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The Second World War (1939-1945).
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Yes, the great celebration of the mass rape of German women and the deliverance of materialist creeds onto the backs of generations of Westerners, my own society (most fortunately never children) indoctrinated by such filth.

I will pass.
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By Far-Right Sage
I don't care about those who are not my people or those relevant to building our great ideal.

I never did. And I thought this would be quite evident by now, Zag.

For those of us who have in some small way contributed to the struggle against Marxist swine, from Hesse and Nordrhein-Westfalen to the Mekong delta, this is our perpetual happiness, despite all those who seek to obstruct with their garbage.

After what happened to my people? Move on with the sob story.
Last edited by Far-Right Sage on 08 May 2012 10:09, edited 1 time in total.
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By Far-Right Sage
Far Right Sage: Because multiculturalism kills millions in ovens.

All great ideological forces with military might throughout history have killed millions, yes. Would I expect the more self-hating young white boys and girls of today to care about the debauchery and trash that the multicultural illness leads to in our own societies? Of course not.

Fascism: Because fuck it, I'm lazy, I'll just blame everyone else for everything.

This shows as little an understanding and as great an ignorance concerning matters of ideology that I have witnessed in quite some time.

Hate him man, just hate him.

It's extremely irrational to hate a historical figure you have no personal experience with. I find Stalinism rather disagreeable, but wouldn't put on a show of "hating" the person of Joseph Stalin.

I like to pretend that the Soviets did reach him first and tortured the fuck out of him.

Yet if one were to propose the same for one of your black gang leader charity cases or a serial rapist of MS-13, you would likely lead the candlelight vigil.

Liberalism is a hypocritical and repulsive disgust of an ideology.
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By Far-Right Sage
There is a vast difference between hatred and complete apathy.
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By roxunreal
Far-Right Sage wrote:Yes, the great celebration of the mass rape of German women.

You have only Hitler to thank for that, and for Hamburg, Dresden, Wilhelm Gustoff and anything else that ruined the lives of Germans in the war. Maybe your people should have thought about the implications before they invaded Russia and killed millions in battle and in POW camps.

All great ideological forces with military might throughout history have killed millions, yes.

Calculated murder of civilians on the scale in non-combat conditions that the Nazis and Japanese have comitted is a monolithic precedent in human history, it is the worst dehumanising atrocity and disgrace to our own species that has ever happened in existence. I'm glad you're proud of that.

And really FRS, you fancy yourself as an american patriot don't you? Because american patriotism and fascism are mutually exclussive, as american values from the founding fathers to today directly contradict what fascism stands for, and as I've mentioned before, thousands of american sons died fighting this menace. So, american patriot or fascist traitor, which is it?
By Preston Cole
roxunreal wrote:And really FRS, you fancy yourself as an american patriot don't you? Because american patriotism and fascism are mutually exclussive, as american values from the founding fathers to today directly contradict what fascism stands for, and as I've mentioned before,

Yet the concept of an ethnic nation and fascism aren't mutually exclusive. The founding values of America are just that: values. The nation exists beyond political preference; defending and strengthening it will require such things as *le gasp* stopping Mexican and non-white immigration (because the US wasn't founded by non-Europeans), creating a more authoritarian state to instill real patriotic values, and stepping over capitalism in order to save your own economy if need be.

So, american patriot or fascist traitor, which is it?

As I've said in a different thread some time ago (I'm getting a deja vu here), "fascist traitor" makes no sense. Fascists are by definition people who live and die for their country. An American Liberal who refuses to stop the decay that is multiculturalism, not to mention one that is ready to destroy his European brothers, is a far more dangerous "traitor" than an American Fascist.
Last edited by Preston Cole on 08 May 2012 20:14, edited 2 times in total.
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By roxunreal
Preston Cole wrote:Yet the concept of an ethnic nation and fascism aren't mutually exclusive.

America never was and never will be an "ethnic nation" unless you want everyone of non-english heritage out, which is impossible anyway due to interbreeding of various european as well as non-european peoples within the US.

The founding values of America are just that: values.

Just like everything you lot seek to preserve in the face of progress on the basis that "it was built with work and lives for X time in history", yet god forbid anyone touch those lest he be labled as a self-hating traitor. :roll:

The nation exists beyond political preference; defending and strengthening it will require such things as *le gasp* stopping Mexican and non-white immigration (because the US wasn't founded by non-Europeans)

It was founded by the english colonists, so pushing for a "European" identity beyond the British one makes no sense. The US was also home to the Chinese for over 150 years, it was also home to the myriad of black slaves imported from africa, I say the US should reap the fruits of what it was sown instead of blaming the people you brought here, your post proving that what Zagadka said about fascists blaming everyone else is true rather than ignorant. Take some responsibility for god's sake.

Furthermore the US was founded in the spirit of democracy and individualism which were nourished and defended to this day. So if you're so concerned about who founded it, it were the people who stood for the opposite of fascism. Ideas and values are far more important than ethnicity, a mostly cosmetic distinction and a rather destructive one.

Creating a more authoritarian state to instill real patriotic values

There is nothing patriotic about authoritarianism in the US, like I said the country has always been a symbol of exactly the opposite - democracy and individualism. These have been nourished for over 200 years and going against these core values is going against america itself.

As I've said in a different thread some time ago (I'm getting a deja vu here), "fascist traitor" makes no sense. Fascists are by definition people who live and die for their country. An American Liberal who refuses to stop the decay that is multiculturalism, not to mention one that is ready to destroy his European brothers, is a far more dangerous "traitor" than an American Fascist.

Being a fascist in america makes you as much of a traitor to the country as being communist does, if not more so as the US lost thousands of youth fighting fascism. It's that simple.

And yeah, Roosevelt was a traitor because he kicked the ass of a country which declared war on it. Logic galore.
Last edited by roxunreal on 08 May 2012 20:54, edited 5 times in total.
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By Sephardi
Anybody who tries to even somewhat apologize for what Hitler or the Germans did is a traitor to the United States. Go tell that shit to the folks in the VA.
By Wolfman
FRS wrote:Yes, the great celebration of the mass rape of German women and the deliverance of materialist creeds onto the backs of generations of Westerners, my own society (most fortunately never children) indoctrinated by such filth.

I will pass.

FRS wrote:I don't care about those who are not my people or those relevant to building our great ideal.

I never did. And I thought this would be quite evident by now, Zag.

For those of us who have in some small way contributed to the struggle against Marxist swine, from Hesse and Nordrhein-Westfalen to the Mekong delta, this is our perpetual happiness, despite all those who seek to obstruct with their garbage.

After what happened to my people? Move on with the sob story.

FRS wrote:Yes, the anarchist contingent played a great role indeed.

This kind of celebrating something few today understand beyond slogans is disgusting.

FRS wrote:Yes, and as long as we are on an immature tangent, should I throw my hat in the ring?

Fuck multiculturalism.
Fuck Marxism.
Fuck liberalism.
Fuck capitalism.
Fuck leftist "progressivism"
Fuck pathetic cowardice which is crippling the West

And yes, hooray for those who fight to stop such scum.

Preston Cole wrote:Especially considering WWII was never a fight "against fascism," but against those who threatened liberal-capitalist imperial interests. Mussolini and Hitler were quite well-liked by the anticommunist West before they set their sights on them.

FRS wrote:All great ideological forces with military might throughout history have killed millions, yes. Would I expect the more self-hating young white boys and girls of today to care about the debauchery and trash that the multicultural illness leads to in our own societies? Of course not.

This shows as little an understanding and as great an ignorance concerning matters of ideology that I have witnessed in quite some time.

It's extremely irrational to hate a historical figure you have no personal experience with. I find Stalinism rather disagreeable, but wouldn't put on a show of "hating" the person of Joseph Stalin.

Yet if one were to propose the same for one of your black gang leader charity cases or a serial rapist of MS-13, you would likely lead the candlelight vigil.

Liberalism is a hypocritical and repulsive disgust of an ideology.

FRS wrote:There is a vast difference between hatred and complete apathy.

Preston Cole wrote:Ignorance per excellence.

Hitler almost obliterated fuser's idolized Soviet Union. Of course he hates him.

Preston Cole wrote:Oh, come off it. Your commie compadres only kicked up some steam when Moscow was about to be encircled. Oh yeah, and Stalin's purges left the Soviet military retarded in a typical display of mindless commie slashing.

Preston Cole wrote:Yet the concept of an ethnic nation and fascism aren't mutually exclusive. The founding values of America are just that: values. The nation exists beyond political preference; defending and strengthening it will require such things as *le gasp* stopping Mexican and non-white immigration (because the US wasn't founded by non-Europeans), creating a more authoritarian state to instill real patriotic values, and stepping over capitalism in order to save your own economy if need be.

As I've said in a different thread some time ago (I'm getting a deja vu here), "fascist traitor" makes no sense. Fascists are by definition people who live and die for their country. An American Liberal who refuses to stop the decay that is multiculturalism, not to mention one that is ready to destroy his European brothers, is a far more dangerous "traitor" than an American Fascist.

Preston Cole wrote:The whole art school dropout thing is so ridiculously retarded and unfunny that it's not even worthy of a forum post. I would expect more even from anti-fascists.

Preston Cole wrote:If all America stands for is the "liberty and individualism" of all people, even those who come in and start to push their own culture in some parts of the country (namely, Hispanics) to the detriment of a decidedly White and Black culture which comprises most of what America is about, flip-flopping between the expansion of different cultures that have nothing to do with America, then it deserves to go down in the flames of Russian and Chinese nukes in a Third World War it is slowly pushing for, because it doesn't have a culture to begin with, and it happily bombs European and Asian nations that do.

Those youths were not fighting fascism. They were sent to fight nations that posed a direct threat to Allied geopolitical interests. That anti-fascism bullshit was just meant to smear their subdued former enemies, just like the USSR did after it had comfortably collaborated with those ebwil fascists.

You mad bros? Yeah, I would be to if I was nothing more then Nazi scum.
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By Far-Right Sage
You lost, quit making excuses and just sup it up.

History is a passionate sea which ebbs and flows. If the millions of martyrs who came before can instill the slightest inspiration in those who will take up arms again for an associated cause, they have done their job.

You have only Hitler to thank for that, and for Hamburg, Dresden, Wilhelm Gustoff and anything else that ruined the lives of Germans in the war. Maybe your people should have thought about the implications before they invaded Russia and killed millions in battle and in POW camps.

Of course the Soviet political leadership and the Red Army sought to collectively punish the German population. There are many examples of this in history, and as much as it has always saddened me, it never surprised me. What I find disgusting is the cheerleading of these Bolshevik Red rapist dogs by idiotic Western children today.

The current generation is a disgrace to the land it inhabits.

Calculated murder of civilians on the scale in non-combat conditions that the Nazis and Japanese have comitted is a monolithic precedent in human history, it is the worst dehumanising atrocity and disgrace to our own species that has ever happened in existence. I'm glad you're proud of that.

Must I reiterate for the umpteenth time? If it doesn’t affect my people and our drive toward the great ideal, it is entirely irrelevant.

And really FRS, you fancy yourself as an american patriot don't you? Because american patriotism and fascism are mutually exclussive, as american values from the founding fathers to today directly contradict what fascism stands for, and as I've mentioned before, thousands of american sons died fighting this menace. So, american patriot or fascist traitor, which is it?

This is a poor attempt, even from you.

I have years of military and civil service under my belt, and I am about to be called out as a traitor by some liberal from Croatia?

A political entity is simply that. The modern state of the People’s Republic of China likely encompasses many anti-Communist Chinese nationalists, despite the fact that the revolution and Maoism provide the basis for the Chinese state and its leadership’s existence. In practice of course the country is far closer to state capitalism. Why is this relevant to a discussion on the United States of today? The federal government has radically departed from the classical republicanism of the early Jeffersonians and framers of the Constitution. Much in the way the Chinese pay lip service to Mao, the U.S. establishment pays lip service to George Washington and its founding documents. And worst of all, such people will of course never reveal their true intentions. I am far less of a “traitor” than any of the chickenhawk weasly lawyer politicians in our federal government which misrepresent their entire careers, treat their own people with contempt, and make a mockery of anything they are supposed to stand for to begin with.

The Germans lost. Deal with it. They have.

Then you are talking to the wrong Germans. Many, including extended family and lifelong friends, do not accept this bastardized current globalist-puppet regime masquerading as a legitimate incarnation of the folk’s historical and modern aspirations.

It's also funny how little he matched Aryan ideal that he promoted so much. You'd think he'd at least try to dye his hair blonde.

You fellows can take the bus back to grammer school if you believe such ridiculous and ignorant discourse in any way portrays a real understanding of German racial policy or philosophy 1933-’45.

Lol, Grassroots1 is the poster child for everything FRS hates about the modern world.

This is very much the case.

Anybody who tries to even somewhat apologize for what Hitler or the Germans did is a traitor to the United States. Go tell that shit to the folks in the VA.

More lectures from children who have not served, nor even lived, or had parents who lived, during the time periods which they are discussing, yet presume to call those with a more nuanced understanding of the aspirations of people “traitors”.

The German people make no apology as nothing conducted in the course of the strengthening the folk is even remotely worthy of one.
Last edited by Far-Right Sage on 08 May 2012 22:35, edited 1 time in total.
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By Sephardi
So what? There are tons of crips and bloods in the military, as well as neo-nazi scum, and MS 13 gang members. I don't have to like them just because they've served. Fuck them, fuck the nazis, and fuck the krauts, too. It seems that your time in the military hasn't taught you much, because most of the veterans I know, even those that only served in Vietnam, hate Germans in general.

And yes, my family has served in WW2. My great uncles were members of the Red Army and my grandfather was moved from his home into Uzbekistan during the Nazi attack, when he was very young. You're trying to apologize for the Nazis, this is obvious. Real Americans don't do this, nor do they consider themselves "German" or "Prussian" when they were born here.
By grassroots1
So what? There are tons of crips and bloods in the military, as well as neo-nazi scum, and MS 13 gang members. I don't have to like them just because they've served. Fuck them, fuck the nazis, and fuck the krauts, too. It seems that your time in the military hasn't taught you much, because most of the veterans I know, even those that only served in Vietnam, hate Germans in general.

Seconded. Not to sound like a broken record (I know I always do) but the one thing you can have, while maybe not sympathy or empathy or kindness, is an understanding of how that person came to be in the military, the influences they faced growing up, etc. It's an unfortunate fact that there are many more in life who suffer and greet death than those who enjoy it, and fear it. The decadence of western life leaves us pathetic, stupid, misinformed, misguided. How can soldiers be blamed for taking one of the only paths that they perceive to be available to them? The anger should be directed not at the people on the ground in war, but those who direct their service.
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By Far-Right Sage
What exactly is this 'great ideal' you keep talking about? Does it have anything to do with not having any Jews around?

No, the creation and realization of the folk-state.

It did. Namely that the military doesn't take sub-bacteria.

I doubt very much from some of his other statements that he ever served. In the unlikely event that he did, he wasn't in a combat unit.

You are really quite unbelievable.

If others wish to see my documents and accords when I have the time to provide them, if it is of interest, then I have no qualms with this, but I have nothing to prove to the likes of you.

So what? There are tons of crips and bloods in the military, as well as neo-nazi scum, and MS 13 gang members. I don't have to like them just because they've served. Fuck them, fuck the nazis, and fuck the krauts, too. It seems that your time in the military hasn't taught you much, because most of the veterans I know, even those that only served in Vietnam, hate Germans in general.

Have you gone off your rocker?

Nothing you are saying here has any basis in truth or reality, nor do I appreciate your outrageous slurs against my people.

I'm a gentleman and I'll refrain from any comments I could make about your own people, so I suggest you refrain from such racially-charged tirades in the future.

And yes, my family has served in WW2. My great uncles were members of the Red Army and my grandfather was moved from his home into Uzbekistan during the Nazi attack, when he was very young. You're trying to apologize for the Nazis, this is obvious. Real Americans don't do this, nor do they consider themselves "German" or "Prussian" when they were born here.

You know nothing about the circumstances of my birth, the situation of my mother, my upbring, my service, my credentials, or my life.

Really, this is quite over the top. I am apologizing for nothing, as National Socialism needs no apology.
Last edited by Siberian Fox on 09 May 2012 08:09, edited 2 times in total. Reason: Violation of forum rule two. Warned.
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By Rei Murasame
Well, I will say what I always say on "VE Day". It's very unfortunate and sad indeed, that the unequal distribution of wealth due to global capitalism, would lead to a really humongous civil war in Europe, where one faction had to attack the other faction even though it had only one-third of the resources of that faction.

More unfortunate yet, that the hypocritical allied faction, would refer to a "Victory in Europe Day", as though having half of Europe overrun by Soviets and the other half by Americans, were some cause for celebration.

And worse yet, the lingering memory of the bloodied cudgels, those British-held blunt staves which crashed down onto the heads of the Lienz-Cossacks, in the most sickening act of betrayal by Winston Churchill, the man who sold those brave men out to Stalin who then killed them all.

The Lienz-Cossacks were right though: "With the Devil [the SS], but against Bolshevism".
By Wolfman
It's very unfortunate and sad indeed, that the unequal distribution of wealth due to global capitalism, would lead to a really humongous civil war in Europe, where one faction had to attack the other faction even though it had only one-third of the resources of that faction.

Are... are you saying that the Nazis are the victims?

More unfortunate yet, that the hypocritical allied faction, would refer to a "Victory in Europe Day", as though having half of Europe overrun by Soviets and the other half by Americans, were some cause for celebration.

Would you prefer 100% of Europe overrun by Germany with Spain and Italy?

And worse yet, the lingering memory of the bloodied cudgels, those British-held blunt staves which crashed down onto the heads of the Lienz-Cossacks, in the most sickening act of betrayal by Winston Churchill, that great arrogant buffoon who sold those brave men out to Stalin who then killed them all.

So, the death of 50,000 Cossacks is so terrible that it completely makes up for the fact that those 50,000 people supported the side that killed 17 million people in the most horrible way possible, and 31 million of the Cossack's own people?
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By fuser
The Lienz-Cossacks were right though: "With the Devil [the SS], but against Bolshevism".

Considering their duties during ww2, above statement is obviously a shameless lie prepared by them.
Last edited by fuser on 09 May 2012 00:10, edited 1 time in total.
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