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By satanmcnugget
Morons in Space
Not surprisingly, many space enthusiasts, as well as more casually interested observers, are quite excited about George W. Bush's recent announcement that the U.S. plans to commit $50-150 billion dollars to its space program. This announcement has been a timely one, indeed, for the Bush administration. The growing domestic opposition to his foreign policy in Iraq coupled with the fact that the much ballyhooed period of economic growth experienced by the U.S. has been a jobless one has made it necessary for Dubya to razzle-dazzle the electorate in an elction year with starry-eyed plans to revisit the moon, establish permanent bases there, and to undertake a bold and daring mission to Mars. Anyone the least bit interested in space exploration would quite naturally be hard-pressed to contain their excitement at such prospects. A closer examination of U.S. space policy reveals a far more insidious picture, though.

Despite all the self-serving feel-good rhetoric that will undoubtedly emanate from the White House and NASA over the coming months and years, U.S. space policy is becoming more blatantly orinted toward the militarization of space, not the more benign aims of research and exploration in the common interests of humanity. Both the Soviet Union and China have made overtures towards the U.S. to begin formulating a treaty that would ban the proliferation of weapons in space. Imperialist powers themselves, their motivations have more to do with the fact that neither country can afford an expensive arms race in space, otherwise their policy directives would likely mirror those of the U.S. Still, the opportunity to extend the lines of cooperation to keep the gravity-well between the Earth and the Moon weapon-free IS there. Bush's line, however, has been that there are currently no weapons in space and thus no need to begin negotiations.

Meanwhile, the Strategic Defence Initiative steams ahead. There have been a number of embarrassing technological mishaps and cost overrun embarrassments. Bush's "solution" has been to increase funding and make all future testing top-secret (how's that for democracy?). And, the U.S. has committed $4.8 billion to create a line of sleek new space-planes to replace the shuttle-fleet. When these beauties are unveiled before the eyes of the human community, it should be kept in mind that they are designed to attack and destroy the satellites of any potential rivals or enemies of the U.S. in space. So, there may be no weapons in space at the now, but these initiatives, as well as the recent agreement on the part of NASA, the NRO (National Reconnaisance Office), the U.S. Strategic Command and the Airforce to integrate their research and development efforts are all powerful indicators that there will be in the future. The creation of Project Prometheus, a highly dangerous and expensive plan to launch a nuclear rocket into space is particularly ominous.

The fact that the U.S. has made it clear that it will not tolerate any challenges to its hegemony in space also doesn't bode very well for humanity's prospects for peace in the heavens. The presence of Helium-3, a fuel that is bountiful on the moon and a potential replacement for dwindling and thus costly fossil-fuels on Earth, have corporate interests in the U.S. drooling at the prospect of a monopoly. So, within hours of China's triumphant foray into the cosmos in 2003, the U.S. had already begun sabre-rattling. Instead of congratulating them on becoming only the third nation in history to become space-capable, several prominent figures within the U.S. military-industrial complex made gloomy predictions about outer-space becoming the site of a future showdown between the space superpowers. Even science-writer Lawrence Joseph predicted in the pages of the New York Times that the moon would become the Persian Gulf of the 21st Century.

These three highly informative pieces featuring space activist Bruce Gagnon go into further detail regarding how state and corporate interests in the U.S. are colluding to ensure that outer-space becomes not a realm for exploration and discovery for the possible benefit of humanity, but a militarized zone that will allow them to further consolidate their control on the planetary economy and its attendant work/war machine, as well as extend its rapacious logic to the stars: ... 049361.asp ... gnanps.htm

For a lot more info about the race to militarize and colonize space, see:
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By Comrade Ogilvy
These three highly informative pieces featuring space activist Bruce Gagnon go into further detail regarding how state and corporate interests in the U.S. are colluding to ensure that outer-space becomes not a realm for exploration and discovery for the possible benefit of humanity

I say this in total honesty:

Why in the name of God should America go out of the way to hamstring itself in the name of humanity?

It's in our best interests to take as much power as we can. Why wouldn't we? If we get weapons in space first, nobody else will after. You'll be lucky if they'll BE a non-American in space to fight a war with.

What are they going to say, peace and exploration? Then you won't mind if we inspect your equipment.

And like the entire rest of humanity isn't lining up to rape the stars too. Why should we share?
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy on 29 Jan 2004 03:43, edited 1 time in total.
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By Goranhammer
The space program has been the basis of much of the futuristic technology we've received in the past few decades. Not to mention that if Reagan hadn't invested as much as he did in the "Star Wars" project, I'd be speaking Russian and taking orders from a commie.

I'd like to see some funds go to space exploration and what-not, just maybe wait a few years. I don't think right now we're in the best shape to do so. But I'll stick by it.
By U-235
Boogaleeboo wrote:
I say this in total honesty:

Why in the name of God should America go out of the way to hamstring itself in the name of humanity?

It's in our best interests to take as much power as we can. Why wouldn't we? If we get weapons in space first, nobody else will after. You'll be lucky if they'll BE a non-American in space to fight a war with.

What are they going to say, peace and exploration? Then you won't mind if we inspect your equipment.

And like the entire rest of humanity isn't lining up to rape the stars too. Why should we share?

How could you say such a thing, or support americas plans to venture into space without the benifit of humanity in mind? Its fucking sick and makes me want to vommit that any nation or group would think of doing such a thing. Any individual that does not realize that this is wrong is obviously moraly deformed and should be imprisoned!
By smashthestate
Goranhammer wrote:The space program has been the basis of much of the futuristic technology we've received in the past few decades. Not to mention that if Reagan hadn't invested as much as he did in the "Star Wars" project, I'd be speaking Russian and taking orders from a commie.

Yes NASA has helped a lot in space exploratoin. However, whenever they hit a real "roadblock" where did they turn? The private sector. In fact, in their current endeavor, they tried to develop a space shuttle that could enter orbit and return without having "stages" (stay in one piece the whole time)---basically a fully re-usable space ship. Of course, even with their enormous budget, they couldn't do it. So they have now just turned to the private sector, again, to solve their problems.
By U-235
Such outcomes of NASA's stratagies are not a result of one method generaly being more efficient but that of the incompetence of the governments research staff and management.
By smashthestate
uranium_235 wrote:Such outcomes of NASA's stratagies are not a result of one method generaly being more efficient but that of the incompetence of the governments research staff and management.

Yes, the government, all of it, is incompetent.

The private sector is always more efficient because they actually have something to lose: their livlihood. If the government fucks up, they can just tax some more.
By U-235
Thats why those who fail in government should be castrated :lol:
By smashthestate
uranium_235 wrote:Thats why those who fail in government should be castrated :lol:

Then we would have almost no government.

Hey...I like your thinking! :lol:
By U-235
You would have a government they would just watch "the View" at their lunch breaks :lol:
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By Comrade Ogilvy
How could you say such a thing, or support americas plans to venture into space without the benifit of humanity in mind?

To repeat:

Because I'm an American.

Why should I further humanity at a lesser but equal rate when I can screw humanity and greatly increase my own country?
By U-235
How selfish, this nationalism that appears to be exclusive to america will be your downfall.
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By Goranhammer
Boogaleeboo wrote:Why should I further humanity at a lesser but equal rate when I can screw humanity and greatly increase my own country?

I'm pro-American as can be, but even I don't agree with that. I don't feel we're the "last great bastion of hope", and that all other countries should jump on the bandwagon or go to Hell. I recognize other countries and other people, and know they have to do what is best for them. What I don't want is for them to come into HERE and think they know what is best for ME. I'm not keen on screwing everyone that isn't American just so we can advance. Although America is easily the most likely country that can stand as an island, it doesn't mean I would want it to (I wouldn't bitch about a total boycott of France though).

I say they do their thing, we do ours, then we see what happens down the road. Just don't tread on me.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I'm not keen on screwing everyone that isn't American just so we can advance.

I'm not keen on being screwed over. It's a screw or be screwed system. If we screw them by taking the benefits of space and using them for our own good first, more's the better. It's not like humanity WON'T get the benefits.

Just not first, or as much.
By U-235
It's a screw or be screwed system

An outlook on society that will most certainly get us no where.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
It got us into space in the first place, or don't you know that it was desire to screw the Russians that did that?

Dislike that system, sure. But never doubt it's what got you to this place in time.
By U-235
If i may qoute zenstalinist's(i think) sig, that philosophy "only starved 36 million last year".
By satanmcnugget

if other nations were indeed lining up to rape the stars, as you put it, one could ALMOST understand your attitude...however, both the USSR and China have called on the US to make a treaty outlawing weapons in space...because they are nice?, they are i said in my lil rant, they are both imperialist powers, too...but the opportunity to keep space free of weapons IS there if the US wants it...they just dont want it
By smashthestate
satanmcnugget wrote:but the opportunity to keep space free of weapons IS there if the US wants it...they just dont want it

And neither would any other country if they were in the same position as the U.S. The only reason no one else wants weapons in space is because they all know it won't be their weapons.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Pretty much. China's space program is developing, but ours is developed. We could get a machine gun into space in months. It wouldn't be pretty, but it'd shoot. And bullets in a vaccum are....pretty devastating.

If they thought they had a chance to beat us with weapons to space, they'd be all for it.

They just can't.

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