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...some guys DO ask each other for advice on what brand name clothes they buy.

If anything, her retort probably mocks the interviewer's confidence. Maybe he wasn't well dressed?
Yea, I didn't think it was badass either. Maybe she was just half-asleep and wanted to see if he was gay.
I thought it was pretty funny. You can't fault her for giving an answer that a man would never give, she is still a woman.

I'm thinking that there is probably always a greater ethical burden upon the one who asks a question as opposed to the one who might answer.
Said like a true misogynist.

Fixed it for you. :)
TruePolitics wrote:Hilary Clinton is the ultimate epitome of CUNT BITCH. I'm sorry, but she has done nothing with her life, and she is a nobody. FUCK HILARY CLINTON!!!

She's accomplished a lot with her life. A person doesn't have to like her (I think she's so cold and calculated as to not even be human anymore), but I find it extremely hard to believe anyone would claim she's a nobody who's done nothing with her life...
^Funny you should say that I just saw a journalist/writer who had accompanied her on a myriad of trips talking at length of her stamina, how well respected she is in even the most male dominated societies and how people were drawn in by her warmth (His word, not mine)

Wish I could remember who said it...damn, its early, and this is my first coffee.... Image
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By Rancid
I'm glad she didn't entertain those questions. Not because I support hilary or care about democrats but because it's rediculoud that our media would try to pass such trash off as newsworthy.

I like Hillary but this doesn't make her look less cunty. Does she not wear designer clothes? She's a millionaire with tremendous influence, of course she wears designer clothes.

I disagree, if the same question were asked to a man, it would be just as fucking stupid. The reporter that asked those questions is fucking stupid, and their media outlet should be burned out (along with all other media outlets).
99 percent of the questions asked by the media are stupid. She could have just responded as to what designers she wears, that she surely does. There is no difference between asking who are you wearing and what will you do about Syria. Same bullshit.
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By Drlee
I think her answer was spot on. If I were that reporter's boss I would consider firing him. The conversation would go something like this:

ME: I sent you to interview the 67th Secretary of State of the most powerful nation in the history of the world. A person who was very close to the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States. A former two term United States Senator for New York. A Yale Law School graduate. And you asked her what her favorite designer was?

REPORTER: But......

ME: Don't speak. Now go write a story about the new library and try not to insult over half the people in the country. And if you should pull an asshole stunt like this again you will wind up freelancing for airline magazines. Now get out of my sight.
But a man would never say, "Would you ask a woman this question?"

So no, not badass. Not at all.

That's the point. :eh:

A man doesn't have to because male politicians aren't asked irrelevant questions about their favorite designers.
By Chill
Plutus Aurelius wrote:Hillary Clinton on Being Asked about Her Clothes

Interviewer: Okay. Which designers do you prefer?

Hillary Clinton: What designers of clothes?

Interviewer: Yes.

Hillary Clinton: Would you ever ask a man that question?

Interviewer: Probably not. Probably not.


http://bostonreview.tumblr.com/post/294 ... er-clothes

That's so impolite of Hilary Clinton. She needs to learn to behave well.

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