How long before the human race becomes extinct? - Politics | PoFo

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Pollution, global warming, urbanisation etc.
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Personally do not how the human race can avoid becoming extinct. The odds against our survival grow each year at an increasingly rapid pace. Here are a few nuggets:

Global warming is the big one. It is starting to become more obvious even to Republicans.

Eight million metric tons of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean annually.

A deadly pandemic has been circulating the globe morphing and changing for many months now. An indication of more to come?

World population is close to 8,000,000,000. We have become parasites devouring our host (planet earth).

I give us credit for not nuking ourselves into extinction so far but ............

Exponentially growing greed.

Second rate leadership more interested in personal power than doing the greatest good for the greatest number.

Lots more but my time is limited.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Who fucking cares?

George Smeldry in Four Corners, Kansas cares. Beyond that I'm not sure. Why don't you look into this and get back to me.

Unthinking Majority wrote: What's anyone on this website going to do about it either way.

Who fucking cares? :lol:
I care.

If the govt wants to invest in wind mills, sea or land fine. Although often critised as ugly, so be it. Alternatively the Queen had been sharply criticised for her outrageous electricity bill (~2.5 million pounds per annum) until she switched to generating electricits using an 'Archrmede's screw and the Thames river.

Cars are a drag, my BIL moved in with a fleet of vehicles. I was asking hubby what he wanted to do with our cars which use ridiculously priced gas. Electricty would be much more affordable. I said he'd get a better price if he sold them now and switched to electricity. One I'd dead sporty, the other two are rapidly reducing to parts cars. Get one green car instead. Cleanup the yard, but the government should buy them for BC. They are wreaking the environment, but here in BC, cars don't rust out in 4 -5 years. In the east, cars don't last at aĺl

Our household heat will change in the spring.

I won't buy food in plastic, hence Walmart's grocery store is a no-no.

We've way reduced beef consumption. Way more into turkey, chicken and fish. We do have bit of pork too. Handsome Jock insists on pork and turkey.

If we all do something, things might improve. Remember at the begrinning of the pandemic, the reduction in driving resulted in the improvement to Vienna's waterways? We can all make a difference.

Stormsmith wrote:I care.

As do I. I suspect that Unthinking Majorities' hemorrhoids were giving him trouble.

As I said, i think we are past the point of no return. Due to the fact that our governments are largely run by greed crazed corporations who tell our pretend leaders what to do.

The shit has been hitting the fan for some time now but is starting to become more and more obvious ...... even to so called "conservatives". At age 77 i doubt that i will see the worst but when i see the innocence in the eyes of my grandchildren i become very sad for the lethal mess we are leaving them.

One use plastic shopping bags? About as dumb as it gets. I have been using reusable bags for years now, a rather complex concept for the unthinking majority to grasp.
One use plastic shopping bags? About as dumb as it gets. I have been using reusable bags for years now, a rather complex concept for the unthinking majority to grasp.

I've been saving and re-using plastic shopping bags for decades now. Not because I care about the environment, of course, but because I'm Scottish and therefore cheap. Do you realise each bag costs 0.0034p to make?? Waste not, want not! :)
Potemkin wrote:I've been saving and re-using plastic shopping bags for decades now. Not because I care about the environment, of course, but because I'm Scottish and therefore cheap. Do you realise each bag costs 0.0034p to make?? Waste not, want not! :)

They are also useful and now something you cannot just obtain.
jimjam wrote:Personally do not how the human race can avoid becoming extinct.

I can see numerous ways we can avoid becoming extinct (in the foreseeable future, we of course are destined to become extinct), but like you not on the current trajectory. I doubt it is one single event that will do it in any case. Climate change on its own won't do it, but a war on resources due to its effects might. Because of the variables it is impossible to make an educated guess of when we could become extinct. But the hotter the planet, the greater the risk and the more desperate people will become.
jimjam wrote:As do I. I suspect that Unthinking Majorities' hemorrhoids were giving him trouble.

As I said, i think we are past the point of no return. Due to the fact that our governments are largely run by greed crazed corporations who tell our pretend leaders what to do.

The shit has been hitting the fan for some time now but is starting to become more and more obvious ...... even to so called "conservatives". At age 77 i doubt that i will see the worst but when i see the innocence in the eyes of my grandchildren i become very sad for the lethal mess we are leaving them.

One use plastic shopping bags? About as dumb as it gets. I have been using reusable bags for years now, a rather complex concept for the unthinking majority to grasp.

We've known about this, in small ways, for eons, but we have approached it badly from the beginning. I'll bet you remember a time when people were urged to save a tree and buy artifical trees for Christmas. Then it dawned on us artifical don't decompose but people liked being able to erect fake trees early, where as real trees did decompose, and could be an ongoing source of jobs. Even today there is a debate over reusable bags. As a kid bags were paper, then plastic.Green sites pan those reusable bags. The ones @Potemkin mentioned last a lifetime and are probably best. Now I have to find something else to use when we take Jock for walkies. I wonder if we should return to glass for most things, eg milk ect. Govts must look at the cost we're passing on to kids and where we could make a difference. But cars and home heating probably will make a difference.
B0ycey wrote:Climate change on its own won't do it, but a war on resources due to its effects might.

I can see clean (even polluted) water becoming a diminishing and hoarded resource. How about the Water Wars of 2070 :eek: .

Hey ..... remember America the great melting pot? Now we are spending billions on walls. Mass migrations world wide are already happening as millions (billions?) roam the globe to escape horrible living conditions.

And how about E.Pluribus Unum (out of many, one) the sad relic from an earlier age that still graces every coin currently minted in America ?
jimjam wrote:I can see clean (even polluted) water becoming a diminishing and hoarded resource. How about the Water Wars of 2070 :eek: .

Hey ..... remember America the great melting pot? Now we are spending billions on walls. Mass migrations world wide are already happening as millions (billions?) roam the globe to escape horrible living conditions.

And how about E.Pluribus Unum (out of many, one) the sad relic from an earlier age that still graces every coin currently minted in America ?

Water is a funny one considering we already have the ability to convert salt water into fresh. Although I guess that technology would be expensive to enact on a mass scale to hydrate everyone. But it would be cheaper than war in any case. I don't know. But I do know rains are becoming heavier and although some places on the planet will become drier, others will become wetter and the countries that have the means to wipe the planet of humans also have large land masses to gather said rain and transport it to where it is needed. In other words, a planet of water, we should be OK with that. What we are short of is fertile land. And greedy. So I suspect wars will be fought over land and resources for food purposes. But even that is guess work. It could be clean water I guess. But even so, this is linked to climate change and it is perhaps the repercussions rather than the actual effects of climate change which has the potential to make humans extinct.
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