What's up with foxnews.com? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I've noticed a strange trend on the few times I've visited foxnews.com; they don't seem as conservative as their television counterpart. On the contrary, some of the website's articles are either downright liberal, or contain content that the right-wing decries as being elements of the "mainstream media."

Fox News hired Sally Kohn, a lesbian, to write an op-ed for their site. She made the argument that there's a Republican War On Women. And she goes further and cites sources of GOP politicians enacting restrictive laws against women's health services.

For some time, "Fox On Sex" was one of Fox New's front-page articles. The articles featured sex tips alongside the picture of an attractive blonde woman flirtatiously biting the end of her glasses.

Fundamentalist Christians and Fox News Channel made the argument that bullying was a "religious right." foxnews.com ran an article where four teenagers committed suicide due to bullying. One was bullied for being homosexual, another for acting effeminate. Fox News' own article just made the greatest argument against protecting bullying as a religious right.

So, what's up? Is it because most Fox News viewers are in their 60s and 70s and therefore less likely to be Net-savvy, while the younger generations increasingly rely on wireless technology and are friendlier to gay rights, human sexuality, and birth control? Does Roger Ailes think that the Internet's more liberal, and tries to pander to left-leaning web-surfers in order to get increased traffic?

What do you think?
Maybe Ailes is really a sort of cynical guy, and is waiting until the older generation of Fox viewers dies off, so that he can change the social stances on his television channel while maintaining the economic stances as they are? I'm only guessing there, since I've not looked into what motivates him or what kind of person he is.
That's possible, but not likely. Roger Ailes is a true believer: he buys into almost every right-wing talking point pitched by his network. He genuinely views his own multi-millionaire life as being in line with the majority of middle-class Americans. He believes that his station alone is the last true bastion of sanity in an anti-American media world.

He's not going to give up social conservatism anytime soon. He may let one or two counterparts to the far-right party line on the website, but I don't think that means he's going to veer left on such issues in the future.

Or he may not pay much attention to what goes on at foxnews.com and delegated responsibility to somebody else.
The only thing Faux News stays consistent on is their unwavering support for Mother Israel.

Everything else is entirely mainstream. However there seems to be a putsch coming from within the Fox organization to get more butch looking, radical women on Fox. Sally Kohn and "Jehmu" Green are the latest, and are as far-left as David Duke is far-right. Their anti-white, anti-male vitriol is on full display for America's impressionable female minds during Fox's daytime programming. It seems to be an incurable itch for "media monopoly types" to spit in the eye of normal, non-homosexual, non-radical, traditional Americans every chance they get.



Last edited by Emerald Ocean on 05 May 2012 22:57, edited 1 time in total.
EastCoastAmerican wrote:So, what's up? Is it because most Fox News viewers are in their 60s and 70s and therefore less likely to be Net-savvy, while the younger generations increasingly rely on wireless technology and are friendlier to gay rights, human sexuality, and birth control? Does Roger Ailes think that the Internet's more liberal, and tries to pander to left-leaning web-surfers in order to get increased traffic?

There is a large disconnect between what your supposing to be, say, "gay rights" (whatever that means), and these stories your quoting. Really, I fail to see the connection between "dumbass commits suicide" & "gay rights", or how personal opposition to bullying somehow means one endorses the quixotic quest of the Federal Government to end it.

As far as the supposed movement of Fox News to a more Liberal stance; this occurred during the Bush administration. I know you Liberals believe that by - somehow - focusing on minoritys you get valuable insights on the majority, but it's far more easy and accurate to focus on the majority to gain insights on the majority. Fox went Liberal the moment it started pushing the nonsensical notion that American values are universal - that is, that every country around the world could be made into little Americas. This, obviously, is a repeat of the Liberal libel that America is an idea, not a place....
Fox News is a JOKE.

Here is an interview by FOX Sports Radio of Kesler, who is actually Bieksa. He didn't even know who he was interviewing. It's funny.

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