Exposing the true face of Franjo Tudjman - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This article provides you with a more objective picture of Franjo Tudjman, the ex-president and founder of modern Croatia. Before exposing the connection between Franjo Tudjman and international Neo-Nazi movements, some important fact will be put forward.

The Western media broadcasted in the 90s that Croatia was seeking independence from communist Yugoslavia and rapprochement with the Western world. This would explain the Western sympathy towards Croatia at that time. In Croatia. Franjo Tudjman, first president of democratic Croatia, enjoys the status of a great patriot and ruler who managed to establish Croatia's independence. He has enjoyed the same status also in the West, which supported him between 1990 and 1995. However that image of him will not last too long, since Tudjman's general Ante Gotovina was convicted of war crimes by the Hague court in 2011. The central question of this article is: Was it ethical of the West to support and recognize Franjo Tudjman's Croatia? In the beginning of the 90s, Croatia declared independence from Yugoslavia. According to the media, the Croatian side wanted to secede from Yugoslavia in a peaceful and democratic manner. On the other hand, Yugoslavia, which would be dominated by the Serbs, tried to prevent Croatia from becoming independent by starting an aggression war against it. These explanations by the Western media supposedly revealed the cause of the war and have convinced the mainstream to chose for the Croatian side. This led to the recognition of Croatia by the European Community and America in 1992.

The media has not been objective

In Croatia, in 1991 the first multi-party elections took place. During those elections Franjo Tudjman and his Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) became the winners. One year later Croatia declared its independence. However, it did not take account of the fact that beside the Croats also Serbs had been living in Croatia for centuries long. Croatia's constitution between 1945 and 1990 defined Croatia as a bi-national country: "Croatia is the national state of the Croats, Serbs and national minorities living in it". In 1990, the government of Franjo Tudjman decided to adapt the definition of Croatia in the constitution as follows: "Croatia is the national state of Croats and its national minorities living in it". Due to this adaptation of the Croatian constitution, the Serbs were deprived of their constituent rights. The Croatian deputies voted on behalf of this adaptation of the constitution, but the deputies of the Serbs of Croatia rejected it. Eventually the Croatian parliament applied this proposal, by allowing the Croatian deputies to outvote the Serbian deputies. In fact, such a procedure was in violation with Yugoslav and Croatian law, since political decisions which have an impact on the Yugoslav nations could only be applied in case if the deputies of all Yugoslav nation would unanimously agree with it. The deputies of the Serbs of Croatia notified the organs of the European Community of this case and stressed out that such behavior is in violation with the Yugoslav and democratic standards and therefore it should not be accepted. However, the organ of the EC responded by calming that the Croats did act in compliance with the law. Would the European authorities tolerate such behavior, if it occurred in an other European country, for instance Belgium? If the deputies of the Flemish would erase the Walloons from the constitution of Belgium in the same way as the Croats removed the Serbs from the Croatian constitution, would Europe recognize that? Obviously it would not. Thus, the European Union should explain why it supported measures by the government of Franjo Tudjman, which were in obvious violation of the Yugoslav constitution and democratic standards.

To get a proper portrayal of Franjo Tudjman as person and politician it would be useful to take into account statements of a former Serbian deputy at the Croatian parliament, Marko Atlagic. Atlagic testified on behalf of the former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic at the Hague trial. During his appearance at the court he stressed the history of Croatia under Tudjman. Atlagic was pointing out that certain scenarios which took place in the 90s, had already been revealed in the late 80s. The most shocking statement of Atlagic was, that Franjo Tudjman stated at a conference in Germany in 1989 that the Krajina-region would be red with blood if he would arrive into power in Croatia. During the war such scenario took place, because the Krajina Serbs became victims of acts of genocide. In addition, Atlagic explained that Tudjman had been advocating Croatian extremist views for a long time. In his book from 1964, Tudjman advocated the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the establishment of independent Croatia within the borders of Pavelic's Croatia. That book brought him eventually to prison. Atlagic testified that also other politicians who took part of the government of Tudjman, shared the same fascistic views. Stipe Mesic declared at a meeting in the town Gopsic in 1990, that the Serbs of Croatia will be able to stand under one umbrella as soon as Croatia gets its independence. In 1989, in Croatia Serbs were to be threaten by Croatian groups who openly shouted anti-Serb slogans and glorified Croatia's politicians from the Nazi-fascist era. However, the Croatian authorities had not done anything to put an end to this atmosphere, they even encouraged it. These statements by Atlagic clearly indicate that Croatia under Tudjman was not a peace-loving neither a democratic state.

Franjo Tudjman's book from 1989

At the end of the 80s of the 20th century a book titled as "Wastelands - Historic Truth" by Franjo Tudjman showed up in Croatia. Franjo Tudjman wrote in this book that genocide can be considered as a legitimate means only if it serves the interests of the chosen people. According to him the Croats are the chosen, since they confess the true faith, the Roman-Catholic faith. Tudjman is basing such statements on the old testament by referring to the expulsion of the Cananites from the promised land. So, genocide is a legal cause only if it serves the interests of the chosen people claims the bible, according to Tudjman's standpoint. In addition, he claims in that book that the Jewish holocaust is an exaggeration and that Jews run the Croatian death camp of Jasenovac, where besides Serbs, also Jews were to be exterminated.

Propaganda war

The Western countries supported Croatia during the 90s and took Tudjman's government's fabricated propaganda in their media during. Due to that, misconceptions and lies have been spread throughout the world. Franjo Tudjman was a mastermind of manipulation. He knew very well that he would not be fully supported by the West, if the mainstream would think that Croatia is fighting with the Serbian minority of Croatia. In such a case the Serbian minority would be seen as the underdog, while Croatia would be appearing as a dominant force. In such a climate, there could not be a lot of support for Croatia's military interventions. In order to get the Western world at his side, Franjo Tudjman started provoking the Yugoslav federal army by attacking the in Croatia located army's barracks and members. This led Croatia into a confrontation with the 4th strongest army of Europe, the Yugoslav People's Army. Tudjman took advantage of the circumstances by portraying Croatia as the underdog which was under threat of the Yugoslav army. Following, the Western media broadcasted how the superior Yugoslav army is waging an war on inferior Croatia which only had been seeking independence and rapprochement with the Western world. This climate led to full Western support of Croatia. And the Serbs of Krajina were portrayed not as the indigenous population of Croatia and Krajina, but as invaders, the fifth column of the occupier, the Yugoslav army. One of the greatest deceptions by Franjo Tudjman was the Yugoslav army had been occupying parts of Croatia. However, until 1992 Croatia was still recognized as an part of Yugoslavia. Therefore, the Yugoslav federal army could not be occupying Croatia, since it was the only regular army there then. Before Croatia was recognized by the European Community and America in 1992, the Yugoslav army already had withdrew from Croatia. Hence, there could not be any occupation of Croatia by Yugoslavia or Serbia.

Ethnic cleansing

The verdict by the Hague court against Croatia's general Ante Gotovina, characterizes Franjo Tudjman as ringleader of a joint criminal venture to ethnically cleanse the Krajina-region of Serbs. According to UN secretary Bountros Ghali, Croatia expelled 251,000 Serbs from Croatian-controlled areas to the Krajina-region, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia between 1991 and 1993. That amount of expelled Serbs does not include those Serbs who were expelled to areas outside the former Yugoslavia. Although these Serbs were living in Croatian areas and regions and were not organized with the Serbs of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, they were still expelled by the Croatian authorities.
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