images from the so called liberation of iraq - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Todd D.
Some images I am very glad to see? Obama's administration has reversed another Bush policy; the ban on images of American coffins coming home.

I was under the impression that this was not a Bush policy, but a policy that had been in place for at least the last 20 years. I do believe that it was in place under Clinton as well, was it not?

EDIT: Hmm, it appears that it was instituted in 1990 during the first Gulf War, under the first President Bush, so I guess technically you are correct.
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By NoRapture
And we remain in Iraq. Creating the same images. Pumping and brokering the same oil. The only change is the growth in our apathy.
The fact that the U.S. government secretly facilitated dealings between Shell and the Iraqi Oil Ministry for no-bid contracts; that the U.S. military - the primary occupation force in Iraq - regularly pays Shell billions of dollars each year; that on the heals of a contract worth hundred of millions of dollars with the U.S. military, Shell just inked a deal with occupied Iraq and set up an office in the U.S. military's secure "Green Zone" should raise myriad questions about the tangled relationship between the major players in Iraq. These complex issues go ignored because they are viewed as so routine as not to be worth mentioning, but in any other context the confluence of guns, oil and billions of dollars would certainly raise eyebrows.
By Piano Red
The quicker this day is over so everyone in their jaded views gets back to ignoring Iraq now that violence is down and nobody is dying.....the better.

Whining about the past is a use in futility, especially when it won't change the progress being made.
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By Donna
Truth-a-naut wrote:No he just threw them into concentration camps after the olympics.

He threw German-Aryan athletes into concentration camps for losing during the Olympics? To be honest, I never heard of this, and I've read all of William Shirer's books on Nazi Germany.
By Douglas
He committed genocide against his people, but that wasn't nearly as bad as the death toll as a result of the invasion.

That depends on what you count as the results of the invasion.

I don't think it's fair that we take the blame for the 90% of deaths in Iraq caused by terrorism, sectarian violence, militias etc. the militias etc should get the blame for that.

You were after the oil! Oil war! Oil war!

How is the whole oil thing going now?
By Zyx
The U.S. doesn't fight wars out of morality. In fact, few wars, if any, were really fought under those pretexts. The U.S. went in for the resources and if anyone doesn't believe that then deities all over bless them.
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By QatzelOk
The U.S. doesn't fight wars out of morality. In fact, few wars, if any, were really fought under those pretexts.

Actually, Zyx, they were ALL fought under those pretexts.

Thing is, those pretexts were just texts. There is no real moral justification for terrorizing a society with aerial bombardment. But in order to convince a democratic (because voting) public that your authority is legitimate, the democratic government has to provide one through the media its corporate sponsors own.
By Zyx
Apologies, QatzelOk. That is what I meant. The U.S. doesn't fight out of morality but nominally.
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By arabian_dream
Iraq wasn't good when Saddam was killing his own people....and now Iraq isn't good after USA occupied it- I mean I think most Iraqis wanted SAdam to get out- but they didnt want USA either ..and everything that came with it.

Anyway- USA helped SAdam and he disobeid them they got him out- so they didnt do it for the IRaqi people.
Hopfully the USA soliders will get out as soon as possible and Iraqis can live in peaace for at least a year- and then ofcourse Usa will make another exucse and attack agian.
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By Godstud
Hopfully the USA soldiers will get out as soon as possible and Iraqis can live in peace for at least a year- and then of course Usa will make another excuse and attack again.

That really would be an Arabian dream since I am sure the violence would escalate as soon as the US left Iraq. Oh, I am sure eventually, once the cleansing of the unwanted people was done, that there would be peace, but at what cost in lives? USA wants to leave Iraq, don't doubt that, but they don't want to have to go back again and they don't want to be blamed for even more deaths by leaving before the fledgling government can at least maintain peace.

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