The Argument in Favor of the Atomic Bomb usage in Japan - Politics | PoFo

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This is what I call being SCHOOLED.

A response to Jon Stewart's comments about the atomic bomb droppings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki being "war crimes".

Very good video, very well researched.
By GandalfTheGrey
:lol: :lol:

Just hilarious. The arguments are just so watertight as you can see:

1. Why demonstrate the bombs powers when you can use leaflets?
Yes - the Japanese were warned - with leaflets containing a 10000 word essay. Silly Japanese - of course they would never have thought that the leaflets were a propaganda tool designed to demoralize the Japanese population. Of course they would have known that leaflets had never been used as a propaganda tool before.

2. A demonstration would be a waste of a good bomb
Apart from the fact that they still had a spare bomb ever after the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs - of course they couldn't afford to "waste" a bomb on an offshore demonstration. These bombs were just too damned complicated and expensive. Its clearly unthinkable to spend money and resources in order to save 10s of thousands of innocent lives.

3. We know a demonstration wouldn't work because they still didn't surrender even after Hiroshima
And on this point several quotes are produced from Japanese leaders about how they are going to fight to the death and that they will never surrender. Which begs the question - if they really were never going to surrender, how come they did exactly that after the second bomb was dropped? Using the "we will never surrender" argument to justify the bomb makes no sense because obviously that would mean no amount of bombs would do any good.

4. (this is my personal favourite) - Suck it up Japanese - the bombs weren't big compared to todays nukes!
Don't worry Japanese - the bombs were literally thousands of times smaller than todays hydrogen bombs - and get this: if little boy was dropped on LA airport today - the kill zone wouldn't even go beyond the airport boundary! And whats more, it was the civilian's own fault that so many of them died because they were living in predominantly flimsy wooden buildings.

Of course the most ridiculous part of this video is that it talks about Japanese surrender and not once does it mention the Soviet invasion of Manchuria on August 9. You can debate the extent to which this invasion influenced the final surrender, but to not mention it at all is completely farcical.
By Huntster
Read it:

Flyboys: A Story of True Courage

George HW Bush is in the story, it has been recently declassified, it is true, there are photos, it shows the courage of the Greatest Generation, and it shows how the Bush family can keep secrets.
By Smilin' Dave
GtG generally has it right but I think this point is perhaps misleading:
Apart from the fact that they still had a spare bomb ever after the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs - of course they couldn't afford to "waste" a bomb on an offshore demonstration.

How would the US have known, without the use of a crystal ball, that the Japanese would surrender after two bombs in 1945? For all they knew it would take every bomb already in the arsenal, if not more. It's not like the US hadn't already demonstrated its ability to inflict massive death from the air to Japan by 1945.
By GandalfTheGrey
What's the argument for the 2nd completely uneccessary bomb dropped on Nagasaki?

Because they didn't look like they were going to surrender after the first bomb. But of course the flaw in their logic was that if the military regime were really as resolute as they were made out to be (no surrender ever) - then it wouldn't matter how many bombs they dropped - they still wouldn't surrender. Remembering also the argument they used about "the nukes used weren't really that bad'. Here they defeat their own argument by reminding us how worse the Tokyo firebombing was and how many cities had been decimated even before little boy and fat man. So think about it, here we have 2 years or so of flattening cities causing untold casualties and economic devastation. This wasn't enough to cause capitulation - little boy wasn't enough to cause capitulation (not even close according to the video) - but suddenly everyone has a complete change of heart only after fat man - a bomb which caused relatively insignificant damage compared to all the conventional bombing. Of course we all know something else happened after little boy that almost certainly influenced the decision to surrender. A small something that the video didn't even make a single mention of - the small matter of the Soviet invasion of Manchuria with about 1.5 million men.

Of course the answer to your question wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that fat man was plutonium based whereas little boy was uranium based. Of course they wouldn't be curious at all as to how this bomb "performed" compared to the uranium based bomb.
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By tyler933
GandalfTheGrey wrote::lol: :lol:

Just hilarious. The arguments are just so watertight as you can see:

1. Why demonstrate the bombs powers when you can use leaflets?
Yes - the Japanese were warned - with leaflets containing a 10000 word essay. Silly Japanese - of course they would never have thought that the leaflets were a propaganda tool designed to demoralize the Japanese population. Of course they would have known that leaflets had never been used as a propaganda tool before.

2. A demonstration would be a waste of a good bomb
Apart from the fact that they still had a spare bomb ever after the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs - of course they couldn't afford to "waste" a bomb on an offshore demonstration. These bombs were just too damned complicated and expensive. Its clearly unthinkable to spend money and resources in order to save 10s of thousands of innocent lives.

3. We know a demonstration wouldn't work because they still didn't surrender even after Hiroshima
And on this point several quotes are produced from Japanese leaders about how they are going to fight to the death and that they will never surrender. Which begs the question - if they really were never going to surrender, how come they did exactly that after the second bomb was dropped? Using the "we will never surrender" argument to justify the bomb makes no sense because obviously that would mean no amount of bombs would do any good.

4. (this is my personal favourite) - Suck it up Japanese - the bombs weren't big compared to todays nukes!
Don't worry Japanese - the bombs were literally thousands of times smaller than todays hydrogen bombs - and get this: if little boy was dropped on LA airport today - the kill zone wouldn't even go beyond the airport boundary! And whats more, it was the civilian's own fault that so many of them died because they were living in predominantly flimsy wooden buildings.

Of course the most ridiculous part of this video is that it talks about Japanese surrender and not once does it mention the Soviet invasion of Manchuria on August 9. You can debate the extent to which this invasion influenced the final surrender, but to not mention it at all is completely farcical.

hear hear! Not only this, however he keeps bringing up Pearl Harbor as though to defend these crimes, well, the US had an embargo against Japan, correct? So I don't think those attacks were necessarily as unprovoked as people think.
By Smilin' Dave
So I don't think those attacks were necessarily as unprovoked as people think.

The economic sanctions against Japan were a result of their occupation of Vietnam and ongoing war (with atrocities) in China. Japan went on to a surprise attack against Pearl Harbour, continuing the same behaviour that resulted in sanctions in the first place. After all Pearl Harbour was aimed as clearing the way for Japanese occupation of Malaya etc.

When the scale and reason for the reaction doesn't make the 'provocation', I question the justice involved.
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By ThereBeDragons
I believe the reason for the second bomb was that we believed that the Japanese might have been under the misconception that such a massive bomb had to be some sort of singular, unrepeatable achievement (or maybe not without another four years or the suchlike.) A demonstration after the first bomb had been dropped so they would know for sure that we had more in the arsenal (precisely one more) might have been efficacious.

Also, economic sanctions being a pretext for war is in today's world more or less universally rejected.
By pugsville
The entire argument boils down to the simple "the ends justifies the means". The application of this sort of morality is that everything is allowed. As a logical argument it;s pretty shallow.

The deliberate killing of civilians is a war crime. If it isnt then there is no morality what so ever. It is not justified because the other side did it. If it is effective in accomplishing it's goes it does not make it moraly right. WW2 saw the mass killings on a large scale, the waging of war made civilians pretty mauch an accepted target, I dont accpet it , I think it's wrong.

Maybe the atomic bomb did "save" allied lives, without the bomb the, the allies most likely would have invaded, and if so I find very likely the death toll of allied troops and japanese civilians would have been larger. (though maybe the russians would have had a crack, and it might well have been much bloodier)
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By Fasces
I'm just going to address a few points here that I found humorous.

The entire argument boils down to the simple "the ends justifies the means". The application of this sort of morality is that everything is allowed. As a logical argument it;s pretty shallow. The deliberate killing of civilians is a war crime

War is one of the most immoral actions humans can undertake, so attaching morality to it is meaningless. War crimes do not exist - they are merely a tool by the victor to cement their victory in the minds of the defeated, and of their own countrymen.

Maybe the atomic bomb did "save" allied lives

The atomic bomb, without a doubt, did save American lives - which in the end is the only thing the American military command needs to worry about. Even one American death, when it was possible to end the war with none, would be too much in this case.

I believe the reason for the second bomb was that we believed that the Japanese might have been under the misconception that such a massive bomb had to be some sort of singular, unrepeatable achievement

The reason for the second bomb was two-fold. The first was to convince the Japanese Emperor to surrender, rather than the military high command which would fight to the last man. The last was in response to the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, to both warn them, and try to hurry a surrender so as to leave them out of the peace negotiations.

10s of thousands of innocent lives.

Okinawa had demonstrated that there were no innocents in Japan. These so-called civilians were more than willing to engage American military personnel in kamikaze attacks, at the behest of their Emperor, and the Japanese military. Another fact is that industrial warfare has changed the definition of innocents. Any man, woman, or child can be handed a rifle and told to fire in a general direction. Any man, woman, or child, can work in a factory to build bullets used to kill the enemy. Industrial war is, unfortunately, total war.

This all being said, the atomic bombs were perhaps unnecessary. The Japanese were willing to surrender, though not unconditionnally, as early as June. One of my favorite quotes is by the Emperor himself: I was told that the iron from bomb fragments dropped by the enemy was being used to make shovels. This confirmed my opinion that we were no longer in a position to continue the war. It is well known that the Japanese tried to negotiate a peace through the Soviet Union and failed to do so. The first, and perhaps largest reason is that the Allies simply refused a conditional surrender, following the Potsdam Declaration. A second reason is that the Soviet Union did not act in good faith, because it stood to benefit from a continued war against an enemy who could not win. Stalin specifically had plans to seize Manchuria, and needed time to move his men from the west to the east. The Emperor in fact, on August 9th, said:The Soviet Union has entered the war, we are defeated.

My opinion is that the failure of the Japanese defense forces to ready their foritifications, domestic disputes, and the Soviet invasion were the primary reasons for the Japanese surrender, with the atomic bombs merely hurrying it along. In this thesis, the atomic bombs were not necessary - but did save time, and thus lives.
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By QatzelOk
Okinawa had demonstrated that there were no innocents in Japan.

This is like saying that Borat demonstrated that there were no innocents in America.

A piece of well-framed agit-prop doesn't condemn millions of civilians to aerial court-marshal.
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By Truth-a-naut
Who cares? They attacked a US navy base and killed thousands of US citizens (civilians as well).

Maybe Japan should have dropped leaflets over Pearl Harbor in advance, or over Nanjing? The Japanese brought the war to the US and many of you act outraged when the US finished it.


Japan was nowhere close to surrendering, it still had a massive Army in China - which gave many commanders and civilians the false self-confidence that they could still fight on.
By GandalfTheGrey
The Japanese brought the war to the US and many of you act outraged when the US finished it.

Ignoring the fact that there is a good argument to say that the bombs didn't really "finish it". You mention the fact that Japan was nowhere close to surrendering - based on the fact they still had a large army in China. So who routed and overran that army? Certainly not the atomic bombs. Pro 'atomic bombists' point to the Japanese surrendering straight after the second bombing of Nagasaki - a single bombing that really paled to all the conventional bombings of Tokyo and other places in terms of destruction. While I prefer to point to the Japanese surrendering straight after the Russian invasion of Manchuria.
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By Truth-a-naut
So who routed and overran that army?

No one really, the Army ran out of gasoline and other mobility enhancing stores - due to mainly US submarines. The civilians in Japan did not know about the state of their armies in China, they only knew that they were still there. A moderately large Army in the minds of Japanese civilians at the time = an ability to fight on.

While I prefer to point to the Japanese surrendering straight after the Russian invasion of Manchuria.

And after the bombs and after witnessing what the Soviets had done to the Nazis...

I doubt the Japanese would have agreed to an unconditional surrender if the bombs were not dropped. The Soviets lacked any sort of ability to threaten the home islands themselves, and the Japanese knew this.
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By RatedKing
Yes the atomic bombs spared a lot of american and japanese soldiers and hell yeah Jon Stewart is not in position to call Truman a war criminal, but you know what makes me laugh is that when here in America people knew that the atomic bombs had worked and that the war is over, they celebrated, in my opinion is not exactly great that a people is happy when millions of innocent people died but I understand that they were glad that their sons would come home, but you know I think that the problem is, the people werent celebrating for the Japanese, maybe they were celebrating because soldiers would come home, but I think that the main, the REAL reason the people celebrated was because we were able to prove Russia and Europe "We rull you can´t beat us", stop seeing things from your perspective only, the people who weren´t in the fights don´t care about the US soldiers they, tought them as heros they were happy because once again the governement showed the world and the American People that they were still ustoppable. Don´t take me wrong I have no problem with the governement keeping the moral but don´t give me the "We cared and saved the lives of Japan" bullshit.
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By Truth-a-naut
the REAL reason the people celebrated was because we were able to prove Russia and Europe "We rull you can´t beat us", stop seeing things from your perspective only

The bolded is the quickest way to lose a war. We won, fuck them. Japan and Germany are lucky that we didn't treat them the same way they treated the populations that they conquered - or maybe according to the moralists and "it's not fair!" whiners we should have.
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By Il Duce
Treating Germany like shit was what got the WW2 mess going aye?
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By Truth-a-naut
Treating Germany like shit was what got the WW2 mess going aye?

I see the whole Evil-Allies-Versaille-Treaty mishmash of propaganda is still going strong.
By Kman
The atomic bombs in Japan cost like what 100.000 lives? but it saved millions because it prevented a gruelling battle over the Japanese main land.

I dont have any issues with those bombs, WW2 was a extreme situation and in an extreme situation you use extreme measures.

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