Bats are megalomanic. - Politics | PoFo

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I was siting infront of the tele at about midnight and I heared my parrents making a fuss in their bed room (not the "normal" type but a real one) and so I called upstairs and asked what was wrong and it was a bat siting on the ceiling. I cought it with a fishing net and took it out side to realease it and this lil thing 2 inches long 30 wide started making a fuss about it and started atacking me.....what should one think of that? :roll:
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By Boondock Saint
First things first ...

- That you would even acknowledge the 'normal racket' that your parents make in teh bedroom ... guh ...

- A bat? Don't you people have screens on your windows?

- It attacked you? A little 2 by 30 ... wait ... 30? Was that supposed to be 3? Anyway ... this little bat attacked you? You sure it attacked you and wasnt just flapping around like an idiotic blind bat?
it was 2 inches long. and 30 inches wide with wingspan.

it did atack me. I was standing infront of a lamp. and had it 6 feet away in a net. it came right at me. then turned around and flew in to the night.
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By Boondock Saint
Wah ...

a 30 inch wing span ...

Guh ...

a two inch body ...

Who designed these things?

That said I looked up bats on google ...

The largest known bat has a body of 16 inches and a wingspan of 5½ feet

Yea, like that sucker would scare the shit out of someone ...


By briansmith
Bats suck. Me and a friend were throwing a football around, and I went out on a route... in comes this bat trailing the football. I caught its wing when I caught the football too, they're fast and creepy little suckers. I do not care for bats. In fact, I kept laying the ball way up in the air to see if I could get one stupid enough to fly into it. They're too quick to drill directly in the air.

I love animals and all, but damn... these are devilish little creatures for whom I have no interest in preserving.
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By Boondock Saint
Actually bats are one of the best animals around ... do you realize what the insect population would be without these fellas flying around like loopy drunken birds would be?
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By Demosthenes
i have a funny bat story too...heh heh heh.

My ex (not at the time) had gone to bed early one night when I was up late playing a game. I came in the bedroom about 3:00 in the morning. I had taken my contacts out already and didn't have my glasses on (I'm blind as a...guess what?) so I laid down in bed and she turned over to kiss me. Anyway she turns back over and lets out the loudest most terrified shreik I've heard. She leaps out of bed screaming and pointing at her pillow and low and behold when I get my glasses on there is a bat nesting comfortably on her pillow, not three inches from where her head had been. When she turned over it was right in her face! Couldn't a happened to a more deserving person... :muha1: :muha1: :muha1: I remind her often that her favorite animal is now, and always will be the BAT! :muha1: :muha1: :muha1:
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By MB.
Bats are trully the most amazing creatures. I too have a bat story. Real simple, a bat got into the room my parents were borrowing during a family reuinion thing (dont ask), and this bat flys in while me mom is reading (how that bat actually got in we never found out- the windows had screens). So she comes into the next room where me and me dad are watching Lettermen, and we go in to see what all the fuss is about. Anyway, my dad was acting all aprehensive, because he was afraid that he'd spook the bat and have it run into him at 900 mph. So he sends *me* in to see where the bat went. It's resting upside down on the ceiling. So he comes in and we proceed to figure out a plan.... anyway, this all degenerated into me and him using the two halves of a Monoply box to force the bat into a corner by riasing the boxs as the bat flew nearer (its echos then telling it that were it cannot fly. Suffice it to say, we finnaly cuaght it, and let it go outside. But this was REALLY amazing. I'd never seen something so well evolved before. I mean, I'd learned about echo location and all that- but seeing this thing upclose moving incrediblly fast in a small enclosed area, with two idoits wielding boxes running about and NOT HITTING A THING was just amazing.

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