Russian Apartment Bombings - Politics | PoFo

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'Cold war' communist versus capitalist ideological struggle (1946 - 1990) and everything else in the post World War II era (1946 onwards).
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By peter_co
In September 1999 a number of apartment buildings were destroyed in Russia, as a result of which 300 people died. This series of attacks was officially blamed on Chechen rebels and was a major cause of the start of the Second Chechen War. However, the official line has been disputed, and various people have accused the FSB of being responsible for the attacks. Normally I never give any credence to such conspiracy theories, and never look back twice, but this case is different. There are simply so many bizarre inconsistencies and suspicious events, that I find it almost impossible to disregard them, and reputable individuals have supported this version. Even Alexander Lebed, a former Russian general and the Governor of Krasnoyarsk stated that he was almost convinced of the FSB's involvement (he later died in a suspicious helicopter crash).
This is the most important evidence that has appeared against the official line:

1) On September 22, police arrested a group of suspicious men in Ryazan. These men were carrying sacks of a white powder that was identified to be hexogen (the explosive used in the other terrorist attacks) along with a detonator and a timer. These men later turned out to be FSB agents, who claimed to have been performing a training "exercise."

2)On September 13, the speaker of the Duma, received a note saying that an apartment building had exploded in Volgodonsk. However the explosion only happened three days later! And the person who handed him the note was an FSB officer. Later the speaker claimed that he was referring to an incident where a grenade exploded in a building but where nobody was hurt, and when others questioned him about his ridiculous explanation, he shut off his microphone.

3) Pro-Kremlin parties blocked an investigation of the events. A public Commission headed by Duma members could not access any information and subsequently the two heads of the commission died (one of them was shot and another died from a mysterious "allergy" attack). A number of journalists investigating the incidents have also been assassinated.

4) Although Chechen terrorists have taken responsibility for all attacks in the past (which after all was the very purpose of the attacks), they have always denied responsibility for this one. Furthermore, unlike previous terrorist attacks this did not happen during the war and happened at a time when Chechnya was effectively independent, and when the last thing the Chechens wanted was to start the war again.

For more information see:

What do you think?
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By pikachu
and when the last thing the Chechens wanted was to start the war again.
And yet they did start one in Daghestan, apparently. Unless you count that also under conspiracy.

Going down the "conspiracy" path leads to no good. If we assume that the governments have no problems blowing up several apartment buildings in the capital, it would only make sense to conclude that 9/11 was a US government operation, and it just gets worse and worse from there. Before you know it, you'll end up with all history being fake and Jeudo-Masons owning the world.
So I just stay clear from that area.
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By Donna
Unless you have evidence to suggest something other than mere speculation regarding events, this thread probably belongs in CT. It`s not even revisionist, it`s blatantly conspiratory.

BTW, what is with your obsessive Russophobia peter_co?
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By peter_co
Unless you have evidence to suggest something other than mere speculation regarding events, this thread probably belongs in CT. It`s not even revisionist, it`s blatantly conspiratory.

The entire body of the OP is about evidence, perhaps the title of the thread induced you to dismiss the whole thread as a looney conspiracy theory and write this response. But I would advise you to at least take a cursory look at what I wrote, or even better the Wikipedia article or another such source. I agree with you (and pikachu for that matter) that 99% of conspiracy theories are the domain of nuts with too much time on their hands or schizophrenics.

However, this case is different and is too widely disputed so that it can be dismissed as a conspiracy theory a la 9/11 Zionist/CIA conspiracy non-sense. I remember when these incidents happened (and particularly after Ryazan) there were vocal debates on the matter on Russian television (media had been much freer then). And subsequently, governors such as Lebed, numerous members of Duma, and respected journalists have cast doubt on the government version. Even McCain stated that there is credible evidence of FSB involvement. To sum it up, I agree that it sounds purely conspiratorial at first sight, and many very well be so, but I encourage you to take a deeper look because things are certainly not clear cut in this matter.

BTW, what is with your obsessive Russophobia peter_co?

I don't understand, the victims here were Russian, so how am I being Russophobic?

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