Marketing and propaganda - Politics | PoFo

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By The One.
For those in marketing:

What are the similarities and dissimilarities between marketing and propaganda? Can the undefendable (or rather the very unpopular) be defended?

During apartheid, I think there was a report done by office in charge of propaganda (I can't remember exactly the name), but basically the South African gov more or less gave up defending apartheid in the international sphere. They would have limited advertising done instead such as in specialized magazines and small publications.

Now, I am not a huge fan of apartheid, but had I been the South African minister of defense (or propaganda or whoever was in charge for drafting the report), I would have said

"Wait, isn't what we are paying you to do? Defend apartheid and south africa? You're fired!"

In guerilla warfare (and also in political campaigning circles), it seems to have become the hip thing to do to to provide for social programs, etc, in order to get stability or consensus.

However,if concessions are to be made as a tactical nescissity, if we don't have a plan to take away these concessions, then it begs the question: why struggle in the first place? There is always the danger that concessions become an end in themselves.

The Chinese dealt with invaders partly by assimilating them...
I've never thought there's a real difference. Both subliminally message information overload in order to demoralize sovereignty.

Apartheid's an interesting issue to bring this up about because propagandizing racism depends on your audience not being sophisticated enough to look beyond appearances. Obviously, any such campaign would fail because if people already oppose racism, then they're not going to fall for advertising either.
Change the racism to ideology/faith rather than skin color. Race by any other title of creed, color, national origin, gender bias, gender choice of self gratification without attempts of reproduction, political beliefs, spiritual faiths, economic hopes symbolism rules supreme over understanding the substance of being self contained in a sole moment the universal is contantly being balanced now between contracting results expanding the details each generation.

The battlefield of ideas is protected by law with contractual agreements to pay royalties to the ideologue that franchises social identity into notions of national prides of collective thinking on existential programmed thoughts leaving out key parts of understanding the self evident being different in each social justification character matters.

Mind over matter and symbolism rules the value of substance present each generation as history repeats itself retrying the same methods under different ideas every decade or so. Explains the reason advertising council considers the human population the mental capacity of the average preteen trying to fit into a click.

Sophistication and sophistry run parallel creating alternate ideologies governed the same way collectively within popular opinions picking sides of existential talking points that define reality separating ancestors from their own ancestry each generation of another lifetime from the real moment always present tense.
Daktoria wrote:I've never thought there's a real difference. Both subliminally message information overload in order to demoralize sovereignty.

Apartheid's an interesting issue to bring this up about because propagandizing racism depends on your audience not being sophisticated enough to look beyond appearances. Obviously, any such campaign would fail because if people already oppose racism, then they're not going to fall for advertising either.

I think in the short term, you are a 100% correct...

...but I think it is good also to take into account that national character change over time.Much of political "progress" (for lack of a better word) is made by virtue of "fait accomplits". Incremental changes that add up to a whole new direction.

Perhaps the account I have read is unfair to the PR of apartheid, but I was unimpressed with their lack of long-term

CAIR, for example, have a good strategy by publically disowning an extremist agenda. There is no doubt that CAIR has links to terrorist organizations like Hizballah and their long terms goals are very similar or the same, but they have achieved good results in many western countries by adopting a "moderate" platform (a key landed an interview with French newspaper Le Monde a few years ago). They of course focus on issues that are more likely to inflame westerners (such as civilian casualties),the focus on dead civilians begs the questions:

If the US/Isreal are the bad guys, then who are groups like the PLO/Hizballah?
The One. wrote:Nobody else is machiavellian?? On a politics forum?? :?:

Reality is governed with the idea of duality in a single plane of existing. Spiritualism vs science. church vs state. heart vs mind. body vs soul by giving up their own sole position within the eternity in this eternally changing details added moment of self containment of individual total sums between the atomic combinations creating the molecular periodic table of elements in universal positions to the details within those spheres as gaseous, liquid, mineral combinations always changing shape and form from the instant added as conceived and combined in compounding movements, not existential time lines.

Whom educates marketing and how to use propaganda? What four are always the defining subject to problems and the only one the so called solution to humanity's academically conditioning human behavior as characters performing as directed by syllables and images that save symbolic metaphors that became more important than knowing what real is all the time?

What seems to be the three social entities that have unified together to create academia's subjects to be edcuated to ancestors of specific ancestry each generation?

Witch doctors/philosophers, priests/psychologists, alchemists/wizzards/scientists, and philanthropists/starving artists selling illusions to replace understanding the substance given away for symbolic values.

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