US Anti-birth control Movement: What about vasectomies? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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Exactly. Everything comes down to who has the most force and can win. Rights are not inherent, and do not actually exist.

'Rights' are simply a way to make agreements and guarantees with people, but if the agreements break down and it becomes an intolerable situation, then all bets are off. I don't need a 'right' to carry an AK-47, since if we enter that sort of scenario, whether Joey recognises our right to shoot at him or not will be frankly irrelevant, since it would already be happening anyway without his permission.

Theoretically, we can do anything we want, to anyone, any time we want, if we think it to be conducive to our survival. The only question determining whether things will happen is [1]do we have the means to do it, [2]will it work, and [3]will we get away with it?

Beyond that, there is nothing else.
Rei Murasame wrote:So, let me get this straight:

  • Woman has too many children: Jail.

  • Woman aborts pregnancies to prevent children: Still Jail.

So basically no matter what we do, it's jail and slave labour camp.

I'm not even going to bother asking if your three strikes rule makes an exception in cases of rape or incest or health of the mother or foetus defect, since that question simply leads back to you setting up pregnancy-panels to determine who is or is not eligible for exception to your stupid rule, and who is or is not 'benefiting off the state'.

My answer is still this:

Don't think you could bring that sort of fucking treasonous liberal-capitalist blood-sucking octopus banker-owned government anywhere near me or my family or my community. We would find a way to destroy that government, and we would do it without remorse.


If you jumped for joy as much as you jump to your own wrong conclusion... you wouldn't be such a miserable monster.
I don't know how responsible women are in your country of a billion or so people who already live to slave for peanuts... but in America... it's clearly obvious who is into what and for why.
It is one thing to do what you can for you and your family... but when you destroy the lives and minds of children just for financial gains... than I believe that's where your machine gun would benefit better rather than just being jailed.
If a woman can't learn to be RESPONSIBLE and especially after THREE TIMES... than that woman needs to set an example to OTHER careless woman who may want to try and turn their lives around.
As far as those rapists and murderers are concerned... these people need to be hung after their very first offence in front of a live studio audience and aired on the evening news.
Monsters of this world need to either be in a cage or hung from a rope.
Haven't really decided on where we should send you though?
People who refuse positive changes because it promotes positive outcomes are afraid their own sick shit will no longer be tolerated.
Your selfishness is not only obvious... but it's stinking up cyberspace.
Nice try to voice your meaningless opinions through hate and violence.
Only goes to show how much you could've been related to Hitler.

joeylyrics wrote:I don't know how responsible women are in your country of a billion or so people who already live to slave for peanuts...

Neither the UK nor Japan have a billion people in them, so I have no idea which country you are referring to.

joeylyrics wrote:but in America... it's clearly obvious who is into what and for why.

Fuck America. I seriously hate your country, just do whatever you want there, but don't bring it near me.

joeylyrics wrote:Only goes to show how much you could've been related to Hitler.

Hitler was a great man who understood the use of violence. Terrible, but great.

Everything I've said in my previous post stands, there is no argument that you can bring that will move me.

Violence is for people who don't have the balls to handle things rationally.
It is because of people like YOU why I'm NOT for the idea that EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun.
Hateful people such as yourself is what starts terrorist groups that end up killing innocent people.
You Rei have serious mental issues.
I think you should see a shrink with all of your spare time instead of constantly complaining about people who are trying to help this planet to thrive and survive.
A change we certainly need whether you know it or not.
I am 20 years older than you Rei...
I've long learned the meaning of life as well as people's bad habits way before you were poppin' pimples on your pretty little face.
Never confuse someone who knows it all for someone who is just constantly confused about everything.
Makes you seem even younger than the age you truly are.
joeylyrics wrote:Violence is for people who don't have the balls to handle things rationally.

Says you, while calling for the state to use violence against women who have more than two abortions or who have more children than you think necessary.

Putting someone in slave work camp by force, is 'not violence' now? Oh wait, that is indeed violence. Pot, meet kettle. Pleased to make your acquaintance good sir.


joeylyrics wrote:It is because of people like YOU why I'm NOT for the idea that EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun.

Indeed, you should do everything in your power to ban anyone who opposes you from owning a weapon. Meanwhile, we'll do everything we can - should the time come - to own weapons anyway. Enjoy.

I don't give a fuck about whether you want to limit the ownership of firearms, because if it comes down to it, we are not going to ask you for permission to own weapons anyway. We would simply get weapons and use them.

joeylyrics wrote:Hateful people such as yourself is what starts terrorist groups that end up killing innocent people.

As opposed to you, who wish only to take women and put them in slave labour camps to make free stuff for your international financier masters.

I am quite happy to be a 'terrorist' if that is what it would take to avert that. Besides, there are no innocent people.

joeylyrics wrote:I am 20 years older than you Rei...

Which would make you 46. Yes, your age group is the cause of the persistence of pretty much 90% of the present problems we face. You should be ashamed of yourself, about half of your generation is shameful, and I spit in your general direction.

Also, fuck America.
I love how disconnected from reality Americans are. Rounding up women and sending them to camps for having abortions. :lol: It amazes me that they they are the most powerful country in the world it really does. If you don't like abortions don't fucking have one. :roll:
Decky wrote:I love how disconnected from reality Americans are. Rounding up women and sending them to camps for having abortions. :lol: It amazes me that they they are the most powerful country in the world it really does. If you don't like abortions don't fucking have one. :roll:


Having these woman and other non threatening criminals take away jobs from the immigrants to better help their countries economy because of their lack of responsibility is a productive solution that not only gets these illegals to flee back for their own border... but to keep abortions legal while getting the pro lifers to quit crying and bitching.
If people fear that three dui's will get them to lose their license for good...
Why can't the same tactic work for careless woman who come to spread their legs without fearing any consequences at all.
Sure... accidents do happen and condoms do break...
But any woman who thinks they might need more than three abortions in their lifetime are usually either alcoholics or drug addicts anyway and can use a little time away to sober up.
Either that... or have your tubes tide in order to keep your slutty ass out of the work program.
At least you'll be given a choice.
Now... if you were a woman what would you rather have?...
Three chances or NONE AT ALL.
In the game of life... you need to give a little to get a whole hell of a lot more in return.
It's a small price to pay for a more peaceful tomorrow.
Decky wrote:I love how disconnected from reality Americans are. Rounding up women and sending them to camps for having abortions. :lol: It amazes me that they they are the most powerful country in the world it really does. If you don't like abortions don't fucking have one. :roll:

I think that joey's the only one here advocating this. Most Americans would be against this.
Why can't the same tactic work for careless woman who come to spread their legs without fearing any consequences at all.

I'm confused? What consequences? In a world where abortion exists they don't have to worry about pregnancy and most of the STIs are curable these days (although a few obviously still pose a threat).

Pregnancy has nothing to do with sex there days, if you don't want a kid get rid of it. You are the one who is trying to create the consequence by banning abortion.

In a world with truly free access to abortion pregnancy is not one of the consequences of sex, the only people having kids will be the people who want them (leading to far better childhoods for everyone). The women are not the ones creating the consequences, you are.

Why the fuck should people need to "fear consequences" when they have sex? That's barbaric.
It's because Joey literally hates women, Decky. He doesn't want there to ever be a moment when women can explore their sexuality without being in mortal fear of economic and/or reproductive ruin at his hands.

The fact that he suggests unpaid labour in a prison camp as the 'consequence', which would be imposed by his ideal government, shows exactly what he is about.

And do not imagine that you can just restrict your liaisons to same-sex partners, since Joey will just suggest new ways to waste tax money and police manpower hunting you down.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 10 Nov 2012 22:04, edited 1 time in total.
I am only expressing an idea as an ALTERNATIVE for when and if abortions do become highly illegal.
When the time does come to where the government tells you that you MUST have your child... do remember how nice the three chance law could've worked in your very own favor at a time in which you could've really used it yourself.
Raising a child is NO small expense especially when there is no-one else around to help you.
Good luck.
I was only trying to help.
We don't need your help. I don't give a damn what the government tells me I can and cannot do, because if the state ever banned abortion, I would proceed directly to finding whoever was rebelling and join their rebellion.

It's non-negotiable. Actual people would have to die. I already have complete contempt for this state, why would I compromise in any of those hypothetical scenarios?

I wasn't joking and I wasn't engaging in bravado. I seriously think that sometimes killing people solves problems, and that in some situations, people will not learn the lesson unless you show them that you are willing to kill them and their family.
The fact that he suggests unpaid labour in a prison camp as the 'consequence', which would be imposed by his ideal government, shows exactly what he is about.

He should move to Britain. unpaid labour is the every day reality for tens of thousands of us. :lol: I'm sure the Tories could easily extend it to women that have abortions as well as dole scum.
:lol: Knowing how Joey operates, he probably supports that form of slave-labour as well. He'd have people working 40 hours a week for £70, and then be all like, "You should be thankful you don't have to work that time in a prison camp!"

The other aspect of all this that has not yet been considered is the sort of sexual abuses that would go on in Joey's prison camps, seeing as he'd be retrenching a patriarchal culture and enforcing certain derogatory attitudes toward women who are sexually active, and so when he puts these people into the prison camp for either having 'too many' children or aborting 'too many' foetuses ('heads' you lose, 'tails' they win!), it means that the prison apparatus will have absorbed that sort of philosophy of disrespect for women, and will be staffed mostly by rapists.

So Joey would have prison work camps created to imprison women which are staffed by rapists, and mother-less children on the outside would have to grow up knowing that Joey's government literally are motherfuckers.

That's the centre-right's idea of 'peace' and 'family values'. It's sick.
Rei Murasame wrote:Exactly. Everything comes down to who has the most force and can win. Rights are not inherent, and do not actually exist.

'Rights' are simply a way to make agreements and guarantees with people

No, "rights" are a shorthand term for determining who should make a particular decision. Whether I live or die is a decision that should be made by me and me alone. Your AK does not change that.
Decky wrote:That's centrists for you, they seem to take the worst from both the left and right. They don't even seem to do it deliberately it must just be instinctive or something.

Perhaps but the extreme left and right has been taking beatings from the centre ever since the end of the Cold War.

Actually just the extreme left has been because fascists are just socialists in disguise LOL.

We pwn you so much that the extremists are relegated to a bunch of malcontent westerners. You guys are so pathetic that you have to identify with third worlders that could probably not give a rat's ass about your own ideology.
For all your talk about revolution you guys are living here and ain't doing diddy squat about it.

You guys are no better then the militia of Montana Haha

Money talks bitches.


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