Video news: Pro con - Politics | PoFo

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By One Degree
I admit to avoiding news presented as a video. I prefer to read my news. I want to avoid all the superfluous subliminal messages. Videos, in my opinion, of necessity insert bias.

Your opinions please?
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By anna
One Degree wrote:I admit to avoiding news presented as a video. I prefer to read my news. I want to avoid all the superfluous subliminal messages. Videos, in my opinion, of necessity insert bias.

Your opinions please?

1. How do you define video news? Because one person might define it as a live report from a reporter standing in the destruction from a tornado, and another as a youtube channel pushing false flag theories (think InfoWars).

2. Do you really believe there's less bias in the written word? Or just that it's not inserted out of necessity?

3. What do you mean by "of necessity?"
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By One Degree
1. How do you define video news? Because one person might define it as a live report from a reporter standing in the destruction from a tornado, and another as a youtube channel pushing false flag theories (think InfoWars).

All video

2. Do you really believe there's less bias in the written word? Or just that it's not inserted out of necessity?

It is easier to pick up on the bias in the written word.

3. What do you mean by "of necessity?"

Facial expressions and the appearance of the reporter all lead us to to accept or reject what they are saying regardless of the facts.
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By anna
One Degree wrote:All video

So all video news is news? It's not; you have to decide what's news and what's commentary. That's the responsibility of the viewer, as is fact-checking what one hears. Or reads.

It is easier to pick up on the bias in the written word.

That's a subjective opinion, not a fact. Someone who is more audio than visual might say the reverse and many will say they can easily do both.

Facial expressions and the appearance of the reporter all lead us to to accept or reject what they are saying regardless of the facts.

Again, that's subjective. People have varying abilities to read human expression and body language, and a psychopathic liar can fool the best of us. Also the worst speaker can still be speaking the truth - would you reject the truth based on the fact that you heard it rather than read it? What if you were to watch a video with subtitles?
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By MB.
I prefer to make judgements about political and other issues through analysis of the primary sources (full speeches, C-SPAN coverage, debates, etc) than from short edited soundbites.

That said, certain video news reporting is very useful, such as war correspondent reporting, or stock market analysis from discussion panels.

Video news certainly has its benefits, but is best used as a minor supplement to original investigation rather than one's primary source of news information.
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By anna
MB. wrote:I prefer to make judgements about political and other issues through analysis of the primary sources (full speeches, C-SPAN coverage, debates, etc) than from short edited soundbites.

That said, certain video news reporting is very useful, such as war correspondent reporting, or stock market analysis from discussion panels.

Video news certainly has its benefits, but is best used as a minor supplement to original investigation rather than one's primary source of news information.

Completely agree with all of that. I take very little at face value, and will follow a cherry-picked quote or a paraphrase back as far as I can take it. I have access to a university library so will pull up an article or an original study, an that's an advantage - others trying to find a scientific paper without that access are often stopped by a paywall.

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