or not, it doesn't matter. Do the crime and pay the time.

It's an interesting phenomena there, and one that I've pointed out in other threads.
The thing about feminists is they have a habit of lumping various "microaggressions", and offenses that go on in relationships, into the same category of "rape". I think, given a generation of time in society, that ends up diluting the meaning that the concept of "rape" carries and how it is seen.
Ironically the men who end up committing real rape don't end up really getting sentenced to that much longer than men who merely commit what many would see as more minor sexual offenses within already established consensual sexual relationships.
(like 1.5 to 2 years for "fake rape", 4 or 5 years for "real rape", or "rape-rape")

We could have a long discussion about this in a different thread.

The other part of the issue is that, given the access to and normalisation of abortion, and the fact most females are expected to have numerous casual sexual partners throughout their life in modern society, rape is sort of seen as simply "not that big of a deal", at least compared to how it was viewed in traditional conservative society.
To put it one way, the typical modern Swedish women is a "slut", and is thus viewed similarly to how society in, let's say Edwardian England, would have viewed a case of assault on a prostitute. In such a situation, "innocence" and "virginity" are virtually non-issues. Not that feminists would ever state it in such terms but basically the mentality is she's already going to have sex with several strangers, is one more really that bad?
Godstud wrote:Migrant or not, it doesn't matter. Do the crime and pay the time.

Personally I think it does matter. One victim complained her perpetrator "smelled like lamb and stinky onions" and was totally disgusted by the experience.

It might not be a widely shared opinion but I believe the genetics and physical appearance of the perpetrator should play a role in how much he is punished.
Especially so on a victim who does not believe in abortion.

To me, 6 years seems like an appropriate prison sentence if a white woman were raped by Chris Hemsworth.
Tainari88 wrote:Justice is served in this case:

This happens in many towns in Latin America. The relatives find out who is responsible and they kill the rapist. That happens and it is because the community does not tolerate these child rapists.

I was just about to comment on that.
Back in the 1960s, in some U.S. states, if that happened to a girl the father might hunt the perpetrator down and shoot him dead, and the authorities wouldn't do anything about it.

(North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, South Dakota in particular. While in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and some parts of Louisiana and Texas (the "Deep South") they would have a lot of mercy on the family member who killed the perpetrator, maybe only sentence them to 2 to 4 years)
Last edited by Puffer Fish on 10 Sep 2023 05:58, edited 4 times in total.
Puffer Fish wrote:Personally I think it does matter. One victim complained her perpetrator "smelled like lamb and stinky onions" and was totally disgusted by the experience.

It might not be a widely shared opinion but I believe the genetics and physical appearance of the perpetrator should play a role in how much he is punished.
Especially so on a victim who does not believe in abortion.

To me, 6 years seems like an appropriate prison sentence if a white woman were raped by Chris Hemsworth.

I do not believe in the death sentence but child rapists are the worst. He needs to have his life ended. Painfully and fast. All rapists are not about sexuality. They are about assault and power trips that are violent and psychologically harming.

You need to end their existences. Very few do the rehab necessary to stop that shit.

Destroying dozens of peoples' lives because they are unable to cope with accepting their lack of restraint with their sick proclivities. I have no tears or compassion for these abusive men.

And Puffer Fish every post you post about rape really reveals you as a sick puppy. Also racist and a misogynistic freak. Get help while you still can.
Puffer Fish wrote:I was just about to comment on that.
Back in the 1960s, in some U.S. states, if that happened to a girl the father might hunt the perpetrator down and shoot him dead, and the authorities wouldn't do anything about it.

(North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, South Dakota in particular. While in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and some parts of Louisiana and Texas (the "Deep South") they would have a lot of mercy on the family member who killed the perpetrator, maybe only sentence them to 2 to 4 years)

Mexico has little towns where justice is about confirming who the killer or rapist of the child is and they hang him high or beat him to death. It happens a lot.
Mostly because the authorities sometimes are cash strapped and justice doesn't happen.

So to fix that hole in the justice system they get rid of the man. The girl in the above video took a photo of her attacker and killer a few seconds before she died and sent it to her relatives. They identified the man and he was arrested but the town was very angry and took over and killed the rapist killer. Case closed.
Tainari88 wrote:And Puffer Fish every post you post about rape really reveals you as a sick puppy. Also racist and a misogynistic freak. Get help while you still can.

Tainari, Don't you think someone who rapes you deserves to be punished less if he's a hunky guapo novela lead actor rather than a disgusting and stinky migrant from some far-flung foreign place in the world?

(some might complain "That's not fair to the perpetrator", but what's fair to the woman?)
Tainari88 wrote:Mexico has little towns where justice is about confirming who the killer or rapist of the child is and they hang him high or beat him to death. It happens a lot.
Mostly because the authorities sometimes are cash strapped and justice doesn't happen.

I've heard in many parts of Mexico, if you want justice you have to pay the local police a bribe.

Otherwise they're simply not going to bother taking the trouble to get off their lazy rear ends and conduct an investigation. Lots of crime happens and they can't look into all of it.

The necessary bribe is often 35,000 pesos and there are many poor families who cannot afford that. (And plus even if they do pay there is no guarantee police will make the case a priority, and no guarantee the police will even be effective)
Other countries deal with justice differently. We had an American English teacher who was a bit of a creep in our town, here in Thailand. Some kid mouthed him off, so he slapped him. The father came looking for the teacher with a shotgun. The teacher left town.

I have heard of a case where there was a foreigner who was fondling his under 18 female students. He disappeared. Most people think he ended up face down in the Mekong River.

I know of a situation in a nearby city where a Thai female bar owner was harassed by a British guy. He antagonized her and did everything but threaten her life. A policeman sat there smiling and saying he couldn't do anything, unless it escalated. She recorded everything on her phone and showed it to her boyfriend.

Later that evening, her boyfriend went looking for the guy. He found him causing trouble at another bar. An undercover police officer was watching out front and informed him that he had permission to "teach him a lesson". The boyfriend kicked the tar out of the Brit. Police were not called. The Brit lost a few teeth and learned a lesson about looking for trouble. Police generally let foreigners handle issues amongst themselves, and don't get involved unless it's involving Thais.

I saw a drunk guy punch a police officer at a concert, once. The police officer told the guy's friend to take him home or he'd go to jail. His friends each grabbed an arm and leg and carried him off. I truly admired the restraint that the police officer had. That guy would have gone to prison over a drunken mistake, for a very long time if it had been done in Canada.

Other countries handle things differently and it's not always courts, but justice is attained.

edit: spelling error

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