Records show Adolf Hitler was a Tax Dodger - Politics | PoFo

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He is better known for invading Poland and starting the second world war.
But Adolf Hitler was also an inveterate tax dodger, it emerged yesterday, who systematically evaded paying his tax bills both before and after he became Germany's dictator.

According to new records discovered in a Munich archive, by the time he became Germany's chancellor in 1933 Hitler owed more than 400,000 Reichsmarks in unpaid taxes.

The money - the equivalent of about €6m (£4.1m) today - was written off the following year under a secret deal with the tax authorities.

Hitler's previously hidden records also document that he first aroused the suspicions of German officials in 1921, shortly after he became Nazi leader.

The Munich tax office politely asked him where he had got the money from after he bought a luxury car. Hitler replied evasively and said he earned only a "modest" income from newspaper articles.

Two years later, after his failed Munich putsch, Hitler was sent to prison, where he wrote his best-selling anti-Semitic autobiography, Mein Kampf.

While behind bars he also ordered another luxury Mercedes.

When he emerged, Germany's finance ministry sent him another letter asking about the car and his assets. Hitler's reply was brief. He claimed he owned only a desk, a bookshelf and few books.

"Researching his records was like a thrilling detective novel," Klaus Dieter-Dubon, who discovered the docu ments in Munich's state archive, said yesterday.

"Hitler paid virtually no income tax. He preached to the nation to put public welfare before self-interest, but behaved himself in the opposite way."

The records also reveal that between 1925 and 1932, as royalties from Mein Kampf began to pile up, Hitler gave his occupation as "writer".

By this stage the tax office had finally lost patience - and demanded that he pay 782 Reichsmarks in back taxes.

Amazingly, Hitler refused - citing the costs of publicity, a chaffeur and private secretary - and asked whether it might be possible to pay in instalments.

The records show that Hitler settled only two taxes promptly and without fuss.

One was for his dogs, which he kept at his summerhouse in Berchtesgarten, the Bavarian mountain resort that became an infamous Nazi HQ, and the other for the church.

In 1930 the Berchtesgarten tax office made a last attempt to claw back some of the 48,472 Reichsmarks Hitler had earned by then from Mein Kampf, without success.

After the Nazis took power, the records show, the tax authorities quietly dropped their campaign, formally annulling all his debts in December 1934.

The head of the Munich tax office, Ludwig Mirre, ruled that as Führer Hitler was constitutionally entitled to pay nothing. Hitler's embarrassing tax debts should remain "hidden", Mr Mirre added. ... 72,00.html
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By Blake
I always knew there was something "not quite right" about him.
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By Thoss
Another example of the weakness the Weimar Republic, it couldnt even arrest one the most radical opposition forces for a no brainer like tax evasion.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
So he evaded taxes, so what?

Since he died long ago, why is this attempt to discredit him necessary?
By | I, CWAS |
So he evaded taxes, so what?

Since he died long ago, why is this attempt to discredit him necessary?

So we should the history field be entirely ended?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
When did I state that?!

I dunno, I just don't see why his supposed tax evasion is of any consequence.

Hitler has a bad enough rap already; I doubt proving he evaded paying tax wouldn't make peoples' view of him any worse.
By | I, CWAS |
Mr. Dorf
When did I state that?!

You didn't say it, that is why I'm asking you.

I dunno, I just don't see why his supposed tax evasion is of any consequence.

Hitler has a bad enough rap already; I doubt proving he evaded paying tax wouldn't make peoples' view of him any worse.

Well it's history, this is how we learn of the past through tidbits of obscure info. Think about it we know no some of his sex habits, it's the modern world, all information should be availiable, knowledge is key, then again i am a gnostic. Plus aren't you a libertarian? i think that would explain--somewhat--your feelings towards the tax issue.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
OK maybe it is just learning about history.

But his tax evasion still means nothing to me (and not because of my political leanings!)
By | I, CWAS |
OK maybe it is just learning about history.

But his tax evasion still means nothing to me (and not because of my political leanings!)

I'm a history nut, as evinced by my history channel addiction, even though it's filtered, I spend most of my net time researching history, tomen this is now historical. It was just recently found out, within 5-10 years, when they do new specials on hitler, like his sex life, and health problems, his tax evasion will now be common knowledge, and spoken about with indifference.
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By Boondock Saint
Well it's history

So why is it in Todays News?

Clearly not something that belongs here ... off to the History forum.
By | I, CWAS |
Following the description of the todays news forum. It's something that appeared in the news today.
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By Boondock Saint
About a historical figure.

Look man I agree its interesting hence I did not just click delete. Please feel free to debate the thread all you want but information on Hitlers taxes is not 'news' ...
By | I, CWAS |
About a historical figure.

Look man I agree its interesting hence I did not just click delete. Please feel free to debate the thread all you want but information on Hitlers taxes is not 'news' ...

This is not an issue that you moved it, it can survive in either forum, in fact you do have a point about history i was just answering your question
So why is it in Todays News?

You do have a point about the historical figure angle. It's cool
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By QatzelOk
The fact that he was a tax-evader may mean more than we think. It may have been the reason why he started WW2. To distract the German IRS while he made off like a bandit. Like every other war president.

Holocausts sold seperately. Actual body count may vary.

How does it feel
to treat me like you do?
Tell me how, how does it feel?

- New Order
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By Maxim Litvinov
Once again, Hitler shows himself to be a true Libertaryan.

Taxes are the government stealing your money!
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By QatzelOk

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By Happeren
According to new records discovered in a Munich archive, by the time he became Germany's chancellor in 1933 Hitler owed more than 400,000 Reichsmarks in unpaid taxes.

The money - the equivalent of about €6m (£4.1m) today - was written off the following year under a secret deal with the tax authorities.

There is no way that this is true. There was rampant inflation in Germany during the 20's and also after the Great Depression in 1929. Purhaps he owed 400,000 marks but there is no way that this equals £4.1m. Mein Kampf didn't sell that well until much later, and don't tell me Hitler earned what is more than most people in a western country today earn there whole life by runing around selling paintings and working for the army.
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By QatzelOk
Eva Braun's diary, Loving You Is Wrong But It Feels So Reich, reveals that Adolph also left the toilet seat up, and only cut his fingernails when told to. Revolting.

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