Blind conservatism - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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J oswald... This is nothing but a liberal conspiracy orchestrated by this so called RhetoricThug.. I cant believe you would side with an anarchist that doesnt have any intelligent thought. Im here to deliver you from evil
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By Travesty
Shouldn't there be some sort of rule for this? I mean he's been exposed... Mods?
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By J Oswald
Travesty, if you want to make a report, you should go into the Basement and file one. Alternatively, you could click the little 'report' button next to the offending posts, but it would probably be best for a Basement report to be made.
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By J Oswald
Travesty wrote:This doesn't violate any rules though which is why I'm asking

It never hurts to make the Mod team aware of potentially problematic situations.

That said, they're probably already aware of the problem. I notice that our moby guest's Boehner thread in Opinion Polls disappeared.
I'm guessing AlwaysOnDuty is actually probably a liberal trying to satirize extreme conservative views: something I have suspected of various users in the past. It would make sense since his stated views, particularly referring to Ahmadinejad as a "crazed liberal" are almost part and parcel a liberal's idea of what a charicacture of a conservative is.

For instance I often troll my friends in real life by espousing ultra conservative beyond ridiculous viewpoints such as advocating open Baptist theocracy and favoring expelling all non-whites from America and saying the poor ought to die in the streets and we should abolish taxes and use bullets as our currency even though I believe none of this. I usually talk in an ignorant sounding southern accent with bad grammar when I talk like this.

For instance around the election I said to some friends "I done think we gots to git rid of that liberal socialist muslim atheist negro a-rab queer homosexual abortionist Barack Hussein Obama. Git rid of all them liberal taxes so I can buy more guns. Git Mitt Romney in thar. He gonna make it sure we git rid of them food stamps so they cain't by their grape cool aid with it an immigrants can't take er jerbs."
nucklepunche wrote:
For instance around the election I said to some friends "I done think we gots to git rid of that liberal socialist muslim atheist negro a-rab queer homosexual abortionist Barack Hussein Obama. Git rid of all them liberal taxes so I can buy more guns. Git Mitt Romney in thar. He gonna make it sure we git rid of them food stamps so they cain't by their grape cool aid with it an immigrants can't take er jerbs."
These are alright ideas and you may be onto something here... But I just want to change or add a few things. Bama aint no atheist or negro maybe not even a homosexual, but id be darned if he aint willing to slaughter the unborn. That is what these liberals run on these days to get the younger hip vote who dont have their frontal cortex fully developed and shove who haw in their ears and make them come and rally.
I have better ideas to fund the states who are in debt and secure a future for all the unborn.
1. Homeless game shelters where lonely free loaning folk can compete in Apple to Apple card game tournaments. The winner can earn enough for a bottle of dirty water OR rent a room to stay. Nothing like a nice warm bed for bums who normally end up be hassled by the local police and sleeping on community park benches.
2. Raise liquor tax by 30% and funnel the extra profits into game-night shelters and cheap motels to attract the homeless. The more homeless the community accumulates the better that economy will be after.
3. Eventually the ones who chose the motel room will be met with by a GOP task force and we get them registered to vote. After that we have interventionists that persuade the drunkards to rent the motel room instead of getting all sloshed again. I believe this can even give the GOP an edge in elections with more and more registered voters.
4. Once we can control of the public offices our boys can reshape and rebuild America into the free peace loving nation that the world admires. Those homeless can be the new wave of ground support activists keeping the conservative doctrine alive and well in major U.S. cities. I mean door to door interviews, fancy reading papers, internet blogging like this here. etc.

Im thinking of other plans but Im usually busy keeping the true conservatism alive myself. I like to give advice to anyone who cant see the big picture and provide the RIGHT type of guidance.
pretending to be conservative is flattering but nuckelpunche you gotta get the right ideas to really make a honest man blush. id help but it be like beating a dead mule or something along that nature. But I would say that understanding where it is a conservatism like myself and others on here come from and where they hang their hat takes some real critical thinking.

The other day I was walking Ol chester one of my dogs and he sees another dog of similar breed and color and started barking. You can look all you want like Chester but Chester knows you aint ol chester. That got me thinking during my dinner plate that Blind Conservatism may look like conservatism but it just aint. Simply wrong and unsuited for debate.

I've given many years and thought into what really drives a man beyond his call of duty to God and Country (amen). I found that greed and self glorification is the reasoning and cause of terrible decisions that act above God and country. What is it exactly that people fear? I fear living in a socialist or communist country. I fear that jihad is coming ah knocking on my door. Thats why I need more people to see things the way I see it so they can apply their votes properly and elect the officials that wont put themselves above God and Country! I voted for the double R ticket because of that simple understanding. The double Rs would of
1. Put America back to work in the private sector which could actually use my idea above possibly...
2. Get troops in Iran to stabilize the region.
3. Let them auto companies go bankrupt (I havnt purchased a vehicle post bailout) if they dont have America in their core interests.
4. Lower taxes

Id also like a proper investigation into the Clinton era for his sexual perversion during presidency and in America's house. If he is found of anymore wrong doing we'd strip him of the presidents title! Plus we need Pro Life figures to head our medical institutions. I like to see the Lords day... Sunday... be a day of social rest or America's prayer day where we support our troops and family. It would be nice to also see a commemorative coin issued with Thomas Jefferson and Lincoln on it. As you know Thomas Jefferson stood up to the federalists and established the Republican party (amen)

Theres lots of work to be done. I know that. I just like to see a start and passionate contribution from any likeminded folks out there. And for those of you seeking to learn about conservatism feel free to ask me for advice. America can be strong again I just know it
Im thinking of other plans but Im usually busy keeping the true conservatism alive myself. I like to give advice to anyone who cant see the big picture and provide the RIGHT type of guidance.
pretending to be conservative is flattering but nuckelpunche you gotta get the right ideas to really make a honest man blush. id help but it be like beating a dead mule or something along that nature. But I would say that understanding where it is a conservatism like myself and others on here come from and where they hang their hat takes some real critical thinking.

Conservatism isn't conservatism. When I mock conservatives I'm mocking blind conservatives who think Limbaugh is a fount of political wisdom. I admire conservatives however, in the Burkean sense.

The other day I was walking Ol chester one of my dogs and he sees another dog of similar breed and color and started barking. You can look all you want like Chester but Chester knows you aint ol chester. That got me thinking during my dinner plate that Blind Conservatism may look like conservatism but it just aint. Simply wrong and unsuited for debate.

True. There are almost no true conservatives left, but plenty of conservatives of the other kind.
Travesty... even though I doubt you take me not too serious when I lay out my point of view. I do have a mighty strong hankering to do some more audio logs of my views so the typical folk can get some earnest lessons on what true conservatives thinks about on a daily basis. Now I suppose they'll be one soon here but nothing at the moment. I've been laying steel pipes for a water and distribution company and when I get home I gotta cook me up something real good for me and my 3 pups. So when my contracts are over which will be bout around the Lords birthday... Ill update you. Glad ive gotten to touch the spirits of some people who normally wouldnt let the light shine down on em

Nucklepunche... That is agreeable there about that darn Limbaugh. Not only is he all goofy on some type of pills and caffeine but he puts his self-interest above God and Country. Id be happy to do what he does with real faith and for free. That man may talk like a conservative but he acts like a liberal by not letting his guests talk and always thinking hes right yet he dont know his left from RIGHT
And yes there are plenty of what I like to call false prophets eating away at the true conservative. But I know one when I see em and I put em in their place.
By Elect G-Max
J Oswald wrote:

The requested topic does not exist.

But yes, AOD is doing a very poor job of trolling. Trolling properly requires tricking people into thinking you're serious, but AOD is posting nonsensical hyperbole that nobody could seriously believe.

Either that, or AOD is schizophrenic...

AlwaysOnDuty wrote:I've given many years and thought into what really drives a man beyond his call of duty

...or a CoD-tard.
Elect Gmax... I dont know what no dang CODtard is but I see that it may be a insult. Nevermind those words of the petty. I can help you if you need to see through all the blind conservatism out there today. What it boils down to is the moral and stewardship that you are obligated to when a great country like the U.S. gives plenty of young old and any type of colored folk an opportunity to help themselves. We stand for freedom and peace and the RIGHT side of politics stand to preserve that freedom and peace throughout the world
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By Travesty
Elect Gmax... I dont know what no dang CODtard is but I see that it may be a insult. Nevermind those words of the petty. I can help you if you need to see through all the blind conservatism out there today. What it boils down to is the moral and stewardship that you are obligated to when a great country like the U.S. gives plenty of young old and any type of colored folk an opportunity to help themselves. We stand for freedom and peace and the RIGHT side of politics stand to preserve that freedom and peace throughout the world

What! You're back!
Travesty... There was a bit of confusion but I am after all Always on Duty
I guess i either had to get me a new link to the web or provide evidence of my human existence. Its been all cleared up and Im glad I can once again join you in blog. So it says you are conservative. What ideas you hold there fella
Travesty wrote:yea.. forgot that trolling isn't against the rules....
You and that J Oswald character just don't want me to have a opinion. Im sorry you disagree with my longstanding respect for God and Country and the only party willing to uphold those two things. I am really curious as to what you think though since it says you to be a conservative. That socially or money wise?
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By Travesty
meh... you aren't a conservative Republicans are just a right wing Liberal party you are part of the problem.

That socially or money wise?

AlwaysOnDuty wrote:We stand for freedom and peace and the RIGHT side of politics stand to preserve that freedom and peace throughout the world

Freedom to do what, and peace for who?

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